changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
equal deleted inserted replaced
68:5ff1fc726848 69:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 Make sure the bootstrap script actually works::
     3     >>> import os, sys
     4     >>> from os.path import dirname, join
     5     >>> import zc.buildout
     6     >>> bootstrap_py = join(
     7     ...    dirname(
     8     ...     dirname(
     9     ...      dirname(
    10     ...       dirname(zc.buildout.__file__)
    11     ...        )
    12     ...      )
    13     ...    ),
    14     ...   'bootstrap', '')
    15     >>> sample_buildout = tmpdir('sample')
    16     >>> os.chdir(sample_buildout)
    17     >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    18     ... '''
    19     ... [buildout]
    20     ... parts =
    21     ... ''')
    22     >>> write('', open(bootstrap_py).read())
    23     >>> print 'X'; print system(
    24     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
    25     ...     ''); print 'X' # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    26     X...
    27     Creating directory '/sample/bin'.
    28     Creating directory '/sample/parts'.
    29     Creating directory '/sample/eggs'.
    30     Creating directory '/sample/develop-eggs'.
    31     Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'.
    32     ...
    34     >>> ls(sample_buildout)
    35     d  bin
    36     -
    37     -  buildout.cfg
    38     d  develop-eggs
    39     d  eggs
    40     d  parts
    43     >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin')
    44     -  buildout
    46     >>> print 'X'; ls(sample_buildout, 'eggs') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    47     X...
    48     d  zc.buildout-...egg
    50 The buildout script it has generated is a new-style script, using a
    51 customized
    53     >>> buildout_script = join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'buildout')
    54     >>> if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    55     ...     buildout_script += ''
    56     >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    57     #...
    58     <BLANKLINE>
    59     import sys
    60     sys.path[0:0] = [
    61         '/sample/parts/buildout',
    62         ]
    63     <BLANKLINE>
    64     <BLANKLINE>
    65     import os
    66     path = sys.path[0]
    67     if os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'):
    68         path = os.pathsep.join([path, os.environ['PYTHONPATH']])
    69     os.environ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
    70     os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
    71     import site # imports custom buildout-generated
    72     <BLANKLINE>
    73     import zc.buildout.buildout
    74     <BLANKLINE>
    75     if __name__ == '__main__':
    76         zc.buildout.buildout.main()
    77     <BLANKLINE>
    79 The bootstrap process prefers final versions of zc.buildout, so it has
    80 selected the (generated-locally) 99.99 egg rather than the also-available
    81 100.0b1 egg.  We can see that in the buildout script's
    83     >>> buildout_site_py = join(
    84     ...     sample_buildout, 'parts', 'buildout', '')
    85     >>> print open(buildout_site_py).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    86     "...
    87         buildout_paths = [
    88             '/sample/eggs/setuptools-...egg',
    89             '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg'
    90             ]
    91     ...
    93 If you want to accept early releases of zc.buildout, you either need to
    94 specify an explicit version (using --version here and specifying the
    95 version in the buildout configuration file using the
    96 ``buildout-version`` option or the ``versions`` option) or specify that you
    97 accept early releases by using ``--accept-buildout-test-releases`` on the
    98 bootstrap script.
   100 Here's an example.
   102     >>> ignored = system(
   103     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   104     ...     ' --accept-buildout-test-releases')
   105     >>> print open(buildout_site_py).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   106     "...
   107         buildout_paths = [
   108             '/sample/eggs/setuptools-...egg',
   109             '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-100.0b1-pyN.N.egg'
   110             ]
   111     ...
   113 Notice we are now using zc.buildout 100.0b1, a non-final release.
   115 The buildout script remembers the decision to accept early releases, and
   116 alerts the user.
   118     >>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout')),
   119     ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
   120     NOTE: Accepting early releases of build system packages.  Rerun bootstrap
   121           without --accept-buildout-test-releases (-t) to return to default
   122           behavior.
   124 This is accomplished within the script itself.
   126     >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   127     #...
   128     sys.argv.insert(1, 'buildout:accept-buildout-test-releases=true')
   129     print ('NOTE: Accepting early releases of build system packages.  Rerun '
   130            'bootstrap without --accept-buildout-test-releases (-t) to return to '
   131            'default behavior.')
   132     ...
   134 As the note says, to undo, you just need to re-run bootstrap without
   135 --accept-buildout-test-releases.
   137     >>> ignored = system(
   138     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   139     ...     '')
   140     >>> print open(buildout_site_py).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   141     "...
   142         buildout_paths = [
   143             '/sample/eggs/setuptools-...egg',
   144             '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg'
   145             ]
   146     ...
   147     >>> ('buildout:accept-buildout-test-releases=true' in
   148     ... open(buildout_script).read())
   149     False
   151 Now we will try the `--version` option, which lets you define a version for
   152 `zc.buildout`. If not provided, bootstrap will look for the latest one.
   154 Let's try with an unknown version::
   156     >>> print 'XX'; print system(
   157     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   158     ...     ' --version UNKNOWN'); print 'X' # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   159     ...
   160     X...
   161     No local packages or download links found for zc.buildout==UNKNOWN...
   162     ...
   164 Now let's try with `1.1.2`, which happens to exist::
   166     >>> print 'X'; print system(
   167     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   168     ...     ' --version 1.1.2'); print 'X'
   169     ...
   170     X
   171     Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'.
   172     <BLANKLINE>
   173     X
   175 Versions older than 1.5.0 put their egg dependencies in the ``buildout`` script.
   176 Let's make sure it was generated as we expect::
   178     >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   179     #...
   180     <BLANKLINE>
   181     import sys
   182     sys.path[0:0] = [
   183       '/sample/eggs/setuptools-...egg',
   184       '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-1.1.2...egg',
   185       ]
   186     <BLANKLINE>
   187     import zc.buildout.buildout
   188     <BLANKLINE>
   189     if __name__ == '__main__':
   190         zc.buildout.buildout.main()
   191     <BLANKLINE>
   193 Let's try with `1.2.1`::
   195     >>> print 'X'; print system(
   196     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   197     ...     ' --version 1.2.1'); print 'X' # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   198     ...
   199     X
   200     Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'.
   201     <BLANKLINE>
   202     X
   204 Let's make sure the generated ``buildout`` script uses it::
   206     >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   207     #...
   208     <BLANKLINE>
   209     import sys
   210     sys.path[0:0] = [
   211       '/sample/eggs/setuptools-...egg',
   212       '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-1.2.1...egg',
   213       ]
   214     <BLANKLINE>
   215     import zc.buildout.buildout
   216     <BLANKLINE>
   217     if __name__ == '__main__':
   218         zc.buildout.buildout.main()
   219     <BLANKLINE>
   221 ``zc.buildout`` now can also run with `Distribute` with the `--distribute`
   222 option::
   224     >>> print 'X'; print system(
   225     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   226     ...     ' --distribute'); print 'X' # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   227     ...
   228     X
   229     ...
   230     Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'...
   231     X
   233 Let's make sure the generated ```` uses it::
   234     >>> print open(buildout_site_py).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   235     "...
   236         buildout_paths = [
   237             '/sample/eggs/distribute-...egg',
   238             '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-99.99-pyN.N.egg'
   239             ]
   240     ...
   242 Make sure both options can be used together::
   244     >>> print 'X'; print system(
   245     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   246     ...     ' --distribute --version 1.2.1'); print 'X'
   247     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   248     ...
   249     X
   250     ...
   251     Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'...
   252     X
   254 Let's make sure the old-style generated ``buildout`` script uses
   255 ``Distribute`` *and* ``zc.buildout-1.2.1``::
   257     >>> print open(buildout_script).read() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   258     #...
   259     <BLANKLINE>
   260     import sys
   261     sys.path[0:0] = [
   262       '/sample/eggs/distribute-...egg',
   263       '/sample/eggs/zc.buildout-1.2.1...egg',
   264       ]
   265     <BLANKLINE>
   266     import zc.buildout.buildout
   267     <BLANKLINE>
   268     if __name__ == '__main__':
   269         zc.buildout.buildout.main()
   270     <BLANKLINE>
   272 Last, the -c option needs to work on
   274     >>> conf_file = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'other.cfg')
   275     >>> f = open(conf_file, 'w')
   276     >>> f.write('[buildout]\nparts=\n\n')
   277     >>> f.close()
   278     >>> print 'X'; print system(
   279     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   280     ...     ' -c %s --distribute' % conf_file); print 'X' # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   281     ...
   282     X
   283     ...
   284     Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'...
   285     X
   287 You can specify a location of or distribute_setup, so you
   288 can rely on a local or remote location.  We'll write our own
   289 that we will also use to test some other bootstrap options.
   291     >>> write('', '''\
   292     ... def use_setuptools(**kwargs):
   293     ...     import sys, pprint
   294     ...     pprint.pprint(kwargs, width=40)
   295     ...     sys.exit()
   296     ... ''')
   297     >>> print system(
   298     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   299     ...     ' --setup-source=./')
   300     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   301     {'download_delay': 0,
   302      'to_dir': '...'}
   303     <BLANKLINE>
   305 You can also pass a download-cache, and a place in which eggs should be stored
   306 (they are normally stored in a temporary directory).
   308     >>> print system(
   309     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   310     ...     ' --setup-source=./ '+
   311     ...     '--download-base=./download-cache --eggs=eggs')
   312     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   313     {'download_base': '/sample/download-cache/',
   314      'download_delay': 0,
   315      'to_dir': '/sample/eggs'}
   316     <BLANKLINE>
   318 Here's the entire help text.
   320     >>> print system(
   321     ...     zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
   322     ...     ' --help'),
   323     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
   324     Usage: [DESIRED PYTHON FOR BUILDOUT] [options]
   325     <BLANKLINE>
   326     Bootstraps a buildout-based project.
   327     <BLANKLINE>
   328     Simply run this script in a directory containing a buildout.cfg, using the
   329     Python that you want bin/buildout to use.
   330     <BLANKLINE>
   331     Note that by using --setup-source and --download-base to point to
   332     local resources, you can keep this script from going over the network.
   333     <BLANKLINE>
   334     <BLANKLINE>
   335     Options:
   336       -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   337       -v VERSION, --version=VERSION
   338                             use a specific zc.buildout version
   339       -d, --distribute      Use Distribute rather than Setuptools.
   340       --setup-source=SETUP_SOURCE
   341                             Specify a URL or file location for the setup file. If
   342                             you use Setuptools, this will default to
   343                   ; if you
   344                             use Distribute, this will default to http://python-
   346       --download-base=DOWNLOAD_BASE
   347                             Specify a URL or directory for downloading zc.buildout
   348                             and either Setuptools or Distribute. Defaults to PyPI.
   349       --eggs=EGGS           Specify a directory for storing eggs.  Defaults to a
   350                             temporary directory that is deleted when the bootstrap
   351                             script completes.
   352       -t, --accept-buildout-test-releases
   353                             Normally, if you do not specify a --version, the
   354                             bootstrap script and buildout gets the newest *final*
   355                             versions of zc.buildout and its recipes and extensions
   356                             for you.  If you use this flag, bootstrap and buildout
   357                             will get the newest releases even if they are alphas
   358                             or betas.
   359       -c CONFIG_FILE        Specify the path to the buildout configuration file to
   360                             be used.