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     1 # - utility functions that use win32 API
     2 #
     3 # Copyright 2005-2009 Matt Mackall <> and others
     4 #
     5 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
     6 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
     8 """Utility functions that use win32 API.
    10 Mark Hammond's win32all package allows better functionality on
    11 Windows. This module overrides definitions in If not
    12 available, import of this module will fail, and generic code will be
    13 used.
    14 """
    16 import win32api
    18 import errno, os, sys, pywintypes, win32con, win32file, win32process
    19 import winerror, win32gui, win32console
    20 import osutil, encoding
    21 from import shell, shellcon
    23 def os_link(src, dst):
    24     try:
    25         win32file.CreateHardLink(dst, src)
    26     except pywintypes.error:
    27         raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, 'target implements hardlinks improperly')
    28     except NotImplementedError: # Another fake error win Win98
    29         raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, 'Hardlinking not supported')
    31 def _getfileinfo(pathname):
    32     """Return number of hardlinks for the given file."""
    33     try:
    34         fh = win32file.CreateFile(pathname,
    35             win32file.GENERIC_READ, win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ,
    36             None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None)
    37     except pywintypes.error:
    38         raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'The system cannot find the file specified')
    39     try:
    40         return win32file.GetFileInformationByHandle(fh)
    41     finally:
    42         fh.Close()
    44 def nlinks(pathname):
    45     """Return number of hardlinks for the given file."""
    46     return _getfileinfo(pathname)[7]
    48 def samefile(fpath1, fpath2):
    49     """Returns whether fpath1 and fpath2 refer to the same file. This is only
    50     guaranteed to work for files, not directories."""
    51     res1 = _getfileinfo(fpath1)
    52     res2 = _getfileinfo(fpath2)
    53     # Index 4 is the volume serial number, and 8 and 9 contain the file ID
    54     return res1[4] == res2[4] and res1[8] == res2[8] and res1[9] == res2[9]
    56 def samedevice(fpath1, fpath2):
    57     """Returns whether fpath1 and fpath2 are on the same device. This is only
    58     guaranteed to work for files, not directories."""
    59     res1 = _getfileinfo(fpath1)
    60     res2 = _getfileinfo(fpath2)
    61     return res1[4] == res2[4]
    63 def testpid(pid):
    64     '''return True if pid is still running or unable to
    65     determine, False otherwise'''
    66     try:
    67         handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
    68             win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, pid)
    69         if handle:
    70             status = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(handle)
    71             return status == win32con.STILL_ACTIVE
    72     except pywintypes.error, details:
    73         return details[0] != winerror.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
    74     return True
    76 def lookup_reg(key, valname=None, scope=None):
    77     ''' Look up a key/value name in the Windows registry.
    79     valname: value name. If unspecified, the default value for the key
    80     is used.
    81     scope: optionally specify scope for registry lookup, this can be
    82     a sequence of scopes to look up in order. Default (CURRENT_USER,
    83     LOCAL_MACHINE).
    84     '''
    85     try:
    86         from _winreg import HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, \
    87             QueryValueEx, OpenKey
    88     except ImportError:
    89         return None
    91     if scope is None:
    92         scope = (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
    93     elif not isinstance(scope, (list, tuple)):
    94         scope = (scope,)
    95     for s in scope:
    96         try:
    97             val = QueryValueEx(OpenKey(s, key), valname)[0]
    98             # never let a Unicode string escape into the wild
    99             return encoding.tolocal(val.encode('UTF-8'))
   100         except EnvironmentError:
   101             pass
   103 def system_rcpath_win32():
   104     '''return default os-specific hgrc search path'''
   105     filename = win32api.GetModuleFileName(0)
   106     # Use mercurial.ini found in directory with hg.exe
   107     progrc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), 'mercurial.ini')
   108     if os.path.isfile(progrc):
   109         return [progrc]
   110     # Use hgrc.d found in directory with hg.exe
   111     progrcd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), 'hgrc.d')
   112     if os.path.isdir(progrcd):
   113         rcpath = []
   114         for f, kind in osutil.listdir(progrcd):
   115             if f.endswith('.rc'):
   116                 rcpath.append(os.path.join(progrcd, f))
   117         return rcpath
   118     # else look for a system rcpath in the registry
   119     try:
   120         value = win32api.RegQueryValue(
   121                 win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Mercurial')
   122         rcpath = []
   123         for p in value.split(os.pathsep):
   124             if p.lower().endswith('mercurial.ini'):
   125                 rcpath.append(p)
   126             elif os.path.isdir(p):
   127                 for f, kind in osutil.listdir(p):
   128                     if f.endswith('.rc'):
   129                         rcpath.append(os.path.join(p, f))
   130         return rcpath
   131     except pywintypes.error:
   132         return []
   134 def user_rcpath_win32():
   135     '''return os-specific hgrc search path to the user dir'''
   136     userdir = os.path.expanduser('~')
   137     if sys.getwindowsversion()[3] != 2 and userdir == '~':
   138         # We are on win < nt: fetch the APPDATA directory location and use
   139         # the parent directory as the user home dir.
   140         appdir = shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(
   141             shell.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, shellcon.CSIDL_APPDATA))
   142         userdir = os.path.dirname(appdir)
   143     return [os.path.join(userdir, 'mercurial.ini'),
   144             os.path.join(userdir, '.hgrc')]
   146 def getuser():
   147     '''return name of current user'''
   148     return win32api.GetUserName()
   150 def set_signal_handler_win32():
   151     """Register a termination handler for console events including
   152     CTRL+C. python signal handlers do not work well with socket
   153     operations.
   154     """
   155     def handler(event):
   156         win32process.ExitProcess(1)
   157     win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(handler)
   159 def hidewindow():
   160     def callback(*args, **kwargs):
   161         hwnd, pid = args
   162         wpid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1]
   163         if pid == wpid:
   164             win32gui.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32con.SW_HIDE)
   166     pid =  win32process.GetCurrentProcessId()
   167     win32gui.EnumWindows(callback, pid)
   169 def termwidth():
   170     try:
   171         # Query stderr to avoid problems with redirections
   172         screenbuf = win32console.GetStdHandle(win32console.STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
   173         try:
   174             window = screenbuf.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo()['Window']
   175             width = window.Right - window.Left
   176             return width
   177         finally:
   178             screenbuf.Detach()
   179     except pywintypes.error:
   180         return 79