Make checkIsMyInvitation use Django to parse the URL
authorSverre Rabbelier <>
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 12:49:11 +0000
changeset 729 7fe218e3d359
parent 728 602c2b2f4d8b
child 730 f6d9a49fa5ce
Make checkIsMyInvitation use Django to parse the URL Using django is more reliable and makes the code easier to read as there is no knowledge of the url layout required. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
--- a/app/soc/views/helper/	Sat Dec 13 12:48:49 2008 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/helper/	Sat Dec 13 12:49:11 2008 +0000
@@ -342,31 +342,26 @@
-  splitpath = request.path.split('/')
-  splitpath = splitpath[1:] # cut off leading ''
-  # get the notification scope (user link_id) from the request path
-  user_link_id = splitpath[2]
-  # get the notification link_id from the request path
-  notification_link_id = splitpath[3]
-  properties = {
-      'link_id': notification_link_id,
-      'scope_path': user_link_id,
-      }
+  # Mine the url for params
+  try:
+    callback, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(request.path)
+  except Exception:
+    deny(request)
+  properties = dicts.filter(kwargs, ['link_id', 'scope_path'])
   notification = notification_logic.logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True)
   user = user_logic.logic.getForCurrentAccount()
-  # check if the key of the current user matches the key from the scope of the message
+  # We need to check to see if the key's are equal since the User
+  # objects are different and the default __eq__ method does not check
+  # if the keys are equal (which is what we want).
   if user.key() == notification.scope.key():
-    # access granted
     return None
-  else:
-    # access denied
-    deny(request)  
+  # TODO(ljvderijk) Make this give a proper error message
+  deny(request)
 def checkCanInvite(request):
   """Checks to see if the current user can create an invite