Refactored invite system from club_admin to role to make the system work with host as well.
authorLennard de Rijk <>
Sat, 24 Jan 2009 10:19:17 +0000
changeset 944 5ea2bd9e3fa6
parent 943 897d9efdb728
child 945 54ee340ac14d
Refactored invite system from club_admin to role to make the system work with host as well. Patch by: Lennard de Rijk Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
--- a/app/soc/logic/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/logic/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
-from soc.logic.helper import request
 from soc.logic.models import role
 from soc.logic.models import club as club_logic
@@ -44,11 +43,4 @@
-  def _onCreate(self, entity):
-    """Will mark any outstanding requests for the new Club Admin as completly accepted.
-    """
-    # TODO(ljvderijk) apply this to all other role logics if this solution is accepted
-    request.completeRequestForRole(entity, 'club_admin')
 logic = Logic()
--- a/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
     rights = {}
-    rights['create'] = [access.checkIsHost]
+    rights['create'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
     rights['edit'] = [access.checkIsClubAdminForClub]
-    rights['delete'] = [access.checkIsHost]
-    rights['list'] = [access.checkIsHost]
+    rights['delete'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
+    rights['list'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
     rights['applicant'] = [access.checkIsApplicationAccepted(club_app_logic)]
     new_params = {}
--- a/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -37,14 +37,13 @@
 from soc.views.helper import redirects
 from soc.views.helper import responses
 from soc.views.helper import widgets
-from soc.views.models import base
 from soc.views.models import club as club_view
-from soc.views.models import request as request_view
+from soc.views.models import role
 import soc.logic.models.club_admin
-class View(base.View):
+class View(role.View):
   """View methods for the Club Admin model.
@@ -57,18 +56,18 @@
     rights = {}
-    rights['create'] = [access.checkIsHost]
+    rights['create'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
     rights['edit'] = [access.checkIsMyActiveRole(soc.logic.models.club_admin)]
-    rights['delete'] = [access.checkIsHost]
+    rights['delete'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
     rights['invite'] = [access.checkIsClubAdminForClub]
     rights['accept_invite'] = [access.checkCanCreateFromRequest('club_admin')]
     new_params = {}
     new_params['logic'] = soc.logic.models.club_admin.logic
+    new_params['group_logic'] = club_logic.logic
     new_params['rights'] = rights
     new_params['scope_view'] = club_view
-    new_params['scope_redirect'] = redirects.getCreateRedirect
     new_params['name'] = "Club Admin"
@@ -82,15 +81,6 @@
        'clean_blog' : cleaning.clean_url('blog'),
        'clean_photo_url' : cleaning.clean_url('photo_url')}
-    patterns = [(r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>invite)/%(lnp)s$',
-        'soc.views.models.%(module_name)s.invite',
-        'Create invite for %(name_plural)s'),
-        (r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>accept_invite)/%(scope)s/%(lnp)s$',
-        'soc.views.models.%(module_name)s.acceptInvite',
-        'Accept invite for %(name_plural)s')]
-    new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns
     params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)
     super(View, self).__init__(params=params)
@@ -117,184 +107,15 @@
     super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields)
-  @decorators.merge_params
-  @decorators.check_access
-  def acceptInvite(self, request, access_type,
-                   page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
-    """Creates the page process an invite into a Club Admin.
-    Args:
-      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
-      access_type : the name of the access type which should be checked
-      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
-      params: a dict with params for this View
-      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+  def _acceptInvitePost(self, fields, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """Fills in the fields that were missing in the invited_created_form
+    For params see base.View._acceptInvitePost()
-     # get the context for this webpage
-    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
-    context['page_name'] = page_name
-    if request.method == 'POST':
-      return self.acceptInvitePost(request, context, params, **kwargs)
-    else:
-      # request.method == 'GET'
-      return self.acceptInviteGet(request, context, params, **kwargs)
-  def acceptInviteGet(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
-    """Handles the GET request concerning the creation of a Club Admin via an
-    invite.
-    Args:
-      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
-      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
-      params: a dict with params for this View
-      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
-    """
-    # create the form using the scope_path and link_id from kwargs as initial value
-    fields = {'link_id' : kwargs['link_id'],
-              'scope_path' : kwargs['scope_path']}
-    form = params['invited_create_form'](initial=fields)
-    # construct the appropriate response
-    return super(View, self)._constructResponse(request, entity=None,
-        context=context, form=form, params=params)
-  def acceptInvitePost(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
-    """Handles the POST request concerning the creation of a Club Admin via an
-    invite.
-    Args:
-      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
-      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
-      params: a dict with params for this View
-      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
-    """
-    # populate the form using the POST data
-    form = params['invited_create_form'](request.POST)
-    if not form.is_valid():
-      # return the invalid form response
-      return self._constructResponse(request, entity=None, context=context,
-          form=form, params=params)
-    # collect the cleaned data from the valid form
-    key_name, fields = soc.views.helper.forms.collectCleanedFields(form)
     # fill in the appropriate fields that were missing in the form
     fields['user'] = fields['link_id']
     fields['link_id'] = fields['user'].link_id
-    club = club_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(fields['scope_path'])
-    fields['scope'] = club
-    # make sure that this role becomes active once more in case this user
-    # has been reinvited
-    fields ['state'] = 'active'
-    # get the key_name for the new entity
-    key_fields =  self._logic.getKeyFieldsFromDict(fields)
-    key_name = self._logic.getKeyNameForFields(key_fields)
-    # create new Club Admin entity
-    entity = self._logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(fields, key_name)
-    # redirect to the roles overview page
-    return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/user/roles')
-  @decorators.merge_params
-  @decorators.check_access
-  def invite(self, request, access_type,
-                   page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
-    """Creates the page upon which a Club Admin can invite another Club Admin.
-    Args:
-      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
-      access_type : the name of the access type which should be checked
-      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
-      params: a dict with params for this View
-      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
-    """
-    # get the context for this webpage
-    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
-    context['page_name'] = page_name
-    if request.method == 'POST':
-      return self.invitePost(request, context, params, **kwargs)
-    else:
-      # request.method == 'GET'
-      return self.inviteGet(request, context, params, **kwargs)
-  def inviteGet(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
-    """Handles the GET request concerning the view that creates an invite
-    for becoming a Club Admin.
-    Args:
-      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
-      page_name: the page name displayed in templates as page and header title
-      params: a dict with params for this View
-      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
-    """
-    # set the role to the right name
-    fields = {'role' : '%(module_name)s' %(params)}
-    # get the request view parameters and initialize the create form
-    request_params = request_view.view.getParams()
-    form = request_params['create_form'](initial=fields)
-    # construct the appropriate response
-    return super(View, self)._constructResponse(request, entity=None,
-        context=context, form=form, params=params)
-  def invitePost(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
-    """Handles the POST request concerning the view that creates an invite
-    for becoming a Club Admin.
-    Args:
-      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
-      page_name: the page name displayed in templates as page and header title
-      params: a dict with params for this View
-      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
-    """
-    # get the request view parameters and populate the form using POST data
-    request_params = request_view.view.getParams()
-    form = request_params['create_form'](request.POST)
-    if not form.is_valid():
-      # return the invalid form response
-      return self._constructResponse(request, entity=None, context=context,
-          form=form, params=params)
-    # collect the cleaned data from the valid form
-    key_name, form_fields = soc.views.helper.forms.collectCleanedFields(form)
-    # get the club entity for which this request is for from link_id in kwargs
-    club = club_logic.logic.getForFields({'link_id' : kwargs['link_id']}, unique=True)
-    # create the fields for the new request entity
-    request_fields = {'link_id' : form_fields['link_id'].link_id,
-        'scope' : club,
-        'scope_path' : club.link_id,
-        'role' : params['module_name'],
-        'role_verbose' : params['name'],
-        'state' : 'group_accepted'}
-    # extract the key_name for the new request entity
-    key_fields = request_logic.logic.getKeyFieldsFromDict(request_fields)
-    key_name = request_logic.logic.getKeyNameForFields(key_fields)
-    # create the request entity
-    entity = request_logic.logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(request_fields, key_name)
-    # TODO(ljvderijk) redirect to a more useful place like the club homepage
-    return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/')
 view = View()
--- a/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     rights['edit'] = [access.checkIsMyApplication(club_app_logic)]
     rights['list'] = [access.checkAgreesToSiteToS]
     rights['public'] = [access.checkIsMyApplication(club_app_logic)]
-    rights['review'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
+    rights['review'] = [access.checkIsHost]
     new_params = {}
--- a/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -19,17 +19,24 @@
 __authors__ = [
     '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
+    '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',
+from django import forms
+from soc.logic import cleaning
 from soc.logic import accounts
 from soc.logic import dicts
 from soc.logic.models import host as host_logic
 from soc.logic.models import user as user_logic
+from soc.logic.models import sponsor as sponsor_logic
 from soc.views import helper
+from soc.views.helper import access
+from soc.views.helper import dynaform
+from soc.views.helper import widgets
 from soc.views.models import role
 from soc.views.models import sponsor as sponsor_view
-from soc.views.helper import access
@@ -40,47 +47,6 @@
 # and remove this tolist assignment
 tolist = list
-class CreateForm(helper.forms.BaseForm):
-  """Django form displayed when creating a Host.
-  """
-  class Meta:
-    """Inner Meta class that defines some behavior for the form.
-    """
-    #: db.Model subclass for which the form will gather information
-    model =
-    #: list of model fields which will *not* be gathered by the form
-    exclude = ['scope', 'user', 'state']
-  def clean_empty(self, field):
-    data = self.cleaned_data.get(field)
-    if not data or data == u'':
-      return None
-    return data
-  def clean_home_page(self):
-    return self.clean_empty('home_page')
-  def clean_blog(self):
-    return self.clean_empty('blog')
-  def clean_photo_url(self):
-    return self.clean_empty('photo_url')
-class EditForm(CreateForm):
-  """Django form displayed when editing a Host.
-  """
-  pass
-# TODO(ljvderijk) rewrite the Host View module to comply with the new request system
-# so that non-developers can create Hosts
 class View(role.View):
   """View methods for the Host model.
@@ -94,31 +60,52 @@
     rights = {}
-    rights['create'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
-    # TODO(ljvderijk) write the edit check
-    #rights['edit'] = [access.checkIsMyHost]
+    rights['create'] = [access.checkIsHost]
+    rights['edit'] = [access.checkIsMyActiveRole(]
+    rights['invite'] = [access.checkIsHost]
     rights['list'] = [access.checkIsHost]
+    rights['accept_invite'] = [access.checkCanCreateFromRequest('host')]
     new_params = {}
     new_params['rights'] = rights
     new_params['logic'] =
+    new_params['group_logic'] = sponsor_logic.logic
     new_params['scope_view'] = sponsor_view
-    new_params['logic'] =
     new_params['group_view'] = soc.views.models.sponsor.view
     new_params['invite_filter'] = {'group_ln': 'link_id'}
     new_params['name'] = "Program Administrator"
     new_params['module_name'] = "host"
-    new_params['edit_form'] = EditForm
-    new_params['create_form'] = CreateForm
+    new_params['extra_dynaexclude'] = ['user', 'state']
+    new_params['create_extra_dynafields'] = {
+       'scope_path': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
+                                  required=True),
+       'clean_link_id' : cleaning.clean_existing_user('link_id'),
+       'clean_home_page' : cleaning.clean_url('home_page'),
+       'clean_blog' : cleaning.clean_url('blog'),
+       'clean_photo_url' : cleaning.clean_url('photo_url')}
     params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)
     super(View, self).__init__(params=params)
+    # create and store the special form for invited users
+    updated_fields = {
+        'link_id': forms.CharField(widget=widgets.ReadOnlyInput(),
+            required=False)}
+    invited_create_form = dynaform.extendDynaForm(
+        dynaform = self._params['create_form'],
+        dynafields = updated_fields)
+    params['invited_create_form'] = invited_create_form
   def list(self, request, access_type, page_name=None, 
            params=None, filter=None):
     """See base.View.list.
@@ -144,18 +131,29 @@
     """See base.View._editPost().
-    user = user_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(fields['link_id'])
-    fields['user'] = user
+    fields['user'] = fields['link_id']
+    fields['link_id'] = fields['link_id'].link_id
     super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields)
+  def _acceptInvitePost(self, fields, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """Fills in the fields that were missing in the invited_created_form
+    For params see base.View._acceptInvitePost()
+    """
+    # fill in the appropriate fields that were missing in the form
+    fields['user'] = fields['link_id']
+    fields['link_id'] = fields['link_id'].link_id
 view = View()
+acceptInvite = view.acceptInvite
 create = view.create
 delete = view.delete
 edit = view.edit
+invite = view.invite
 list = view.list
 public = view.public
 export = view.export
-invite = view.invite
--- a/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     rights = {}
     rights['listSelf'] = [access.checkAgreesToSiteToS]
-    rights['create'] = [access.allow] # TODO(ljvderijk) Set to deny once host has been converted
+    rights['create'] = [access.deny]
     rights['edit'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
     rights['process_invite'] = [access.checkIsMyGroupAcceptedRequest]
     rights['list'] = [access.checkIsDeveloper]
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@
         'clean_link_id': cleaning.clean_existing_user('link_id')
+    new_params['edit_extra_dynafields'] = {
+        'scope_path': forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput,
+                                        required=True),
+        }
     patterns = [(r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>invite)/%(lnp)s$',
         'Create invite for %(name_plural)s'),
@@ -210,23 +215,6 @@
     return self._list(request, params, contents, page_name)
-  def _editPost(self, request, entity, fields):
-    """See base.View._editPost().
-    """
-    # TODO(ljvderijk) remove this once host has been rewritten
-    callback, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(request.path)
-    # fill in the fields via kwargs
-    fields['link_id'] = kwargs['link_id']
-    fields['scope_path'] = kwargs['scope_path']
-    fields['role'] = kwargs['role']
-    fields['role_verbose'] = 'Some Role'
-    fields['state'] = 'group_accepted'
-    super(View, self)._editPost(request, entity, fields)
 view = View()
 create = view.create
--- a/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:18:30 2009 +0000
+++ b/app/soc/views/models/	Sat Jan 24 10:19:17 2009 +0000
@@ -19,19 +19,26 @@
 __authors__ = [
     '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
+    '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',
+from django import http
 from django import forms
 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
 from soc.logic import dicts
+from soc.logic.models import request as request_logic
 from soc.logic.models import user as user_logic
+from soc.logic.helper import request as request_helper
 from soc.views import helper
 from soc.views import out_of_band
 from soc.views.helper import access
+from soc.views.helper import decorators
 from soc.views.helper import redirects
+from soc.views.helper import responses
 from soc.views.models import base
+from soc.views.models import request as request_view
 from soc.views.models import user as user_view
 import soc.models.request
@@ -40,29 +47,6 @@
 import soc.views.helper.widgets
-class RequestForm(helper.forms.BaseForm):
-  """Django form displayed when creating a new invititation/request.
-  """
-  class Meta:
-    """Inner Meta class that defines some behavior for the form.
-    """
-    #: db.Model subclass for which the form will gather information
-    model = soc.models.request.Request
-    #: Exclude pretty much everything, model=None would 
-    #: also remove the help text etc. 
-    exclude = ['requester', 'to', 'role', 
-        'accepted', 'declined']
-  requester = forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput())
-  role = forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput())
-  to = forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput())
 class View(base.View):
   """Views for all entities that inherit from Role.
@@ -80,10 +64,13 @@
     new_params = {}
-    patterns = [(r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>invite)/%(lnp)s$',
+    # TODO(ljvderijk) add request and process_request
+    patterns = [(r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>invite)/%(scope)s$',
-        'Invite %(name_short)s')]
+        'Create invite for %(name_plural)s'),
+        (r'^%(url_name)s/(?P<access_type>accept_invite)/%(scope)s/%(lnp)s$',
+        'soc.views.models.%(module_name)s.acceptInvite',
+        'Accept invite for %(name_plural)s')]
     new_params['extra_django_patterns'] = patterns
     new_params['scope_redirect'] = redirects.getInviteRedirect
@@ -92,33 +79,211 @@
     super(View, self).__init__(params=params)
+  @decorators.merge_params
+  @decorators.check_access
   def invite(self, request, access_type,
-             page_name=None, params=None, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Displays the request promotion to Role page.
+                   page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
+    """Creates the page on which an invite can be send out.
+    Args:
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      access_type : the name of the access type which should be checked
+      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+    """
+    # get the context for this webpage
+    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
+    context['page_name'] = page_name
+    if request.method == 'POST':
+      return self.invitePost(request, context, params, **kwargs)
+    else:
+      # request.method == 'GET'
+      return self.inviteGet(request, context, params, **kwargs)
+  def inviteGet(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """Handles the GET request concerning the view that creates an invite
+    for attaining a certain Role.
+    Args:
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      page_name: the page name displayed in templates as page and header title
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+    """
+    # set the role to the right name
+    fields = {'role' : '%(module_name)s' %(params)}
+    # get the request view parameters and initialize the create form
+    request_params = request_view.view.getParams()
+    form = request_params['create_form'](initial=fields)
+    # construct the appropriate response
+    return super(View, self)._constructResponse(request, entity=None,
+        context=context, form=form, params=params)
+  def invitePost(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """Handles the POST request concerning the view that creates an invite
+    for attaining a certain Role.
+    Args:
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      page_name: the page name displayed in templates as page and header title
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
-    new_params = {}
+    # get the request view parameters and populate the form using POST data
+    request_params = request_view.view.getParams()
+    form = request_params['create_form'](request.POST)
+    if not form.is_valid():
+      # return the invalid form response
+      return self._constructResponse(request, entity=None, context=context,
+          form=form, params=params)
-    group_scope = kwargs['link_id']
+    # collect the cleaned data from the valid form
+    key_name, form_fields = soc.views.helper.forms.collectCleanedFields(form)
+    # get the group entity for which this request is via the scope_path
+    group_key_fields = kwargs['scope_path'].rsplit('/',1)
+    if len(group_key_fields) == 1:
+      # there is only a link_id
+      fields = {'link_id' : group_key_fields[0]}
+    else:
+      # there is a scope_path and link_id
+      fields = {'scope_path' : group_key_fields[0],
+                'link_id' : group_key_fields[1]}
+    group = params['group_logic'].getForFields(fields, unique=True)
+    if group.scope_path:
+      request_scope_path = '%s/%s' % [group.scope_path, group.link_id]
+    else:
+      request_scope_path = group.link_id
-    new_params['list_action'] = (redirects.getCreateRequestRedirect,
-        {'group_scope' : group_scope,
-        'url_name' : self._params['url_name']})
-    new_params['list_description'] = \
-        self.DEF_INVITE_INSTRUCTION_MSG_FMT % self._params
-    new_params['logic'] = user_logic.logic
+    # create the fields for the new request entity
+    request_fields = {'link_id' : form_fields['link_id'].link_id,
+        'scope' : group,
+        'scope_path' : request_scope_path,
+        'role' : params['module_name'],
+        'role_verbose' : params['name'],
+        'state' : 'group_accepted'}
+    # extract the key_name for the new request entity
+    key_fields = request_logic.logic.getKeyFieldsFromDict(request_fields)
+    key_name = request_logic.logic.getKeyNameForFields(key_fields)
+    # create the request entity
+    entity = request_logic.logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(request_fields, key_name)
+    # TODO(ljvderijk) redirect to a more useful place like the group homepage
+    return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/')
+  @decorators.merge_params
+  @decorators.check_access
+  def acceptInvite(self, request, access_type,
+                   page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
+    """Creates the page process an invite into a Role.
+    Args:
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      access_type : the name of the access type which should be checked
+      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+    """
+     # get the context for this webpage
+    context = responses.getUniversalContext(request)
+    context['page_name'] = page_name
+    if request.method == 'POST':
+      return self.acceptInvitePost(request, context, params, **kwargs)
+    else:
+      # request.method == 'GET'
+      return self.acceptInviteGet(request, context, params, **kwargs)
-    new_params = dicts.merge(params, new_params)
-    params = dicts.merge(new_params, user_view.view._params)
-    rights = params['rights']
+  def acceptInviteGet(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """Handles the GET request concerning the creation of a Role via an
+    invite.
+    Args:
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+    """
+    # create the form using the scope_path and link_id from kwargs as initial value
+    fields = {'link_id' : kwargs['link_id'],
+              'scope_path' : kwargs['scope_path']}
+    form = params['invited_create_form'](initial=fields)
+    # construct the appropriate response
+    return super(View, self)._constructResponse(request, entity=None,
+        context=context, form=form, params=params)
+  def acceptInvitePost(self, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """Handles the POST request concerning the creation of a Role via an
+    invite.
+    Args:
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+    """
+    # populate the form using the POST data
+    form = params['invited_create_form'](request.POST)
+    if not form.is_valid():
+      # return the invalid form response
+      return self._constructResponse(request, entity=None, context=context,
+          form=form, params=params)
-    try:
-      access.checkAccess(access_type, request, rights, args, kwargs)
-    except out_of_band.Error, error:
-      return helper.responses.errorResponse(error, request)
+    # collect the cleaned data from the valid form
+    key_name, fields = soc.views.helper.forms.collectCleanedFields(form)
+    # call the post process method
+    self._acceptInvitePost(fields, request, context, params, **kwargs)
+    group_logic = params['group_logic']
+    group_entity = group_logic.getFromKeyName(fields['scope_path'])
+    fields['scope'] = group_entity
+    # make sure that this role becomes active once more in case this user
+    # has been reinvited
+    fields ['state'] = 'active'
+    # get the key_name for the new entity
+    key_fields =  self._logic.getKeyFieldsFromDict(fields)
+    key_name = self._logic.getKeyNameForFields(key_fields)
-    content = helper.lists.getListContent(request, params)
-    contents = [content]
+    # create new Role entity
+    entity = self._logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(fields, key_name)
+    # mark the request as completed
+    request_helper.completeRequestForRole(entity, params['module_name'])
+    # redirect to the roles overview page
+    return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/user/roles')
-    return self._list(request, params, contents, page_name)
+  def _acceptInvitePost(self, fields, request, context, params, **kwargs):
+    """ Used to post-process data after the fields have been cleaned.
+      Args:
+      fields : the cleaned fields from the role form
+      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
+      context: dictionary containing the context for this view
+      params: a dict with params for this View
+      kwargs: the Key Fields for the specified entity
+    """
+    pass