changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
equal deleted inserted replaced
68:5ff1fc726848 69:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 import datetime
     2 import pickle
     3 from decimal import Decimal
     4 from operator import attrgetter
     6 from django.conf import settings
     7 from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
     8 from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
     9 from django.db.models import Count, Max, Avg, Sum, StdDev, Variance, F
    10 from django.test import TestCase, Approximate
    12 from models import Author, Book, Publisher, Clues, Entries, HardbackBook
    15 def run_stddev_tests():
    16     """Check to see if StdDev/Variance tests should be run.
    18     Stddev and Variance are not guaranteed to be available for SQLite, and
    19     are not available for PostgreSQL before 8.2.
    20     """
    21     if settings.DATABASES[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
    22         return False
    24     class StdDevPop(object):
    25         sql_function = 'STDDEV_POP'
    27     try:
    28         connection.ops.check_aggregate_support(StdDevPop())
    29     except:
    30         return False
    31     return True
    34 class AggregationTests(TestCase):
    35     def assertObjectAttrs(self, obj, **kwargs):
    36         for attr, value in kwargs.iteritems():
    37             self.assertEqual(getattr(obj, attr), value)
    39     def test_aggregates_in_where_clause(self):
    40         """
    41         Regression test for #12822: DatabaseError: aggregates not allowed in
    42         WHERE clause
    44         Tests that the subselect works and returns results equivalent to a
    45         query with the IDs listed.
    47         Before the corresponding fix for this bug, this test passed in 1.1 and
    48         failed in 1.2-beta (trunk).
    49         """
    50         qs = Book.objects.values('contact').annotate(Max('id'))
    51         qs = qs.order_by('contact').values_list('id__max', flat=True)
    52         # don't do anything with the queryset (qs) before including it as a
    53         # subquery
    54         books = Book.objects.order_by('id')
    55         qs1 = books.filter(id__in=qs)
    56         qs2 = books.filter(id__in=list(qs))
    57         self.assertEqual(list(qs1), list(qs2))
    59     def test_aggregates_in_where_clause_pre_eval(self):
    60         """
    61         Regression test for #12822: DatabaseError: aggregates not allowed in
    62         WHERE clause
    64         Same as the above test, but evaluates the queryset for the subquery
    65         before it's used as a subquery.
    67         Before the corresponding fix for this bug, this test failed in both
    68         1.1 and 1.2-beta (trunk).
    69         """
    70         qs = Book.objects.values('contact').annotate(Max('id'))
    71         qs = qs.order_by('contact').values_list('id__max', flat=True)
    72         # force the queryset (qs) for the subquery to be evaluated in its
    73         # current state
    74         list(qs)
    75         books = Book.objects.order_by('id')
    76         qs1 = books.filter(id__in=qs)
    77         qs2 = books.filter(id__in=list(qs))
    78         self.assertEqual(list(qs1), list(qs2))
    80     if settings.DATABASES[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]['ENGINE'] != '':
    81         def test_annotate_with_extra(self):
    82             """
    83             Regression test for #11916: Extra params + aggregation creates
    84             incorrect SQL.
    85             """
    86             #oracle doesn't support subqueries in group by clause
    87             shortest_book_sql = """
    88             SELECT name
    89             FROM aggregation_regress_book b
    90             WHERE b.publisher_id =
    91             ORDER BY b.pages
    92             LIMIT 1
    93             """
    94             # tests that this query does not raise a DatabaseError due to the full
    95             # subselect being (erroneously) added to the GROUP BY parameters
    96             qs = Publisher.objects.extra(select={
    97                 'name_of_shortest_book': shortest_book_sql,
    98             }).annotate(total_books=Count('book'))
    99             # force execution of the query
   100             list(qs)
   102     def test_aggregate(self):
   103         # Ordering requests are ignored
   104         self.assertEqual(
   105             Author.objects.order_by("name").aggregate(Avg("age")),
   106             {"age__avg": Approximate(37.444, places=1)}
   107         )
   109         # Implicit ordering is also ignored
   110         self.assertEqual(
   111             Book.objects.aggregate(Sum("pages")),
   112             {"pages__sum": 3703},
   113         )
   115         # Baseline results
   116         self.assertEqual(
   117             Book.objects.aggregate(Sum('pages'), Avg('pages')),
   118             {'pages__sum': 3703, 'pages__avg': Approximate(617.166, places=2)}
   119         )
   121         # Empty values query doesn't affect grouping or results
   122         self.assertEqual(
   123             Book.objects.values().aggregate(Sum('pages'), Avg('pages')),
   124             {'pages__sum': 3703, 'pages__avg': Approximate(617.166, places=2)}
   125         )
   127         # Aggregate overrides extra selected column
   128         self.assertEqual(
   129             Book.objects.extra(select={'price_per_page' : 'price / pages'}).aggregate(Sum('pages')),
   130             {'pages__sum': 3703}
   131         )
   133     def test_annotation(self):
   134         # Annotations get combined with extra select clauses
   135         obj = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg("authors__age")).extra(select={"manufacture_cost": "price * .5"}).get(pk=2)
   136         self.assertObjectAttrs(obj,
   137             contact_id=3,
   138             id=2,
   139             isbn=u'067232959',
   140             mean_auth_age=45.0,
   141             name='Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours',
   142             pages=528,
   143             price=Decimal("23.09"),
   144   , 3, 3),
   145             publisher_id=2,
   146             rating=3.0
   147         )
   148         # Different DB backends return different types for the extra select computation
   149         self.assertTrue(obj.manufacture_cost == 11.545 or obj.manufacture_cost == Decimal('11.545'))
   151         # Order of the annotate/extra in the query doesn't matter
   152         obj = Book.objects.extra(select={'manufacture_cost' : 'price * .5'}).annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).get(pk=2)
   153         self.assertObjectAttrs(obj,
   154             contact_id=3,
   155             id=2,
   156             isbn=u'067232959',
   157             mean_auth_age=45.0,
   158             name=u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours',
   159             pages=528,
   160             price=Decimal("23.09"),
   161   , 3, 3),
   162             publisher_id=2,
   163             rating=3.0
   164         )
   165         # Different DB backends return different types for the extra select computation
   166         self.assertTrue(obj.manufacture_cost == 11.545 or obj.manufacture_cost == Decimal('11.545'))
   168         # Values queries can be combined with annotate and extra
   169         obj = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'manufacture_cost' : 'price * .5'}).values().get(pk=2)
   170         manufacture_cost = obj['manufacture_cost']
   171         self.assertTrue(manufacture_cost == 11.545 or manufacture_cost == Decimal('11.545'))
   172         del obj['manufacture_cost']
   173         self.assertEqual(obj, {
   174             "contact_id": 3,
   175             "id": 2,
   176             "isbn": u"067232959",
   177             "mean_auth_age": 45.0,
   178             "name": u"Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours",
   179             "pages": 528,
   180             "price": Decimal("23.09"),
   181             "pubdate":, 3, 3),
   182             "publisher_id": 2,
   183             "rating": 3.0,
   184         })
   186         # The order of the (empty) values, annotate and extra clauses doesn't
   187         # matter
   188         obj = Book.objects.values().annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'manufacture_cost' : 'price * .5'}).get(pk=2)
   189         manufacture_cost = obj['manufacture_cost']
   190         self.assertTrue(manufacture_cost == 11.545 or manufacture_cost == Decimal('11.545'))
   191         del obj['manufacture_cost']
   192         self.assertEqual(obj, {
   193             'contact_id': 3,
   194             'id': 2,
   195             'isbn': u'067232959',
   196             'mean_auth_age': 45.0,
   197             'name': u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours',
   198             'pages': 528,
   199             'price': Decimal("23.09"),
   200             'pubdate':, 3, 3),
   201             'publisher_id': 2,
   202             'rating': 3.0
   203         })
   205         # If the annotation precedes the values clause, it won't be included
   206         # unless it is explicitly named
   207         obj = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'price_per_page' : 'price / pages'}).values('name').get(pk=1)
   208         self.assertEqual(obj, {
   209             "name": u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right',
   210         })
   212         obj = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'price_per_page' : 'price / pages'}).values('name','mean_auth_age').get(pk=1)
   213         self.assertEqual(obj, {
   214             'mean_auth_age': 34.5,
   215             'name': u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right',
   216         })
   218         # If an annotation isn't included in the values, it can still be used
   219         # in a filter
   220         qs = Book.objects.annotate(n_authors=Count('authors')).values('name').filter(n_authors__gt=2)
   221         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   222             qs, [
   223                 {"name": u'Python Web Development with Django'}
   224             ],
   225             lambda b: b,
   226         )
   228         # The annotations are added to values output if values() precedes
   229         # annotate()
   230         obj = Book.objects.values('name').annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'price_per_page' : 'price / pages'}).get(pk=1)
   231         self.assertEqual(obj, {
   232             'mean_auth_age': 34.5,
   233             'name': u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right',
   234         })
   236         # Check that all of the objects are getting counted (allow_nulls) and
   237         # that values respects the amount of objects
   238         self.assertEqual(
   239             len(Author.objects.annotate(Avg('friends__age')).values()),
   240             9
   241         )
   243         # Check that consecutive calls to annotate accumulate in the query
   244         qs = Book.objects.values('price').annotate(oldest=Max('authors__age')).order_by('oldest', 'price').annotate(Max('publisher__num_awards'))
   245         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   246             qs, [
   247                 {'price': Decimal("30"), 'oldest': 35, 'publisher__num_awards__max': 3},
   248                 {'price': Decimal("29.69"), 'oldest': 37, 'publisher__num_awards__max': 7},
   249                 {'price': Decimal("23.09"), 'oldest': 45, 'publisher__num_awards__max': 1},
   250                 {'price': Decimal("75"), 'oldest': 57, 'publisher__num_awards__max': 9},
   251                 {'price': Decimal("82.8"), 'oldest': 57, 'publisher__num_awards__max': 7}
   252             ],
   253             lambda b: b,
   254         )
   256     def test_aggrate_annotation(self):
   257         # Aggregates can be composed over annotations.
   258         # The return type is derived from the composed aggregate
   259         vals = Book.objects.all().annotate(num_authors=Count('authors__id')).aggregate(Max('pages'), Max('price'), Sum('num_authors'), Avg('num_authors'))
   260         self.assertEqual(vals, {
   261             'num_authors__sum': 10,
   262             'num_authors__avg': Approximate(1.666, places=2),
   263             'pages__max': 1132,
   264             'price__max': Decimal("82.80")
   265         })
   267     def test_field_error(self):
   268         # Bad field requests in aggregates are caught and reported
   269         self.assertRaises(
   270             FieldError,
   271             lambda: Book.objects.all().aggregate(num_authors=Count('foo'))
   272         )
   274         self.assertRaises(
   275             FieldError,
   276             lambda: Book.objects.all().annotate(num_authors=Count('foo'))
   277         )
   279         self.assertRaises(
   280             FieldError,
   281             lambda: Book.objects.all().annotate(num_authors=Count('authors__id')).aggregate(Max('foo'))
   282         )
   284     def test_more(self):
   285         # Old-style count aggregations can be mixed with new-style
   286         self.assertEqual(
   287             Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).count(),
   288             6
   289         )
   291         # Non-ordinal, non-computed Aggregates over annotations correctly
   292         # inherit the annotation's internal type if the annotation is ordinal
   293         # or computed
   294         vals = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).aggregate(Max('num_authors'))
   295         self.assertEqual(
   296             vals,
   297             {'num_authors__max': 3}
   298         )
   300         vals = Publisher.objects.annotate(avg_price=Avg('book__price')).aggregate(Max('avg_price'))
   301         self.assertEqual(
   302             vals,
   303             {'avg_price__max': 75.0}
   304         )
   306         # Aliases are quoted to protected aliases that might be reserved names
   307         vals = Book.objects.aggregate(number=Max('pages'), select=Max('pages'))
   308         self.assertEqual(
   309             vals,
   310             {'number': 1132, 'select': 1132}
   311         )
   313         # Regression for #10064: select_related() plays nice with aggregates
   314         obj = Book.objects.select_related('publisher').annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).values()[0]
   315         self.assertEqual(obj, {
   316             'contact_id': 8,
   317             'id': 5,
   318             'isbn': u'013790395',
   319             'name': u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach',
   320             'num_authors': 2,
   321             'pages': 1132,
   322             'price': Decimal("82.8"),
   323             'pubdate':, 1, 15),
   324             'publisher_id': 3,
   325             'rating': 4.0,
   326         })
   328         # Regression for #10010: exclude on an aggregate field is correctly
   329         # negated
   330         self.assertEqual(
   331             len(Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors'))),
   332             6
   333         )
   334         self.assertEqual(
   335             len(Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).filter(num_authors__gt=2)),
   336             1
   337         )
   338         self.assertEqual(
   339             len(Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).exclude(num_authors__gt=2)),
   340             5
   341         )
   343         self.assertEqual(
   344             len(Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).filter(num_authors__lt=3).exclude(num_authors__lt=2)),
   345             2
   346         )
   347         self.assertEqual(
   348             len(Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).exclude(num_authors__lt=2).filter(num_authors__lt=3)),
   349             2
   350         )
   352     def test_aggregate_fexpr(self):
   353         # Aggregates can be used with F() expressions
   354         # ... where the F() is pushed into the HAVING clause
   355         qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
   356         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   357             qs, [
   358                 {'num_books': 1, 'name': u'Morgan Kaufmann', 'num_awards': 9},
   359                 {'num_books': 2, 'name': u'Prentice Hall', 'num_awards': 7}
   360             ],
   361             lambda p: p,
   362         )
   364         qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).exclude(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
   365         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   366             qs, [
   367                 {'num_books': 2, 'name': u'Apress', 'num_awards': 3},
   368                 {'num_books': 0, 'name': u"Jonno's House of Books", 'num_awards': 0},
   369                 {'num_books': 1, 'name': u'Sams', 'num_awards': 1}
   370             ],
   371             lambda p: p,
   372         )
   374         # ... and where the F() references an aggregate
   375         qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).filter(num_awards__gt=2*F('num_books')).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
   376         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   377             qs, [
   378                 {'num_books': 1, 'name': u'Morgan Kaufmann', 'num_awards': 9},
   379                 {'num_books': 2, 'name': u'Prentice Hall', 'num_awards': 7}
   380             ],
   381             lambda p: p,
   382         )
   384         qs = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count('book')).exclude(num_books__lt=F('num_awards')/2).order_by('name').values('name','num_books','num_awards')
   385         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   386             qs, [
   387                 {'num_books': 2, 'name': u'Apress', 'num_awards': 3},
   388                 {'num_books': 0, 'name': u"Jonno's House of Books", 'num_awards': 0},
   389                 {'num_books': 1, 'name': u'Sams', 'num_awards': 1}
   390             ],
   391             lambda p: p,
   392         )
   394     def test_db_col_table(self):
   395         # Tests on fields with non-default table and column names.
   396         qs = Clues.objects.values('EntryID__Entry').annotate(Appearances=Count('EntryID'), Distinct_Clues=Count('Clue', distinct=True))
   397         self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [])
   399         qs = Entries.objects.annotate(clue_count=Count('clues__ID'))
   400         self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [])
   402     def test_empty(self):
   403         # Regression for #10089: Check handling of empty result sets with
   404         # aggregates
   405         self.assertEqual(
   406             Book.objects.filter(id__in=[]).count(),
   407             0
   408         )
   410         vals = Book.objects.filter(id__in=[]).aggregate(num_authors=Count('authors'), avg_authors=Avg('authors'), max_authors=Max('authors'), max_price=Max('price'), max_rating=Max('rating'))
   411         self.assertEqual(
   412             vals,
   413             {'max_authors': None, 'max_rating': None, 'num_authors': 0, 'avg_authors': None, 'max_price': None}
   414         )
   416         qs = Publisher.objects.filter(pk=5).annotate(num_authors=Count('book__authors'), avg_authors=Avg('book__authors'), max_authors=Max('book__authors'), max_price=Max('book__price'), max_rating=Max('book__rating')).values()
   417         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   418             qs, [
   419                 {'max_authors': None, 'name': u"Jonno's House of Books", 'num_awards': 0, 'max_price': None, 'num_authors': 0, 'max_rating': None, 'id': 5, 'avg_authors': None}
   420             ],
   421             lambda p: p
   422         )
   424     def test_more_more(self):
   425         # Regression for #10113 - Fields mentioned in order_by() must be
   426         # included in the GROUP BY. This only becomes a problem when the
   427         # order_by introduces a new join.
   428         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   429             Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).order_by('publisher__name', 'name'), [
   430                 "Practical Django Projects",
   431                 "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right",
   432                 "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp",
   433                 "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach",
   434                 "Python Web Development with Django",
   435                 "Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours",
   436             ],
   437             lambda b:
   438         )
   440         # Regression for #10127 - Empty select_related() works with annotate
   441         qs = Book.objects.filter(rating__lt=4.5).select_related().annotate(Avg('authors__age'))
   442         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   443             qs, [
   444                 (u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach', 51.5, u'Prentice Hall', u'Peter Norvig'),
   445                 (u'Practical Django Projects', 29.0, u'Apress', u'James Bennett'),
   446                 (u'Python Web Development with Django', Approximate(30.333, places=2), u'Prentice Hall', u'Jeffrey Forcier'),
   447                 (u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours', 45.0, u'Sams', u'Brad Dayley')
   448             ],
   449             lambda b: (, b.authors__age__avg,,
   450         )
   452         # Regression for #10132 - If the values() clause only mentioned extra
   453         # (select=) columns, those columns are used for grouping
   454         qs = Book.objects.extra(select={'pub':'publisher_id'}).values('pub').annotate(Count('id')).order_by('pub')
   455         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   456             qs, [
   457                 {'pub': 1, 'id__count': 2},
   458                 {'pub': 2, 'id__count': 1},
   459                 {'pub': 3, 'id__count': 2},
   460                 {'pub': 4, 'id__count': 1}
   461             ],
   462             lambda b: b
   463         )
   465         qs = Book.objects.extra(select={'pub':'publisher_id', 'foo':'pages'}).values('pub').annotate(Count('id')).order_by('pub')
   466         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   467             qs, [
   468                 {'pub': 1, 'id__count': 2},
   469                 {'pub': 2, 'id__count': 1},
   470                 {'pub': 3, 'id__count': 2},
   471                 {'pub': 4, 'id__count': 1}
   472             ],
   473             lambda b: b
   474         )
   476         # Regression for #10182 - Queries with aggregate calls are correctly
   477         # realiased when used in a subquery
   478         ids = Book.objects.filter(pages__gt=100).annotate(n_authors=Count('authors')).filter(n_authors__gt=2).order_by('n_authors')
   479         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   480             Book.objects.filter(id__in=ids), [
   481                 "Python Web Development with Django",
   482             ],
   483             lambda b:
   484         )
   486     def test_duplicate_alias(self):
   487         # Regression for #11256 - duplicating a default alias raises ValueError.
   488         self.assertRaises(ValueError, Book.objects.all().annotate, Avg('authors__age'), authors__age__avg=Avg('authors__age'))
   490     def test_field_name_conflict(self):
   491         # Regression for #11256 - providing an aggregate name that conflicts with a field name on the model raises ValueError
   492         self.assertRaises(ValueError, Author.objects.annotate, age=Avg('friends__age'))
   494     def test_m2m_name_conflict(self):
   495         # Regression for #11256 - providing an aggregate name that conflicts with an m2m name on the model raises ValueError
   496         self.assertRaises(ValueError, Author.objects.annotate, friends=Count('friends'))
   498     def test_reverse_relation_name_conflict(self):
   499         # Regression for #11256 - providing an aggregate name that conflicts with a reverse-related name on the model raises ValueError
   500         self.assertRaises(ValueError, Author.objects.annotate, book_contact_set=Avg('friends__age'))
   502     def test_pickle(self):
   503         # Regression for #10197 -- Queries with aggregates can be pickled.
   504         # First check that pickling is possible at all. No crash = success
   505         qs = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors'))
   506         pickle.dumps(qs)
   508         # Then check that the round trip works.
   509         query = qs.query.get_compiler(qs.db).as_sql()[0]
   510         qs2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(qs))
   511         self.assertEqual(
   512             qs2.query.get_compiler(qs2.db).as_sql()[0],
   513             query,
   514         )
   516     def test_more_more_more(self):
   517         # Regression for #10199 - Aggregate calls clone the original query so
   518         # the original query can still be used
   519         books = Book.objects.all()
   520         books.aggregate(Avg("authors__age"))
   521         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   522             books.all(), [
   523                 u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach',
   524                 u'Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp',
   525                 u'Practical Django Projects',
   526                 u'Python Web Development with Django',
   527                 u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours',
   528                 u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right'
   529             ],
   530             lambda b:
   531         )
   533         # Regression for #10248 - Annotations work with DateQuerySets
   534         qs = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count('authors')).filter(num_authors=2).dates('pubdate', 'day')
   535         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   536             qs, [
   537                 datetime.datetime(1995, 1, 15, 0, 0),
   538                 datetime.datetime(2007, 12, 6, 0, 0)
   539             ],
   540             lambda b: b
   541         )
   543         # Regression for #10290 - extra selects with parameters can be used for
   544         # grouping.
   545         qs = Book.objects.annotate(mean_auth_age=Avg('authors__age')).extra(select={'sheets' : '(pages + %s) / %s'}, select_params=[1, 2]).order_by('sheets').values('sheets')
   546         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   547             qs, [
   548                 150,
   549                 175,
   550                 224,
   551                 264,
   552                 473,
   553                 566
   554             ],
   555             lambda b: int(b["sheets"])
   556         )
   558         # Regression for 10425 - annotations don't get in the way of a count()
   559         # clause
   560         self.assertEqual(
   561             Book.objects.values('publisher').annotate(Count('publisher')).count(),
   562             4
   563         )
   564         self.assertEqual(
   565             Book.objects.annotate(Count('publisher')).values('publisher').count(),
   566             6
   567         )
   569         publishers = Publisher.objects.filter(id__in=[1, 2])
   570         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   571             publishers, [
   572                 "Apress",
   573                 "Sams"
   574             ],
   575             lambda p:
   576         )
   578         publishers = publishers.annotate(n_books=Count("book"))
   579         self.assertEqual(
   580             publishers[0].n_books,
   581             2
   582         )
   584         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   585             publishers, [
   586                 "Apress",
   587                 "Sams",
   588             ],
   589             lambda p:
   590         )
   592         books = Book.objects.filter(publisher__in=publishers)
   593         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   594             books, [
   595                 "Practical Django Projects",
   596                 "Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours",
   597                 "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right",
   598             ],
   599             lambda b:
   600         )
   601         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   602             publishers, [
   603                 "Apress",
   604                 "Sams",
   605             ],
   606             lambda p:
   607         )
   609         # Regression for 10666 - inherited fields work with annotations and
   610         # aggregations
   611         self.assertEqual(
   612             HardbackBook.objects.aggregate(n_pages=Sum('book_ptr__pages')),
   613             {'n_pages': 2078}
   614         )
   616         self.assertEqual(
   617             HardbackBook.objects.aggregate(n_pages=Sum('pages')),
   618             {'n_pages': 2078},
   619         )
   621         qs = HardbackBook.objects.annotate(n_authors=Count('book_ptr__authors')).values('name', 'n_authors')
   622         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   623             qs, [
   624                 {'n_authors': 2, 'name': u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach'},
   625                 {'n_authors': 1, 'name': u'Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp'}
   626             ],
   627             lambda h: h
   628         )
   630         qs = HardbackBook.objects.annotate(n_authors=Count('authors')).values('name', 'n_authors')
   631         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   632             qs, [
   633                 {'n_authors': 2, 'name': u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach'},
   634                 {'n_authors': 1, 'name': u'Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp'}
   635             ],
   636             lambda h: h,
   637         )
   639         # Regression for #10766 - Shouldn't be able to reference an aggregate
   640         # fields in an an aggregate() call.
   641         self.assertRaises(
   642             FieldError,
   643             lambda: Book.objects.annotate(mean_age=Avg('authors__age')).annotate(Avg('mean_age'))
   644         )
   646     def test_empty_filter_count(self):
   647         self.assertEqual(
   648             Author.objects.filter(id__in=[]).annotate(Count("friends")).count(),
   649             0
   650         )
   652     def test_empty_filter_aggregate(self):
   653         self.assertEqual(
   654             Author.objects.filter(id__in=[]).annotate(Count("friends")).aggregate(Count("pk")),
   655             {"pk__count": None}
   656         )
   658     def test_annotate_and_join(self):
   659         self.assertEqual(
   660             Author.objects.annotate(c=Count("friends__name")).exclude(friends__name="Joe").count(),
   661             Author.objects.count()
   662         )
   664     def test_f_expression_annotation(self):
   665         # Books with less than 200 pages per author.
   666         qs = Book.objects.values("name").annotate(
   667             n_authors=Count("authors")
   668         ).filter(
   669             pages__lt=F("n_authors") * 200
   670         ).values_list("pk")
   671         self.assertQuerysetEqual(
   672             Book.objects.filter(pk__in=qs), [
   673                 "Python Web Development with Django"
   674             ],
   675             attrgetter("name")
   676         )
   678     def test_values_annotate_values(self):
   679         qs = Book.objects.values("name").annotate(
   680             n_authors=Count("authors")
   681         ).values_list("pk", flat=True)
   682         self.assertEqual(list(qs), list(Book.objects.values_list("pk", flat=True)))
   684     def test_having_group_by(self):
   685         # Test that when a field occurs on the LHS of a HAVING clause that it
   686         # appears correctly in the GROUP BY clause
   687         qs = Book.objects.values_list("name").annotate(
   688             n_authors=Count("authors")
   689         ).filter(
   690             pages__gt=F("n_authors")
   691         ).values_list("name", flat=True)
   692         # Results should be the same, all Books have more pages than authors
   693         self.assertEqual(
   694             list(qs), list(Book.objects.values_list("name", flat=True))
   695         )
   697     if run_stddev_tests():
   698         def test_stddev(self):
   699             self.assertEqual(
   700                 Book.objects.aggregate(StdDev('pages')),
   701                 {'pages__stddev': Approximate(311.46, 1)}
   702             )
   704             self.assertEqual(
   705                 Book.objects.aggregate(StdDev('rating')),
   706                 {'rating__stddev': Approximate(0.60, 1)}
   707             )
   709             self.assertEqual(
   710                 Book.objects.aggregate(StdDev('price')),
   711                 {'price__stddev': Approximate(24.16, 2)}
   712             )
   714             self.assertEqual(
   715                 Book.objects.aggregate(StdDev('pages', sample=True)),
   716                 {'pages__stddev': Approximate(341.19, 2)}
   717             )
   719             self.assertEqual(
   720                 Book.objects.aggregate(StdDev('rating', sample=True)),
   721                 {'rating__stddev': Approximate(0.66, 2)}
   722             )
   724             self.assertEqual(
   725                 Book.objects.aggregate(StdDev('price', sample=True)),
   726                 {'price__stddev': Approximate(26.46, 1)}
   727             )
   729             self.assertEqual(
   730                 Book.objects.aggregate(Variance('pages')),
   731                 {'pages__variance': Approximate(97010.80, 1)}
   732             )
   734             self.assertEqual(
   735                 Book.objects.aggregate(Variance('rating')),
   736                 {'rating__variance': Approximate(0.36, 1)}
   737             )
   739             self.assertEqual(
   740                 Book.objects.aggregate(Variance('price')),
   741                 {'price__variance': Approximate(583.77, 1)}
   742             )
   744             self.assertEqual(
   745                 Book.objects.aggregate(Variance('pages', sample=True)),
   746                 {'pages__variance': Approximate(116412.96, 1)}
   747             )
   749             self.assertEqual(
   750                 Book.objects.aggregate(Variance('rating', sample=True)),
   751                 {'rating__variance': Approximate(0.44, 2)}
   752             )
   754             self.assertEqual(
   755                 Book.objects.aggregate(Variance('price', sample=True)),
   756                 {'price__variance': Approximate(700.53, 2)}
   757             )