2008-10-01 Pawel Solyga Add missing blank line to follow PythonStyleGuide in document.py
2008-10-01 Pawel Solyga Fixed typo in DEF_CREATE_NEW_DOC_MSG.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Shrink the sidebar menu separately from the main body text.
2008-10-01 Pawel Solyga Moved isLinkNameFormatValid function out of id_user module to new common module. This function is going to be used by other form validation functions that require to validate linkname (different kind of Groups, Programs etc).
2008-10-01 Pawel Solyga Fixed models based on output from graph.py script and comments on
2008-10-01 Tim Ansell Tool to graph the data model.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Some TODOs on access control that I didn't want to forget.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Matching just /docs created a very small namespace, since any other path parts
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen URL pattern changes that were missed by r671.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Some styles used by r671, the simplistic Document view.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen A very simplistic Document viewer.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Implements a Site (Developer) generic Document editor form.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Changes to make breadcrumbs match page title. This is mostly to see how it
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Start using "Site" instead of "Developer" in the UI.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Implement a Developer list view of all Documents.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Add missing all() __doc__ string comments: "Args:" and "Returns:" sections.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Fix some style guide issues: keyword arguments are supposed to always be
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Directory for up-coming /site/docs/list and /site/docs/edit templates.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Fix typo in findNearestUsersOffset() __doc__ string missed in r661.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Show link to /site/user/list on /site/user/lookup when User is not found.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Add placeholder for future (to-be-implemented) getPreferredListPagination()
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Remove a TODO that should have been removed for r658.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Update some of the URL patterns to get their link_name parsing from the new
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Add functions to soc/logic/document.py for dealing with partial_paths combined
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Hide PolyModel inheritance_line bookkeeping property from the User Profile
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Use the LINKNAME_PATTERN from its new home in key_name.py. Also, add some
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Add lots of new functions to key_name.py, including path/link_name processing.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Add sidebar menu items for /site/docs/list and /site/docs/edit. They do not
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Add partial_path property explicitly to the Work model.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Should have been part of the r650 commit.
2008-10-01 Todd Larsen Directory for upcoming /site/docs views.
2008-09-30 Todd Larsen Add "Last updated" footer to front page body text, using the modified Property
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Change _readonly_field_as_table_row <td> tag class names to match those used in _field_as_table_row. That should actually go into previous commit.
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Clean up too long lines in profile.py. Add ReadOnlyInput widget to custom_widgets module, it can be used to display read-only form fields. Display read-only "Id" field in LookUp view if user has been found and in User Edit Developer view.
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Add polymodel folder to DEFAULT_APP_DIRS variable in make_release.sh script.
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Add key naming function for Sponsor, School, Organization, Club key_names.
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Add org ReferenceProperty to Administrator model (many:1 relationship associating Administrators with specific Organization). Update Organization model __doc__ string with information about the back-reference 'admins'.
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Made mce_settings class variable in TinyMCE widget a copy of default settings instead of reference.
2008-09-30 Pawel Solyga Replaced context.update call to simple value assignment in site.user.profile.create view function.
2008-09-29 Todd Larsen Load ../../google_appengine/ into trunk/thirdparty/google_appengine.
2008-09-29 Todd Larsen Take advantage of the Model inheritance provided by polymodel.PolyModel to
2008-09-29 Todd Larsen Take advantage of the Model inheritance provided by polymodel.PolyModel to
2008-09-29 Todd Larsen Make use of PolyModel for Works, Documents, etc. Add some (but not all) of
2008-09-29 Pawel Solyga Fixed not working "Create New User" view which was caused by adding key_name into User Edit Developer view. This commit divides edit() view function in soc.views.site.user.profile into edit() and create() request handlers. New create() request handler is used only in "Create New User" view and has specific form validation functions and uses updateOrCreateUserFromId() instead of updateUserForKeyName().
2008-09-26 Todd Larsen Add ModelWithFieldAttributes *before* PolyModel, so that everything does not
2008-09-26 Todd Larsen Add the third-party PolyModel class. This class supports inheritance in
2008-09-25 Todd Larsen A key_name controller module to collect all of the name...() functions that
2008-09-24 Pawel Solyga Fixed missing urlparse import in request_helpers which cause /user/profile and /site/user/profile not to work at all. Removed not used module imports in response_helpers.py.
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Replace mock-up of sidebar with first draft of dynamic sidebar functionality.
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Minor tweaks to Site menu item names to make them more descriptive.
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Major refactoring, to switch from using inheritance from soc.logic.menu classes
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Sidebar-building controller, with a TODO remaining to implement marking the
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Make views.helpers.html_menu MenuItem classes and logic.menu MenuItem classes
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Classes that wrap soc.logic.menu.Menu and soc.logic.menu.MenuItem to produce
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Change indentation level to 2 (from 4) and rename MCE_DEF_SETTINGS to
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Note 'groups' back-reference from 'founder' property in soc.models.group.Group.
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen Simple MenuItem and Menu classes for keeping track of ordered menus.
2008-09-24 Todd Larsen These changes should have been in r620, but somehow I did not save them, or
2008-09-23 Todd Larsen Move isReferrerSelf() and replaceSuffix() into new request_helpers.py module,
2008-09-23 Todd Larsen Split out HTTP request manipulation functions from template_helpers.py, which
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