changeset 69 c6bca38c1cbf
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68:5ff1fc726848 69:c6bca38c1cbf
     1 # - Posix utility function implementations for Mercurial
     2 #
     3 #  Copyright 2005-2009 Matt Mackall <> and others
     4 #
     5 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
     6 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
     8 from i18n import _
     9 import osutil
    10 import os, sys, errno, stat, getpass, pwd, grp
    12 posixfile = open
    13 nulldev = '/dev/null'
    14 normpath = os.path.normpath
    15 samestat = os.path.samestat
    16 rename = os.rename
    17 expandglobs = False
    19 umask = os.umask(0)
    20 os.umask(umask)
    22 def openhardlinks():
    23     '''return true if it is safe to hold open file handles to hardlinks'''
    24     return True
    26 def rcfiles(path):
    27     rcs = [os.path.join(path, 'hgrc')]
    28     rcdir = os.path.join(path, 'hgrc.d')
    29     try:
    30         rcs.extend([os.path.join(rcdir, f)
    31                     for f, kind in osutil.listdir(rcdir)
    32                     if f.endswith(".rc")])
    33     except OSError:
    34         pass
    35     return rcs
    37 def system_rcpath():
    38     path = []
    39     # old mod_python does not set sys.argv
    40     if len(getattr(sys, 'argv', [])) > 0:
    41         path.extend(rcfiles(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) +
    42                               '/../etc/mercurial'))
    43     path.extend(rcfiles('/etc/mercurial'))
    44     return path
    46 def user_rcpath():
    47     return [os.path.expanduser('~/.hgrc')]
    49 def parse_patch_output(output_line):
    50     """parses the output produced by patch and returns the filename"""
    51     pf = output_line[14:]
    52     if os.sys.platform == 'OpenVMS':
    53         if pf[0] == '`':
    54             pf = pf[1:-1] # Remove the quotes
    55     else:
    56         if pf.startswith("'") and pf.endswith("'") and " " in pf:
    57             pf = pf[1:-1] # Remove the quotes
    58     return pf
    60 def sshargs(sshcmd, host, user, port):
    61     '''Build argument list for ssh'''
    62     args = user and ("%s@%s" % (user, host)) or host
    63     return port and ("%s -p %s" % (args, port)) or args
    65 def is_exec(f):
    66     """check whether a file is executable"""
    67     return (os.lstat(f).st_mode & 0100 != 0)
    69 def set_flags(f, l, x):
    70     s = os.lstat(f).st_mode
    71     if l:
    72         if not stat.S_ISLNK(s):
    73             # switch file to link
    74             data = open(f).read()
    75             os.unlink(f)
    76             try:
    77                 os.symlink(data, f)
    78             except:
    79                 # failed to make a link, rewrite file
    80                 open(f, "w").write(data)
    81         # no chmod needed at this point
    82         return
    83     if stat.S_ISLNK(s):
    84         # switch link to file
    85         data = os.readlink(f)
    86         os.unlink(f)
    87         open(f, "w").write(data)
    88         s = 0666 & ~umask # avoid restatting for chmod
    90     sx = s & 0100
    91     if x and not sx:
    92         # Turn on +x for every +r bit when making a file executable
    93         # and obey umask.
    94         os.chmod(f, s | (s & 0444) >> 2 & ~umask)
    95     elif not x and sx:
    96         # Turn off all +x bits
    97         os.chmod(f, s & 0666)
    99 def set_binary(fd):
   100     pass
   102 def pconvert(path):
   103     return path
   105 def localpath(path):
   106     return path
   108 def samefile(fpath1, fpath2):
   109     """Returns whether path1 and path2 refer to the same file. This is only
   110     guaranteed to work for files, not directories."""
   111     return os.path.samefile(fpath1, fpath2)
   113 def samedevice(fpath1, fpath2):
   114     """Returns whether fpath1 and fpath2 are on the same device. This is only
   115     guaranteed to work for files, not directories."""
   116     st1 = os.lstat(fpath1)
   117     st2 = os.lstat(fpath2)
   118     return st1.st_dev == st2.st_dev
   120 if sys.platform == 'darwin':
   121     import fcntl # only needed on darwin, missing on jython
   122     def realpath(path):
   123         '''
   124         Returns the true, canonical file system path equivalent to the given
   125         path.
   127         Equivalent means, in this case, resulting in the same, unique
   128         file system link to the path. Every file system entry, whether a file,
   129         directory, hard link or symbolic link or special, will have a single
   130         path preferred by the system, but may allow multiple, differing path
   131         lookups to point to it.
   133         Most regular UNIX file systems only allow a file system entry to be
   134         looked up by its distinct path. Obviously, this does not apply to case
   135         insensitive file systems, whether case preserving or not. The most
   136         complex issue to deal with is file systems transparently reencoding the
   137         path, such as the non-standard Unicode normalisation required for HFS+
   138         and HFSX.
   139         '''
   140         # Constants copied from /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h
   141         F_GETPATH = 50
   142         O_SYMLINK = 0x200000
   144         try:
   145             fd =, O_SYMLINK)
   146         except OSError, err:
   147             if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
   148                 return path
   149             raise
   151         try:
   152             return fcntl.fcntl(fd, F_GETPATH, '\0' * 1024).rstrip('\0')
   153         finally:
   154             os.close(fd)
   155 else:
   156     # Fallback to the likely inadequate Python builtin function.
   157     realpath = os.path.realpath
   159 def shellquote(s):
   160     if os.sys.platform == 'OpenVMS':
   161         return '"%s"' % s
   162     else:
   163         return "'%s'" % s.replace("'", "'\\''")
   165 def quotecommand(cmd):
   166     return cmd
   168 def popen(command, mode='r'):
   169     return os.popen(command, mode)
   171 def testpid(pid):
   172     '''return False if pid dead, True if running or not sure'''
   173     if os.sys.platform == 'OpenVMS':
   174         return True
   175     try:
   176         os.kill(pid, 0)
   177         return True
   178     except OSError, inst:
   179         return inst.errno != errno.ESRCH
   181 def explain_exit(code):
   182     """return a 2-tuple (desc, code) describing a subprocess status
   183     (codes from kill are negative - not os.system/wait encoding)"""
   184     if code >= 0:
   185         return _("exited with status %d") % code, code
   186     return _("killed by signal %d") % -code, -code
   188 def isowner(st):
   189     """Return True if the stat object st is from the current user."""
   190     return st.st_uid == os.getuid()
   192 def find_exe(command):
   193     '''Find executable for command searching like which does.
   194     If command is a basename then PATH is searched for command.
   195     PATH isn't searched if command is an absolute or relative path.
   196     If command isn't found None is returned.'''
   197     if sys.platform == 'OpenVMS':
   198         return command
   200     def findexisting(executable):
   201         'Will return executable if existing file'
   202         if os.path.exists(executable):
   203             return executable
   204         return None
   206     if os.sep in command:
   207         return findexisting(command)
   209     for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep):
   210         executable = findexisting(os.path.join(path, command))
   211         if executable is not None:
   212             return executable
   213     return None
   215 def set_signal_handler():
   216     pass
   218 def statfiles(files):
   219     'Stat each file in files and yield stat or None if file does not exist.'
   220     lstat = os.lstat
   221     for nf in files:
   222         try:
   223             st = lstat(nf)
   224         except OSError, err:
   225             if err.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
   226                 raise
   227             st = None
   228         yield st
   230 def getuser():
   231     '''return name of current user'''
   232     return getpass.getuser()
   234 def expand_glob(pats):
   235     '''On Windows, expand the implicit globs in a list of patterns'''
   236     return list(pats)
   238 def username(uid=None):
   239     """Return the name of the user with the given uid.
   241     If uid is None, return the name of the current user."""
   243     if uid is None:
   244         uid = os.getuid()
   245     try:
   246         return pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0]
   247     except KeyError:
   248         return str(uid)
   250 def groupname(gid=None):
   251     """Return the name of the group with the given gid.
   253     If gid is None, return the name of the current group."""
   255     if gid is None:
   256         gid = os.getgid()
   257     try:
   258         return grp.getgrgid(gid)[0]
   259     except KeyError:
   260         return str(gid)
   262 def groupmembers(name):
   263     """Return the list of members of the group with the given
   264     name, KeyError if the group does not exist.
   265     """
   266     return list(grp.getgrnam(name).gr_mem)
   268 def spawndetached(args):
   269     return os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT | getattr(os, 'P_DETACH', 0),
   270                       args[0], args)
   272 def gethgcmd():
   273     return sys.argv[:1]
   275 def termwidth():
   276     try:
   277         import termios, array, fcntl
   278         for dev in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout, sys.stdin):
   279             try:
   280                 try:
   281                     fd = dev.fileno()
   282                 except AttributeError:
   283                     continue
   284                 if not os.isatty(fd):
   285                     continue
   286                 arri = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '\0' * 8)
   287                 return array.array('h', arri)[1]
   288             except ValueError:
   289                 pass
   290             except IOError, e:
   291                 if e[0] == errno.EINVAL:
   292                     pass
   293                 else:
   294                     raise
   295     except ImportError:
   296         pass
   297     return 80