changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
equal deleted inserted replaced
68:5ff1fc726848 69:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 """
     2 """
     3 import os, sys
     4 import py
     6 class Checkers:
     7     _depend_on_existence = 'exists', 'link', 'dir', 'file'
     9     def __init__(self, path):
    10         self.path = path
    12     def dir(self):
    13         raise NotImplementedError
    15     def file(self):
    16         raise NotImplementedError
    18     def dotfile(self):
    19         return self.path.basename.startswith('.')
    21     def ext(self, arg):
    22         if not arg.startswith('.'):
    23             arg = '.' + arg
    24         return self.path.ext == arg
    26     def exists(self):
    27         raise NotImplementedError
    29     def basename(self, arg):
    30         return self.path.basename == arg
    32     def basestarts(self, arg):
    33         return self.path.basename.startswith(arg)
    35     def relto(self, arg):
    36         return self.path.relto(arg)
    38     def fnmatch(self, arg):
    39         return self.path.fnmatch(arg)
    41     def endswith(self, arg):
    42         return str(self.path).endswith(arg)
    44     def _evaluate(self, kw):
    45         for name, value in kw.items():
    46             invert = False
    47             meth = None
    48             try:
    49                 meth = getattr(self, name)
    50             except AttributeError:
    51                 if name[:3] == 'not':
    52                     invert = True
    53                     try:
    54                         meth = getattr(self, name[3:])
    55                     except AttributeError:
    56                         pass
    57             if meth is None:
    58                 raise TypeError(
    59                     "no %r checker available for %r" % (name, self.path))
    60             try:
    61                 if py.code.getrawcode(meth).co_argcount > 1:
    62                     if (not meth(value)) ^ invert:
    63                         return False
    64                 else:
    65                     if bool(value) ^ bool(meth()) ^ invert:
    66                         return False
    67             except (py.error.ENOENT, py.error.ENOTDIR):
    68                 for name in self._depend_on_existence:
    69                     if name in kw:
    70                         if kw.get(name):
    71                             return False
    72                     name = 'not' + name
    73                     if name in kw:
    74                         if not kw.get(name):
    75                             return False
    76         return True
    78 class NeverRaised(Exception):
    79     pass
    81 class PathBase(object):
    82     """ shared implementation for filesystem path objects."""
    83     Checkers = Checkers
    85     def __div__(self, other):
    86         return self.join(str(other))
    87     __truediv__ = __div__ # py3k
    89     def basename(self):
    90         """ basename part of path. """
    91         return self._getbyspec('basename')[0]
    92     basename = property(basename, None, None, basename.__doc__)
    94     def dirname(self):
    95         """ dirname part of path. """
    96         return self._getbyspec('dirname')[0]
    97     dirname = property(dirname, None, None, dirname.__doc__)
    99     def purebasename(self):
   100         """ pure base name of the path."""
   101         return self._getbyspec('purebasename')[0]
   102     purebasename = property(purebasename, None, None, purebasename.__doc__)
   104     def ext(self):
   105         """ extension of the path (including the '.')."""
   106         return self._getbyspec('ext')[0]
   107     ext = property(ext, None, None, ext.__doc__)
   109     def dirpath(self, *args, **kwargs):
   110         """ return the directory Path of the current Path joined
   111             with any given path arguments.
   112         """
   113         return'').join(*args, **kwargs)
   115     def read(self, mode='r'):
   116         """ read and return a bytestring from reading the path. """
   117         if sys.version_info < (2,3):
   118             for x in 'u', 'U':
   119                 if x in mode:
   120                     mode = mode.replace(x, '')
   121         f =
   122         try:
   123             return
   124         finally:
   125             f.close()
   127     def readlines(self, cr=1):
   128         """ read and return a list of lines from the path. if cr is False, the
   129 newline will be removed from the end of each line. """
   130         if not cr:
   131             content ='rU')
   132             return content.split('\n')
   133         else:
   134             f ='rU')
   135             try:
   136                 return f.readlines()
   137             finally:
   138                 f.close()
   140     def load(self):
   141         """ (deprecated) return object unpickled from """
   142         f ='rb')
   143         try:
   144             return py.error.checked_call(py.std.pickle.load, f)
   145         finally:
   146             f.close()
   148     def move(self, target):
   149         """ move this path to target. """
   150         if target.relto(self):
   151             raise py.error.EINVAL(target,
   152                 "cannot move path into a subdirectory of itself")
   153         try:
   154             self.rename(target)
   155         except py.error.EXDEV:  # invalid cross-device link
   156             self.copy(target)
   157             self.remove()
   159     def __repr__(self):
   160         """ return a string representation of this path. """
   161         return repr(str(self))
   163     def check(self, **kw):
   164         """ check a path for existence and properties.
   166             Without arguments, return True if the path exists, otherwise False.
   168             valid checkers::
   170                 file=1    # is a file
   171                 file=0    # is not a file (may not even exist)
   172                 dir=1     # is a dir
   173                 link=1    # is a link
   174                 exists=1  # exists
   176             You can specify multiple checker definitions, for example::
   178                 path.check(file=1, link=1)  # a link pointing to a file
   179         """
   180         if not kw:
   181             kw = {'exists' : 1}
   182         return self.Checkers(self)._evaluate(kw)
   184     def fnmatch(self, pattern):
   185         """return true if the basename/fullname matches the glob-'pattern'.
   187         valid pattern characters::
   189             *       matches everything
   190             ?       matches any single character
   191             [seq]   matches any character in seq
   192             [!seq]  matches any char not in seq
   194         If the pattern contains a path-separator then the full path
   195         is used for pattern matching and a '*' is prepended to the
   196         pattern.
   198         if the pattern doesn't contain a path-separator the pattern
   199         is only matched against the basename.
   200         """
   201         return FNMatcher(pattern)(self)
   203     def relto(self, relpath):
   204         """ return a string which is the relative part of the path
   205         to the given 'relpath'.
   206         """
   207         if not isinstance(relpath, (str, PathBase)):
   208             raise TypeError("%r: not a string or path object" %(relpath,))
   209         strrelpath = str(relpath)
   210         if strrelpath and strrelpath[-1] != self.sep:
   211             strrelpath += self.sep
   212         #assert strrelpath[-1] == self.sep
   213         #assert strrelpath[-2] != self.sep
   214         strself = str(self)
   215         if sys.platform == "win32" or getattr(os, '_name', None) == 'nt':
   216             if os.path.normcase(strself).startswith(
   217                os.path.normcase(strrelpath)):
   218                 return strself[len(strrelpath):]
   219         elif strself.startswith(strrelpath):
   220             return strself[len(strrelpath):]
   221         return ""
   223     def bestrelpath(self, dest):
   224         """ return a string which is a relative path from self
   225             (assumed to be a directory) to dest such that
   226             self.join(bestrelpath) == dest and if not such
   227             path can be determined return dest.
   228         """
   229         try:
   230             if self == dest:
   231                 return os.curdir
   232             base = self.common(dest)
   233             if not base:  # can be the case on windows
   234                 return str(dest)
   235             self2base = self.relto(base)
   236             reldest = dest.relto(base)
   237             if self2base:
   238                 n = self2base.count(self.sep) + 1
   239             else:
   240                 n = 0
   241             l = [os.pardir] * n
   242             if reldest:
   243                 l.append(reldest)
   244             target = dest.sep.join(l)
   245             return target
   246         except AttributeError:
   247             return str(dest)
   250     def parts(self, reverse=False):
   251         """ return a root-first list of all ancestor directories
   252             plus the path itself.
   253         """
   254         current = self
   255         l = [self]
   256         while 1:
   257             last = current
   258             current = current.dirpath()
   259             if last == current:
   260                 break
   261             l.insert(0, current)
   262         if reverse:
   263             l.reverse()
   264         return l
   266     def common(self, other):
   267         """ return the common part shared with the other path
   268             or None if there is no common part.
   269         """
   270         last = None
   271         for x, y in zip(,
   272             if x != y:
   273                 return last
   274             last = x
   275         return last
   277     def __add__(self, other):
   278         """ return new path object with 'other' added to the basename"""
   279         return
   281     def __cmp__(self, other):
   282         """ return sort value (-1, 0, +1). """
   283         try:
   284             return cmp(self.strpath, other.strpath)
   285         except AttributeError:
   286             return cmp(str(self), str(other)) # self.path, other.path)
   288     def __lt__(self, other):
   289         try:
   290             return self.strpath < other.strpath
   291         except AttributeError:
   292             return str(self) < str(other)
   294     def visit(self, fil=None, rec=None, ignore=NeverRaised, bf=False, sort=False):
   295         """ yields all paths below the current one
   297             fil is a filter (glob pattern or callable), if not matching the
   298             path will not be yielded, defaulting to None (everything is
   299             returned)
   301             rec is a filter (glob pattern or callable) that controls whether
   302             a node is descended, defaulting to None
   304             ignore is an Exception class that is ignoredwhen calling dirlist()
   305             on any of the paths (by default, all exceptions are reported)
   307             bf if True will cause a breadthfirst search instead of the
   308             default depthfirst. Default: False
   310             sort if True will sort entries within each directory level.
   311         """
   312         for x in Visitor(fil, rec, ignore, bf, sort).gen(self):
   313             yield x
   315     def _sortlist(self, res, sort):
   316         if sort:
   317             if hasattr(sort, '__call__'):
   318                 res.sort(sort)
   319             else:
   320                 res.sort()
   322     def samefile(self, other):
   323         """ return True if other refers to the same stat object as self. """
   324         return self.strpath == str(other)
   326 class Visitor:
   327     def __init__(self, fil, rec, ignore, bf, sort):
   328         if isinstance(fil, str):
   329             fil = FNMatcher(fil)
   330         if isinstance(rec, str):
   331             self.rec = fnmatch(fil)
   332         elif not hasattr(rec, '__call__') and rec:
   333             self.rec = lambda path: True
   334         else:
   335             self.rec = rec
   336         self.fil = fil
   337         self.ignore = ignore
   338         self.breadthfirst = bf
   339         self.optsort = sort and sorted or (lambda x: x)
   341     def gen(self, path):
   342         try:
   343             entries = path.listdir()
   344         except self.ignore:
   345             return
   346         rec = self.rec
   347         dirs = self.optsort([p for p in entries
   348                     if p.check(dir=1) and (rec is None or rec(p))])
   349         if not self.breadthfirst:
   350             for subdir in dirs:
   351                 for p in self.gen(subdir):
   352                     yield p
   353         for p in self.optsort(entries):
   354             if self.fil is None or self.fil(p):
   355                 yield p
   356         if self.breadthfirst:
   357             for subdir in dirs:
   358                 for p in self.gen(subdir):
   359                     yield p
   361 class FNMatcher:
   362     def __init__(self, pattern):
   363         self.pattern = pattern
   364     def __call__(self, path):
   365         pattern = self.pattern
   366         if pattern.find(path.sep) == -1:
   367             name = path.basename
   368         else:
   369             name = str(path) # path.strpath # XXX svn?
   370             pattern = '*' + path.sep + pattern
   371         from fnmatch import fnmatch
   372         return fnmatch(name, pattern)