2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Add auto-completion for mentor field
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Make mentor pickable
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Make it possible to specify the key_order for pick
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Add a temporary hack to allow filtering on org.key().name()
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Drop the 'adjustement' part of slots allocation
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Use slots allocated instead of adjustment in slots view
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Use the new self._getAcceptedOrgsList in slots view
2009-04-08 Sverre Rabbelier Factor out _getAcceptedOrgsList from acceptedOrgs
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Public page for StudentProjects now displays public info.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added public info as TinyMCE to the edit pages.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added public_info property to StudentProject model.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Student Project public page now shows feed entries.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added feed_url to StudentProject.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added list of projects to the organization home page.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Changed StudentProposal list to show the amount of pending mentors if none have been assigned.
2009-04-07 Sverre Rabbelier Brown paper bag fix
2009-04-07 Pawel Solyga Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090407 in app.yaml.template.
2009-04-07 Pawel Solyga Add missing imports, remove unsused imports, fix too long lines and some other style fixes in soc.views.models.student_project module.
2009-04-07 Pawel Solyga Add pylint: disable-msg=W0706 to soc.views.helper.access module.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Major update to the views concerning StudentProjects.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added new redirect method to be used for StudentProjects.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added two new templates for use in StudentProject views.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Added 2 new access checks to deal with StudentProjects.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Student Project listing now includes mentor column.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Change the dropdown menu to state Comment Visible to Student.
2009-04-07 Lennard de Rijk Only show mentor name in the detailed list.
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Properly handle exports when there are multiple lists
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Make slots view available to hosts
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Use the new nr_applications and nr_mentors
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Add the amount of proposals and mentors to slots view
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added Matthew Wilkes to the AUTHORS file
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added key_order to student proposal to enable csv export
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed wrong usage of twoline_field in proposal view
2009-04-06 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed bug introduced by fixing a pylint error
2009-04-06 Lennard de Rijk Added name column to all role lists.
2009-04-06 Lennard de Rijk Added Mentor name column to StudentProposals list.
2009-04-06 Pawel Solyga Fix too long line in soc.views.models.student_proposal module.
2009-04-06 Lennard de Rijk Added simple listing (no score, rank) for Student Proposals you are a mentor for.
2009-04-06 Lennard de Rijk Changed label and help_text for public review button on studentproposal review page.
2009-04-06 Pawel Solyga Replace current favicon with the cleaned up one (smudges).
2009-04-06 Pawel Solyga Allow students to see and comment on withdrawn and ineligible proposals, hide withdraw button for those proposals.
2009-04-06 Pawel Solyga Indention fix in soc.views.models.organization module.
2009-04-06 Pawel Solyga When Student withdrew a proposal a public comment "Student withdrew proposal." is posted.
2009-04-06 Pawel Solyga Make "Mark as Ineligible" reversable and make this feature available for mentors too.
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Add a script to subscribe someone to all updates
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Add the entities to the context too
2009-04-05 Pawel Solyga Fix posting public comments as private in student proposals review.html template.
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Brown paper bag fix, sort by last name in AUTHORS
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Added Dmitri to the AUTHORS file
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Use different colors for public/private comment widget
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed a missing variable declaration
2009-04-05 Pawel Solyga Disable E1002 pylint error in soc.views.helper.dynaform module.
2009-04-05 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed a 'stylefix' in DynaField that wasn't a style issue
2009-04-04 Pawel Solyga Fix wrong usage of helper requests module in soc.views.models.base after recent unused imports cleanup.
2009-04-03 Sverre Rabbelier Also show 'List my student proposals' after signup closes
2009-04-03 Sverre Rabbelier Minor tweaks to orgStats
2009-04-03 Pawel Solyga Fix calling of super class __init__ method in out_of_band Error class (wrong number of parameters).
2009-04-03 Pawel Solyga Style fixes, add missing docstring, fix some wrong calls to super classes and removal of unused imports in soc.views.helper.
2009-04-03 Pawel Solyga Style fixes and removal of unused imports in soc.views.models.
2009-04-03 Pawel Solyga Call super class in __init__ in soc.views.out_of_band module Error class.
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