Changed the working of the iterative_task decorator.
authorLennard de Rijk <>
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:26:50 +0200 (2009-09-30)
changeset 2995 5931e6d6056f
parent 2994 24db4afbc82e
child 2996 9a62e3cad4a8
Changed the working of the iterative_task decorator. The decorator now needs the logic for the model which it fetches. This is much nicer then "fetching" it using import. Also order has been removed since it has no use when iterating over all entities when key is involved. Fields to filter can now dynamically be set by the function that is wrapped. Note that it will merge the filter with the task_default kwarg and it will only use the start_key if their is no key present in the context. Also note that task_default gathers all kwargs. I tried to do it otherwise (with default kwargs) but I couldn't get it to work. Feel free to improve :).
--- a/app/soc/tasks/helper/	Wed Sep 30 21:10:36 2009 +0200
+++ b/app/soc/tasks/helper/	Wed Sep 30 21:26:50 2009 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 from functools import wraps
+from google.appengine.ext import db
 from soc.tasks import responses as task_responses
@@ -51,72 +53,68 @@
   return wrapper
-def iterative_task(func):
+def iterative_task(logic, **task_default):
   """Iterative wrapper method
+  Args:
+    logic: the Logic instance to get entities for
+    task_default: keyword arguments which can contain the following options:
+      fields: dictionary to filter the entities on
+      start_key: the default key where to start this iterative task
-  @wraps(func)
-  def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Decorator wrapper method
+  def wrapper(func):
+    def iterative_wrapped(request, *args, **kwargs):
+      """Decorator wrapper method
-    Params usage:
-      logic: name of the logic for the data model to iterate through
-      filter: a dict for the properties that the entities should have
-      order: a list with the sort order
-      json: json object with additional parameters
+      Args:
+        request: Django HTTP Request object
-    Returns:
-      Standard http django response
-    """
-    post_dict = request.POST
+      request.POST usage:
+        fields: a JSON dict for the properties that the entities should have.
+          This updates values from the task_default entry.
+        start_key: the key of the next entity to fetch
-    if 'logic' not in post_dict:
-       return task_responses.terminateTask()
-    _temp = __import__(post_dict['logic'], globals(), locals(), ['logic'], -1)
-    logic = _temp.logic
+      Returns:
+        Standard HTTP Django response
+      """
-    filter = None
-    if 'filter' in post_dict:
-      filter = simplejson.loads(post_dict['filter'])
+      post_dict = request.POST
-    order = None
-    if 'order' in post_dict:
-      order = simplejson.loads(post_dict['order'])
-    start_key = None
-    if 'start_key' in post_dict:
-      start_key = db.Key(post_dict['start_key'])
+      fields = task_default.get('fields', {})
+      if 'fields' in post_dict:
+        fields.update(simplejson.loads(post_dict['fields']))
-    json = None
-    if 'json' in post_dict:
-      json = post_dict['json']
-    entities, next_start_key = logic.getBatchOfData(filter, order, start_key)
+      start_key = task_default.get('start_key', None)
+      if 'start_key' in post_dict:
+        # get the key where to start this iteration
+        start_key = post_dict['start_key']
+      if start_key:
+        start_key = db.Key(start_key)
-    try:
-      new_json = func(request, entities=entities, json=json, *args, **kwargs)
-    except task_responses.FatalTaskError, error:
-      logging.error(error)
-      return task_responses.terminateTask()
-    except Exception, exception:
-      logging.error(exception)
-      return task_responses.repeatTask()
+      # get the entities for this iteration
+      entities, next_start_key = logic.getBatchOfData(filter=fields,
+                                                      start_key=start_key)
-    if next_start_key:
+      # copy the post_dict so that the wrapped function can edit what it needs
       context = post_dict.copy()
-      if 'json' in context:
-        del context['json']
-      context.update({'start_key': next_start_key})
+      try:
+        func(request, entities=entities, context=context, *args, **kwargs)
+      except task_responses.FatalTaskError, error:
+        logging.error(error)
+        return task_responses.terminateTask()
+      except Exception, exception:
+        logging.error(exception)
+        return task_responses.repeatTask()
-      if new_json is not None:
-        context.update({'json': new_json})
+      if next_start_key:
+        # set the key to use for the next iteration
+        context.update({'start_key': next_start_key})
-      task_responses.startTask(url=request.path, context=context)
+        task_responses.startTask(url=request.path, context=context)
-    return task_responses.terminateTask()
+      return task_responses.terminateTask()
-  return wrapper
\ No newline at end of file
+    return iterative_wrapped
+  return wrapper