2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Add missing blank lines and dots in soc.views.helper.templatetags.forms_helpers module.
2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Move member_template property from Group to Organization model since it's Organization specific property.
2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Disable R0201 message in pylintrc since we allow for that kind of methods. R0201 tells us that method could be a function. Used when a method doesn't use its bound instance, and so could be written as a function.
2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Fix typo in settings.py (missing '>' character).
2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Add missing dots in docstrings. Add sendNotification parameters description to docstring in soc.logic.helper module.
2009-01-20 Lennard de Rijk Added missing import to views/models/notification.py
2009-01-20 Lennard de Rijk Users now have the right to delete their own notifications.
2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Load /Users/solydzajs/Downloads/google_appengine into
2009-01-20 Sverre Rabbelier Split the notification list in read/unread
2009-01-20 Sverre Rabbelier Add an unread count indication next to the notification link
2009-01-20 Sverre Rabbelier Use 'from .. import .. as ..' in user_self
2009-01-20 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed whitespace and EOL damage
2009-01-20 Sverre Rabbelier Add a 'pending/accepted/denied' seperation to club_app list
2009-01-20 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed whitespace damage
2009-01-19 Sverre Rabbelier Send a notifcation if a club application is accepted
2009-01-19 Sverre Rabbelier Factor out sendNotification from sendInviteNotification
2009-01-19 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed whitespace and EOL damage
2009-01-19 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed whitespace damage
2009-01-19 Lennard de Rijk Added club_admin templates.
2009-01-16 Lennard de Rijk Added Mario Ferraro to the AUTHORS list.
2009-01-16 Lennard de Rijk Tooltips now properly disappear when another text box with a tooltip has been highlighted.
2009-01-15 Sverre Rabbelier Implement the checkIsClubAppAccepted function
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Display state (but dis-allow edits) of User's agrees_to_tos boolean Property.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Add read-only boolean form field widget.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Add "agrees to site-wide Terms of Service" boolean property for all Users.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Hide 'tos' pull-down selector from Program profile forms.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Hide 'tos' pull-down selector from Group profile forms.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Hide 'tos' pull-down selector from Site Settings forms.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Hack in tos_scope_path and tos_link_id to select Terms of Service Document.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Show Terms of Service link in footer if tos_link is defined in the context.
2009-01-14 Todd Larsen Add a ReferenceProperty pointing to a Terms of Service Document.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Fixed a bug that was triggered on manual club creation without an application.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Fixed missing params in views/models/club_app.py.
2009-01-10 Sverre Rabbelier Added Club Admin model, logic, and view
2009-01-10 Sverre Rabbelier Invite (backup-)admin when creating a club
2009-01-10 Sverre Rabbelier Added a create method that uses an existing application
2009-01-10 Sverre Rabbelier Construct names automatically from base name.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Fixed a wrong method being called when accepting/declyning an application.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Added basic review functionality for club applications.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Fixed a typo in the comment in helper/access.py.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Added control fields to group_app.
2009-01-10 Lennard de Rijk Added _readonly_field_as_twoline_table_row .
2009-01-08 Lennard de Rijk Resolved a bug when editing a timeline.
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed line-ending and whitespace damage
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Added the club_app view, logic and model
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Removed unneeded params from club
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Moved the member_template field to app and removed 'optional'
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Factored out the clean_existing_user method
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Fix login link
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed a typo in the group_app model
2009-01-08 Sverre Rabbelier Added a twoline_edit.html page
2009-01-08 Pawel Solyga Fix missing dots at the end of sentences in docstring and fix wrong import sorting in soc.logic.helper.notifications module.
2009-01-08 Todd Larsen Extract BSD license text into a separate file to make it easier to find.
2009-01-08 Lennard de Rijk Fixed missing files in r1364.
2009-01-08 Augie Fackler Fix the setup of the test environment, including clearing the datastore
2009-01-08 Augie Fackler Add support for coverage to our testing system.
2009-01-07 Lennard de Rijk Added support for creating clubs.
2009-01-07 Sverre Rabbelier Added support for mutliple edit forms based on entity type
2009-01-07 Sverre Rabbelier Added an 'edit timeline' button to the program edit page
2009-01-07 Sverre Rabbelier Started on edit timeline
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