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     1 zc.buildout on MS-Windows
     2 =========================
     4 Certain aspects of every software project are dependent on the
     5 operating system used.
     6 The same - of course - applies to zc.buildout.
     8 To test that Windows doesn't get in the way, we'll test some system
     9 dependent aspects.
    10 The following recipe will create a read-only file which shutil.rmtree
    11 can't delete.
    13     >>> mkdir('recipe')
    14     >>> write('recipe', '',
    15     ... '''
    16     ... import os
    17     ... class Recipe:
    18     ...     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
    19     ...         self.location = os.path.join(
    20     ...              buildout['buildout']['parts-directory'],
    21     ...              name)
    22     ...
    23     ...     def install(self):
    24     ...         print "can't remove read only files"
    25     ...         if not os.path.exists (self.location):
    26     ...             os.makedirs (self.location)
    27     ...
    28     ...         name = os.path.join (self.location, 'readonly.txt')
    29     ...         open (name, 'w').write ('this is a read only file')
    30     ...         os.chmod (name, 0400)
    31     ...         return ()
    32     ...
    33     ...     update = install
    34     ... ''')
    36     >>> write('recipe', '',
    37     ... '''
    38     ... from setuptools import setup
    39     ... setup(name='spam', version='1', py_modules=['recipe'],
    40     ...       entry_points={'zc.buildout': ['default = recipe:Recipe']},
    41     ...       )
    42     ... ''')
    44     >>> write('recipe', 'README', '')
    46     >>> print system(buildout+' setup recipe bdist_egg'), # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    47     Running setup script 'recipe/'.
    48     ...
    50 and we'll configure a buildout to use it:
    52     >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    53     ... '''
    54     ... [buildout]
    55     ... parts = foo
    56     ... find-links = %s
    57     ...
    58     ... [foo]
    59     ... recipe = spam
    60     ... ''' % join('recipe', 'dist'))
    62     >>> print system(buildout),
    63     Getting distribution for 'spam'.
    64     Got spam 1.
    65     Installing foo.
    66     can't remove read only files