--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/helper/surveys.py Sun Jun 28 14:32:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Custom widgets used for Survey form fields, plus the SurveyContent form.
+__authors__ = [
+ '"Daniel Diniz" <ajaksu@gmail.com>',
+ '"James Levy" <jamesalexanderlevy@gmail.com>',
+ '"Lennard de Rijk" <ljvderijk@gmail.com>',
+ ]
+from itertools import chain
+import datetime
+from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms
+from django import forms
+from django.forms import widgets
+from django.forms.fields import CharField
+from django.template import loader
+from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
+from django.utils.html import escape
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from soc.logic import dicts
+from soc.logic.lists import Lists
+from soc.logic.models.survey import logic as survey_logic
+from soc.logic.models.survey import results_logic
+from soc.models.survey import SurveyContent
+class SurveyForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):
+ """Main SurveyContent form.
+ This class is used to produce survey forms for several circumstances:
+ - Admin creating survey from scratch
+ - Admin updating existing survey
+ - User taking survey
+ - User updating already taken survey
+ Using dynamic properties of the survey model (if passed as an arg) the
+ survey form is dynamically formed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Store special kwargs as attributes.
+ read_only: controls whether the survey taking UI allows data entry.
+ editing: controls whether to show the edit or show form.
+ """
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.survey_content = self.kwargs.get('survey_content', None)
+ self.this_user = self.kwargs.get('this_user', None)
+ self.project = self.kwargs.get('project', None)
+ self.survey_record = self.kwargs.get('survey_record', None)
+ del self.kwargs['survey_content']
+ del self.kwargs['this_user']
+ del self.kwargs['project']
+ del self.kwargs['survey_record']
+ self.read_only = self.kwargs.get('read_only', None)
+ if 'read_only' in self.kwargs:
+ del self.kwargs['read_only']
+ self.editing = self.kwargs.get('editing', None)
+ if 'editing' in self.kwargs:
+ del self.kwargs['editing']
+ super(SurveyForm, self).__init__(*args, **self.kwargs)
+ def getFields(self):
+ """Build the SurveyContent (questions) form fields.
+ Populates self.survey_fields, which will be ordered in self.insert_fields.
+ """
+ if not self.survey_content:
+ return
+ self.survey_fields = {}
+ schema = eval(self.survey_content.schema)
+ has_record = (not self.editing) and self.survey_record
+ extra_attrs = {}
+ # figure out whether we want a read-only view
+ if not self.editing:
+ # only survey taking can be read-only
+ read_only = self.read_only
+ if not read_only:
+ deadline = self.survey_content.survey_parent.get().deadline
+ read_only = deadline and (datetime.datetime.now() > deadline)
+ else:
+ extra_attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
+ # add unordered fields to self.survey_fields
+ for field in self.survey_content.dynamic_properties():
+ # a comment made by the user
+ comment = ''
+ if has_record and hasattr(self.survey_record, field):
+ # previously entered value
+ value = getattr(self.survey_record, field)
+ if hasattr(self.survey_record, 'comment_for_' + field):
+ comment = getattr(self.survey_record, 'comment_for_' + field)
+ else:
+ # use prompts set by survey creator
+ value = getattr(self.survey_content, field)
+ if field not in schema:
+ logging.error('field %s not found in schema %s' %
+ (field, str(schema) ) )
+ continue
+ elif 'question' in schema[field]:
+ label = schema[field].get('question', None) or field
+ else:
+ label = field
+ # dispatch to field-specific methods
+ if schema[field]["type"] == "long_answer":
+ self.addLongField(field, value, extra_attrs, label=label,
+ comment=comment)
+ elif schema[field]["type"] == "short_answer":
+ self.addShortField(field, value, extra_attrs, label=label,
+ comment=comment)
+ elif schema[field]["type"] == "selection":
+ self.addSingleField(field, value, extra_attrs, schema, label=label,
+ comment=comment)
+ elif schema[field]["type"] == "pick_multi":
+ self.addMultiField(field, value, extra_attrs, schema, label=label,
+ comment=comment)
+ elif schema[field]["type"] == "pick_quant":
+ self.addQuantField(field, value, extra_attrs, schema, label=label,
+ comment=comment)
+ return self.insertFields()
+ def insertFields(self):
+ """Add ordered fields to self.fields.
+ """
+ survey_order = self.survey_content.getSurveyOrder()
+ # first, insert dynamic survey fields
+ for position, property in survey_order.items():
+ position = position * 2
+ self.fields.insert(position, property, self.survey_fields[property])
+ if not self.editing:
+ property = 'comment_for_' + property
+ self.fields.insert(position - 1, property,
+ self.survey_fields[property])
+ return self.fields
+ def addLongField(self, field, value, attrs, req=False, label='', tip='',
+ comment=''):
+ """Add a long answer fields to this form.
+ params:
+ field: the current field
+ value: the initial value for this field
+ attrs: additional attributes for field
+ req: required bool
+ label: label for field
+ tip: tooltip text for field
+ comment: initial comment value for field
+ """
+ widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
+ if not tip:
+ tip = 'Please provide a long answer to this question.'
+ question = CharField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
+ widget=widget, initial=value)
+ self.survey_fields[field] = question
+ if not self.editing:
+ widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
+ comment = CharField(help_text=tip, required=False, label='Comments',
+ widget=widget, initial=comment)
+ self.survey_fields['comment_for_' + field] = comment
+ def addShortField(self, field, value, attrs, req=False, label='', tip='',
+ comment=''):
+ """Add a short answer fields to this form.
+ params:
+ field: the current field
+ value: the initial value for this field
+ attrs: additional attributes for field
+ req: required bool
+ label: label for field
+ tip: tooltip text for field
+ comment: initial comment value for field
+ """
+ attrs['class'] = "text_question"
+ widget = widgets.TextInput(attrs=attrs)
+ if not tip:
+ tip = 'Please provide a short answer to this question.'
+ question = CharField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
+ widget=widget, max_length=140, initial=value)
+ self.survey_fields[field] = question
+ if not self.editing:
+ widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
+ comment = CharField(help_text=tip, required=False, label='Comments',
+ widget=widget, initial=comment)
+ self.survey_fields['comment_for_' + field] = comment
+ def addSingleField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='',
+ tip='', comment=''):
+ """Add a selection field to this form.
+ params:
+ field: the current field
+ value: the initial value for this field
+ attrs: additional attributes for field
+ schema: schema for survey
+ req: required bool
+ label: label for field
+ tip: tooltip text for field
+ comment: initial comment value for field
+ """
+ if self.editing:
+ kind = schema[field]["type"]
+ render = schema[field]["render"]
+ widget = UniversalChoiceEditor(kind, render)
+ else:
+ widget = WIDGETS[schema[field]['render']](attrs=attrs)
+ these_choices = []
+ # add all properties, but select chosen one
+ options = getattr(self.survey_content, field)
+ has_record = not self.editing and self.survey_record
+ if has_record and hasattr(self.survey_record, field):
+ these_choices.append((value, value))
+ if value in options:
+ options.remove(value)
+ for option in options:
+ these_choices.append((option, option))
+ if not tip:
+ tip = 'Please select an answer this question.'
+ question = PickOneField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
+ choices=tuple(these_choices), widget=widget)
+ self.survey_fields[field] = question
+ if not self.editing:
+ widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
+ comment = CharField(help_text=tip, required=False, label='Comments',
+ widget=widget, initial=comment)
+ self.survey_fields['comment_for_' + field] = comment
+ def addMultiField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='',
+ tip='', comment=''):
+ """Add a pick_multi field to this form.
+ params:
+ field: the current field
+ value: the initial value for this field
+ attrs: additional attributes for field
+ schema: schema for survey
+ req: required bool
+ label: label for field
+ tip: tooltip text for field
+ comment: initial comment value for field
+ """
+ if self.editing:
+ kind = schema[field]["type"]
+ render = schema[field]["render"]
+ widget = UniversalChoiceEditor(kind, render)
+ else:
+ widget = WIDGETS[schema[field]['render']](attrs=attrs)
+ # TODO(ajaksu) need to allow checking checkboxes by default
+ if self.survey_record and isinstance(value, basestring):
+ # pass value as 'initial' so MultipleChoiceField renders checked boxes
+ value = value.split(',')
+ else:
+ value = None
+ these_choices = [(v,v) for v in getattr(self.survey_content, field)]
+ if not tip:
+ tip = 'Please select one or more of these choices.'
+ question = PickManyField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
+ choices=tuple(these_choices), widget=widget,
+ initial=value)
+ self.survey_fields[field] = question
+ if not self.editing:
+ widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
+ comment = CharField(help_text=tip, required=False, label='Comments',
+ widget=widget, initial=comment)
+ self.survey_fields['comment_for_' + field] = comment
+ def addQuantField(self, field, value, attrs, schema, req=False, label='',
+ tip='', comment=''):
+ """Add a pick_quant field to this form.
+ params:
+ field: the current field
+ value: the initial value for this field
+ attrs: additional attributes for field
+ schema: schema for survey
+ req: required bool
+ label: label for field
+ tip: tooltip text for field
+ comment: initial comment value for field
+ """
+ if self.editing:
+ kind = schema[field]["type"]
+ render = schema[field]["render"]
+ widget = UniversalChoiceEditor(kind, render)
+ else:
+ widget = WIDGETS[schema[field]['render']](attrs=attrs)
+ if self.survey_record:
+ value = value
+ else:
+ value = None
+ these_choices = [(v,v) for v in getattr(self.survey_content, field)]
+ if not tip:
+ tip = 'Please select one of these choices.'
+ question = PickQuantField(help_text=tip, required=req, label=label,
+ choices=tuple(these_choices), widget=widget,
+ initial=value)
+ self.survey_fields[field] = question
+ if not self.editing:
+ widget = widgets.Textarea(attrs=attrs)
+ comment = CharField(help_text=tip, required=False, label='Comments',
+ widget=widget, initial=comment)
+ self.survey_fields['comment_for_' + field] = comment
+ class Meta(object):
+ model = SurveyContent
+ exclude = ['schema']
+class UniversalChoiceEditor(widgets.Widget):
+ """Edit interface for choice questions.
+ Allows adding and removing options, re-ordering and editing option text.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, kind, render, attrs=None, choices=()):
+ self.attrs = attrs or {}
+ # Choices can be any iterable, but we may need to render this widget
+ # multiple times. Thus, collapse it into a list so it can be consumed
+ # more than once.
+ self.choices = list(choices)
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.render_as = render
+ def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
+ """ renders UCE widget
+ """
+ if value is None:
+ value = ''
+ final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)
+ # find out which options should be selected in type and render drop-downs.
+ selected = 'selected="selected"'
+ context = dict(
+ name=name,
+ is_selection=selected * (self.kind == 'selection'),
+ is_pick_multi=selected * (self.kind == 'pick_multi'),
+ is_pick_quant=selected * (self.kind == 'pick_quant'),
+ is_select=selected * (self.render_as == 'single_select'),
+ is_checkboxes=selected * (self.render_as == 'multi_checkbox'),
+ is_radio_buttons=selected * (self.render_as == 'quant_radio'),
+ )
+ str_value = forms.util.smart_unicode(value) # normalize to string.
+ chained_choices = enumerate(chain(self.choices, choices))
+ choices = {}
+ for i, (option_value, option_label) in chained_choices:
+ option_value = escape(forms.util.smart_unicode(option_value))
+ choices[i] = option_value
+ context['choices'] = choices
+ template = 'soc/survey/universal_choice_editor.html'
+ return loader.render_to_string(template, context)
+class PickOneField(forms.ChoiceField):
+ """Stub for customizing the single choice field.
+ """
+ #TODO(james): Ensure that more than one option cannot be selected
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickOneField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class PickManyField(forms.MultipleChoiceField):
+ """Stub for customizing the multiple choice field.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickManyField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class PickQuantField(forms.MultipleChoiceField):
+ """Stub for customizing the multiple choice field.
+ """
+ #TODO(james): Ensure that more than one quant cannot be selected
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickQuantField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class PickOneSelect(forms.Select):
+ """Stub for customizing the single choice select widget.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickOneSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+class PickManyCheckbox(forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple):
+ """Customized multiple choice checkbox widget.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickManyCheckbox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
+ """Render checkboxes as list items grouped in a fieldset.
+ This is the pick_multi widget for survey taking
+ """
+ if value is None:
+ value = []
+ has_id = attrs and attrs.has_key('id')
+ final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)
+ # normalize to strings.
+ str_values = set([forms.util.smart_unicode(v) for v in value])
+ is_checked = lambda value: value in str_values
+ smart_unicode = forms.util.smart_unicode
+ # set container fieldset and list
+ output = [u'<fieldset id="id_%s">\n <ul class="pick_multi">' % name]
+ # add numbered checkboxes wrapped in list items
+ chained_choices = enumerate(chain(self.choices, choices))
+ for i, (option_value, option_label) in chained_choices:
+ option_label = escape(smart_unicode(option_label))
+ # If an ID attribute was given, add a numeric index as a suffix,
+ # so that the checkboxes don't all have the same ID attribute.
+ if has_id:
+ final_attrs = dict(final_attrs, id='%s_%s' % (attrs['id'], i))
+ cb = widgets.CheckboxInput(final_attrs, check_test=is_checked)
+ rendered_cb = cb.render(name, option_value)
+ cb_label = (rendered_cb, option_label)
+ output.append(u' <li><label>%s %s</label></li>' % cb_label)
+ output.append(u' </ul>\n</fieldset>')
+ return u'\n'.join(output)
+ def id_for_label(self, id_):
+ # see the comment for RadioSelect.id_for_label()
+ if id_:
+ id_ += '_fieldset'
+ return id_
+ id_for_label = classmethod(id_for_label)
+class PickQuantRadioRenderer(widgets.RadioFieldRenderer):
+ """Used by PickQuantRadio to enable customization of radio widgets.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickQuantRadioRenderer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def render(self):
+ """Outputs set of radio fields in a div.
+ """
+ return mark_safe(u'<div class="quant_radio">\n%s\n</div>'
+ % u'\n'.join([u'%s' % force_unicode(w) for w in self]))
+class PickQuantRadio(forms.RadioSelect):
+ """TODO(James,Ajaksu) Fix Docstring
+ """
+ renderer = PickQuantRadioRenderer
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PickQuantRadio, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+# in the future, we'll have more widget types here
+WIDGETS = {'multi_checkbox': PickManyCheckbox,
+ 'single_select': PickOneSelect,
+ 'quant_radio': PickQuantRadio}
+class SurveyResults(widgets.Widget):
+ """Render List of Survey Results For Given Survey.
+ """
+ def render(self, survey, params, filter=filter, limit=1000, offset=0,
+ order=[], idx=0, context={}):
+ """ renders list of survey results
+ params:
+ survey: current survey
+ params: dict of params for rendering list
+ filter: filter for list results
+ limit: limit for list results
+ offset: offset for list results
+ order: order for list results
+ idx: index for list results
+ context: context dict for template
+ """
+ logic = results_logic
+ filter = {'survey': survey}
+ data = logic.getForFields(filter=filter, limit=limit, offset=offset,
+ order=order)
+ params['name'] = "Survey Results"
+ content = {
+ 'idx': idx,
+ 'data': data,
+ 'logic': logic,
+ 'limit': limit,
+ }
+ updates = dicts.rename(params, params['list_params'])
+ content.update(updates)
+ contents = [content]
+ if len(content) == 1:
+ content = content[0]
+ key_order = content.get('key_order')
+ context['list'] = Lists(contents)
+ # TODO(ajaksu) is this the best way to build the results list?
+ for list_ in context['list']._contents:
+ if len(list_['data']) < 1:
+ return "<p>No Survey Results Have Been Submitted</p>"
+ list_['row'] = 'soc/survey/list/results_row.html'
+ list_['heading'] = 'soc/survey/list/results_heading.html'
+ list_['description'] = 'Survey Results:'
+ context['properties'] = survey.survey_content.orderedProperties()
+ context['entity_type'] = "Survey Results"
+ context['entity_type_plural'] = "Results"
+ context['no_lists_msg'] = "No Survey Results"
+ path = (survey.entity_type().lower(), survey.prefix,
+ survey.scope_path, survey.link_id)
+ context['grade_action'] = "/%s/grade/%s/%s/%s" % path
+ markup = loader.render_to_string('soc/survey/results.html',
+ dictionary=context).strip('\n')
+ return markup
+def getRoleSpecificFields(survey, user, this_project, survey_form,
+ survey_record):
+ """For evaluations, mentors get required Project and Grade fields, and
+ students get a required Project field.
+ Because we need to get a list of the user's projects, we call the
+ logic getProjects method, which doubles as an access check.
+ (No projects means that the survey cannot be taken.)
+ params:
+ survey: the survey being taken
+ user: the survey-taking user
+ this_project: either an already-selected project, or None
+ survey_form: the surveyForm widget for this survey
+ survey_record: an existing survey record for a user-project-survey combo,
+ or None
+ """
+ from django import forms
+ field_count = len(eval(survey.survey_content.schema).items())
+ these_projects = survey_logic.getProjects(survey, user)
+ if not these_projects: return False # no projects found
+ project_pairs = []
+ #insert a select field with options for each project
+ for project in these_projects:
+ project_pairs.append((project.key(), project.title))
+ if project_pairs:
+ project_tuples = tuple(project_pairs)
+ # add select field containing list of projects
+ projectField = forms.fields.ChoiceField(
+ choices=project_tuples,
+ required=True,
+ widget=forms.Select())
+ projectField.choices.insert(0, (None, "Choose a Project") )
+ # if editing an existing survey
+ if not this_project and survey_record:
+ this_project = survey_record.project
+ if this_project:
+ for tup in project_tuples:
+ if tup[1] == this_project.title:
+ if survey_record: project_name = tup[1] + " (Saved)"
+ else: project_name = tup[1]
+ projectField.choices.remove(tup)
+ projectField.choices.insert(0, (tup[0], project_name) )
+ break
+ survey_form.fields.insert(0, 'project', projectField )
+ if survey.taking_access == "mentor evaluation":
+ # If this is a mentor, add a field
+ # determining if student passes or fails.
+ # Activate grades handler should determine whether new status
+ # is midterm_passed, final_passed, etc.
+ grade_choices = (('pass', 'Pass'), ('fail', 'Fail'))
+ grade_vals = { 'pass': True, 'fail': False }
+ gradeField = forms.fields.ChoiceField(choices=grade_choices,
+ required=True,
+ widget=forms.Select())
+ gradeField.choices.insert(0, (None, "Choose a Grade") )
+ if survey_record:
+ for g in grade_choices:
+ if grade_vals[g[0]] == survey_record.grade:
+ gradeField.choices.insert(0, (g[0],g[1] + " (Saved)") )
+ gradeField.choices.remove(g)
+ break;
+ gradeField.show_hidden_initial = True
+ survey_form.fields.insert(field_count + 1, 'grade', gradeField)
+ return survey_form