Remove the obsolete scripts left over from when trunk/app did not contain the
authorTodd Larsen <>
Tue, 26 Aug 2008 21:24:50 +0000
changeset 105 b7a32c7e2a99
parent 104 5a2786fd5048
child 106 667451541623
Remove the obsolete scripts left over from when trunk/app did not contain the entire Google App Engine image. Patch by: Todd Larsen Review by: to-be-reviewed
--- a/scripts/	Tue Aug 26 21:22:29 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Functions used by multiple scripts to form Google App Engine images.
-These utility functions are used by multiple scripts for creating and managing
-Google App Engine "uploadable image" directories produced by combining a
-specific Melange application (for example: trunk/apps/proto, trunk/apps/gsoc,
-trunk/apps/ghop, etc.), the SoC framework in trunk/soc, and any /thirdparty/
-packages, such as thirdparty/django.
-The directory layout expected by Google App Engine is (approximately):
-  <app>/
-        app.yaml
-        index.yaml
-        content/     (a static content directory for the Melange application)
-      (a WSGI wrapper for Django-based Google App Engine apps)
-  (application-specific Django settings)
-      (application-specific URL handler mappings)
-The application itself can have application-specific code and templates, so
-there is an additional subdirectory with the same name as the application
-(to disambiguate modules in the Melange application with same-named modules
-in the SoC framework):
-  <app>/
-        <app>/
-              models/, templates/, views/, etc.
-Google App Engine assumes that the root of package paths is <app>/, so all
-packages are placed in sub-directories of <app>/, and the SoC framework
-is considered a package:
-  <app>/
-        soc/
-            models/, templates/, views/, etc.
-For Django template based applications (which Melange applications are),
-include the django distribution directory (which is one of the /thirdparty/
-packages) and some Django-specific files:
-  <app>/
-        django/
-               core/, db/, dispatch/, etc.
-Any other /thirdparty/ packages would be included in the the Google App Engine
-"uploadable image" directory similarly to Django above.
-The functions in this module return directory names with a trailing / svn path
-separator.  This is done by convention only (svn_helper functions normalize
-the path names of directories in this same way).  The trailing separator is
-kept to make it easier to combine paths (since the caller can always assume
-directories end with the / separator) and to make it easier to distinguish
-directories from files in human-readable output.
-Some pysvn Client methods accept directories named this way, others raise
-exceptions and expect a "canonical" form that does not include the trailing
-/ separator.  This does not seem to be documented in the pysvn documentation,
-so the trailing separator is removed in svn_helper when necessary.
-__authors__ = [
-  # alphabetical order by last name, please
-  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
-import sys
-from trunk.scripts import svn_helper
-def getRepoAppPath(repo, app):
-  """Returns path to specified Melange app in the supplied svn repository.
-  Args:
-    repo: SVN repository URL
-    app: Melange application name (expected to exist in trunk/apps)
-  """
-  # see note about directory names ending with / svn path separators in the
-  # module __doc__ string
-  return svn_helper.formatDirPath('%strunk/apps/%s' % (
-      svn_helper.formatDirPath(repo), app))
-def getRepoThirdPartyPath(repo):
-  """Returns path to third-party packages in the supplied svn repository.
-  Args:
-    repo: SVN repository URL
-  """
-  # see note about directory names ending with / svn path separators in the
-  # module __doc__ string
-  return '%sthirdparty/' % svn_helper.formatDirPath(repo)
-def getThirdPartyPackageNames(pkg_path, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Returns a list of third-party packages in the supplied URL.
-  Args:
-    pkg_path: full SVN URL path to the directory containing third-party
-      packages, usually the path formed by calling getRepoThirdPartyPath()
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed through to svn_helper.lsDirs()
-      (for "advanced users")
-  Returns:
-    A list of third-party packages found in pkg_path.  Third-party "packages"
-    are all of the directories is the pkg_path  directory (but not individual
-    files in pkg_path) that do *not* begin with an underscore (_).  Individual
-    files and directories beginning with underscores in the pkg_path directory
-    are omitted from the results.
-  """
-  return [pkg for pkg in svn_helper.lsDirs(pkg_path, **svn_kwargs)
-            if not pkg.startswith('_')]
-def getRepoFrameworksPath(repo):
-  """Returns path to Melange framework packages in the supplied svn repository.
-  Args:
-    repo: SVN repository URL
-  """
-  # see note about directory names ending with / svn path separators in the
-  # module __doc__ string
-  return '%strunk/' % svn_helper.formatDirPath(repo)
-def getFrameworksNames():
-  """Returns a list of Melange framework packages (currently a constant list).
-  """
-  # see note about directory names ending with / svn path separators in the
-  # module __doc__ string
-  return ['soc/']
-def formDefaultAppBranchPath(branch, user, src, dest):
-  """Returns a relative path to a to-be-created App Image branch.
-  Args:
-    branch: explicit branch name, if it was specified (or None, '', etc.
-      instead, if it was not)
-    user: subdirectory of /users/ representing a particular contributor
-    src: sub-directory name of the specific Melange application to branch
-    dest: alternate destination sub-directory name of the Melange application
-      in its new, branched location, if it was specified (or None, '', etc.
-      instead, if it was not)
-  Returns:
-    * branch if it was specified ("non-False"), or
-    * users/user/dest/ if dest was specified, or
-    * users/user/src/ otherwise
-  """
-  if not branch:
-    if dest:
-      branch = 'users/%s%s' % (svn_helper.formatDirPath(user), dest)
-    else:
-      branch = 'users/%s%s' % (svn_helper.formatDirPath(user), src)
-  return svn_helper.formatDirPath(branch)
-def verbosePrint(verbose, fmt_str, *fmt_args, **fmt_kwargs):
-  """If verbosity level greater than zero, print out formatted string.
-  Since is a utility module most often used by scripts, many
-  of its functions print to stdout.  For cases when printed output may not
-  be desired, functions should supply a 'verbose' parameter to disable
-  output.  The functions in use this function to implement
-  that selective printing capability.
-  Args:
-    verbose: verbosity level integer, any value greater than 0 enables
-      output
-    fmt_str: required format string
-    *fmt_args: if present, positional arguments supplied to fmt_str
-    **fmt_kwargs: if *fmt_args is not present, named arguments supplied to
-      fmt_str, which is expected to contain named format specifiers, for
-      example: '%(foo)s'
-  """
-  if verbose > 0:
-    if not fmt_args:
-      fmt_args = fmt_kwargs
-    print fmt_str % fmt_args
-def branchFromSrcApp(app, repo, dest, verbose=1, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Branch one Melange app in /trunk/apps/ to form basis of App Engine image.
-  Args:
-    app: Melange application name in /trunk/apps/
-    repo: svn repository root URL
-    dest: working copy destination path of the image branch
-    verbose: print status if greater than 0; default is 1
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to svn_helper.branchDir()
-  """
-  repo_app = getRepoAppPath(repo, app)
-  verbosePrint(verbose, 'Branching %s from:\n %s\nto:\n %s\n',
-               app, repo_app, dest)
-  svn_helper.branchDir(repo_app, dest, **svn_kwargs)
-def branchFromThirdParty(repo, dest, verbose=1, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Branch all subdirectories in /thirdparty/ into a new App Engine image.
-  Subdirectories (except for those with names beginning with underscores) in
-  /thirdparty/ represent third-party packages that are to be placed in each
-  Google App Engine "image" branch.  Files in the root of /thirdparty/ (that
-  is, not in a package) and, as previously mentioned, subdrectories beginning
-  with underscores, are *not* branched.
-  Args:
-    repo: svn repository root URL
-    dest: working copy destination path of the image branch
-    verbose: print status if greater than 0; default is 1
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to svn_helper.branchItems()
-  """
-  pkg_dir = getRepoThirdPartyPath(repo)
-  packages = getThirdPartyPackageNames(pkg_dir)
-  verbosePrint(verbose,
-      'Branching third-party packages:\n %s\nfrom:\n %s\ninto:\n %s\n',
-      '  '.join(packages), pkg_dir, dest)
-  svn_helper.branchItems(pkg_dir, dest, packages, **svn_kwargs)
-def branchFromFramework(repo, dest, verbose=1, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Branch the SoC framework into a new App Engine image branch.
-  The SoC framework current consists of only the contents of /trunk/soc/.
-  Args:
-    repo: svn repository root URL
-    dest: working copy destination path of the image branch
-    verbose: print status if greater than 0; default is 1
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to svn_helper.branchItems()
-  """
-  framework_dir = getRepoFrameworksPath(repo)
-  packages = getFrameworksNames()
-  verbosePrint(verbose,
-      'Branching framework components:\n %s\nfrom:\n %s\ninto:\n %s\n',
-      '  '.join(packages), framework_dir, dest)
-  svn_helper.branchItems(framework_dir, dest, packages, **svn_kwargs)
-def exportFromSrcApp(app, repo, dest, verbose=1, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Export one Melange app in /trunk/apps/ to form basis of App Engine image.
-  Args:
-    app: Melange application name in /trunk/apps/
-    repo: svn repository root URL
-    dest: local filesystem destination path of the exported image
-    verbose: print status if greater than 0; default is 1
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to svn_helper.exportDir()
-  """
-  repo_app = getRepoAppPath(repo, app)
-  verbosePrint(verbose, 'Exporting %s from:\n %s\nto:\n %s\n',
-               app, repo_app, dest)
-  svn_helper.exportDir(repo_app, dest, **svn_kwargs)
-def exportFromThirdParty(repo, dest, verbose=1, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Export all subdirectories in /thirdparty/ into a new App Engine image.
-  Subdirectories (except for those with names beginning with underscores) in
-  /thirdparty/ represent third-party packages that are to be placed in each
-  Google App Engine "image".  Files in the root of /thirdparty/ (that is,
-  not in a package) and, as previously mentioned, subdirectories beginning
-  with underscores, are *not* exported.
-  Args:
-    repo: svn repository root URL
-    dest: local filesystem destination path of the exported image
-    verbose: print status if greater than 0; default is 1
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to svn_helper.exportItems()
-  """
-  pkg_dir = getRepoThirdPartyPath(repo)
-  packages = getThirdPartyPackageNames(pkg_dir)
-  verbosePrint(verbose,
-      'Exporting third-party packages:\n %s\nfrom:\n %s\ninto:\n  %s\n',
-      '  '.join(packages), pkg_dir, dest)
-  svn_helper.exportItems(pkg_dir, dest, packages, **svn_kwargs)
-def exportFromFramework(repo, dest, verbose=1, **svn_kwargs):
-  """Export the SoC framework into a new App Engine image.
-  The SoC framework current consists of only the contents of /trunk/soc/.
-  Args:
-    repo: svn repository root URL
-    dest: local filesystem destination path of the exported image
-    verbose: print status if greater than 0; default is 1
-    **svn_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to svn_helper.exportItems()
-  """
-  framework_dir = getRepoFrameworksPath(repo)
-  packages = getFrameworksNames()
-  verbosePrint(verbose,
-      'Exporting framework components:\n %s\nfrom:\n %s\ninto:\n %s\n',
-      '  '.join(packages), framework_dir, dest)
-  svn_helper.exportItems(framework_dir, dest, packages, **svn_kwargs)
--- a/scripts/	Tue Aug 26 21:22:29 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Script to export a Google App Engine "image" of a Melange application.
-For details:
-  trunk/scripts/ --help
-Default values for flags can be specified in valid Python syntax in the
-~/.soc_scripts_settings file.  See for details.
-__authors__ = [
-  # alphabetical order by last name, please
-  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
-import os
-import sys
-import pysvn
-from trunk.scripts import app_image
-from trunk.scripts import settings
-from trunk.scripts import svn_helper
-def buildOptionList(defaults={}):
-  """Returns a list of command-line settings.Options for this script.
-  Args:
-    defaults: dict of possible pre-loaded default values; default is empty
-      dict (which is safe because it is not altered)
-  """
-  def_repo = defaults.get('repo')
-  if def_repo:
-    repo_help_msg = 'SVN repository; default is %s' % def_repo
-  else:
-    repo_help_msg = 'SVN repository; REQUIRED if a default is missing'
-  return [
-      settings.Option(
-          '-R', '--repo', action='store', dest='repo',
-          default=def_repo, help=repo_help_msg),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-s', '--src', action='store', dest='src', required=True,
-          help='(REQUIRED) name of source app in /trunk/apps/ to export'),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-i', '--image', action='store', dest='image', required=True,
-          help='(REQUIRED) exported image destination'),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-r', '--rev', type='int', action='store', dest='rev',
-          default=None, help='optional revision number on which to export'),
-  ]
-def main(args):
-  # create parser just for usage info before settings file is read successfully
-  usage_parser = settings.OptionParser(option_list=buildOptionList())
-  # attempt to read the common trunk/scripts settings file
-  defaults = settings.readPythonSettingsOrDie(parser=usage_parser)
-  # create the command-line options parser
-  parser = settings.makeOptionParserOrDie(
-      option_list=buildOptionList(defaults))
-  # parse the command-line options
-  options, args = settings.parseOptionsOrDie(parser, args)
-  # ensure that various paths end with the / separator
-  src, image, repo = svn_helper.formatDirPaths(
-      options.src, options.image, options.repo)
-  # expand and make "OS-agnostic" the proposed App Engine image path
-  # (which is why no working copy path is needed or supplied)
-  image = svn_helper.getExpandedWorkingCopyPath(image)
-  setup_errors = []
-  if os.path.exists(image):
-    setup_errors.extend(
-        ['--image destination directory must not already exist:',
-         '  %s' % image])
-  # dirname() called twice because image always ends with os.sep as a result
-  # of svn_helper.getExpandedWorkingCopyPath()
-  parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(image))
-  if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir):
-    try:
-      os.makedirs(parent_dir)
-      print 'Created --image parent directory:\n %s\n' % parent_dir
-    except (IOError, OSError), fs_err:
-      setup_errors.extend(
-          ['--image parent directory could not be created:',
-           '  %s' % parent_dir,
-           '  %s: %s' % (fs_err.__class__.__name__,
-                       ' '.join([str(arg) for arg in fs_err.args]))])
-  if not options.repo:
-    setup_errors.extend(
-        ['--repo must be supplied or have a settings file default'])
-  if setup_errors:
-    return settings.printErrorsAndUsage(setup_errors, parser)
-  def callbackGetLogMessage():
-    return True, 'trunk/apps/%s application exported to %s' % (src, image)
-  client = svn_helper.getPySvnClient()
-  # this should never actually be called, but just in case...
-  client.callback_get_log_message = callbackGetLogMessage
-  # export trunk/apps/<src> first, so image root directory will exist
-  app_image.exportFromSrcApp(src, repo, image, rev=options.rev)
-  app_image.exportFromThirdParty(repo, image, rev=options.rev)
-  app_image.exportFromFramework(repo, image, rev=options.rev)
-  return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
--- a/scripts/	Tue Aug 26 21:22:29 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Script to make a Google App Engine "image" branch of a Melange application.
-For details:
-  trunk/scripts/ --help
-Default values for flags can be specified in valid Python syntax in the
-~/.soc_scripts_settings file.  See for details.
-__authors__ = [
-  # alphabetical order by last name, please
-  '"Todd Larsen" <>',
-import sys
-import pysvn
-from trunk.scripts import app_image
-from trunk.scripts import settings
-from trunk.scripts import svn_helper
-def buildOptionList(defaults={}):
-  """Returns a list of command-line settings.Options for this script.
-  Args:
-    defaults: dict of possible pre-loaded default values; default is empty
-      dict (which is safe because it is not altered)
-  """
-  help_user = defaults.get('user', '<user>')
-  user_help_msg = (
-      'user name, used for default /users/%s/ branch' % help_user)
-  dest_help_msg = (
-      'if supplied, new name of branched app, users/%s/<dest>' % help_user)
-  branch_help_msg = (
-      'destination branch, defaults to <wc>/users/%s/<src|dest>' % help_user)
-  def_repo = defaults.get('repo')
-  if def_repo:
-    repo_help_msg = 'SVN repository; default is %s' % def_repo
-  else:
-    repo_help_msg = 'SVN repository; REQUIRED if a default is missing'
-  def_wc = defaults.get('wc')
-  if def_wc:
-    wc_help_msg = 'working copy directory; default is %s' % def_wc
-  else:
-    wc_help_msg = 'working copy directory; REQUIRED if a default is missing'
-  return [
-      settings.Option(
-          '-R', '--repo', action='store', dest='repo',
-          default=def_repo, help=repo_help_msg),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-w', '--wc', action='store', dest='wc',
-          default=def_wc, help=wc_help_msg),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-s', '--src', action='store', dest='src', required=True,
-          help='(REQUIRED) name of source app in /trunk/apps/ to branch'),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-d', '--dest', action='store', dest='dest', help=dest_help_msg),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-u', '--user', action='store', dest='user',
-          default=defaults.get('user'), help=user_help_msg),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-b', '--branch', action='store', dest='branch',
-          help=branch_help_msg),
-      settings.Option(
-          '-r', '--rev', type='int', action='store', dest='rev',
-          default=None, help='optional revision number on which to branch'),
-  ]
-def main(args):
-  # create parser just for usage info before settings file is read successfully
-  usage_parser = settings.OptionParser(option_list=buildOptionList())
-  # attempt to read the common trunk/scripts settings file
-  defaults = settings.readPythonSettingsOrDie(parser=usage_parser)
-  # create the command-line options parser
-  parser = settings.makeOptionParserOrDie(
-      option_list=buildOptionList(defaults))
-  # parse the command-line options
-  options, args = settings.parseOptionsOrDie(parser, args)
-  # ensure that various paths end with the / separator
-  src, dest, user, repo, wc = svn_helper.formatDirPaths(
-      options.src, options.dest, options.user, options.repo, options.wc)
-  settings.checkCommonSvnOptionsOrDie(options, parser)
-  branch = app_image.formDefaultAppBranchPath(options.branch, user, src, dest)
-  branch_path = svn_helper.getExpandedWorkingCopyPath(branch, wc_root=wc)
-  # setup a callback used by pysvn if it needs a log message (it actually
-  # should not be needed, since nothing is being committed, but exceptions
-  # were being raised by pysvn without it)
-  def callbackGetLogMessage():
-    return True, 'trunk/apps/%s application branched to %s' % (src, branch)
-  client = svn_helper.getPySvnClient()
-  client.callback_get_log_message = callbackGetLogMessage
-  # validate choice of "image" branch location
-  if not options.branch:
-    users = svn_helper.lsDirs(repo + 'users/')
-    if user not in users:
-      return settings.printErrorsAndUsage(
-          ['%susers/%s not found; existing users are:' % (repo, user),
-           ' '.join(users)], parser)
-  if svn_helper.exists(branch_path):
-    return settings.printErrorsAndUsage(
-        ['%s already exists;' % branch_path,
-         'use to update instead'],
-        parser)
-  # branch trunk/apps/<src> first, so parent destination directory will exist
-  app_image.branchFromSrcApp(src, repo, branch_path, rev=options.rev)
-  app_image.branchFromThirdParty(repo, branch_path, rev=options.rev)
-  app_image.branchFromFramework(repo, branch_path, rev=options.rev)
-  return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main(sys.argv))