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     1 ===============================
     2 Django 1.1 beta 1 release notes
     3 ===============================
     5 March 23, 2009
     7 Welcome to Django 1.1 beta 1!
     9 This is the second in a series of preview/development releases leading up to
    10 the eventual release of Django 1.1, currently scheduled to take place in April
    11 2009. This release is primarily targeted at developers who are interested in
    12 trying out new features and testing the Django codebase to help identify and
    13 resolve bugs prior to the final 1.1 release.
    15 As such, this release is *not* intended for production use, and any such use
    16 is discouraged.
    18 What's new in Django 1.1 beta 1
    19 ===============================
    21 .. seealso::
    23     The :doc:`1.1 alpha release notes </releases/1.1-alpha-1>`, which has a
    24     list of everything new between Django 1.0 and Django 1.1 alpha.
    26 Model improvements
    27 ------------------
    29 .. currentmodule:: django.db.models
    31 A number of features have been added to Django's model layer:
    33 "Unmanaged" models
    34 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    36 You can now control whether or not Django creates database tables for a model
    37 using the :attr:`~Options.managed` model option. This defaults to ``True``,
    38 meaning that Django will create the appropriate database tables in
    39 :djadmin:`syncdb` and remove them as part of :djadmin:`reset` command. That
    40 is, Django *manages* the database table's lifecycle.
    42 If you set this to ``False``, however, no database table creating or deletion
    43 will be automatically performed for this model. This is useful if the model
    44 represents an existing table or a database view that has been created by some
    45 other means.
    47 For more details, see the documentation for the :attr:`~Options.managed`
    48 option.
    50 Proxy models
    51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    53 You can now create :ref:`proxy models <proxy-models>`: subclasses of existing
    54 models that only add Python behavior and aren't represented by a new table.
    55 That is, the new model is a *proxy* for some underlying model, which stores
    56 all the real data.
    58 All the details can be found in the :ref:`proxy models documentation
    59 <proxy-models>`. This feature is similar on the surface to unmanaged models,
    60 so the documentation has an explanation of :ref:`how proxy models differ from
    61 unmanaged models <proxy-vs-unmanaged-models>`.
    63 Deferred fields
    64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    66 In some complex situations, your models might contain fields which could
    67 contain a lot of data (for example, large text fields), or require expensive
    68 processing to convert them to Python objects. If you know you don't need those
    69 particular fields, you can now tell Django not to retrieve them from the
    70 database.
    72 You'll do this with the new queryset methods
    73 :meth:`~django.db.models.QuerySet.defer` and
    74 :meth:`~django.db.models.QuerySet.only`.
    76 New admin features
    77 ------------------
    79 Since 1.1 alpha, a couple of new features have been added to Django's admin
    80 application:
    82 Editable fields on the change list
    83 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    85 You can now make fields editable on the admin list views via the new
    86 :ref:`list_editable <admin-list-editable>` admin option. These fields will show
    87 up as form widgets on the list pages, and can be edited and saved in bulk.
    89 Admin "actions"
    90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    92 You can now define :doc:`admin actions </ref/contrib/admin/actions>` that can perform
    93 some action to a group of models in bulk. Users will be able to select objects on
    94 the change list page and then apply these bulk actions to all selected objects.
    96 Django ships with one pre-defined admin action to delete a group of objects in
    97 one fell swoop.
    99 Testing improvements
   100 --------------------
   102 .. currentmodule:: django.test.client
   104 A couple of small but very useful improvements have been made to the
   105 :doc:`testing framework </topics/testing>`:
   107     * The test :class:`Client` now can automatically follow redirects with the
   108       ``follow`` argument to :meth:`Client.get` and :meth:``. This
   109       makes testing views that issue redirects simpler.
   111     * It's now easier to get at the template context in the response returned
   112       the test client: you'll simply access the context as
   113       ``request.context[key]``. The old way, which treats ``request.context``
   114       as a list of contexts, one for each rendered template, is still
   115       available if you need it.
   117 Conditional view processing
   118 ---------------------------
   120 Django now has much better support for :doc:`conditional view processing
   121 </topics/conditional-view-processing>` using the standard ``ETag`` and
   122 ``Last-Modified`` HTTP headers. This means you can now easily short-circuit
   123 view processing by testing less-expensive conditions. For many views this can
   124 lead to a serious improvement in speed and reduction in bandwidth.
   126 Other improvements
   127 ------------------
   129 Finally, a grab-bag of other neat features made their way into this beta
   130 release, including:
   132     * The :djadmin:`dumpdata` management command now accepts individual
   133       model names as arguments, allowing you to export the data just from
   134       particular models.
   136     * There's a new :tfilter:`safeseq` template filter which works just like
   137       :tfilter:`safe` for lists, marking each item in the list as safe.
   139     * :doc:`Cache backends </topics/cache>` now support ``incr()`` and
   140       ``decr()`` commands to increment and decrement the value of a cache key.
   141       On cache backends that support atomic increment/decrement -- most
   142       notably, the memcached backend -- these operations will be atomic, and
   143       quite fast.
   145     * Django now can :doc:`easily delegate authentication to the Web server
   146       </howto/auth-remote-user>` via a new authentication backend that supports
   147       the standard ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable used for this purpose.
   149     * There's a new :func:`django.shortcuts.redirect` function that makes it
   150       easier to issue redirects given an object, a view name, or a URL.
   152     * The ``postgresql_psycopg2`` backend now supports :ref:`native PostgreSQL
   153       autocommit <postgresql-notes>`. This is an advanced, PostgreSQL-specific
   154       feature, that can make certain read-heavy applications a good deal
   155       faster.
   157 The Django 1.1 roadmap
   158 ======================
   160 Before Django 1.1 goes final, at least one other preview/development release
   161 will be made available. The current schedule consists of at least the
   162 following:
   164 * Week of *April 2, 2009:* Django 1.1 release candidate. At this point all
   165   strings marked for translation must freeze to allow translations to
   166   be submitted in advance of the final release.
   168 * Week of *April 13, 2009:* Django 1.1 final.
   170 If deemed necessary, additional beta or release candidate packages will be
   171 issued prior to the final 1.1 release.
   173 What you can do to help
   174 =======================
   176 In order to provide a high-quality 1.1 release, we need your help. Although this
   177 beta release is, again, *not* intended for production use, you can help the
   178 Django team by trying out the beta codebase in a safe test environment and
   179 reporting any bugs or issues you encounter. The Django ticket tracker is the
   180 central place to search for open issues:
   182     *
   184 Please open new tickets if no existing ticket corresponds to a problem you're
   185 running into.
   187 Additionally, discussion of Django development, including progress toward the
   188 1.1 release, takes place daily on the django-developers mailing list:
   190     *
   192 ... and in the ``#django-dev`` IRC channel on ````. If you're
   193 interested in helping out with Django's development, feel free to join the
   194 discussions there.
   196 Django's online documentation also includes pointers on how to contribute to
   197 Django:
   199     * :doc:`How to contribute to Django </internals/contributing>`
   201 Contributions on any level -- developing code, writing documentation or simply
   202 triaging tickets and helping to test proposed bugfixes -- are always welcome and
   203 appreciated.
   205 Development sprints for Django 1.1 will also be taking place at PyCon US 2009,
   206 on the dedicated sprint days (March 30 through April 2), and anyone who wants to
   207 help out is welcome to join in, either in person at PyCon or virtually in the
   208 IRC channel or on the mailing list.