changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
equal deleted inserted replaced
68:5ff1fc726848 69:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 # coding: utf-8
     2 """
     3 Tests for template filters (as opposed to template tags).
     5 The tests are hidden inside a function so that things like timestamps and
     6 timezones are only evaluated at the moment of execution and will therefore be
     7 consistent.
     8 """
    10 from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
    12 from django.utils.tzinfo import LocalTimezone, FixedOffset
    13 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
    15 # These two classes are used to test auto-escaping of __unicode__ output.
    16 class UnsafeClass:
    17     def __unicode__(self):
    18         return u'you & me'
    20 class SafeClass:
    21     def __unicode__(self):
    22         return mark_safe(u'you > me')
    24 # RESULT SYNTAX --
    25 # 'template_name': ('template contents', 'context dict',
    26 #                   'expected string output' or Exception class)
    27 def get_filter_tests():
    28     now =
    29     now_tz =
    30     now_tz_i = * 60) + 15)) # imaginary time zone
    31     today =
    33     return {
    34         # Default compare with
    35         'filter-timesince01' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': + timedelta(minutes=-1, seconds = -10)}, '1 minute'),
    36         'filter-timesince02' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': - timedelta(days=1, minutes = 1)}, '1 day'),
    37         'filter-timesince03' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': - timedelta(hours=1, minutes=25, seconds = 10)}, '1 hour, 25 minutes'),
    39         # Compare to a given parameter
    40         'filter-timesince04' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2), 'b':now - timedelta(days=1)}, '1 day'),
    41         'filter-timesince05' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1 minute'),
    43         # Check that timezone is respected
    44         'filter-timesince06' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a':now_tz - timedelta(hours=8), 'b':now_tz}, '8 hours'),
    46         # Regression for #7443
    47         'filter-timesince07': ('{{ earlier|timesince }}', { 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '1 week'),
    48         'filter-timesince08': ('{{ earlier|timesince:now }}', { 'now': now, 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '1 week'),
    49         'filter-timesince09': ('{{ later|timesince }}', { 'later': now + timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'),
    50         'filter-timesince10': ('{{ later|timesince:now }}', { 'now': now, 'later': now + timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'),
    52         # Ensures that differing timezones are calculated correctly
    53         'filter-timesince11' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': now}, '0 minutes'),
    54         'filter-timesince12' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': now_tz}, '0 minutes'),
    55         'filter-timesince13' : ('{{ a|timesince }}', {'a': now_tz_i}, '0 minutes'),
    56         'filter-timesince14' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now_tz, 'b': now_tz_i}, '0 minutes'),
    57         'filter-timesince15' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now, 'b': now_tz_i}, ''),
    58         'filter-timesince16' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': now_tz_i, 'b': now}, ''),
    60         # Regression for #9065 (two date objects).
    61         'filter-timesince17' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today}, '0 minutes'),
    62         'filter-timesince18' : ('{{ a|timesince:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today + timedelta(hours=24)}, '1 day'),
    64         # Default compare with
    65         'filter-timeuntil01' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a' + timedelta(minutes=2, seconds = 10)}, '2 minutes'),
    66         'filter-timeuntil02' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':( + timedelta(days=1, seconds = 10))}, '1 day'),
    67         'filter-timeuntil03' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a':( + timedelta(hours=8, minutes=10, seconds = 10))}, '8 hours, 10 minutes'),
    69         # Compare to a given parameter
    70         'filter-timeuntil04' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=1), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2)}, '1 day'),
    71         'filter-timeuntil05' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a':now - timedelta(days=2), 'b':now - timedelta(days=2, minutes=1)}, '1 minute'),
    73         # Regression for #7443
    74         'filter-timeuntil06': ('{{ earlier|timeuntil }}', { 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'),
    75         'filter-timeuntil07': ('{{ earlier|timeuntil:now }}', { 'now': now, 'earlier': now - timedelta(days=7) }, '0 minutes'),
    76         'filter-timeuntil08': ('{{ later|timeuntil }}', { 'later': now + timedelta(days=7, hours=1) }, '1 week'),
    77         'filter-timeuntil09': ('{{ later|timeuntil:now }}', { 'now': now, 'later': now + timedelta(days=7) }, '1 week'),
    79         # Ensures that differing timezones are calculated correctly
    80         'filter-timeuntil10' : ('{{ a|timeuntil }}', {'a': now_tz_i}, '0 minutes'),
    81         'filter-timeuntil11' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': now_tz_i, 'b': now_tz}, '0 minutes'),
    83         # Regression for #9065 (two date objects).
    84         'filter-timeuntil12' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today}, '0 minutes'),
    85         'filter-timeuntil13' : ('{{ a|timeuntil:b }}', {'a': today, 'b': today - timedelta(hours=24)}, '1 day'),
    87         'filter-addslash01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|addslashes }} {{ b|addslashes }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "<a>'", "b": mark_safe("<a>'")}, ur"<a>\' <a>\'"),
    88         'filter-addslash02': ("{{ a|addslashes }} {{ b|addslashes }}", {"a": "<a>'", "b": mark_safe("<a>'")}, ur"&lt;a&gt;\&#39; <a>\'"),
    90         'filter-capfirst01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|capfirst }} {{ b|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "fred>", "b": mark_safe("fred&gt;")}, u"Fred> Fred&gt;"),
    91         'filter-capfirst02': ("{{ a|capfirst }} {{ b|capfirst }}", {"a": "fred>", "b": mark_safe("fred&gt;")}, u"Fred&gt; Fred&gt;"),
    93         # Note that applying fix_ampsersands in autoescape mode leads to
    94         # double escaping.
    95         'filter-fix_ampersands01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|fix_ampersands }} {{ b|fix_ampersands }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u"a&amp;b a&amp;b"),
    96         'filter-fix_ampersands02': ("{{ a|fix_ampersands }} {{ b|fix_ampersands }}", {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u"a&amp;amp;b a&amp;b"),
    98         'filter-floatformat01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|floatformat }} {{ b|floatformat }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "1.42", "b": mark_safe("1.42")}, u"1.4 1.4"),
    99         'filter-floatformat02': ("{{ a|floatformat }} {{ b|floatformat }}", {"a": "1.42", "b": mark_safe("1.42")}, u"1.4 1.4"),
   101         # The contents of "linenumbers" is escaped according to the current
   102         # autoescape setting.
   103         'filter-linenumbers01': ("{{ a|linenumbers }} {{ b|linenumbers }}", {"a": "one\n<two>\nthree", "b": mark_safe("one\n&lt;two&gt;\nthree")}, u"1. one\n2. &lt;two&gt;\n3. three 1. one\n2. &lt;two&gt;\n3. three"),
   104         'filter-linenumbers02': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|linenumbers }} {{ b|linenumbers }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "one\n<two>\nthree", "b": mark_safe("one\n&lt;two&gt;\nthree")}, u"1. one\n2. <two>\n3. three 1. one\n2. &lt;two&gt;\n3. three"),
   106         'filter-lower01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|lower }} {{ b|lower }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "Apple & banana", "b": mark_safe("Apple &amp; banana")}, u"apple & banana apple &amp; banana"),
   107         'filter-lower02': ("{{ a|lower }} {{ b|lower }}", {"a": "Apple & banana", "b": mark_safe("Apple &amp; banana")}, u"apple &amp; banana apple &amp; banana"),
   109         # The make_list filter can destroy existing escaping, so the results are
   110         # escaped.
   111         'filter-make_list01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|make_list }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"),
   112         'filter-make_list02': ("{{ a|make_list }}", {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u&#39;&amp;&#39;]"),
   113         'filter-make_list03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|make_list|stringformat:"s"|safe }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"),
   114         'filter-make_list04': ('{{ a|make_list|stringformat:"s"|safe }}', {"a": mark_safe("&")}, u"[u'&']"),
   116         # Running slugify on a pre-escaped string leads to odd behaviour,
   117         # but the result is still safe.
   118         'filter-slugify01': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a|slugify }} {{ b|slugify }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, u"a-b a-amp-b"),
   119         'filter-slugify02': ("{{ a|slugify }} {{ b|slugify }}", {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, u"a-b a-amp-b"),
   121         # Notice that escaping is applied *after* any filters, so the string
   122         # formatting here only needs to deal with pre-escaped characters.
   123         'filter-stringformat01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|stringformat:"5s" }}. .{{ b|stringformat:"5s" }}.{% endautoescape %}',
   124             {"a": "a<b", "b": mark_safe("a<b")}, u".  a<b. .  a<b."),
   125         'filter-stringformat02': ('.{{ a|stringformat:"5s" }}. .{{ b|stringformat:"5s" }}.', {"a": "a<b", "b": mark_safe("a<b")},
   126             u".  a&lt;b. .  a<b."),
   128         # Test the title filter
   129         'filter-title1' : ('{{ a|title }}', {'a' : 'JOE\'S CRAB SHACK'}, u'Joe&#39;s Crab Shack'),
   130         'filter-title2' : ('{{ a|title }}', {'a' : '555 WEST 53RD STREET'}, u'555 West 53rd Street'),
   132         'filter-truncatewords01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|truncatewords:"2" }} {{ b|truncatewords:"2"}}{% endautoescape %}',
   133             {"a": "alpha & bravo", "b": mark_safe("alpha &amp; bravo")}, u"alpha & ... alpha &amp; ..."),
   134         'filter-truncatewords02': ('{{ a|truncatewords:"2" }} {{ b|truncatewords:"2"}}',
   135             {"a": "alpha & bravo", "b": mark_safe("alpha &amp; bravo")}, u"alpha &amp; ... alpha &amp; ..."),
   137         # The "upper" filter messes up entities (which are case-sensitive),
   138         # so it's not safe for non-escaping purposes.
   139         'filter-upper01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|upper }} {{ b|upper }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, u"A & B A &AMP; B"),
   140         'filter-upper02': ('{{ a|upper }} {{ b|upper }}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, u"A &amp; B A &amp;AMP; B"),
   142         'filter-urlize01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlize }} {{ b|urlize }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "", "b": mark_safe(";y=")}, u'<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href=";y=" rel="nofollow">;y=</a>'),
   143         'filter-urlize02': ('{{ a|urlize }} {{ b|urlize }}', {"a": "", "b": mark_safe(";y=")}, u'<a href=";y=" rel="nofollow">;y=</a> <a href=";y=" rel="nofollow">;y=</a>'),
   144         'filter-urlize03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlize }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, 'a &amp; b'),
   145         'filter-urlize04': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, 'a &amp; b'),
   147         # This will lead to a nonsense result, but at least it won't be
   148         # exploitable for XSS purposes when auto-escaping is on.
   149         'filter-urlize05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlize }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "<script>alert('foo')</script>"}, "<script>alert('foo')</script>"),
   150         'filter-urlize06': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": "<script>alert('foo')</script>"}, '&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;foo&#39;)&lt;/script&gt;'),
   152         # mailto: testing for urlize
   153         'filter-urlize07': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": "Email me at"}, 'Email me at <a href=""></a>'),
   154         'filter-urlize08': ('{{ a|urlize }}', {"a": "Email me at <>"}, 'Email me at &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;'),
   156         'filter-urlizetrunc01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|urlizetrunc:"8" }} {{ b|urlizetrunc:"8" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": '"Unsafe"', "b": mark_safe('&quot;Safe&quot;;y=')}, u'"Unsafe" <a href="" rel="nofollow">http:...</a> &quot;Safe&quot; <a href=";y=" rel="nofollow">http:...</a>'),
   157         'filter-urlizetrunc02': ('{{ a|urlizetrunc:"8" }} {{ b|urlizetrunc:"8" }}', {"a": '"Unsafe"', "b": mark_safe('&quot;Safe&quot;;y=')}, u'&quot;Unsafe&quot; <a href=";y=" rel="nofollow">http:...</a> &quot;Safe&quot; <a href=";y=" rel="nofollow">http:...</a>'),
   159         'filter-wordcount01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|wordcount }} {{ b|wordcount }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, "3 3"),
   160         'filter-wordcount02': ('{{ a|wordcount }} {{ b|wordcount }}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a &amp; b")}, "3 3"),
   162         'filter-wordwrap01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|wordwrap:"3" }} {{ b|wordwrap:"3" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, u"a &\nb a &\nb"),
   163         'filter-wordwrap02': ('{{ a|wordwrap:"3" }} {{ b|wordwrap:"3" }}', {"a": "a & b", "b": mark_safe("a & b")}, u"a &amp;\nb a &\nb"),
   165         'filter-ljust01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|ljust:"5" }}. .{{ b|ljust:"5" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u".a&b  . .a&b  ."),
   166         'filter-ljust02': ('.{{ a|ljust:"5" }}. .{{ b|ljust:"5" }}.', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u".a&amp;b  . .a&b  ."),
   168         'filter-rjust01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|rjust:"5" }}. .{{ b|rjust:"5" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u".  a&b. .  a&b."),
   169         'filter-rjust02': ('.{{ a|rjust:"5" }}. .{{ b|rjust:"5" }}.', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u".  a&amp;b. .  a&b."),
   171         'filter-center01': ('{% autoescape off %}.{{ a|center:"5" }}. .{{ b|center:"5" }}.{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u". a&b . . a&b ."),
   172         'filter-center02': ('.{{ a|center:"5" }}. .{{ b|center:"5" }}.', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, u". a&amp;b . . a&b ."),
   174         'filter-cut01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"x" }} {{ b|cut:"x" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&amp;y")}, u"&y &amp;y"),
   175         'filter-cut02': ('{{ a|cut:"x" }} {{ b|cut:"x" }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&amp;y")}, u"&amp;y &amp;y"),
   176         'filter-cut03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"&" }} {{ b|cut:"&" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&amp;y")}, u"xy xamp;y"),
   177         'filter-cut04': ('{{ a|cut:"&" }} {{ b|cut:"&" }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&amp;y")}, u"xy xamp;y"),
   178         # Passing ';' to cut can break existing HTML entities, so those strings
   179         # are auto-escaped.
   180         'filter-cut05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:";" }} {{ b|cut:";" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&amp;y")}, u"x&y x&ampy"),
   181         'filter-cut06': ('{{ a|cut:";" }} {{ b|cut:";" }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&amp;y")}, u"x&amp;y x&amp;ampy"),
   183         # The "escape" filter works the same whether autoescape is on or off,
   184         # but it has no effect on strings already marked as safe.
   185         'filter-escape01': ('{{ a|escape }} {{ b|escape }}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, u"x&amp;y x&y"),
   186         'filter-escape02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape }} {{ b|escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y", "b": mark_safe("x&y")}, "x&amp;y x&y"),
   188         # It is only applied once, regardless of the number of times it
   189         # appears in a chain.
   190         'filter-escape03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape|escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   191         'filter-escape04': ('{{ a|escape|escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   193         # Force_escape is applied immediately. It can be used to provide
   194         # double-escaping, for example.
   195         'filter-force-escape01': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   196         'filter-force-escape02': ('{{ a|force_escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   197         'filter-force-escape03': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;amp;y"),
   198         'filter-force-escape04': ('{{ a|force_escape|force_escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;amp;y"),
   200         # Because the result of force_escape is "safe", an additional
   201         # escape filter has no effect.
   202         'filter-force-escape05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape|escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   203         'filter-force-escape06': ('{{ a|force_escape|escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   204         'filter-force-escape07': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   205         'filter-force-escape08': ('{{ a|escape|force_escape }}', {"a": "x&y"}, u"x&amp;y"),
   207         # The contents in "linebreaks" and "linebreaksbr" are escaped
   208         # according to the current autoescape setting.
   209         'filter-linebreaks01': ('{{ a|linebreaks }} {{ b|linebreaks }}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"<p>x&amp;<br />y</p> <p>x&<br />y</p>"),
   210         'filter-linebreaks02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|linebreaks }} {{ b|linebreaks }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"<p>x&<br />y</p> <p>x&<br />y</p>"),
   212         'filter-linebreaksbr01': ('{{ a|linebreaksbr }} {{ b|linebreaksbr }}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"x&amp;<br />y x&<br />y"),
   213         'filter-linebreaksbr02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|linebreaksbr }} {{ b|linebreaksbr }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "x&\ny", "b": mark_safe("x&\ny")}, u"x&<br />y x&<br />y"),
   215         'filter-safe01': ("{{ a }} -- {{ a|safe }}", {"a": u"<b>hello</b>"}, "&lt;b&gt;hello&lt;/b&gt; -- <b>hello</b>"),
   216         'filter-safe02': ("{% autoescape off %}{{ a }} -- {{ a|safe }}{% endautoescape %}", {"a": "<b>hello</b>"}, u"<b>hello</b> -- <b>hello</b>"),
   218         'filter-safeseq01': ('{{ a|join:", " }} -- {{ a|safeseq|join:", " }}', {"a": ["&", "<"]}, "&amp;, &lt; -- &, <"),
   219         'filter-safeseq02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|join:", " }} -- {{ a|safeseq|join:", " }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["&", "<"]}, "&, < -- &, <"),
   221         'filter-removetags01': ('{{ a|removetags:"a b" }} {{ b|removetags:"a b" }}', {"a": "<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>", "b": mark_safe("<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>")}, u"x &lt;p&gt;y&lt;/p&gt; x <p>y</p>"),
   222         'filter-removetags02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|removetags:"a b" }} {{ b|removetags:"a b" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>", "b": mark_safe("<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>")}, u"x <p>y</p> x <p>y</p>"),
   224         'filter-striptags01': ('{{ a|striptags }} {{ b|striptags }}', {"a": "<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>", "b": mark_safe("<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>")}, "x y x y"),
   225         'filter-striptags02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|striptags }} {{ b|striptags }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>", "b": mark_safe("<a>x</a> <p><b>y</b></p>")}, "x y x y"),
   227         'filter-first01': ('{{ a|first }} {{ b|first }}', {"a": ["a&b", "x"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), "x"]}, "a&amp;b a&b"),
   228         'filter-first02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|first }} {{ b|first }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["a&b", "x"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), "x"]}, "a&b a&b"),
   230         'filter-last01': ('{{ a|last }} {{ b|last }}', {"a": ["x", "a&b"], "b": ["x", mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&amp;b a&b"),
   231         'filter-last02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|last }} {{ b|last }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x", "a&b"], "b": ["x", mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&b a&b"),
   233         'filter-random01': ('{{ a|random }} {{ b|random }}', {"a": ["a&b", "a&b"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&amp;b a&b"),
   234         'filter-random02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|random }} {{ b|random }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["a&b", "a&b"], "b": [mark_safe("a&b"), mark_safe("a&b")]}, "a&b a&b"),
   236         'filter-slice01': ('{{ a|slice:"1:3" }} {{ b|slice:"1:3" }}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, "&amp;b &b"),
   237         'filter-slice02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|slice:"1:3" }} {{ b|slice:"1:3" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a&b", "b": mark_safe("a&b")}, "&b &b"),
   239         'filter-unordered_list01': ('{{ a|unordered_list }}', {"a": ["x>", [["<y", []]]]}, "\t<li>x&gt;\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>&lt;y</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>"),
   240         'filter-unordered_list02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|unordered_list }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x>", [["<y", []]]]}, "\t<li>x>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><y</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>"),
   241         'filter-unordered_list03': ('{{ a|unordered_list }}', {"a": ["x>", [[mark_safe("<y"), []]]]}, "\t<li>x&gt;\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><y</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>"),
   242         'filter-unordered_list04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|unordered_list }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x>", [[mark_safe("<y"), []]]]}, "\t<li>x>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><y</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>"),
   243         'filter-unordered_list05': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|unordered_list }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ["x>", [["<y", []]]]}, "\t<li>x>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><y</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>"),
   245         # Literal string arguments to the default filter are always treated as
   246         # safe strings, regardless of the auto-escaping state.
   247         #
   248         # Note: we have to use {"a": ""} here, otherwise the invalid template
   249         # variable string interferes with the test result.
   250         'filter-default01': ('{{ a|default:"x<" }}', {"a": ""}, "x<"),
   251         'filter-default02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|default:"x<" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": ""}, "x<"),
   252         'filter-default03': ('{{ a|default:"x<" }}', {"a": mark_safe("x>")}, "x>"),
   253         'filter-default04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|default:"x<" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": mark_safe("x>")}, "x>"),
   255         'filter-default_if_none01': ('{{ a|default:"x<" }}', {"a": None}, "x<"),
   256         'filter-default_if_none02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|default:"x<" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": None}, "x<"),
   258         'filter-phone2numeric01': ('{{ a|phone2numeric }} {{ b|phone2numeric }}', {"a": "<1-800-call-me>", "b": mark_safe("<1-800-call-me>") }, "&lt;1-800-2255-63&gt; <1-800-2255-63>"),
   259         'filter-phone2numeric02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|phone2numeric }} {{ b|phone2numeric }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "<1-800-call-me>", "b": mark_safe("<1-800-call-me>") }, "<1-800-2255-63> <1-800-2255-63>"),
   260         'filter-phone2numeric03': ('{{ a|phone2numeric }}', {"a": "How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!"}, "469 729672225-5867464 37647 226 53835 749 747833 49662787!"),
   262         # Ensure iriencode keeps safe strings:
   263         'filter-iriencode01': ('{{ url|iriencode }}', {'url': '?test=1&me=2'}, '?test=1&amp;me=2'),
   264         'filter-iriencode02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ url|iriencode }}{% endautoescape %}', {'url': '?test=1&me=2'}, '?test=1&me=2'),
   265         'filter-iriencode03': ('{{ url|iriencode }}', {'url': mark_safe('?test=1&me=2')}, '?test=1&me=2'),
   266         'filter-iriencode04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ url|iriencode }}{% endautoescape %}', {'url': mark_safe('?test=1&me=2')}, '?test=1&me=2'),
   268         # Chaining a bunch of safeness-preserving filters should not alter
   269         # the safe status either way.
   270         'chaining01': ('{{ a|capfirst|center:"7" }}.{{ b|capfirst|center:"7" }}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, " A &lt; b . A < b "),
   271         'chaining02': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|capfirst|center:"7" }}.{{ b|capfirst|center:"7" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, " A < b . A < b "),
   273         # Using a filter that forces a string back to unsafe:
   274         'chaining03': ('{{ a|cut:"b"|capfirst }}.{{ b|cut:"b"|capfirst }}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, "A &lt; .A < "),
   275         'chaining04': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"b"|capfirst }}.{{ b|cut:"b"|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b", "b": mark_safe("a < b")}, "A < .A < "),
   277         # Using a filter that forces safeness does not lead to double-escaping
   278         'chaining05': ('{{ a|escape|capfirst }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "A &lt; b"),
   279         'chaining06': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escape|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "A &lt; b"),
   281         # Force to safe, then back (also showing why using force_escape too
   282         # early in a chain can lead to unexpected results).
   283         'chaining07': ('{{ a|force_escape|cut:";" }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &amp;lt b"),
   284         'chaining08': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|force_escape|cut:";" }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &lt b"),
   285         'chaining09': ('{{ a|cut:";"|force_escape }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &lt; b"),
   286         'chaining10': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:";"|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &lt; b"),
   287         'chaining11': ('{{ a|cut:"b"|safe }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < "),
   288         'chaining12': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|cut:"b"|safe }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a < "),
   289         'chaining13': ('{{ a|safe|force_escape }}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &lt; b"),
   290         'chaining14': ('{% autoescape off %}{{ a|safe|force_escape }}{% endautoescape %}', {"a": "a < b"}, "a &lt; b"),
   292         # Filters decorated with stringfilter still respect is_safe.
   293         'autoescape-stringfilter01': (r'{{ unsafe|capfirst }}', {'unsafe': UnsafeClass()}, 'You &amp; me'),
   294         'autoescape-stringfilter02': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ unsafe|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {'unsafe': UnsafeClass()}, 'You & me'),
   295         'autoescape-stringfilter03': (r'{{ safe|capfirst }}', {'safe': SafeClass()}, 'You &gt; me'),
   296         'autoescape-stringfilter04': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ safe|capfirst }}{% endautoescape %}', {'safe': SafeClass()}, 'You &gt; me'),
   298         'escapejs01': (r'{{ a|escapejs }}', {'a': 'testing\r\njavascript \'string" <b>escaping</b>'}, 'testing\\u000D\\u000Ajavascript \\u0027string\\u0022 \\u003Cb\\u003Eescaping\\u003C/b\\u003E'),
   299         'escapejs02': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ a|escapejs }}{% endautoescape %}', {'a': 'testing\r\njavascript \'string" <b>escaping</b>'}, 'testing\\u000D\\u000Ajavascript \\u0027string\\u0022 \\u003Cb\\u003Eescaping\\u003C/b\\u003E'),
   302         # length filter.
   303         'length01': ('{{ list|length }}', {'list': ['4', None, True, {}]}, '4'),
   304         'length02': ('{{ list|length }}', {'list': []}, '0'),
   305         'length03': ('{{ string|length }}', {'string': ''}, '0'),
   306         'length04': ('{{ string|length }}', {'string': 'django'}, '6'),
   307         # Invalid uses that should fail silently.
   308         'length05': ('{{ int|length }}', {'int': 7}, ''),
   309         'length06': ('{{ None|length }}', {'None': None}, ''),
   311         # length_is filter.
   312         'length_is01': ('{% if some_list|length_is:"4" %}Four{% endif %}', {'some_list': ['4', None, True, {}]}, 'Four'),
   313         'length_is02': ('{% if some_list|length_is:"4" %}Four{% else %}Not Four{% endif %}', {'some_list': ['4', None, True, {}, 17]}, 'Not Four'),
   314         'length_is03': ('{% if mystring|length_is:"4" %}Four{% endif %}', {'mystring': 'word'}, 'Four'),
   315         'length_is04': ('{% if mystring|length_is:"4" %}Four{% else %}Not Four{% endif %}', {'mystring': 'Python'}, 'Not Four'),
   316         'length_is05': ('{% if mystring|length_is:"4" %}Four{% else %}Not Four{% endif %}', {'mystring': ''}, 'Not Four'),
   317         'length_is06': ('{% with var|length as my_length %}{{ my_length }}{% endwith %}', {'var': 'django'}, '6'),
   318         # Boolean return value from length_is should not be coerced to a string
   319         'length_is07': (r'{% if "X"|length_is:0 %}Length is 0{% else %}Length not 0{% endif %}', {}, 'Length not 0'),
   320         'length_is08': (r'{% if "X"|length_is:1 %}Length is 1{% else %}Length not 1{% endif %}', {}, 'Length is 1'),
   321         # Invalid uses that should fail silently.
   322         'length_is09': ('{{ var|length_is:"fish" }}', {'var': 'django'}, ''),
   323         'length_is10': ('{{ int|length_is:"1" }}', {'int': 7}, ''),
   324         'length_is11': ('{{ none|length_is:"1" }}', {'none': None}, ''),
   326         'join01': (r'{{ a|join:", " }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha, beta &amp; me'),
   327         'join02': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ a|join:", " }}{% endautoescape %}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha, beta & me'),
   328         'join03': (r'{{ a|join:" &amp; " }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha &amp; beta &amp; me'),
   329         'join04': (r'{% autoescape off %}{{ a|join:" &amp; " }}{% endautoescape %}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me']}, 'alpha &amp; beta & me'),
   331         # Test that joining with unsafe joiners don't result in unsafe strings (#11377)
   332         'join05': (r'{{ a|join:var }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me'], 'var': ' & '}, 'alpha &amp; beta &amp; me'), 
   333         'join06': (r'{{ a|join:var }}', {'a': ['alpha', 'beta & me'], 'var': mark_safe(' & ')}, 'alpha & beta &amp; me'), 
   334         'join07': (r'{{ a|join:var|lower }}', {'a': ['Alpha', 'Beta & me'], 'var': ' & ' }, 'alpha &amp; beta &amp; me'), 
   335         'join08': (r'{{ a|join:var|lower }}', {'a': ['Alpha', 'Beta & me'], 'var': mark_safe(' & ')}, 'alpha & beta &amp; me'), 
   337         'date01': (r'{{ d|date:"m" }}', {'d': datetime(2008, 1, 1)}, '01'),
   338         'date02': (r'{{ d|date }}', {'d': datetime(2008, 1, 1)}, 'Jan. 1, 2008'),
   339         #Ticket 9520: Make sure |date doesn't blow up on non-dates
   340         'date03': (r'{{ d|date:"m" }}', {'d': 'fail_string'}, ''),
   342          # Tests for #11687
   343          'add01': (r'{{ i|add:"5" }}', {'i': 2000}, '2005'),
   344          'add02': (r'{{ i|add:"napis" }}', {'i': 2000}, '2000'),
   345          'add03': (r'{{ i|add:16 }}', {'i': 'not_an_int'}, 'not_an_int'),
   346          'add04': (r'{{ i|add:"16" }}', {'i': 'not_an_int'}, 'not_an_int16'),
   347          'add05': (r'{{ l1|add:l2 }}', {'l1': [1, 2], 'l2': [3, 4]}, '[1, 2, 3, 4]'),
   348          'add06': (r'{{ t1|add:t2 }}', {'t1': (3, 4), 't2': (1, 2)}, '(3, 4, 1, 2)'),
   349          'add07': (r'{{ d|add:t }}', {'d': date(2000, 1, 1), 't': timedelta(10)}, 'Jan. 11, 2000'),
   350     }