The listing of accepted projects on the Organization's homepage is now timeline dependent.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
--- a/app/soc/views/models/ Sat Apr 18 13:59:24 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/ Sat Apr 18 14:00:30 2009 +0000
@@ -390,29 +390,33 @@
from soc.views.models import student_project as student_project_view
- ap_params = student_project_view.view.getParams().copy() # accepted projects
+ program_entity = entity.scope
+ if timeline_helper.isAfterEvent(program_entity.timeline,
+ 'accepted_students_announced_deadline'):
+ ap_params = student_project_view.view.getParams().copy() # accepted projects
- # define the list redirect action to show the notification
- ap_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, ap_params)
- ap_params['list_description'] = self.DEF_ACCEPTED_PROJECTS_MSG_FMT % (
- ap_params['list_heading'] = 'soc/student_project/list/heading.html'
- ap_params['list_row'] = 'soc/student_project/list/row.html'
+ # define the list redirect action to show the notification
+ ap_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getPublicRedirect, ap_params)
+ ap_params['list_description'] = self.DEF_ACCEPTED_PROJECTS_MSG_FMT % (
+ ap_params['list_heading'] = 'soc/student_project/list/heading.html'
+ ap_params['list_row'] = 'soc/student_project/list/row.html'
- # only show projects that have not failed
- filter = {'scope': entity,
- 'status': ['accepted', 'mid_term_passed', 'passed']}
+ # only show projects that have not failed
+ filter = {'scope': entity,
+ 'status': ['accepted', 'mid_term_passed', 'passed']}
- ap_list = lists.getListContent(request, ap_params, filter, idx=0,
- need_content=True)
+ ap_list = lists.getListContent(request, ap_params, filter, idx=0,
+ need_content=True)
- contents = []
+ contents = []
- if ap_list:
- contents.append(ap_list)
+ if ap_list:
+ contents.append(ap_list)
- # construct the list and put it into the context
- context['list'] = soc.logic.lists.Lists(contents)
+ # construct the list and put it into the context
+ context['list'] = soc.logic.lists.Lists(contents)
return super(View, self)._public(request=request,
entity=entity, context=context)