changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
equal deleted inserted replaced
68:5ff1fc726848 69:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     2 from django.conf import settings
     4 if __name__ == '__main__':
     5     # When running this file in isolation, we need to set up the configuration
     6     # before importing 'template'.
     7     settings.configure()
     9 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    10 import time
    11 import os
    12 import sys
    13 import traceback
    14 import unittest
    16 from django import template
    17 from django.core import urlresolvers
    18 from django.template import loader
    19 from django.template.loaders import app_directories, filesystem, cached
    20 from django.utils.translation import activate, deactivate, ugettext as _
    21 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
    22 from django.utils.tzinfo import LocalTimezone
    24 from context import ContextTests
    25 from custom import CustomTests
    26 from parser import ParserTests
    27 from unicode import UnicodeTests
    28 from nodelist import NodelistTest
    29 from smartif import *
    31 try:
    32     from loaders import *
    33 except ImportError:
    34     pass # If setuptools isn't installed, that's fine. Just move on.
    36 import filters
    38 #################################
    39 # Custom template tag for tests #
    40 #################################
    42 register = template.Library()
    44 class EchoNode(template.Node):
    45     def __init__(self, contents):
    46         self.contents = contents
    48     def render(self, context):
    49         return " ".join(self.contents)
    51 def do_echo(parser, token):
    52     return EchoNode(token.contents.split()[1:])
    54 register.tag("echo", do_echo)
    56 template.libraries['testtags'] = register
    58 #####################################
    59 # Helper objects for template tests #
    60 #####################################
    62 class SomeException(Exception):
    63     silent_variable_failure = True
    65 class SomeOtherException(Exception):
    66     pass
    68 class ContextStackException(Exception):
    69     pass
    71 class SomeClass:
    72     def __init__(self):
    73         self.otherclass = OtherClass()
    75     def method(self):
    76         return "SomeClass.method"
    78     def method2(self, o):
    79         return o
    81     def method3(self):
    82         raise SomeException
    84     def method4(self):
    85         raise SomeOtherException
    87 class OtherClass:
    88     def method(self):
    89         return "OtherClass.method"
    91 class TestObj(object):
    92     def is_true(self):
    93         return True
    95     def is_false(self):
    96         return False
    98     def is_bad(self):
    99         time.sleep(0.3)
   100         return True
   102 class SilentGetItemClass(object):
   103     def __getitem__(self, key):
   104         raise SomeException
   106 class SilentAttrClass(object):
   107     def b(self):
   108         raise SomeException
   109     b = property(b)
   111 class UTF8Class:
   112     "Class whose __str__ returns non-ASCII data"
   113     def __str__(self):
   114         return u'ŠĐĆŽćžšđ'.encode('utf-8')
   116 class Templates(unittest.TestCase):
   117     def test_loaders_security(self):
   118         ad_loader = app_directories.Loader()
   119         fs_loader = filesystem.Loader()
   120         def test_template_sources(path, template_dirs, expected_sources):
   121             if isinstance(expected_sources, list):
   122                 # Fix expected sources so they are normcased and abspathed
   123                 expected_sources = [os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(s)) for s in expected_sources]
   124             # Test the two loaders (app_directores and filesystem).
   125             func1 = lambda p, t: list(ad_loader.get_template_sources(p, t))
   126             func2 = lambda p, t: list(fs_loader.get_template_sources(p, t))
   127             for func in (func1, func2):
   128                 if isinstance(expected_sources, list):
   129                     self.assertEqual(func(path, template_dirs), expected_sources)
   130                 else:
   131                     self.assertRaises(expected_sources, func, path, template_dirs)
   133         template_dirs = ['/dir1', '/dir2']
   134         test_template_sources('index.html', template_dirs,
   135                               ['/dir1/index.html', '/dir2/index.html'])
   136         test_template_sources('/etc/passwd', template_dirs, [])
   137         test_template_sources('etc/passwd', template_dirs,
   138                               ['/dir1/etc/passwd', '/dir2/etc/passwd'])
   139         test_template_sources('../etc/passwd', template_dirs, [])
   140         test_template_sources('../../../etc/passwd', template_dirs, [])
   141         test_template_sources('/dir1/index.html', template_dirs,
   142                               ['/dir1/index.html'])
   143         test_template_sources('../dir2/index.html', template_dirs,
   144                               ['/dir2/index.html'])
   145         test_template_sources('/dir1blah', template_dirs, [])
   146         test_template_sources('../dir1blah', template_dirs, [])
   148         # UTF-8 bytestrings are permitted.
   149         test_template_sources('\xc3\x85ngstr\xc3\xb6m', template_dirs,
   150                               [u'/dir1/Ångström', u'/dir2/Ångström'])
   151         # Unicode strings are permitted.
   152         test_template_sources(u'Ångström', template_dirs,
   153                               [u'/dir1/Ångström', u'/dir2/Ångström'])
   154         test_template_sources(u'Ångström', ['/Straße'], [u'/Straße/Ångström'])
   155         test_template_sources('\xc3\x85ngstr\xc3\xb6m', ['/Straße'],
   156                               [u'/Straße/Ångström'])
   157         # Invalid UTF-8 encoding in bytestrings is not. Should raise a
   158         # semi-useful error message.
   159         test_template_sources('\xc3\xc3', template_dirs, UnicodeDecodeError)
   161         # Case insensitive tests (for win32). Not run unless we're on
   162         # a case insensitive operating system.
   163         if os.path.normcase('/TEST') == os.path.normpath('/test'):
   164             template_dirs = ['/dir1', '/DIR2']
   165             test_template_sources('index.html', template_dirs,
   166                                   ['/dir1/index.html', '/dir2/index.html'])
   167             test_template_sources('/DIR1/index.HTML', template_dirs,
   168                                   ['/dir1/index.html'])
   170     def test_loader_debug_origin(self):
   171         # Turn TEMPLATE_DEBUG on, so that the origin file name will be kept with
   172         # the compiled templates.
   173         old_td, settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG, True
   174         old_loaders = loader.template_source_loaders
   176         try:
   177             loader.template_source_loaders = (filesystem.Loader(),)
   179             # We rely on the fact that sets up TEMPLATE_DIRS to
   180             # point to a directory containing a 404.html file. Also that
   181             # the file system and app directories loaders both inherit the
   182             # load_template method from the BaseLoader class, so we only need
   183             # to test one of them.
   184             load_name = '404.html'
   185             template = loader.get_template(load_name)
   186             template_name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
   187             self.assertTrue(template_name.endswith(load_name),
   188                 'Template loaded by filesystem loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name)
   190             # Aso test the cached loader, since it overrides load_template
   191             cache_loader = cached.Loader(('',))
   192             cache_loader._cached_loaders = loader.template_source_loaders
   193             loader.template_source_loaders = (cache_loader,)
   195             template = loader.get_template(load_name)
   196             template_name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
   197             self.assertTrue(template_name.endswith(load_name),
   198                 'Template loaded through cached loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name)
   200             template = loader.get_template(load_name)
   201             template_name = template.nodelist[0].source[0].name
   202             self.assertTrue(template_name.endswith(load_name),
   203                 'Cached template loaded through cached loader has incorrect name for debug page: %s' % template_name)
   204         finally:
   205             loader.template_source_loaders = old_loaders
   206             settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = old_td
   208     def test_extends_include_missing_baseloader(self):
   209         """
   210         Tests that the correct template is identified as not existing
   211         when {% extends %} specifies a template that does exist, but
   212         that template has an {% include %} of something that does not
   213         exist. See #12787.
   214         """
   216         # TEMPLATE_DEBUG must be true, otherwise the exception raised
   217         # during {% include %} processing will be suppressed.
   218         old_td, settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG, True
   219         old_loaders = loader.template_source_loaders
   221         try:
   222             # Test the base loader class via the app loader. load_template
   223             # from base is used by all shipped loaders excepting cached,
   224             # which has its own test.
   225             loader.template_source_loaders = (app_directories.Loader(),)
   227             load_name = 'test_extends_error.html'
   228             tmpl = loader.get_template(load_name)
   229             r = None
   230             try:
   231                 r = tmpl.render(template.Context({}))
   232             except template.TemplateSyntaxError, e:
   233                 settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = old_td
   234                 self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'Caught TemplateDoesNotExist while rendering: missing.html')
   235             self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
   236         finally:
   237             loader.template_source_loaders = old_loaders
   238             settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = old_td
   240     def test_extends_include_missing_cachedloader(self):
   241         """
   242         Same as test_extends_include_missing_baseloader, only tests
   243         behavior of the cached loader instead of BaseLoader.
   244         """
   246         old_td, settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG, True
   247         old_loaders = loader.template_source_loaders
   249         try:
   250             cache_loader = cached.Loader(('',))
   251             cache_loader._cached_loaders = (app_directories.Loader(),)
   252             loader.template_source_loaders = (cache_loader,)
   254             load_name = 'test_extends_error.html'
   255             tmpl = loader.get_template(load_name)
   256             r = None
   257             try:
   258                 r = tmpl.render(template.Context({}))
   259             except template.TemplateSyntaxError, e:
   260                 self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'Caught TemplateDoesNotExist while rendering: missing.html')
   261             self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
   263             # For the cached loader, repeat the test, to ensure the first attempt did not cache a
   264             # result that behaves incorrectly on subsequent attempts.
   265             tmpl = loader.get_template(load_name)
   266             try:
   267                 tmpl.render(template.Context({}))
   268             except template.TemplateSyntaxError, e:
   269                 self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 'Caught TemplateDoesNotExist while rendering: missing.html')
   270             self.assertEqual(r, None, 'Template rendering unexpectedly succeeded, produced: ->%r<-' % r)
   271         finally:
   272             loader.template_source_loaders = old_loaders
   273             settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = old_td
   275     def test_token_smart_split(self):
   276         # Regression test for #7027
   277         token = template.Token(template.TOKEN_BLOCK, 'sometag _("Page not found") value|yesno:_("yes,no")')
   278         split = token.split_contents()
   279         self.assertEqual(split, ["sometag", '_("Page not found")', 'value|yesno:_("yes,no")'])
   281     def test_url_reverse_no_settings_module(self):
   282         # Regression test for #9005
   283         from django.template import Template, Context, TemplateSyntaxError
   285         old_settings_module = settings.SETTINGS_MODULE
   286         old_template_debug = settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG
   288         settings.SETTINGS_MODULE = None
   289         settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True
   291         t = Template('{% url will_not_match %}')
   292         c = Context()
   293         try:
   294             rendered = t.render(c)
   295         except TemplateSyntaxError, e:
   296             # Assert that we are getting the template syntax error and not the
   297             # string encoding error.
   298             self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "Caught NoReverseMatch while rendering: Reverse for 'will_not_match' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.")
   300         settings.SETTINGS_MODULE = old_settings_module
   301         settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = old_template_debug
   303     def test_invalid_block_suggestion(self):
   304         # See #7876
   305         from django.template import Template, TemplateSyntaxError
   306         try:
   307             t = Template("{% if 1 %}lala{% endblock %}{% endif %}")
   308         except TemplateSyntaxError, e:
   309             self.assertEquals(e.args[0], "Invalid block tag: 'endblock', expected 'else' or 'endif'")
   311     def test_templates(self):
   312         template_tests = self.get_template_tests()
   313         filter_tests = filters.get_filter_tests()
   315         # Quickly check that we aren't accidentally using a name in both
   316         # template and filter tests.
   317         overlapping_names = [name for name in filter_tests if name in template_tests]
   318         assert not overlapping_names, 'Duplicate test name(s): %s' % ', '.join(overlapping_names)
   320         template_tests.update(filter_tests)
   322         # Register our custom template loader.
   323         def test_template_loader(template_name, template_dirs=None):
   324             "A custom template loader that loads the unit-test templates."
   325             try:
   326                 return (template_tests[template_name][0] , "test:%s" % template_name)
   327             except KeyError:
   328                 raise template.TemplateDoesNotExist, template_name
   330         cache_loader = cached.Loader(('test_template_loader',))
   331         cache_loader._cached_loaders = (test_template_loader,)
   333         old_template_loaders = loader.template_source_loaders
   334         loader.template_source_loaders = [cache_loader]
   336         failures = []
   337         tests = template_tests.items()
   338         tests.sort()
   340         # Turn TEMPLATE_DEBUG off, because tests assume that.
   341         old_td, settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG, False
   343         # Set TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID to a known string.
   344         old_invalid = settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID
   345         expected_invalid_str = 'INVALID'
   347         # Warm the URL reversing cache. This ensures we don't pay the cost
   348         # warming the cache during one of the tests.
   349         urlresolvers.reverse('regressiontests.templates.views.client_action',
   350                              kwargs={'id':0,'action':"update"})
   352         for name, vals in tests:
   353             if isinstance(vals[2], tuple):
   354                 normal_string_result = vals[2][0]
   355                 invalid_string_result = vals[2][1]
   356                 if isinstance(invalid_string_result, basestring) and '%s' in invalid_string_result:
   357                     expected_invalid_str = 'INVALID %s'
   358                     invalid_string_result = invalid_string_result % vals[2][2]
   359                     template.invalid_var_format_string = True
   360             else:
   361                 normal_string_result = vals[2]
   362                 invalid_string_result = vals[2]
   364             if 'LANGUAGE_CODE' in vals[1]:
   365                 activate(vals[1]['LANGUAGE_CODE'])
   366             else:
   367                 activate('en-us')
   369             for invalid_str, result in [('', normal_string_result),
   370                                         (expected_invalid_str, invalid_string_result)]:
   371                 settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID = invalid_str
   372                 for is_cached in (False, True):
   373                     try:
   374                         start =
   375                         test_template = loader.get_template(name)
   376                         end =
   377                         if end-start > timedelta(seconds=0.2):
   378                             failures.append("Template test (Cached='%s', TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID='%s'): %s -- FAILED. Took too long to parse test" % (is_cached, invalid_str, name))
   380                         start =
   381                         output = self.render(test_template, vals)
   382                         end =
   383                         if end-start > timedelta(seconds=0.2):
   384                             failures.append("Template test (Cached='%s', TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID='%s'): %s -- FAILED. Took too long to render test" % (is_cached, invalid_str, name))
   385                     except ContextStackException:
   386                         failures.append("Template test (Cached='%s', TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID='%s'): %s -- FAILED. Context stack was left imbalanced" % (is_cached, invalid_str, name))
   387                         continue
   388                     except Exception:
   389                         exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
   390                         if exc_type != result:
   391                             tb = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb))
   392                             failures.append("Template test (Cached='%s', TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID='%s'): %s -- FAILED. Got %s, exception: %s\n%s" % (is_cached, invalid_str, name, exc_type, exc_value, tb))
   393                         continue
   394                     if output != result:
   395                         failures.append("Template test (Cached='%s', TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID='%s'): %s -- FAILED. Expected %r, got %r" % (is_cached, invalid_str, name, result, output))
   396                 cache_loader.reset()
   398             if 'LANGUAGE_CODE' in vals[1]:
   399                 deactivate()
   401             if template.invalid_var_format_string:
   402                 expected_invalid_str = 'INVALID'
   403                 template.invalid_var_format_string = False
   405         loader.template_source_loaders = old_template_loaders
   406         deactivate()
   407         settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG = old_td
   408         settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID = old_invalid
   410         self.assertEqual(failures, [], "Tests failed:\n%s\n%s" %
   411             ('-'*70, ("\n%s\n" % ('-'*70)).join(failures)))
   413     def render(self, test_template, vals):
   414         context = template.Context(vals[1])
   415         before_stack_size = len(context.dicts)
   416         output = test_template.render(context)
   417         if len(context.dicts) != before_stack_size:
   418             raise ContextStackException
   419         return output
   421     def get_template_tests(self):
   422         # SYNTAX --
   423         # 'template_name': ('template contents', 'context dict', 'expected string output' or Exception class)
   424         return {
   425             ### BASIC SYNTAX ################################################
   427             # Plain text should go through the template parser untouched
   428             'basic-syntax01': ("something cool", {}, "something cool"),
   430             # Variables should be replaced with their value in the current
   431             # context
   432             'basic-syntax02': ("{{ headline }}", {'headline':'Success'}, "Success"),
   434             # More than one replacement variable is allowed in a template
   435             'basic-syntax03': ("{{ first }} --- {{ second }}", {"first" : 1, "second" : 2}, "1 --- 2"),
   437             # Fail silently when a variable is not found in the current context
   438             'basic-syntax04': ("as{{ missing }}df", {}, ("asdf","asINVALIDdf")),
   440             # A variable may not contain more than one word
   441             'basic-syntax06': ("{{ multi word variable }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   443             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError for empty variable tags
   444             'basic-syntax07': ("{{ }}",        {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   445             'basic-syntax08': ("{{        }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   447             # Attribute syntax allows a template to call an object's attribute
   448             'basic-syntax09': ("{{ var.method }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, "SomeClass.method"),
   450             # Multiple levels of attribute access are allowed
   451             'basic-syntax10': ("{{ var.otherclass.method }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, "OtherClass.method"),
   453             # Fail silently when a variable's attribute isn't found
   454             'basic-syntax11': ("{{ var.blech }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, ("","INVALID")),
   456             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a variable beginning with an underscore
   457             'basic-syntax12': ("{{ var.__dict__ }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   459             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a variable containing an illegal character
   460             'basic-syntax13': ("{{ va>r }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   461             'basic-syntax14': ("{{ (var.r) }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   462             'basic-syntax15': ("{{ sp%am }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   463             'basic-syntax16': ("{{ eggs! }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   464             'basic-syntax17': ("{{ moo? }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   466             # Attribute syntax allows a template to call a dictionary key's value
   467             'basic-syntax18': ("{{ }}", {"foo" : {"bar" : "baz"}}, "baz"),
   469             # Fail silently when a variable's dictionary key isn't found
   470             'basic-syntax19': ("{{ foo.spam }}", {"foo" : {"bar" : "baz"}}, ("","INVALID")),
   472             # Fail silently when accessing a non-simple method
   473             'basic-syntax20': ("{{ var.method2 }}", {"var": SomeClass()}, ("","INVALID")),
   475             # Don't get confused when parsing something that is almost, but not
   476             # quite, a template tag.
   477             'basic-syntax21': ("a {{ moo %} b", {}, "a {{ moo %} b"),
   478             'basic-syntax22': ("{{ moo #}", {}, "{{ moo #}"),
   480             # Will try to treat "moo #} {{ cow" as the variable. Not ideal, but
   481             # costly to work around, so this triggers an error.
   482             'basic-syntax23': ("{{ moo #} {{ cow }}", {"cow": "cow"}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   484             # Embedded newlines make it not-a-tag.
   485             'basic-syntax24': ("{{ moo\n }}", {}, "{{ moo\n }}"),
   487             # Literal strings are permitted inside variables, mostly for i18n
   488             # purposes.
   489             'basic-syntax25': ('{{ "fred" }}', {}, "fred"),
   490             'basic-syntax26': (r'{{ "\"fred\"" }}', {}, "\"fred\""),
   491             'basic-syntax27': (r'{{ _("\"fred\"") }}', {}, "\"fred\""),
   493             # regression test for ticket #12554
   494             # make sure a silent_variable_failure Exception is supressed
   495             # on dictionary and attribute lookup
   496             'basic-syntax28': ("{{ a.b }}", {'a': SilentGetItemClass()}, ('', 'INVALID')),
   497             'basic-syntax29': ("{{ a.b }}", {'a': SilentAttrClass()}, ('', 'INVALID')),
   499             # Something that starts like a number but has an extra lookup works as a lookup. 
   500             'basic-syntax30': ("{{ 1.2.3 }}", {"1": {"2": {"3": "d"}}}, "d"), 
   501             'basic-syntax31': ("{{ 1.2.3 }}", {"1": {"2": ("a", "b", "c", "d")}}, "d"), 
   502             'basic-syntax32': ("{{ 1.2.3 }}", {"1": (("x", "x", "x", "x"), ("y", "y", "y", "y"), ("a", "b", "c", "d"))}, "d"), 
   503             'basic-syntax33': ("{{ 1.2.3 }}", {"1": ("xxxx", "yyyy", "abcd")}, "d"), 
   504             'basic-syntax34': ("{{ 1.2.3 }}", {"1": ({"x": "x"}, {"y": "y"}, {"z": "z", "3": "d"})}, "d"), 
   506             # Numbers are numbers even if their digits are in the context. 
   507             'basic-syntax35': ("{{ 1 }}", {"1": "abc"}, "1"), 
   508             'basic-syntax36': ("{{ 1.2 }}", {"1": "abc"}, "1.2"), 
   510             # List-index syntax allows a template to access a certain item of a subscriptable object.
   511             'list-index01': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": ["first item", "second item"]}, "second item"),
   513             # Fail silently when the list index is out of range.
   514             'list-index02': ("{{ var.5 }}", {"var": ["first item", "second item"]}, ("", "INVALID")),
   516             # Fail silently when the variable is not a subscriptable object.
   517             'list-index03': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": None}, ("", "INVALID")),
   519             # Fail silently when variable is a dict without the specified key.
   520             'list-index04': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": {}}, ("", "INVALID")),
   522             # Dictionary lookup wins out when dict's key is a string.
   523             'list-index05': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": {'1': "hello"}}, "hello"),
   525             # But list-index lookup wins out when dict's key is an int, which
   526             # behind the scenes is really a dictionary lookup (for a dict)
   527             # after converting the key to an int.
   528             'list-index06': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": {1: "hello"}}, "hello"),
   530             # Dictionary lookup wins out when there is a string and int version of the key.
   531             'list-index07': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": {'1': "hello", 1: "world"}}, "hello"),
   533             # Basic filter usage
   534             'filter-syntax01': ("{{ var|upper }}", {"var": "Django is the greatest!"}, "DJANGO IS THE GREATEST!"),
   536             # Chained filters
   537             'filter-syntax02': ("{{ var|upper|lower }}", {"var": "Django is the greatest!"}, "django is the greatest!"),
   539             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError for space between a variable and filter pipe
   540             'filter-syntax03': ("{{ var |upper }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   542             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError for space after a filter pipe
   543             'filter-syntax04': ("{{ var| upper }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   545             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError for a nonexistent filter
   546             'filter-syntax05': ("{{ var|does_not_exist }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   548             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError when trying to access a filter containing an illegal character
   549             'filter-syntax06': ("{{ var|fil(ter) }}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   551             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError for invalid block tags
   552             'filter-syntax07': ("{% nothing_to_see_here %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   554             # Raise TemplateSyntaxError for empty block tags
   555             'filter-syntax08': ("{% %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   557             # Chained filters, with an argument to the first one
   558             'filter-syntax09': ('{{ var|removetags:"b i"|upper|lower }}', {"var": "<b><i>Yes</i></b>"}, "yes"),
   560             # Literal string as argument is always "safe" from auto-escaping..
   561             'filter-syntax10': (r'{{ var|default_if_none:" endquote\" hah" }}',
   562                     {"var": None}, ' endquote" hah'),
   564             # Variable as argument
   565             'filter-syntax11': (r'{{ var|default_if_none:var2 }}', {"var": None, "var2": "happy"}, 'happy'),
   567             # Default argument testing
   568             'filter-syntax12': (r'{{ var|yesno:"yup,nup,mup" }} {{ var|yesno }}', {"var": True}, 'yup yes'),
   570             # Fail silently for methods that raise an exception with a
   571             # "silent_variable_failure" attribute
   572             'filter-syntax13': (r'1{{ var.method3 }}2', {"var": SomeClass()}, ("12", "1INVALID2")),
   574             # In methods that raise an exception without a
   575             # "silent_variable_attribute" set to True, the exception propagates
   576             'filter-syntax14': (r'1{{ var.method4 }}2', {"var": SomeClass()}, SomeOtherException),
   578             # Escaped backslash in argument
   579             'filter-syntax15': (r'{{ var|default_if_none:"foo\bar" }}', {"var": None}, r'foo\bar'),
   581             # Escaped backslash using known escape char
   582             'filter-syntax16': (r'{{ var|default_if_none:"foo\now" }}', {"var": None}, r'foo\now'),
   584             # Empty strings can be passed as arguments to filters
   585             'filter-syntax17': (r'{{ var|join:"" }}', {'var': ['a', 'b', 'c']}, 'abc'),
   587             # Make sure that any unicode strings are converted to bytestrings
   588             # in the final output.
   589             'filter-syntax18': (r'{{ var }}', {'var': UTF8Class()}, u'\u0160\u0110\u0106\u017d\u0107\u017e\u0161\u0111'),
   591             # Numbers as filter arguments should work
   592             'filter-syntax19': ('{{ var|truncatewords:1 }}', {"var": "hello world"}, "hello ..."),
   594             #filters should accept empty string constants
   595             'filter-syntax20': ('{{ ""|default_if_none:"was none" }}', {}, ""),
   597             ### COMMENT SYNTAX ########################################################
   598             'comment-syntax01': ("{# this is hidden #}hello", {}, "hello"),
   599             'comment-syntax02': ("{# this is hidden #}hello{# foo #}", {}, "hello"),
   601             # Comments can contain invalid stuff.
   602             'comment-syntax03': ("foo{#  {% if %}  #}", {}, "foo"),
   603             'comment-syntax04': ("foo{#  {% endblock %}  #}", {}, "foo"),
   604             'comment-syntax05': ("foo{#  {% somerandomtag %}  #}", {}, "foo"),
   605             'comment-syntax06': ("foo{# {% #}", {}, "foo"),
   606             'comment-syntax07': ("foo{# %} #}", {}, "foo"),
   607             'comment-syntax08': ("foo{# %} #}bar", {}, "foobar"),
   608             'comment-syntax09': ("foo{# {{ #}", {}, "foo"),
   609             'comment-syntax10': ("foo{# }} #}", {}, "foo"),
   610             'comment-syntax11': ("foo{# { #}", {}, "foo"),
   611             'comment-syntax12': ("foo{# } #}", {}, "foo"),
   613             ### COMMENT TAG ###########################################################
   614             'comment-tag01': ("{% comment %}this is hidden{% endcomment %}hello", {}, "hello"),
   615             'comment-tag02': ("{% comment %}this is hidden{% endcomment %}hello{% comment %}foo{% endcomment %}", {}, "hello"),
   617             # Comment tag can contain invalid stuff.
   618             'comment-tag03': ("foo{% comment %} {% if %} {% endcomment %}", {}, "foo"),
   619             'comment-tag04': ("foo{% comment %} {% endblock %} {% endcomment %}", {}, "foo"),
   620             'comment-tag05': ("foo{% comment %} {% somerandomtag %} {% endcomment %}", {}, "foo"),
   622             ### CYCLE TAG #############################################################
   623             'cycle01': ('{% cycle a %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   624             'cycle02': ('{% cycle a,b,c as abc %}{% cycle abc %}', {}, 'ab'),
   625             'cycle03': ('{% cycle a,b,c as abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}', {}, 'abc'),
   626             'cycle04': ('{% cycle a,b,c as abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}', {}, 'abca'),
   627             'cycle05': ('{% cycle %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   628             'cycle06': ('{% cycle a %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   629             'cycle07': ('{% cycle a,b,c as foo %}{% cycle bar %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   630             'cycle08': ('{% cycle a,b,c as foo %}{% cycle foo %}{{ foo }}{{ foo }}{% cycle foo %}{{ foo }}', {}, 'abbbcc'),
   631             'cycle09': ("{% for i in test %}{% cycle a,b %}{{ i }},{% endfor %}", {'test': range(5)}, 'a0,b1,a2,b3,a4,'),
   632             'cycle10': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc %}{% cycle abc %}", {}, 'ab'),
   633             'cycle11': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}", {}, 'abc'),
   634             'cycle12': ("{% cycle 'a' 'b' 'c' as abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}{% cycle abc %}", {}, 'abca'),
   635             'cycle13': ("{% for i in test %}{% cycle 'a' 'b' %}{{ i }},{% endfor %}", {'test': range(5)}, 'a0,b1,a2,b3,a4,'),
   636             'cycle14': ("{% cycle one two as foo %}{% cycle foo %}", {'one': '1','two': '2'}, '12'),
   637             'cycle15': ("{% for i in test %}{% cycle aye bee %}{{ i }},{% endfor %}", {'test': range(5), 'aye': 'a', 'bee': 'b'}, 'a0,b1,a2,b3,a4,'),
   638             'cycle16': ("{% cycle one|lower two as foo %}{% cycle foo %}", {'one': 'A','two': '2'}, 'a2'),
   640             ### EXCEPTIONS ############################################################
   642             # Raise exception for invalid template name
   643             'exception01': ("{% extends 'nonexistent' %}", {}, template.TemplateDoesNotExist),
   645             # Raise exception for invalid template name (in variable)
   646             'exception02': ("{% extends nonexistent %}", {}, (template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.TemplateDoesNotExist)),
   648             # Raise exception for extra {% extends %} tags
   649             'exception03': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block first %}2{% endblock %}{% extends 'inheritance16' %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   651             # Raise exception for custom tags used in child with {% load %} tag in parent, not in child
   652             'exception04': ("{% extends 'inheritance17' %}{% block first %}{% echo 400 %}5678{% endblock %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   654             ### FILTER TAG ############################################################
   655             'filter01': ('{% filter upper %}{% endfilter %}', {}, ''),
   656             'filter02': ('{% filter upper %}django{% endfilter %}', {}, 'DJANGO'),
   657             'filter03': ('{% filter upper|lower %}django{% endfilter %}', {}, 'django'),
   658             'filter04': ('{% filter cut:remove %}djangospam{% endfilter %}', {'remove': 'spam'}, 'django'),
   660             ### FIRSTOF TAG ###########################################################
   661             'firstof01': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':0,'c':0}, ''),
   662             'firstof02': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':1,'b':0,'c':0}, '1'),
   663             'firstof03': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':2,'c':0}, '2'),
   664             'firstof04': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':0,'b':0,'c':3}, '3'),
   665             'firstof05': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}, '1'),
   666             'firstof06': ('{% firstof a b c %}', {'b':0,'c':3}, '3'),
   667             'firstof07': ('{% firstof a b "c" %}', {'a':0}, 'c'),
   668             'firstof08': ('{% firstof a b "c and d" %}', {'a':0,'b':0}, 'c and d'),
   669             'firstof09': ('{% firstof %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   671             ### FOR TAG ###############################################################
   672             'for-tag01': ("{% for val in values %}{{ val }}{% endfor %}", {"values": [1, 2, 3]}, "123"),
   673             'for-tag02': ("{% for val in values reversed %}{{ val }}{% endfor %}", {"values": [1, 2, 3]}, "321"),
   674             'for-tag-vars01': ("{% for val in values %}{{ forloop.counter }}{% endfor %}", {"values": [6, 6, 6]}, "123"),
   675             'for-tag-vars02': ("{% for val in values %}{{ forloop.counter0 }}{% endfor %}", {"values": [6, 6, 6]}, "012"),
   676             'for-tag-vars03': ("{% for val in values %}{{ forloop.revcounter }}{% endfor %}", {"values": [6, 6, 6]}, "321"),
   677             'for-tag-vars04': ("{% for val in values %}{{ forloop.revcounter0 }}{% endfor %}", {"values": [6, 6, 6]}, "210"),
   678             'for-tag-vars05': ("{% for val in values %}{% if forloop.first %}f{% else %}x{% endif %}{% endfor %}", {"values": [6, 6, 6]}, "fxx"),
   679             'for-tag-vars06': ("{% for val in values %}{% if forloop.last %}l{% else %}x{% endif %}{% endfor %}", {"values": [6, 6, 6]}, "xxl"),
   680             'for-tag-unpack01': ("{% for key,value in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, "one:1/two:2/"),
   681             'for-tag-unpack03': ("{% for key, value in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, "one:1/two:2/"),
   682             'for-tag-unpack04': ("{% for key , value in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, "one:1/two:2/"),
   683             'for-tag-unpack05': ("{% for key ,value in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, "one:1/two:2/"),
   684             'for-tag-unpack06': ("{% for key value in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   685             'for-tag-unpack07': ("{% for key,,value in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   686             'for-tag-unpack08': ("{% for key,value, in items %}{{ key }}:{{ value }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   687             # Ensure that a single loopvar doesn't truncate the list in val.
   688             'for-tag-unpack09': ("{% for val in items %}{{ val.0 }}:{{ val.1 }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, "one:1/two:2/"),
   689             # Otherwise, silently truncate if the length of loopvars differs to the length of each set of items.
   690             'for-tag-unpack10': ("{% for x,y in items %}{{ x }}:{{ y }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1, 'carrot'), ('two', 2, 'orange'))}, "one:1/two:2/"),
   691             'for-tag-unpack11': ("{% for x,y,z in items %}{{ x }}:{{ y }},{{ z }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1), ('two', 2))}, ("one:1,/two:2,/", "one:1,INVALID/two:2,INVALID/")),
   692             'for-tag-unpack12': ("{% for x,y,z in items %}{{ x }}:{{ y }},{{ z }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1, 'carrot'), ('two', 2))}, ("one:1,carrot/two:2,/", "one:1,carrot/two:2,INVALID/")),
   693             'for-tag-unpack13': ("{% for x,y,z in items %}{{ x }}:{{ y }},{{ z }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (('one', 1, 'carrot'), ('two', 2, 'cheese'))}, ("one:1,carrot/two:2,cheese/", "one:1,carrot/two:2,cheese/")),
   694             'for-tag-unpack14': ("{% for x,y in items %}{{ x }}:{{ y }}/{% endfor %}", {"items": (1, 2)}, (":/:/", "INVALID:INVALID/INVALID:INVALID/")),
   695             'for-tag-empty01': ("{% for val in values %}{{ val }}{% empty %}empty text{% endfor %}", {"values": [1, 2, 3]}, "123"),
   696             'for-tag-empty02': ("{% for val in values %}{{ val }}{% empty %}values array empty{% endfor %}", {"values": []}, "values array empty"),
   697             'for-tag-empty03': ("{% for val in values %}{{ val }}{% empty %}values array not found{% endfor %}", {}, "values array not found"),
   699             ### IF TAG ################################################################
   700             'if-tag01': ("{% if foo %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {"foo": True}, "yes"),
   701             'if-tag02': ("{% if foo %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {"foo": False}, "no"),
   702             'if-tag03': ("{% if foo %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   704             # Filters
   705             'if-tag-filter01': ("{% if foo|length == 5 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': 'abcde'}, "yes"),
   706             'if-tag-filter02': ("{% if foo|upper == 'ABC' %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   708             # Equality
   709             'if-tag-eq01': ("{% if foo == bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "yes"),
   710             'if-tag-eq02': ("{% if foo == bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': 1}, "no"),
   711             'if-tag-eq03': ("{% if foo == bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': 1, 'bar': 1}, "yes"),
   712             'if-tag-eq04': ("{% if foo == bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}, "no"),
   713             'if-tag-eq05': ("{% if foo == '' %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   715             # Comparison
   716             'if-tag-gt-01': ("{% if 2 > 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "yes"),
   717             'if-tag-gt-02': ("{% if 1 > 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   718             'if-tag-gte-01': ("{% if 1 >= 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "yes"),
   719             'if-tag-gte-02': ("{% if 1 >= 2 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   720             'if-tag-lt-01': ("{% if 1 < 2 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "yes"),
   721             'if-tag-lt-02': ("{% if 1 < 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   722             'if-tag-lte-01': ("{% if 1 <= 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "yes"),
   723             'if-tag-lte-02': ("{% if 2 <= 1 %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, "no"),
   725             # Contains
   726             'if-tag-in-01': ("{% if 1 in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "yes"),
   727             'if-tag-in-02': ("{% if 2 in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "no"),
   728             'if-tag-not-in-01': ("{% if 1 not in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "no"),
   729             'if-tag-not-in-02': ("{% if 2 not in x %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'x':[1]}, "yes"),
   731             # AND
   732             'if-tag-and01': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   733             'if-tag-and02': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   734             'if-tag-and03': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   735             'if-tag-and04': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   736             'if-tag-and05': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False}, 'no'),
   737             'if-tag-and06': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'bar': False}, 'no'),
   738             'if-tag-and07': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, 'no'),
   739             'if-tag-and08': ("{% if foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'bar': True}, 'no'),
   741             # OR
   742             'if-tag-or01': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   743             'if-tag-or02': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   744             'if-tag-or03': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   745             'if-tag-or04': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   746             'if-tag-or05': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False}, 'no'),
   747             'if-tag-or06': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'bar': False}, 'no'),
   748             'if-tag-or07': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, 'yes'),
   749             'if-tag-or08': ("{% if foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   751             # multiple ORs
   752             'if-tag-or09': ("{% if foo or bar or baz %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'baz': True}, 'yes'),
   754             # NOT
   755             'if-tag-not01': ("{% if not foo %}no{% else %}yes{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, 'yes'),
   756             'if-tag-not02': ("{% if not not foo %}no{% else %}yes{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, 'no'),
   757             # not03 to not05 removed, now TemplateSyntaxErrors
   759             'if-tag-not06': ("{% if foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'no'),
   760             'if-tag-not07': ("{% if foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   761             'if-tag-not08': ("{% if foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   762             'if-tag-not09': ("{% if foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   763             'if-tag-not10': ("{% if foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   765             'if-tag-not11': ("{% if not foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'no'),
   766             'if-tag-not12': ("{% if not foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   767             'if-tag-not13': ("{% if not foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   768             'if-tag-not14': ("{% if not foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   769             'if-tag-not15': ("{% if not foo and bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   771             'if-tag-not16': ("{% if foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'yes'),
   772             'if-tag-not17': ("{% if foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   773             'if-tag-not18': ("{% if foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   774             'if-tag-not19': ("{% if foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   775             'if-tag-not20': ("{% if foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   777             'if-tag-not21': ("{% if not foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'yes'),
   778             'if-tag-not22': ("{% if not foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   779             'if-tag-not23': ("{% if not foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   780             'if-tag-not24': ("{% if not foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   781             'if-tag-not25': ("{% if not foo or bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   783             'if-tag-not26': ("{% if not foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'yes'),
   784             'if-tag-not27': ("{% if not foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   785             'if-tag-not28': ("{% if not foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'no'),
   786             'if-tag-not29': ("{% if not foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   787             'if-tag-not30': ("{% if not foo and not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   789             'if-tag-not31': ("{% if not foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'yes'),
   790             'if-tag-not32': ("{% if not foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': True}, 'no'),
   791             'if-tag-not33': ("{% if not foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   792             'if-tag-not34': ("{% if not foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': True}, 'yes'),
   793             'if-tag-not35': ("{% if not foo or not bar %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': False, 'bar': False}, 'yes'),
   795             # Various syntax errors
   796             'if-tag-error01': ("{% if %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   797             'if-tag-error02': ("{% if foo and %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   798             'if-tag-error03': ("{% if foo or %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   799             'if-tag-error04': ("{% if not foo and %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   800             'if-tag-error05': ("{% if not foo or %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {'foo': True}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   801             'if-tag-error06': ("{% if abc def %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   802             'if-tag-error07': ("{% if not %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   803             'if-tag-error08': ("{% if and %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   804             'if-tag-error09': ("{% if or %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   805             'if-tag-error10': ("{% if == %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   806             'if-tag-error11': ("{% if 1 == %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   807             'if-tag-error12': ("{% if a not b %}yes{% endif %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   809             # If evaluations are shortcircuited where possible
   810             # These tests will fail by taking too long to run. When the if clause
   811             # is shortcircuiting correctly, the is_bad() function shouldn't be
   812             # evaluated, and the deliberate sleep won't happen.
   813             'if-tag-shortcircuit01': ('{% if x.is_true or x.is_bad %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}', {'x': TestObj()}, "yes"),
   814             'if-tag-shortcircuit02': ('{% if x.is_false and x.is_bad %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}', {'x': TestObj()}, "no"),
   816             # Non-existent args
   817             'if-tag-badarg01':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {}, ''),
   818             'if-tag-badarg02':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {'y': 0}, ''),
   819             'if-tag-badarg03':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% endif %}", {'y': 1}, 'yes'),
   820             'if-tag-badarg04':("{% if x|default_if_none:y %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}", {}, 'no'),
   822             # Additional, more precise parsing tests are in SmartIfTests
   824             ### IFCHANGED TAG #########################################################
   825             'ifchanged01': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,2,3)}, '123'),
   826             'ifchanged02': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,1,3)}, '13'),
   827             'ifchanged03': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1,1,1)}, '1'),
   828             'ifchanged04': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 2, 3), 'numx': (2, 2, 2)}, '122232'),
   829             'ifchanged05': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 1), 'numx': (1, 2, 3)}, '1123123123'),
   830             'ifchanged06': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 1), 'numx': (2, 2, 2)}, '1222'),
   831             'ifchanged07': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endifchanged %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% for y in numy %}{% ifchanged %}{{ y }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'num': (1, 1, 1), 'numx': (2, 2, 2), 'numy': (3, 3, 3)}, '1233323332333'),
   832             'ifchanged08': ('{% for data in datalist %}{% for c,d in data %}{% if c %}{% ifchanged %}{{ d }}{% endifchanged %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'datalist': [[(1, 'a'), (1, 'a'), (0, 'b'), (1, 'c')], [(0, 'a'), (1, 'c'), (1, 'd'), (1, 'd'), (0, 'e')]]}, 'accd'),
   834             # Test one parameter given to ifchanged.
   835             'ifchanged-param01': ('{% for n in num %}{% ifchanged n %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ n }}{% endfor %}', { 'num': (1,2,3) }, '..1..2..3'),
   836             'ifchanged-param02': ('{% for n in num %}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged n %}..{% endifchanged %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', { 'num': (1,2,3), 'numx': (5,6,7) }, '..567..567..567'),
   838             # Test multiple parameters to ifchanged.
   839             'ifchanged-param03': ('{% for n in num %}{{ n }}{% for x in numx %}{% ifchanged x n %}{{ x }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', { 'num': (1,1,2), 'numx': (5,6,6) }, '156156256'),
   841             # Test a date+hour like construct, where the hour of the last day
   842             # is the same but the date had changed, so print the hour anyway.
   843             'ifchanged-param04': ('{% for d in days %}{% ifchanged %}{{ }}{% endifchanged %}{% for h in d.hours %}{% ifchanged d h %}{{ h }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'days':[{'day':1, 'hours':[1,2,3]},{'day':2, 'hours':[3]},] }, '112323'),
   845             # Logically the same as above, just written with explicit
   846             # ifchanged for the day.
   847             'ifchanged-param05': ('{% for d in days %}{% ifchanged %}{{ }}{% endifchanged %}{% for h in d.hours %}{% ifchanged h %}{{ h }}{% endifchanged %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}', {'days':[{'day':1, 'hours':[1,2,3]},{'day':2, 'hours':[3]},] }, '112323'),
   849             # Test the else clause of ifchanged.
   850             'ifchanged-else01': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}{% ifchanged id %}-first{% else %}-other{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3]}, '1-first,1-other,2-first,2-other,2-other,3-first,'),
   852             'ifchanged-else02': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}-{% ifchanged id %}{% cycle red,blue %}{% else %}grey{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3]}, '1-red,1-grey,2-blue,2-grey,2-grey,3-red,'),
   853             'ifchanged-else03': ('{% for id in ids %}{{ id }}{% ifchanged id %}-{% cycle red,blue %}{% else %}{% endifchanged %},{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3]}, '1-red,1,2-blue,2,2,3-red,'),
   855             'ifchanged-else04': ('{% for id in ids %}{% ifchanged %}***{{ id }}*{% else %}...{% endifchanged %}{{ forloop.counter }}{% endfor %}', {'ids': [1,1,2,2,2,3,4]}, '***1*1...2***2*3...4...5***3*6***4*7'),
   857             ### IFEQUAL TAG ###########################################################
   858             'ifequal01': ("{% ifequal a b %}yes{% endifequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 2}, ""),
   859             'ifequal02': ("{% ifequal a b %}yes{% endifequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 1}, "yes"),
   860             'ifequal03': ("{% ifequal a b %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 2}, "no"),
   861             'ifequal04': ("{% ifequal a b %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 1}, "yes"),
   862             'ifequal05': ("{% ifequal a 'test' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {"a": "test"}, "yes"),
   863             'ifequal06': ("{% ifequal a 'test' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {"a": "no"}, "no"),
   864             'ifequal07': ('{% ifequal a "test" %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {"a": "test"}, "yes"),
   865             'ifequal08': ('{% ifequal a "test" %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {"a": "no"}, "no"),
   866             'ifequal09': ('{% ifequal a "test" %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {}, "no"),
   867             'ifequal10': ('{% ifequal a b %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {}, "yes"),
   869             # SMART SPLITTING
   870             'ifequal-split01': ('{% ifequal a "test man" %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {}, "no"),
   871             'ifequal-split02': ('{% ifequal a "test man" %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {'a': 'foo'}, "no"),
   872             'ifequal-split03': ('{% ifequal a "test man" %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}', {'a': 'test man'}, "yes"),
   873             'ifequal-split04': ("{% ifequal a 'test man' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': 'test man'}, "yes"),
   874             'ifequal-split05': ("{% ifequal a 'i \"love\" you' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': ''}, "no"),
   875             'ifequal-split06': ("{% ifequal a 'i \"love\" you' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': 'i "love" you'}, "yes"),
   876             'ifequal-split07': ("{% ifequal a 'i \"love\" you' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': 'i love you'}, "no"),
   877             'ifequal-split08': (r"{% ifequal a 'I\'m happy' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': "I'm happy"}, "yes"),
   878             'ifequal-split09': (r"{% ifequal a 'slash\man' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': r"slash\man"}, "yes"),
   879             'ifequal-split10': (r"{% ifequal a 'slash\man' %}yes{% else %}no{% endifequal %}", {'a': r"slashman"}, "no"),
   881             # NUMERIC RESOLUTION
   882             'ifequal-numeric01': ('{% ifequal x 5 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': '5'}, ''),
   883             'ifequal-numeric02': ('{% ifequal x 5 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 5}, 'yes'),
   884             'ifequal-numeric03': ('{% ifequal x 5.2 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 5}, ''),
   885             'ifequal-numeric04': ('{% ifequal x 5.2 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 5.2}, 'yes'),
   886             'ifequal-numeric05': ('{% ifequal x 0.2 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': .2}, 'yes'),
   887             'ifequal-numeric06': ('{% ifequal x .2 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': .2}, 'yes'),
   888             'ifequal-numeric07': ('{% ifequal x 2. %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 2}, ''),
   889             'ifequal-numeric08': ('{% ifequal x "5" %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 5}, ''),
   890             'ifequal-numeric09': ('{% ifequal x "5" %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': '5'}, 'yes'),
   891             'ifequal-numeric10': ('{% ifequal x -5 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': -5}, 'yes'),
   892             'ifequal-numeric11': ('{% ifequal x -5.2 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': -5.2}, 'yes'),
   893             'ifequal-numeric12': ('{% ifequal x +5 %}yes{% endifequal %}', {'x': 5}, 'yes'),
   896             'ifequal-filter01': ('{% ifequal a|upper "A" %}x{% endifequal %}', {'a': 'a'}, 'x'),
   897             'ifequal-filter02': ('{% ifequal "A" a|upper %}x{% endifequal %}', {'a': 'a'}, 'x'),
   898             'ifequal-filter03': ('{% ifequal a|upper b|upper %}x{% endifequal %}', {'a': 'x', 'b': 'X'}, 'x'),
   899             'ifequal-filter04': ('{% ifequal x|slice:"1" "a" %}x{% endifequal %}', {'x': 'aaa'}, 'x'),
   900             'ifequal-filter05': ('{% ifequal x|slice:"1"|upper "A" %}x{% endifequal %}', {'x': 'aaa'}, 'x'),
   902             ### IFNOTEQUAL TAG ########################################################
   903             'ifnotequal01': ("{% ifnotequal a b %}yes{% endifnotequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 2}, "yes"),
   904             'ifnotequal02': ("{% ifnotequal a b %}yes{% endifnotequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 1}, ""),
   905             'ifnotequal03': ("{% ifnotequal a b %}yes{% else %}no{% endifnotequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 2}, "yes"),
   906             'ifnotequal04': ("{% ifnotequal a b %}yes{% else %}no{% endifnotequal %}", {"a": 1, "b": 1}, "no"),
   908             ### INCLUDE TAG ###########################################################
   909             'include01': ('{% include "basic-syntax01" %}', {}, "something cool"),
   910             'include02': ('{% include "basic-syntax02" %}', {'headline': 'Included'}, "Included"),
   911             'include03': ('{% include template_name %}', {'template_name': 'basic-syntax02', 'headline': 'Included'}, "Included"),
   912             'include04': ('a{% include "nonexistent" %}b', {}, "ab"),
   913             'include 05': ('template with a space', {}, 'template with a space'),
   914             'include06': ('{% include "include 05"%}', {}, 'template with a space'),
   916             ### NAMED ENDBLOCKS #######################################################
   918             # Basic test
   919             'namedendblocks01': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock second %}_{% endblock first %}3", {}, '1_2_3'),
   921             # Unbalanced blocks
   922             'namedendblocks02': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock first %}_{% endblock second %}3", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   923             'namedendblocks03': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock %}_{% endblock second %}3", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   924             'namedendblocks04': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock second %}_{% endblock third %}3", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   925             'namedendblocks05': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock first %}", {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
   927             # Mixed named and unnamed endblocks
   928             'namedendblocks06': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock %}_{% endblock first %}3", {}, '1_2_3'),
   929             'namedendblocks07': ("1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock second %}_{% endblock %}3", {}, '1_2_3'),
   931             ### INHERITANCE ###########################################################
   933             # Standard template with no inheritance
   934             'inheritance01': ("1{% block first %}&{% endblock %}3{% block second %}_{% endblock %}", {}, '1&3_'),
   936             # Standard two-level inheritance
   937             'inheritance02': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block first %}2{% endblock %}{% block second %}4{% endblock %}", {}, '1234'),
   939             # Three-level with no redefinitions on third level
   940             'inheritance03': ("{% extends 'inheritance02' %}", {}, '1234'),
   942             # Two-level with no redefinitions on second level
   943             'inheritance04': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}", {}, '1&3_'),
   945             # Two-level with double quotes instead of single quotes
   946             'inheritance05': ('{% extends "inheritance02" %}', {}, '1234'),
   948             # Three-level with variable parent-template name
   949             'inheritance06': ("{% extends foo %}", {'foo': 'inheritance02'}, '1234'),
   951             # Two-level with one block defined, one block not defined
   952             'inheritance07': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block second %}5{% endblock %}", {}, '1&35'),
   954             # Three-level with one block defined on this level, two blocks defined next level
   955             'inheritance08': ("{% extends 'inheritance02' %}{% block second %}5{% endblock %}", {}, '1235'),
   957             # Three-level with second and third levels blank
   958             'inheritance09': ("{% extends 'inheritance04' %}", {}, '1&3_'),
   960             # Three-level with space NOT in a block -- should be ignored
   961             'inheritance10': ("{% extends 'inheritance04' %}      ", {}, '1&3_'),
   963             # Three-level with both blocks defined on this level, but none on second level
   964             'inheritance11': ("{% extends 'inheritance04' %}{% block first %}2{% endblock %}{% block second %}4{% endblock %}", {}, '1234'),
   966             # Three-level with this level providing one and second level providing the other
   967             'inheritance12': ("{% extends 'inheritance07' %}{% block first %}2{% endblock %}", {}, '1235'),
   969             # Three-level with this level overriding second level
   970             'inheritance13': ("{% extends 'inheritance02' %}{% block first %}a{% endblock %}{% block second %}b{% endblock %}", {}, '1a3b'),
   972             # A block defined only in a child template shouldn't be displayed
   973             'inheritance14': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block newblock %}NO DISPLAY{% endblock %}", {}, '1&3_'),
   975             # A block within another block
   976             'inheritance15': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block first %}2{% block inner %}inner{% endblock %}{% endblock %}", {}, '12inner3_'),
   978             # A block within another block (level 2)
   979             'inheritance16': ("{% extends 'inheritance15' %}{% block inner %}out{% endblock %}", {}, '12out3_'),
   981             # {% load %} tag (parent -- setup for exception04)
   982             'inheritance17': ("{% load testtags %}{% block first %}1234{% endblock %}", {}, '1234'),
   984             # {% load %} tag (standard usage, without inheritance)
   985             'inheritance18': ("{% load testtags %}{% echo this that theother %}5678", {}, 'this that theother5678'),
   987             # {% load %} tag (within a child template)
   988             'inheritance19': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block first %}{% load testtags %}{% echo 400 %}5678{% endblock %}", {}, '140056783_'),
   990             # Two-level inheritance with {{ block.super }}
   991             'inheritance20': ("{% extends 'inheritance01' %}{% block first %}{{ block.super }}a{% endblock %}", {}, '1&a3_'),
   993             # Three-level inheritance with {{ block.super }} from parent
   994             'inheritance21': ("{% extends 'inheritance02' %}{% block first %}{{ block.super }}a{% endblock %}", {}, '12a34'),
   996             # Three-level inheritance with {{ block.super }} from grandparent
   997             'inheritance22': ("{% extends 'inheritance04' %}{% block first %}{{ block.super }}a{% endblock %}", {}, '1&a3_'),
   999             # Three-level inheritance with {{ block.super }} from parent and grandparent
  1000             'inheritance23': ("{% extends 'inheritance20' %}{% block first %}{{ block.super }}b{% endblock %}", {}, '1&ab3_'),
  1002             # Inheritance from local context without use of template loader
  1003             'inheritance24': ("{% extends context_template %}{% block first %}2{% endblock %}{% block second %}4{% endblock %}", {'context_template': template.Template("1{% block first %}_{% endblock %}3{% block second %}_{% endblock %}")}, '1234'),
  1005             # Inheritance from local context with variable parent template
  1006             'inheritance25': ("{% extends context_template.1 %}{% block first %}2{% endblock %}{% block second %}4{% endblock %}", {'context_template': [template.Template("Wrong"), template.Template("1{% block first %}_{% endblock %}3{% block second %}_{% endblock %}")]}, '1234'),
  1008             # Set up a base template to extend
  1009             'inheritance26': ("no tags", {}, 'no tags'),
  1011             # Inheritance from a template that doesn't have any blocks
  1012             'inheritance27': ("{% extends 'inheritance26' %}", {}, 'no tags'),
  1014             # Set up a base template with a space in it.
  1015             'inheritance 28': ("{% block first %}!{% endblock %}", {}, '!'),
  1017             # Inheritance from a template with a space in its name should work.
  1018             'inheritance29': ("{% extends 'inheritance 28' %}", {}, '!'),
  1020             # Base template, putting block in a conditional {% if %} tag
  1021             'inheritance30': ("1{% if optional %}{% block opt %}2{% endblock %}{% endif %}3", {'optional': True}, '123'),
  1023             # Inherit from a template with block wrapped in an {% if %} tag (in parent), still gets overridden
  1024             'inheritance31': ("{% extends 'inheritance30' %}{% block opt %}two{% endblock %}", {'optional': True}, '1two3'),
  1025             'inheritance32': ("{% extends 'inheritance30' %}{% block opt %}two{% endblock %}", {}, '13'),
  1027             # Base template, putting block in a conditional {% ifequal %} tag
  1028             'inheritance33': ("1{% ifequal optional 1 %}{% block opt %}2{% endblock %}{% endifequal %}3", {'optional': 1}, '123'),
  1030             # Inherit from a template with block wrapped in an {% ifequal %} tag (in parent), still gets overridden
  1031             'inheritance34': ("{% extends 'inheritance33' %}{% block opt %}two{% endblock %}", {'optional': 1}, '1two3'),
  1032             'inheritance35': ("{% extends 'inheritance33' %}{% block opt %}two{% endblock %}", {'optional': 2}, '13'),
  1034             # Base template, putting block in a {% for %} tag
  1035             'inheritance36': ("{% for n in numbers %}_{% block opt %}{{ n }}{% endblock %}{% endfor %}_", {'numbers': '123'}, '_1_2_3_'),
  1037             # Inherit from a template with block wrapped in an {% for %} tag (in parent), still gets overridden
  1038             'inheritance37': ("{% extends 'inheritance36' %}{% block opt %}X{% endblock %}", {'numbers': '123'}, '_X_X_X_'),
  1039             'inheritance38': ("{% extends 'inheritance36' %}{% block opt %}X{% endblock %}", {}, '_'),
  1041             # The super block will still be found.
  1042             'inheritance39': ("{% extends 'inheritance30' %}{% block opt %}new{{ block.super }}{% endblock %}", {'optional': True}, '1new23'),
  1043             'inheritance40': ("{% extends 'inheritance33' %}{% block opt %}new{{ block.super }}{% endblock %}", {'optional': 1}, '1new23'),
  1044             'inheritance41': ("{% extends 'inheritance36' %}{% block opt %}new{{ block.super }}{% endblock %}", {'numbers': '123'}, '_new1_new2_new3_'),
  1046             ### I18N ##################################################################
  1048             # {% spaceless %} tag
  1049             'spaceless01': ("{% spaceless %} <b>    <i> text </i>    </b> {% endspaceless %}", {}, "<b><i> text </i></b>"),
  1050             'spaceless02': ("{% spaceless %} <b> \n <i> text </i> \n </b> {% endspaceless %}", {}, "<b><i> text </i></b>"),
  1051             'spaceless03': ("{% spaceless %}<b><i>text</i></b>{% endspaceless %}", {}, "<b><i>text</i></b>"),
  1053             # simple translation of a string delimited by '
  1054             'i18n01': ("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'xxxyyyxxx' %}", {}, "xxxyyyxxx"),
  1056             # simple translation of a string delimited by "
  1057             'i18n02': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans "xxxyyyxxx" %}', {}, "xxxyyyxxx"),
  1059             # simple translation of a variable
  1060             'i18n03': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans %}{{ anton }}{% endblocktrans %}', {'anton': '\xc3\x85'}, u"Å"),
  1062             # simple translation of a variable and filter
  1063             'i18n04': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans with anton|lower as berta %}{{ berta }}{% endblocktrans %}', {'anton': '\xc3\x85'}, u'å'),
  1065             # simple translation of a string with interpolation
  1066             'i18n05': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans %}xxx{{ anton }}xxx{% endblocktrans %}', {'anton': 'yyy'}, "xxxyyyxxx"),
  1068             # simple translation of a string to german
  1069             'i18n06': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found" %}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, "Seite nicht gefunden"),
  1071             # translation of singular form
  1072             'i18n07': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans count number as counter %}singular{% plural %}{{ counter }} plural{% endblocktrans %}', {'number': 1}, "singular"),
  1074             # translation of plural form
  1075             'i18n08': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans count number as counter %}singular{% plural %}{{ counter }} plural{% endblocktrans %}', {'number': 2}, "2 plural"),
  1077             # simple non-translation (only marking) of a string to german
  1078             'i18n09': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found" noop %}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, "Page not found"),
  1080             # translation of a variable with a translated filter
  1081             'i18n10': ('{{ bool|yesno:_("yes,no,maybe") }}', {'bool': True, 'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, 'Ja'),
  1083             # translation of a variable with a non-translated filter
  1084             'i18n11': ('{{ bool|yesno:"ja,nein" }}', {'bool': True}, 'ja'),
  1086             # usage of the get_available_languages tag
  1087             'i18n12': ('{% load i18n %}{% get_available_languages as langs %}{% for lang in langs %}{% ifequal lang.0 "de" %}{{ lang.0 }}{% endifequal %}{% endfor %}', {}, 'de'),
  1089             # translation of constant strings
  1090             'i18n13': ('{{ _("Password") }}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, 'Passwort'),
  1091             'i18n14': ('{% cycle "foo" _("Password") _(\'Password\') as c %} {% cycle c %} {% cycle c %}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, 'foo Passwort Passwort'),
  1092             'i18n15': ('{{ absent|default:_("Password") }}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de', 'absent': ""}, 'Passwort'),
  1093             'i18n16': ('{{ _("<") }}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, '<'),
  1095             # Escaping inside blocktrans and trans works as if it was directly in the
  1096             # template.
  1097             'i18n17': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans with anton|escape as berta %}{{ berta }}{% endblocktrans %}', {'anton': 'α & β'}, u'α &amp; β'),
  1098             'i18n18': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans with anton|force_escape as berta %}{{ berta }}{% endblocktrans %}', {'anton': 'α & β'}, u'α &amp; β'),
  1099             'i18n19': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans %}{{ andrew }}{% endblocktrans %}', {'andrew': 'a & b'}, u'a &amp; b'),
  1100             'i18n20': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans andrew %}', {'andrew': 'a & b'}, u'a &amp; b'),
  1101             'i18n21': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans %}{{ andrew }}{% endblocktrans %}', {'andrew': mark_safe('a & b')}, u'a & b'),
  1102             'i18n22': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans andrew %}', {'andrew': mark_safe('a & b')}, u'a & b'),
  1104             # Use filters with the {% trans %} tag, #5972
  1105             'i18n23': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans "Page not found"|capfirst|slice:"6:" %}', {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, u'nicht gefunden'),
  1106             'i18n24': ("{% load i18n %}{% trans 'Page not found'|upper %}", {'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, u'SEITE NICHT GEFUNDEN'),
  1107             'i18n25': ('{% load i18n %}{% trans somevar|upper %}', {'somevar': 'Page not found', 'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, u'SEITE NICHT GEFUNDEN'),
  1109             # translation of plural form with extra field in singular form (#13568)
  1110             'i18n26': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans with myextra_field as extra_field count number as counter %}singular {{ extra_field }}{% plural %}plural{% endblocktrans %}', {'number': 1, 'myextra_field': 'test'}, "singular test"),
  1112             # translation of singular form in russian (#14126)
  1113             'i18n27': ('{% load i18n %}{% blocktrans count number as counter %}1 result{% plural %}{{ counter }} results{% endblocktrans %}', {'number': 1, 'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'ru'}, u'1 \u0440\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0430\u0442'),
  1115             ### HANDLING OF TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID ###################################
  1117             'invalidstr01': ('{{ var|default:"Foo" }}', {}, ('Foo','INVALID')),
  1118             'invalidstr02': ('{{ var|default_if_none:"Foo" }}', {}, ('','INVALID')),
  1119             'invalidstr03': ('{% for v in var %}({{ v }}){% endfor %}', {}, ''),
  1120             'invalidstr04': ('{% if var %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}', {}, 'No'),
  1121             'invalidstr04': ('{% if var|default:"Foo" %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}', {}, 'Yes'),
  1122             'invalidstr05': ('{{ var }}', {}, ('', 'INVALID %s', 'var')),
  1123             'invalidstr06': ('{{ var.prop }}', {'var': {}}, ('', 'INVALID %s', 'var.prop')),
  1125             ### MULTILINE #############################################################
  1127             'multiline01': ("""
  1128                             Hello,
  1129                             boys.
  1130                             How
  1131                             are
  1132                             you
  1133                             gentlemen.
  1134                             """,
  1135                             {},
  1136                             """
  1137                             Hello,
  1138                             boys.
  1139                             How
  1140                             are
  1141                             you
  1142                             gentlemen.
  1143                             """),
  1145             ### REGROUP TAG ###########################################################
  1146             'regroup01': ('{% regroup data by bar as grouped %}' + \
  1147                           '{% for group in grouped %}' + \
  1148                           '{{ group.grouper }}:' + \
  1149                           '{% for item in group.list %}' + \
  1150                           '{{ }}' + \
  1151                           '{% endfor %},' + \
  1152                           '{% endfor %}',
  1153                           {'data': [ {'foo':'c', 'bar':1},
  1154                                      {'foo':'d', 'bar':1},
  1155                                      {'foo':'a', 'bar':2},
  1156                                      {'foo':'b', 'bar':2},
  1157                                      {'foo':'x', 'bar':3}  ]},
  1158                           '1:cd,2:ab,3:x,'),
  1160             # Test for silent failure when target variable isn't found
  1161             'regroup02': ('{% regroup data by bar as grouped %}' + \
  1162                           '{% for group in grouped %}' + \
  1163                           '{{ group.grouper }}:' + \
  1164                           '{% for item in group.list %}' + \
  1165                           '{{ }}' + \
  1166                           '{% endfor %},' + \
  1167                           '{% endfor %}',
  1168                           {}, ''),
  1170             ### TEMPLATETAG TAG #######################################################
  1171             'templatetag01': ('{% templatetag openblock %}', {}, '{%'),
  1172             'templatetag02': ('{% templatetag closeblock %}', {}, '%}'),
  1173             'templatetag03': ('{% templatetag openvariable %}', {}, '{{'),
  1174             'templatetag04': ('{% templatetag closevariable %}', {}, '}}'),
  1175             'templatetag05': ('{% templatetag %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1176             'templatetag06': ('{% templatetag foo %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1177             'templatetag07': ('{% templatetag openbrace %}', {}, '{'),
  1178             'templatetag08': ('{% templatetag closebrace %}', {}, '}'),
  1179             'templatetag09': ('{% templatetag openbrace %}{% templatetag openbrace %}', {}, '{{'),
  1180             'templatetag10': ('{% templatetag closebrace %}{% templatetag closebrace %}', {}, '}}'),
  1181             'templatetag11': ('{% templatetag opencomment %}', {}, '{#'),
  1182             'templatetag12': ('{% templatetag closecomment %}', {}, '#}'),
  1184             ### WIDTHRATIO TAG ########################################################
  1185             'widthratio01': ('{% widthratio a b 0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '0'),
  1186             'widthratio02': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':0,'b':0}, ''),
  1187             'widthratio03': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':0,'b':100}, '0'),
  1188             'widthratio04': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '50'),
  1189             'widthratio05': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':100,'b':100}, '100'),
  1191             # 62.5 should round to 63
  1192             'widthratio06': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':50,'b':80}, '63'),
  1194             # 71.4 should round to 71
  1195             'widthratio07': ('{% widthratio a b 100 %}', {'a':50,'b':70}, '71'),
  1197             # Raise exception if we don't have 3 args, last one an integer
  1198             'widthratio08': ('{% widthratio %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1199             'widthratio09': ('{% widthratio a b %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1200             'widthratio10': ('{% widthratio a b 100.0 %}', {'a':50,'b':100}, '50'),
  1202             # #10043: widthratio should allow max_width to be a variable
  1203             'widthratio11': ('{% widthratio a b c %}', {'a':50,'b':100, 'c': 100}, '50'),
  1205             ### WITH TAG ########################################################
  1206             'with01': ('{% with dict.key as key %}{{ key }}{% endwith %}', {'dict': {'key':50}}, '50'),
  1207             'with02': ('{{ key }}{% with dict.key as key %}{{ key }}-{{ dict.key }}-{{ key }}{% endwith %}{{ key }}', {'dict': {'key':50}}, ('50-50-50', 'INVALID50-50-50INVALID')),
  1209             'with-error01': ('{% with dict.key xx key %}{{ key }}{% endwith %}', {'dict': {'key':50}}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1210             'with-error02': ('{% with dict.key as %}{{ key }}{% endwith %}', {'dict': {'key':50}}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1212             ### NOW TAG ########################################################
  1213             # Simple case
  1214             'now01': ('{% now "j n Y"%}', {}, str( + ' ' + str( + ' ' + str(,
  1216             # Check parsing of escaped and special characters
  1217             'now02': ('{% now "j "n" Y"%}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1218         #    'now03': ('{% now "j \"n\" Y"%}', {}, str( + '"' + str( + '"' + str(,
  1219         #    'now04': ('{% now "j \nn\n Y"%}', {}, str( + '\n' + str( + '\n' + str(
  1221             ### URL TAG ########################################################
  1222             # Successes
  1223             'legacyurl02': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action,action="update" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1224             'legacyurl02a': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action,"update" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1225             'legacyurl02b': ("{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action,action='update' %}", {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1226             'legacyurl02c': ("{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action,'update' %}", {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1227             'legacyurl10': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action,action="two words" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/two%20words/'),
  1228             'legacyurl13': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action, action=arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg':['a','b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
  1229             'legacyurl14': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action, arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg':['a','b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
  1230             'legacyurl16': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action="update",id="1" %}', {}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1231             'legacyurl16a': ("{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action='update',id='1' %}", {}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1232             'legacyurl17': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action client_id=client.my_id,action=action %}', {'client': {'my_id': 1}, 'action': 'update'}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1234             'url01': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/'),
  1235             'url02': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action="update" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1236             'url02a': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action "update" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1237             'url02b': ("{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action='update' %}", {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1238             'url02c': ("{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action 'update' %}", {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/update/'),
  1239             'url03': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.index %}', {}, '/url_tag/'),
  1240             'url04': ('{% url named.client %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/named-client/1/'),
  1241             'url05': (u'{% url метка_оператора v %}', {'v': u'Ω'}, '/url_tag/%D0%AE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B4/%CE%A9/'),
  1242             'url06': (u'{% url метка_оператора_2 tag=v %}', {'v': u'Ω'}, '/url_tag/%D0%AE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B4/%CE%A9/'),
  1243             'url07': (u'{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client2 tag=v %}', {'v': u'Ω'}, '/url_tag/%D0%AE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B4/%CE%A9/'),
  1244             'url08': (u'{% url метка_оператора v %}', {'v': 'Ω'}, '/url_tag/%D0%AE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B4/%CE%A9/'),
  1245             'url09': (u'{% url метка_оператора_2 tag=v %}', {'v': 'Ω'}, '/url_tag/%D0%AE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B4/%CE%A9/'),
  1246             'url10': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action="two words" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/two%20words/'),
  1247             'url11': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action="==" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/==/'),
  1248             'url12': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action="," %}', {'client': {'id': 1}}, '/url_tag/client/1/,/'),
  1249             'url13': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action action=arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg':['a','b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
  1250             'url14': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action arg|join:"-" %}', {'client': {'id': 1}, 'arg':['a','b']}, '/url_tag/client/1/a-b/'),
  1251             'url15': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client_action 12 "test" %}', {}, '/url_tag/client/12/test/'),
  1252             'url18': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client "1,2" %}', {}, '/url_tag/client/1,2/'),
  1254             # Failures
  1255             'url-fail01': ('{% url %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1256             'url-fail02': ('{% url no_such_view %}', {}, urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch),
  1257             'url-fail03': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.client %}', {}, urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch),
  1258             'url-fail04': ('{% url view id, %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1259             'url-fail05': ('{% url view id= %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1260             'url-fail06': ('{% url view %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1261             'url-fail07': ('{% url view!id %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1262             'url-fail08': ('{% url view id="unterminatedstring %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1263             'url-fail09': ('{% url view id=", %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1265             # {% url ... as var %}
  1266             'url-asvar01': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.index as url %}', {}, ''),
  1267             'url-asvar02': ('{% url regressiontests.templates.views.index as url %}{{ url }}', {}, '/url_tag/'),
  1268             'url-asvar03': ('{% url no_such_view as url %}{{ url }}', {}, ''),
  1270             ### CACHE TAG ######################################################
  1271             'cache01': ('{% load cache %}{% cache -1 test %}cache01{% endcache %}', {}, 'cache01'),
  1272             'cache02': ('{% load cache %}{% cache -1 test %}cache02{% endcache %}', {}, 'cache02'),
  1273             'cache03': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 2 test %}cache03{% endcache %}', {}, 'cache03'),
  1274             'cache04': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 2 test %}cache04{% endcache %}', {}, 'cache03'),
  1275             'cache05': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 2 test foo %}cache05{% endcache %}', {'foo': 1}, 'cache05'),
  1276             'cache06': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 2 test foo %}cache06{% endcache %}', {'foo': 2}, 'cache06'),
  1277             'cache07': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 2 test foo %}cache07{% endcache %}', {'foo': 1}, 'cache05'),
  1279             # Allow first argument to be a variable.
  1280             'cache08': ('{% load cache %}{% cache time test foo %}cache08{% endcache %}', {'foo': 2, 'time': 2}, 'cache06'),
  1281             'cache09': ('{% load cache %}{% cache time test foo %}cache09{% endcache %}', {'foo': 3, 'time': -1}, 'cache09'),
  1282             'cache10': ('{% load cache %}{% cache time test foo %}cache10{% endcache %}', {'foo': 3, 'time': -1}, 'cache10'),
  1284             # Raise exception if we don't have at least 2 args, first one integer.
  1285             'cache11': ('{% load cache %}{% cache %}{% endcache %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1286             'cache12': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 1 %}{% endcache %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1287             'cache13': ('{% load cache %}{% cache foo bar %}{% endcache %}', {}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1288             'cache14': ('{% load cache %}{% cache foo bar %}{% endcache %}', {'foo': 'fail'}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1289             'cache15': ('{% load cache %}{% cache foo bar %}{% endcache %}', {'foo': []}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1291             # Regression test for #7460.
  1292             'cache16': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 1 foo bar %}{% endcache %}', {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'with spaces'}, ''),
  1294             # Regression test for #11270.
  1295             'cache17': ('{% load cache %}{% cache 10 long_cache_key poem %}Some Content{% endcache %}', {'poem': 'Oh freddled gruntbuggly/Thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits/On a lurgid bee/That mordiously hath bitled out/Its earted jurtles/Into a rancid festering/Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon/See if I dont.'}, 'Some Content'),
  1298             ### AUTOESCAPE TAG ##############################################
  1299             'autoescape-tag01': ("{% autoescape off %}hello{% endautoescape %}", {}, "hello"),
  1300             'autoescape-tag02': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ first }}{% endautoescape %}", {"first": "<b>hello</b>"}, "<b>hello</b>"),
  1301             'autoescape-tag03': ("{% autoescape on %}{{ first }}{% endautoescape %}", {"first": "<b>hello</b>"}, "&lt;b&gt;hello&lt;/b&gt;"),
  1303             # Autoescape disabling and enabling nest in a predictable way.
  1304             'autoescape-tag04': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ first }} {% autoescape  on%}{{ first }}{% endautoescape %}{% endautoescape %}", {"first": "<a>"}, "<a> &lt;a&gt;"),
  1306             'autoescape-tag05': ("{% autoescape on %}{{ first }}{% endautoescape %}", {"first": "<b>first</b>"}, "&lt;b&gt;first&lt;/b&gt;"),
  1308             # Strings (ASCII or unicode) already marked as "safe" are not
  1309             # auto-escaped
  1310             'autoescape-tag06': ("{{ first }}", {"first": mark_safe("<b>first</b>")}, "<b>first</b>"),
  1311             'autoescape-tag07': ("{% autoescape on %}{{ first }}{% endautoescape %}", {"first": mark_safe(u"<b>Apple</b>")}, u"<b>Apple</b>"),
  1313             # Literal string arguments to filters, if used in the result, are
  1314             # safe.
  1315             'autoescape-tag08': (r'{% autoescape on %}{{ var|default_if_none:" endquote\" hah" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"var": None}, ' endquote" hah'),
  1317             # Objects which return safe strings as their __unicode__ method
  1318             # won't get double-escaped.
  1319             'autoescape-tag09': (r'{{ unsafe }}', {'unsafe': filters.UnsafeClass()}, 'you &amp; me'),
  1320             'autoescape-tag10': (r'{{ safe }}', {'safe': filters.SafeClass()}, 'you &gt; me'),
  1322             # The "safe" and "escape" filters cannot work due to internal
  1323             # implementation details (fortunately, the (no)autoescape block
  1324             # tags can be used in those cases)
  1325             'autoescape-filtertag01': ("{{ first }}{% filter safe %}{{ first }} x<y{% endfilter %}", {"first": "<a>"}, template.TemplateSyntaxError),
  1327             # ifqeual compares unescaped vales.
  1328             'autoescape-ifequal01': ('{% ifequal var "this & that" %}yes{% endifequal %}', { "var": "this & that" }, "yes" ), 
  1330             # Arguments to filters are 'safe' and manipulate their input unescaped. 
  1331             'autoescape-filters01': ('{{ var|cut:"&" }}', { "var": "this & that" }, "this  that" ), 
  1332             'autoescape-filters02': ('{{ var|join:" & \" }}', { "var": ("Tom", "Dick", "Harry") }, "Tom & Dick & Harry" ), 
  1334             # Literal strings are safe. 
  1335             'autoescape-literals01': ('{{ "this & that" }}',{}, "this & that" ), 
  1337             # Iterating over strings outputs safe characters. 
  1338             'autoescape-stringiterations01': ('{% for l in var %}{{ l }},{% endfor %}', {'var': 'K&R'}, "K,&amp;,R," ), 
  1340             # Escape requirement survives lookup. 
  1341             'autoescape-lookup01': ('{{ var.key }}', { "var": {"key": "this & that" }}, "this &amp; that" ), 
  1343         }
  1346 class TemplateTagLoading(unittest.TestCase):
  1348     def setUp(self):
  1349         self.old_path = sys.path[:]
  1350         self.old_apps = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
  1351         self.egg_dir = '%s/eggs' % os.path.dirname(__file__)
  1352         self.old_tag_modules = template.templatetags_modules
  1353         template.templatetags_modules = []
  1355     def tearDown(self):
  1356         settings.INSTALLED_APPS = self.old_apps
  1357         sys.path = self.old_path
  1358         template.templatetags_modules = self.old_tag_modules
  1360     def test_load_error(self):
  1361         ttext = "{% load broken_tag %}"
  1362         self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, ttext)
  1363         try:
  1364             template.Template(ttext)
  1365         except template.TemplateSyntaxError, e:
  1366             self.assertTrue('ImportError' in e.args[0])
  1367             self.assertTrue('Xtemplate' in e.args[0])
  1369     def test_load_error_egg(self):
  1370         ttext = "{% load broken_egg %}"
  1371         egg_name = '%s/tagsegg.egg' % self.egg_dir
  1372         sys.path.append(egg_name)
  1373         settings.INSTALLED_APPS = ('tagsegg',)
  1374         self.assertRaises(template.TemplateSyntaxError, template.Template, ttext)
  1375         try:
  1376             template.Template(ttext)
  1377         except template.TemplateSyntaxError, e:
  1378             self.assertTrue('ImportError' in e.args[0])
  1379             self.assertTrue('Xtemplate' in e.args[0])
  1381     def test_load_working_egg(self):
  1382         ttext = "{% load working_egg %}"
  1383         egg_name = '%s/tagsegg.egg' % self.egg_dir
  1384         sys.path.append(egg_name)
  1385         settings.INSTALLED_APPS = ('tagsegg',)
  1386         t = template.Template(ttext)
  1388 if __name__ == "__main__":
  1389     unittest.main()