2009-10-04 Lennard de Rijk Added Review module conversion update.
2009-10-04 Lennard de Rijk Removed obsolete value to unpack in the updateGHOPTask Task.
2009-10-04 Lennard de Rijk Also pass along the args when running an update.
2009-10-03 Lennard de Rijk GHOP Comments do not need to be created by a User.
2009-10-03 Madhusudan.C.S Fix the deadline counter to start counting only after Task claim is accepted.
2009-10-01 Lennard de Rijk Only set new properties outside the "properties" loop for the ModuleConversion.
2009-10-01 Lennard de Rijk Add the Student to GSoCStudent conversion,
2009-10-01 Lennard de Rijk Only store all the entities once in the ModuleConversion, after the for loop.
2009-10-01 Lennard de Rijk Add OrgAdmin and Mentor to GSoCOrgadmin and GSoCMentor updates.
2009-10-01 Lennard de Rijk Added the Organization to GSoCOrganzation update.
2009-09-30 Lennard de Rijk Use the iterative task iterator for the ProgramConversion update.
2009-09-30 Lennard de Rijk Changed the working of the iterative_task decorator.
2009-09-30 Lennard de Rijk Removed order property in the getBatchOfData.
2009-09-29 Lennard de Rijk Removed the debug logging line from the Task decorator.
2009-09-29 Lennard de Rijk Made getBatchOfData use start_key instead of next_key.
2009-09-29 Lennard de Rijk Fixed use of wrong dictionary key in Task Decorators.
2009-09-29 Lennard de Rijk Moved the Tasks decorators to their own module.
2009-09-28 Sverre Rabbelier Make batch size a param to getBatchOfData
2009-09-28 Pawel Solyga Added tag v0-5-20090928 for changeset db28a7db5cc6
2009-09-28 Pawel Solyga Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090928 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090928
2009-09-28 Sverre Rabbelier Merging test back in
2009-09-27 Lennard de Rijk Fixed whitespace in base model.
2009-09-28 Sverre Rabbelier Move soc.logic.tasks to soc.tasks.responses
2009-09-27 Sverre Rabbelier I hate how Hg handles unsynched remote changes
2009-09-27 Daniel Hans Add task and iterative_task decorator
2009-09-27 Lennard de Rijk Fixed Task public view to always call the update method.
2009-09-27 Daniel Hans Add task and iterative_task decorator
2009-09-27 Lennard de Rijk Fixed GHOP Task Logic's updateEntityProperties.
2009-09-26 Madhusudan.C.S Fixes the problem of GHOP Task editing after it is created.
2009-09-25 Pawel Solyga Style fix in soc.views.models.request module.
2009-09-25 Pawel Solyga Add missing blank line in soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.student module.
2009-09-25 Pawel Solyga Add missing blank line in soc.models.survey_record module.
2009-09-25 Pawel Solyga Fix whitespace in pylint disable-msg comment in soc.views.models.student_project module.
2009-09-24 Lennard de Rijk Added first version of the 1st step in the module conversion process.
2009-09-24 Pawel Solyga Style fixes in seed_db module.
2009-09-24 Pawel Solyga Style fix in soc.views.helper.redirects module.
2009-09-24 Pawel Solyga Fix indentions in student_project view module.
2009-09-24 Lennard de Rijk Corrected an import in the student_school_type update module.
2009-09-22 Sverre Rabbelier Prevent modification of key fields
2009-09-22 Daniel Hans Add a script to generate a kml file with all active GSoC participants
2009-09-21 Pawel Solyga Added tag v0-5-20090922 for changeset 06f4fe351977
2009-09-21 Pawel Solyga Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090922 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090922
2009-09-21 Lennard de Rijk Renamed timeline entry in GHOP Timeline to match style of the timeline.
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed a typo in getRightsChecker docstring
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Throw an exception when registering an already registered right
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Convert cleaning module to use the new checker in core
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Use ',' instead of ':' in function call
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Remove ghop related liens from soc_core callback
2009-09-18 Lennard de Rijk Fixed unknown variable in GHOP Access checker.
2009-09-18 Madhusudan.C.S Enable document system for GHOP
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Use the new rights code in core
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Add document rights registration to core
2009-09-18 Sverre Rabbelier Move around Core methods into more relevant sections
2009-09-18 Lennard de Rijk Use getOrCreateTaskSubscriptionForTask in the TaskSubscription View.
2009-09-18 Lennard de Rijk Added getOrCreateTaskSubscriptionForTask to TaskSubscription Logic.
2009-09-18 Lennard de Rijk Added listing of all Accepted GHOPOrganizations to the Program View.
2009-09-18 Madhusudan.C.S ret_list keyword argument is added to tags_strings method to enable returning lists also instead of strings.
2009-09-18 Madhusudan.C.S Added index to sort GHOPOrganizations per program by their name.
2009-09-18 Madhusudan.C.S Added a templatetag for table field to show date in ordinal fashion.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Added missing argument to org_app View access check.
2009-09-17 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP views helper to INSTALLED_APPS in django settings.py.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Added apply_mentor view to GHOPOrganization view.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Added 2 missing views to the GHOPOrganization View.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Fixed error in mentor field cleaning, the list of mentors was never resolved.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Removed undefined order argument in GHOP Task View.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Bron paper bag fix, should have been part of ref809d10aa.
2009-09-17 Lennard de Rijk Fixed error occuring when tags list was empty in GHOPProgram edit View.
2009-09-17 Mario Ferraro Map JS renamed because of latest changes.
2009-09-17 Mario Ferraro Shrinksafe complains during compression of map JS fixed.
2009-09-17 Mario Ferraro Shrinksafe script fixed to workaround Linux vs BSD stat packages.
2009-09-17 Madhusudan.C.S Added program_logic parameter to checkCanEditTimeline access check and corresponding changes in timeline views.
2009-09-17 Madhusudan.C.S Removed slots and apps_tasks_limit from extra_dynaexclude in params and added a getExtraMenus entry to callback for program.
2009-09-17 Madhusudan.C.S Added all indexes required for GHOP specific queries.
2009-09-17 Madhusudan.C.S Added all GHOP specific css properties.
2009-09-16 Lennard de Rijk Fixed the Student update to properly find its own URL.
2009-09-16 Lennard de Rijk Enabled the Student School type updater.
2009-09-16 Madhusudan.C.S Added updater to update the existing Student models with the school_type entry.
2009-09-15 Lennard de Rijk Moved the Student cleaner to the create form such that it is always used.
2009-09-15 Lennard de Rijk Changed the TaskRunner to start and run update tasks.
2009-09-15 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the Student Model cleaner to deal with the new Student properties.
2009-09-15 Madhusudan.C.S Added school_type and grade property to Student model.
2009-09-15 Lennard de Rijk Moved the updater to its own module.
2009-09-15 Madhusudan.C.S Added Student create/edit/apply template for use with the new Student Model.
2009-09-15 Lennard de Rijk Enabled the GHOPStudent view in the GHOP module.
2009-09-15 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOPStudent view and access checks.
2009-09-14 Sverre Rabbelier Added tag v0-5-20090914 for changeset afeac06aabb2
2009-09-14 Sverre Rabbelier Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090914 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090914
2009-09-14 Lennard de Rijk Using the new checkIsMyActiveRole check where necessary.
2009-09-14 Lennard de Rijk Added checkIsMyActiveRole check to the access module.
2009-09-14 Sverre Rabbelier Make coverage conditional on run.py flag
2009-09-14 Sverre Rabbelier Manually call start and end in test_sidebar
2009-09-14 Sverre Rabbelier Use request.start and end
2009-09-14 Sverre Rabbelier Add a start and end method to MockRequest
2009-09-13 Sverre Rabbelier Added tag v0-5-200913 for changeset 55adeea795ab
2009-09-13 Sverre Rabbelier Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090913 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-200913
2009-09-12 Lennard de Rijk Changed the conversion starter system to an update starter system.
2009-09-12 Sverre Rabbelier Use the new optional argument to endRequest in the middleware
2009-09-12 Sverre Rabbelier Add optional argument to endRequest
2009-09-12 Sverre Rabbelier Document value store methods
2009-09-12 Sverre Rabbelier Remove memcache setup from interactive.py script
2009-09-12 Sverre Rabbelier Add docstring to middleware hooks
2009-09-12 Sverre Rabbelier Fix copy/paste fail in maintenance middleware docstring
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Enable the new middleware and empty the view decorator
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Add ValueStoreMiddleware
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Add MaintenanceMiddleware
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Add ExceptionHandlerMiddleware
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Add Middleware directory
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Fix broken maintenance mode
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Fix 500 when saving /site/edit without email
2009-09-11 Sverre Rabbelier Remove __melange_queries logging
2009-09-09 Lennard de Rijk Moved enabling GHOP to settings.py.
2009-09-09 Lennard de Rijk Added the GHOP modules to the callback.
2009-09-09 Madhusudan.C.S Use available Rights Checker when rights are already defined.
2009-09-09 Madhusudan.C.S Several style and import fixes regarding the GHOP module.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added jquery in-place-edit.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Program View.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Timeline View.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Task Subscription View.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Organization View.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Org Admin View.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Mentor View.
2009-09-08 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Task View.
2009-09-08 Lennard de Rijk Renamed method in GHOP Cleaning to match style guide.
2009-09-08 Sverre Rabbelier Hook up the conversion tasks
2009-09-08 Sverre Rabbelier Add a view to start conversion tasks
2009-09-08 Sverre Rabbelier Add templates for conversion task starter
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Fix import sort order
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Revert "revert wrong head"
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier merge with wrong head
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Fix miscaching of homepage
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Use system.getHostname() everywhere
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Add a getHostname to system
2009-09-05 Sverre Rabbelier Enable local memcache api in interactive console
2009-09-07 Mario Ferraro Scripts to run Shrinksafe during build.
2009-09-07 Mario Ferraro Added Shrinksafe code to shrink JS files before deploy.
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier revert wrong head
2009-09-06 Pawel Solyga Added tag v0-5-20090906 for changeset 9f7f269383f7
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Fix miscaching of homepage
2009-09-06 Pawel Solyga Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090906 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090906
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Use system.getHostname() everywhere
2009-09-06 Pawel Solyga Remove some left overs from recent Google App Engine 1.2.5 update.
2009-09-07 Sverre Rabbelier Add a getHostname to system
2009-09-06 Pawel Solyga Update Google App Engine from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 in thirdparty folder.
2009-09-05 Sverre Rabbelier Enable local memcache api in interactive console
2009-09-05 Lennard de Rijk Fixed Ivory Coast rename that was introduced in r74f0972f52.
2009-09-04 Lennard de Rijk Fixed GHOP Cleaning clean_mentors_list method from using query on list.
2009-09-04 Madhusudan.C.S Added cleaning method to validate a list of mentor's link_ids.
2009-09-04 Madhusudan.C.S Added cleaning method to convert a list of comma separated strings into a set.
2009-09-03 Madhusudan.C.S Added additional methods for TaskTag model and add arbit_tag type to GHOPTask.
2009-09-02 Sverre Rabbelier Updated to r11 of app_profiler
2009-09-02 Sverre Rabbelier Prefetch referenced fields in project listing
2009-09-02 Sverre Rabbelier Hook up prefetching in the view (helper)
2009-09-02 Sverre Rabbelier Add support for prefetching fields
2009-08-31 Sverre Rabbelier only store queries in debug mode
2009-08-31 Sverre Rabbelier fix typo in memcache.get in base logic
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Store queries in memcache
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Do not store core in Checker
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Add self.in_request to Core and verify correct state
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Convert profiler/start page to html
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Use profiler.py to prevent import failures
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Set expiration date of static dirs to 1d
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S GHOPWorkSubmission model is made id_based and inherits from base.
2009-08-30 Lennard de Rijk Added missing blank line to GHOP redirects helper.
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added __init__ file to the GHOP views module.
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added list_info method for use in the GHOP module.
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S Updated the docstrings for GHOP access methods.
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added access checks for GHOP Module.
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added redirects module for GHOP.
2009-08-30 Madhusudan.C.S Added templatetag and filter libraries for GHOP.
2009-08-29 Sverre Rabbelier Set profiler/ to admin only
2009-08-28 Sverre Rabbelier Use per-request store to store access rights
2009-08-28 Sverre Rabbelier Use the per-request store to store the context
2009-08-28 Sverre Rabbelier Hook up the new per-request value storage
2009-08-28 Sverre Rabbelier Add a new per-request value store to Core
2009-08-28 Sverre Rabbelier Profiling patch
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S STATE_TRANSITIONS dictionary values are changed to strings.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Added templatetags for use in the GHOP module.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Bulk added templates for GHOPOrganization views.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Bulk add templates regarding GHOPProgram Views.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Bulk add templates regarding Task Views.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Added Task for sending out emails to subscribed users about a Comment.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Added method to send out mail about a Task update.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Added template for mails regarding Task updates.
2009-08-28 Madhusudan.C.S Added several methods to the Task Logic module.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Removed scope and scope_path properties from GHOPComment since it is ID based.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added reference to GHOPProgram entity for Work Submissions.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Form cleaning module.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOPTaskSubscription Logic module.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Student Logic.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added GAE tasks that are related to updating GHOP Tasks.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP Logic helper package.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added ghop-update queue for dealing with GHOP Task updates.
2009-08-27 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOP task package for holding GAE Task related modules.
2009-08-26 Lennard de Rijk Removed workflow property from Program model.
2009-08-26 Madhusudan.C.S Moved createTimelineForType to Program Logic.
2009-08-26 Lennard de Rijk Added timeline_logic keyword argument to Program logic.
2009-08-26 Lennard de Rijk Make the timeline View work directly on the GSoC timeline for the time being.
2009-08-26 Lennard de Rijk Make Sponsor the scope_logic for the GSoC timeline model.
2009-08-26 Lennard de Rijk Take the safe way when trying to delete a Sponsor.
2009-08-26 Madhusudan.C.S GHOPComment Logic is made to inherit from base Logic and made ID based.
2009-08-26 Madhusudan.C.S Added role_name and disallow_last_resign keyword params to OA and Mentor Logic.
2009-08-26 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOPTaskSubscription model to keep track subscriptions for GHOPTasks.
2009-08-25 Mario Ferraro JSLint comment moved because of new uncompressed JSLint complains.
2009-08-25 Mario Ferraro JSLint script file renamed because of better file name style.
2009-08-25 Mario Ferraro JSLint updated to uncompressed version.
2009-08-25 Mario Ferraro Renamed all JS files affected by former commit.
2009-08-25 Mario Ferraro Made all JS code JSLint compliant.
2009-08-25 Mario Ferraro JSLint added to verify Javascript code quality against guidelines.
2009-08-25 James Levy Added SurveyRecordForm for viewing a SurveyRecord.
2009-08-25 Lennard de Rijk Make sure the PlainTextWidget converts linebreaks to proper HTML.
2009-08-25 Lennard de Rijk Added tag v0-5-20090825 for changeset 776aae4d0499
2009-08-25 Lennard de Rijk Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090825 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090825
2009-08-24 Lennard de Rijk Only create GradingRecords for succeful projects or failed projects with Surveys.
2009-08-24 Lennard de Rijk Set default taking access for GradingProjectSurvey to org.
2009-08-24 Lennard de Rijk Added org taking access to Surveys.
2009-08-24 Madhusudan.C.S Removed reference to GHOPTask and GHOPProgram.
2009-08-24 Madhusudan.C.S Added GHOPStudent model which inherits from core Student model.
2009-08-24 Madhusudan.C.S Changed GHOPComment model to inherit from base model.
2009-08-24 Madhusudan.C.S Changed all status to start with Uppercase letters, made 3 properties required.
2009-08-23 Madhusudan.C.S Reverting last 4 patches containing GHOP related views.
2009-08-21 Madhusudan.C.S Added extra menu items per GHOPOrganization.
2009-08-21 Madhusudan.C.S Added Organization View for GHOP.
2009-08-21 Madhusudan.C.S Added timeline view for GHOP.
2009-08-21 Madhusudan C.S Extended program configuration create/edit views specifically to support GHOP.
2009-08-21 Madhusudan.C.S Dotted path to the views in URL patterns is changed to a params parameter.
2009-08-21 Madhusudan.C.S program_logic is passed as a parameter to three checkers than hard coding it.
2009-08-17 Daniel Hans Whitespace fix in Base view.
2009-08-17 Daniel Hans Argument to_json added to json function in Base view.
2009-08-17 Daniel Hans Whitespace fix in Program view.
2009-08-17 Daniel Hans Added redirect for use to manage statistics.
2009-08-14 Lennard de Rijk Added tag v0-5-20090814p1 for changeset 4027acdbf91d
2009-08-14 Lennard de Rijk Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090814p1 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090814p1
2009-08-14 Lennard de Rijk Fixed call to get QueryForFields due to changes in r0548101922.
2009-08-14 Lennard de Rijk Added tag v0-5-20090814 for changeset bb96d2c3885e
2009-08-14 Lennard de Rijk Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090814 in app.yaml.template. v0-5-20090814
2009-08-13 Madhusudan.C.S checkIsAfterEvent takes logic as argument instead of hard coded program logic.
2009-08-13 Lennard de Rijk Redone the acceptedStudentsExport functionality.
2009-08-13 Lennard de Rijk Added export for Org Admins and Mentors, but only one per User.
2009-08-13 Lennard de Rijk Added methods that give the shipping information for a role entity.
2009-08-13 Lennard de Rijk Changed to_dict to call all callable values when their key is in field_names.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Fixed Survey Take page which was erroring on undefined variables.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Removed unused import from GradingProjectSurvey view.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Cleaned up Survey Logic.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Added base Model for Expando models.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Added intial GSoC logic modules.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Added basic GSoC module models.
2009-08-12 Lennard de Rijk Added inital GSoC module package structure.
2009-08-11 Lennard de Rijk Set ASCII-only cleaner for first and last name when dealing with roles.
2009-08-11 Madhusudan.C.S Changed the parameter from ancestor to ancestors to accommodate a list of ancestors.
2009-08-11 Madhusudan C.S. updateOrCreateFromFields is made to call updateOrCreateFromKeyName.
2009-08-11 Madhusudan C.S. Added ancestors property to getQueryForFields for queries with ancestor filter.
2009-08-11 Lennard de Rijk Completed the proper filter for the GradingProjectSurvey results view.
2009-08-11 Lennard de Rijk Project Survey results view now doesn't list all for plain users.
2009-08-11 Lennard de Rijk Set the proper filters for the ProjectSurvey results view.
2009-08-11 Lennard de Rijk Fix copy/paste fail in Survey results view regarding allowed_to_read.
2009-08-11 Lennard de Rijk _getResultsViewRecordFields does not need fields argument anymore.
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