2009-01-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added logic and view classes for the Timeline model
2009-01-06 Sverre Rabbelier Sorted build.py's sitemap.addPages lines
2009-01-06 Sverre Rabbelier Made Program reference Timeline
2009-01-06 Sverre Rabbelier Copy/paste fix
2009-01-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added a basic Timeline model
2008-12-29 Lennard de Rijk Set no_create_with_key_fields paramater to True for Notifications.
2008-12-18 Sverre Rabbelier Revert "Overwrite default patterns in views/models/notification.py to disallow certain URL's."
2008-12-18 Sverre Rabbelier Allow disabling of the create url with key_fields
2008-12-18 Lennard de Rijk Overwrite default patterns in views/models/notification.py to disallow certain URL's.
2008-12-17 Lennard de Rijk Fixed a too long line in logic/helper/notifications.py
2008-12-17 Lennard de Rijk Added base template for notification messages.
2008-12-17 Lennard de Rijk Added email message when receiving a notification.py
2008-12-17 Lennard de Rijk Changed invitation email and into a notification.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Remove unused imports and variables in different soc.views.models modules.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Remove unused import in soc.views.hlper.templatetags.forms_helpers module.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Since DbModelForm has been renamed to BaseForm change super() call from BaseForm to djangoforms.ModelForm in soc.views.helper.forms module.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Some docstring fixes and unused import removal in soc.logic.models.site module.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Fix inheritance in soc.models.base module. FieldsProxy inherited from DbModelForm which was deleted in previous commits (replace that with BaseForm).
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Fix too long lines in soc.logic.helper.notifications module.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Remove unused import in soc.logic.accounts module.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Remove unused imports in models modules.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga In soc.views.models.notification module remove unused imports, add missing white space, change list() method definition to comply with base View list() method declaration. Add missing Meta class docstring.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Fix import sorting in soc.views.helper.access module and rename 'host' to 'Program Administrator'.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Remove not used TYPE_NAME, TYPE_NAME_SHORT and TYPE_NAME_PLURAL consts in all Group models.
2008-12-15 Pawel Solyga Add missing dots, fix imports sorting and too long lines in different modules. Add TODO in soc.views.models.host module.
2008-12-14 Sverre Rabbelier Have user/edit.html use the as_table tag as well
2008-12-14 Sverre Rabbelier Removed unused template
2008-12-14 Sverre Rabbelier Converted as_table to be a template tag
2008-12-14 Sverre Rabbelier Added some example_text to program
2008-12-14 Sverre Rabbelier Added support for example texts
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Brown-paper-bag fix in notification.py
2008-12-13 Lennard de Rijk Notification property has_been_read changed into unread
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier No override needed in notifications.py
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Make it possible to redirect anywhere after editPost
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Make the place of the rights declaration consistent
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Remove custom override of django_patterns_defaults
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Fix whitespace and EOL damage in notifcation.py
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Make use of readonly_field_as_table_row
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Fix EOL-damage
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Make checkIsMyInvitation use Django to parse the URL
2008-12-13 Sverre Rabbelier Added a readonly_multiline_field_as_table_row tag
2008-12-13 Lennard de Rijk Using getForCurrentAccount where possible due to comments on r1309.
2008-12-12 Lennard de Rijk Added Notifications.
2008-12-12 Sverre Rabbelier Filter the "list Hosts" view
2008-12-12 Sverre Rabbelier Allows a user object to be passed to accounts.isDeveloper
2008-12-12 Sverre Rabbelier Make getForFields use the db.Query API
2008-12-12 Sverre Rabbelier Added getForCurrentAccount to user.Logic
2008-12-12 Sverre Rabbelier Added a filter method to dicts
2008-12-11 Sverre Rabbelier Make it possible to invite another Host as Host
2008-12-11 Sverre Rabbelier Added a trivial unzip method, counterpart to zip
2008-12-11 Augie Fackler Add some ignore properties for when we get working coverage support.
2008-12-10 Lennard de Rijk Fixed missing header in site settings.
2008-12-09 Lennard de Rijk Changed "Sponsor" to "Program Owner"
2008-12-08 Lennard de Rijk Adds the removal of requests from the datastore when a new role entity is created.
2008-12-07 Pawel Solyga Add missing dots in docstrings, proper sorting of imports and small docstring typo fixes.
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Thinkofix in access.checkIsInvited
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Some forgotten changes with the access_type commit
2008-12-07 Pawel Solyga Program Name column showed link_id instead of name, replace link_id with name in soc/program/list/row.html template.
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Add explicit access_types from the url
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Add checkIsHost in access
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Some cleanups in role.py and site.py and create()
2008-12-07 Lennard de Rijk Changed template for home/public.html to show last modified in the top-right corner.
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Add site scoped documents to the Site menu
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Move document sidebar entries extraction to document.View
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Factor out sidebar entry construction
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Rename getSidebarLinks to getSidebarMenus
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Remove bogus scope from Site
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier If an entity is unscoped, do not try to retrieve a scope
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Dynamically add sidebar items for programs
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Add and use a placeholder for checkIsDocumentPublic
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Added a public redirect
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Prepare for callbacks that return more than one menu
2008-12-07 Sverre Rabbelier Make use of the 'sidebar' param for user_self
2008-12-07 Lennard de Rijk Fixed email adress in urls.py.
2008-12-07 Lennard de Rijk Fixes 'module' object has no attribute 'handler500' and 404 on instances where debug is False.
2008-12-07 Lennard de Rijk Fixed the header on the List Programs page.
2008-12-06 Pawel Solyga Reset the RELEASE_TAG to None (unreleased) now that the 0.1a20081206 release candidate branch has been created.
2008-12-06 Pawel Solyga Set RELEASE_TAG to 0.1a20081206rc for release candidate 06/12/2008.
2008-12-06 Pawel Solyga Fix imports sorting in soc.views.models.organization.
2008-12-06 Pawel Solyga Add missing dots in docstrings in modules.
2008-12-06 Lennard de Rijk Changed generic_name to group_label in models/program.py.
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Updated to the latest version of upload.py
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Load ../../google_appengine_1.1.7/ into
2008-12-06 Lennard de Rijk Comment fixes for state in group and role model.
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Fix for randomely ocurring bug
2008-12-06 Lennard de Rijk Changed state property for models/group.py to be optional as the description states.
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added organizations
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Cleanups in group and program
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added a new create regexp in urls for just scope_path
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Introduce dynamic scope_path regexps
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Added a linkable logic module
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Fix scope lookup for unscoped entities
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Swap the order of request key fields
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Use key().name() instead of link_id
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier More DI on scope_logic
2008-12-06 Sverre Rabbelier Partial revert
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