Fix indentation to match Melange/Google style.
authorDavid Anderson <>
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 18:22:01 +0000
changeset 1835 3f30b7b14c57
parent 1834 0589bf1395c5
child 1836 1ca77835020a
Fix indentation to match Melange/Google style.
--- a/scripts/release/	Fri Mar 13 18:14:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/scripts/release/	Fri Mar 13 18:22:01 2009 +0000
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
 class Error(Exception):
-    """Base class for release script exceptions."""
+  """Base class for release script exceptions."""
--- a/scripts/release/	Fri Mar 13 18:14:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/scripts/release/	Fri Mar 13 18:22:01 2009 +0000
@@ -64,779 +64,779 @@
 class Error(error.Error):
-    pass
+  pass
 class AbortedByUser(Error):
-    """The operation was aborted by the user."""
+  """The operation was aborted by the user."""
 class ObstructionError(Error):
-    """An operation was obstructed by existing data."""
+  """An operation was obstructed by existing data."""
 class ExpectationFailed(Error):
-    """An unexpected state was encountered by an automated step."""
+  """An unexpected state was encountered by an automated step."""
 class FileAccessError(Error):
-    """An error occured while accessing a file."""
+  """An error occured while accessing a file."""
 def confirm(prompt, default=False):
-    """Ask a yes/no question and return the answer.
+  """Ask a yes/no question and return the answer.
-    Will reprompt the user until one of "yes", "no", "y" or "n" is
-    entered. The input is case insensitive.
+  Will reprompt the user until one of "yes", "no", "y" or "n" is
+  entered. The input is case insensitive.
+  Args:
+    prompt: The question to ask the user.
+    default: The answer to return if the user just hits enter.
-    Args:
-      prompt: The question to ask the user.
-      default: The answer to return if the user just hits enter.
-    Returns:
-      True if the user answered affirmatively, False otherwise.
-    """
-    if default:
-        question = prompt + ' [Yn] '
+  Returns:
+    True if the user answered affirmatively, False otherwise.
+  """
+  if default:
+    question = prompt + ' [Yn] '
+  else:
+    question = prompt + ' [yN] '
+  while True:
+    try:
+      answer = raw_input(question).strip().lower()
+    except EOFError:
+      raise AbortedByUser('Aborted by ctrl+D')
+    if not answer:
+      return default
+    elif answer in ('y', 'yes'):
+      return True
+    elif answer in ('n', 'no'):
+      return False
-        question = prompt + ' [yN] '
-    while True:
-        try:
-            answer = raw_input(question).strip().lower()
-        except EOFError:
-            raise AbortedByUser('Aborted by ctrl+D')
-        if not answer:
-            return default
-        elif answer in ('y', 'yes'):
-            return True
-        elif answer in ('n', 'no'):
-            return False
-        else:
-            log.error('Please answer yes or no.')
+      log.error('Please answer yes or no.')
 def getString(prompt):
-    """Prompt for and return a string."""
-    try:
-        return raw_input(prompt + ' ').strip()
-    except EOFError:
-        raise AbortedByUser('Aborted by ctrl+D')
+  """Prompt for and return a string."""
+  try:
+    return raw_input(prompt + ' ').strip()
+  except EOFError:
+    raise AbortedByUser('Aborted by ctrl+D')
 def getNumber(prompt):
-    """Prompt for and return a number.
+  """Prompt for and return a number.
-    Will reprompt the user until a number is entered.
-    """
-    while True:
-        value_str = getString(prompt)
-        try:
-            return int(value_str)
-        except ValueError:
-            log.error('Please enter a number. You entered "%s".' % value_str)
+  Will reprompt the user until a number is entered.
+  """
+  while True:
+    value_str = getString(prompt)
+    try:
+      return int(value_str)
+    except ValueError:
+      log.error('Please enter a number. You entered "%s".' % value_str)
 def getChoice(intro, prompt, choices, done=None, suggest=None):
-    """Prompt for and return a choice from a menu.
+  """Prompt for and return a choice from a menu.
-    Will reprompt the user until a valid menu entry is chosen.
+  Will reprompt the user until a valid menu entry is chosen.
-    Args:
-      intro: Text to print verbatim before the choice menu.
-      prompt: The prompt to print right before accepting input.
-      choices: The list of string choices to display.
-      done: If not None, the list of indices of previously
-            selected/completed choices.
-      suggest: If not None, the index of the choice to highlight as
-               the suggested choice.
+  Args:
+    intro: Text to print verbatim before the choice menu.
+    prompt: The prompt to print right before accepting input.
+    choices: The list of string choices to display.
+    done: If not None, the list of indices of previously
+          selected/completed choices.
+    suggest: If not None, the index of the choice to highlight as
+             the suggested choice.
-    Returns:
-      The index in the choices list of the selection the user made.
-    """
-    done = set(done or [])
-    while True:
-        print intro
-        print
-        for i, entry in enumerate(choices):
-            done_text = ' (done)' if i in done else ''
-            indent = '--> ' if i == suggest else '    '
-            print '%s%2d. %s%s' % (indent, i+1, entry, done_text)
-        print
-        choice = getNumber(prompt)
-        if 0 < choice <= len(choices):
-            return choice-1
-        log.error('%d is not a valid choice between %d and %d' %
-                  (choice, 1, len(choices)))
-        print
+  Returns:
+    The index in the choices list of the selection the user made.
+  """
+  done = set(done or [])
+  while True:
+    print intro
+    print
+    for i, entry in enumerate(choices):
+      done_text = ' (done)' if i in done else ''
+      indent = '--> ' if i == suggest else '    '
+      print '%s%2d. %s%s' % (indent, i+1, entry, done_text)
+    print
+    choice = getNumber(prompt)
+    if 0 < choice <= len(choices):
+      return choice-1
+    log.error('%d is not a valid choice between %d and %d' %
+              (choice, 1, len(choices)))
+    print
 def fileToLines(path):
-    """Read a file and return it as a list of lines."""
-    try:
-        with file(path) as f:
-            return'\n')
-    except (IOError, OSError), e:
-        raise FileAccessError(str(e))
+  """Read a file and return it as a list of lines."""
+  try:
+    with file(path) as f:
+      return'\n')
+  except (IOError, OSError), e:
+    raise FileAccessError(str(e))
 def linesToFile(path, lines):
-    """Write a list of lines to a file."""
-    try:
-        with file(path, 'w') as f:
-            f.write('\n'.join(lines))
-    except (IOError, OSError), e:
-        raise FileAccessError(str(e))
+  """Write a list of lines to a file."""
+  try:
+    with file(path, 'w') as f:
+      f.write('\n'.join(lines))
+  except (IOError, OSError), e:
+    raise FileAccessError(str(e))
 class Subversion(util.Paths):
-    """Wrapper for operations on a Subversion working copy.
+  """Wrapper for operations on a Subversion working copy.
-    An instance of this class is bound to a specific working copy
-    directory, and provides an API to perform various Subversion
-    operations on this working copy.
+  An instance of this class is bound to a specific working copy
+  directory, and provides an API to perform various Subversion
+  operations on this working copy.
-    Some methods take a 'depth' argument. Depth in Subversion is a
-    feature that allows the creation of arbitrarily shallow or deep
-    working copies on a per-directory basis. Possible values are
-    'none' (no files or directories), 'files' (only files in .),
-    'immediates' (files and directories in ., directories checked out
-    at depth 'none') or 'infinity' (a normal working copy with
-    everything).
+  Some methods take a 'depth' argument. Depth in Subversion is a
+  feature that allows the creation of arbitrarily shallow or deep
+  working copies on a per-directory basis. Possible values are
+  'none' (no files or directories), 'files' (only files in .),
+  'immediates' (files and directories in ., directories checked out
+  at depth 'none') or 'infinity' (a normal working copy with
+  everything).
-    This class also provides a few static functions that run the 'svn'
-    tool against remote repositories to gather information or retrieve
-    data.
+  This class also provides a few static functions that run the 'svn'
+  tool against remote repositories to gather information or retrieve
+  data.
-    Note that this wrapper also doubles as a Paths object, offering an
-    easy way to get or check the existence of paths in the working
-    copy.
-    """
+  Note that this wrapper also doubles as a Paths object, offering an
+  easy way to get or check the existence of paths in the working
+  copy.
+  """
-    def __init__(self, wc_dir):
-        util.Paths.__init__(self, wc_dir)
+  def __init__(self, wc_dir):
+    util.Paths.__init__(self, wc_dir)
-    def _unknownAndMissing(self, path):
-        """Returns lists of unknown and missing files in the working copy.
+  def _unknownAndMissing(self, path):
+    """Returns lists of unknown and missing files in the working copy.
-        Args:
-          path: The working copy path to scan.
+    Args:
+      path: The working copy path to scan.
-        Returns:
+    Returns:
-          Two lists. The first is a list of all unknown paths
-          (subversion has no knowledge of them), the second is a list
-          of missing paths (subversion knows about them, but can't
-          find them). Paths in either list are relative to the input
-          path.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        unknown = []
-        missing = []
-        for line in self.status(path):
-            if not line.strip():
-                continue
-            if line[0] == '?':
-                unknown.append(line[7:])
-            elif line[0] == '!':
-                missing.append(line[7:])
-        return unknown, missing
+      Two lists. The first is a list of all unknown paths
+      (subversion has no knowledge of them), the second is a list
+      of missing paths (subversion knows about them, but can't
+      find them). Paths in either list are relative to the input
+      path.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    unknown = []
+    missing = []
+    for line in self.status(path):
+      if not line.strip():
+        continue
+      if line[0] == '?':
+        unknown.append(line[7:])
+      elif line[0] == '!':
+        missing.append(line[7:])
+    return unknown, missing
-    def checkout(self, url, depth='infinity'):
-        """Check out a working copy from the given URL.
+  def checkout(self, url, depth='infinity'):
+    """Check out a working copy from the given URL.
-        Args:
-          url: The Subversion repository URL to check out.
-          depth: The depth of the working copy root.
-        """
-        assert not self.exists()
-['svn', 'checkout', '--depth=' + depth, url, self.path()])
+    Args:
+      url: The Subversion repository URL to check out.
+      depth: The depth of the working copy root.
+    """
+    assert not self.exists()
+['svn', 'checkout', '--depth=' + depth, url, self.path()])
-    def update(self, path='', depth=None):
-        """Update a working copy path, optionally changing depth.
+  def update(self, path='', depth=None):
+    """Update a working copy path, optionally changing depth.
-        Args:
-          path: The working copy path to update.
-          depth: If set, change the depth of the path before updating.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        if depth is None:
-  ['svn', 'update', self.path(path)])
-        else:
-  ['svn', 'update', '--set-depth=' + depth, self.path(path)])
+    Args:
+      path: The working copy path to update.
+      depth: If set, change the depth of the path before updating.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    if depth is None:
+['svn', 'update', self.path(path)])
+    else:
+['svn', 'update', '--set-depth=' + depth, self.path(path)])
-    def revert(self, path=''):
-        """Recursively revert a working copy path.
+  def revert(self, path=''):
+    """Recursively revert a working copy path.
-        Note that this command is more zealous than the 'svn revert'
-        command, as it will also delete any files which subversion
-        does not know about.
-        """
-['svn', 'revert', '-R', self.path(path)])
+    Note that this command is more zealous than the 'svn revert'
+    command, as it will also delete any files which subversion
+    does not know about.
+    """
+['svn', 'revert', '-R', self.path(path)])
-        unknown, missing = self._unknownAndMissing(path)
-        unknown = [os.path.join(self.path(path), p) for p in unknown]
+    unknown, missing = self._unknownAndMissing(path)
+    unknown = [os.path.join(self.path(path), p) for p in unknown]
-        if unknown:
-            # rm -rf makes me uneasy. Verify that all paths to be deleted
-            # are within the release working copy.
-            for p in unknown:
-                assert p.startswith(self.path())
+    if unknown:
+      # rm -rf makes me uneasy. Verify that all paths to be deleted
+      # are within the release working copy.
+      for p in unknown:
+        assert p.startswith(self.path())
-  ['rm', '-rf', '--'] + unknown)
+['rm', '-rf', '--'] + unknown)
-    def ls(self, dir=''):
-        """List the contents of a working copy directory.
+  def ls(self, dir=''):
+    """List the contents of a working copy directory.
-        Note that this returns the contents of the directory as seen
-        by the server, not constrained by the depth settings of the
-        local path.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        return['svn', 'ls', self.path(dir)], capture=True)
+    Note that this returns the contents of the directory as seen
+    by the server, not constrained by the depth settings of the
+    local path.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    return['svn', 'ls', self.path(dir)], capture=True)
-    def copy(self, src, dest):
-        """Copy a working copy path.
+  def copy(self, src, dest):
+    """Copy a working copy path.
-        The copy is only scheduled for commit, not committed.
+    The copy is only scheduled for commit, not committed.
-        Args:
-          src: The source working copy path.
-          dst: The destination working copy path.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-['svn', 'cp', self.path(src), self.path(dest)])
+    Args:
+      src: The source working copy path.
+      dst: The destination working copy path.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+['svn', 'cp', self.path(src), self.path(dest)])
-    def propget(self, prop_name, path):
-        """Get the value of a property on a working copy path.
+  def propget(self, prop_name, path):
+    """Get the value of a property on a working copy path.
-        Args:
-          prop_name: The property name, eg. 'svn:externals'.
-          path: The working copy path on which the property is set.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        return['svn', 'propget', prop_name, self.path(path)],
-                        capture=True)
+    Args:
+      prop_name: The property name, eg. 'svn:externals'.
+      path: The working copy path on which the property is set.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    return['svn', 'propget', prop_name, self.path(path)],
+            capture=True)
-    def propset(self, prop_name, prop_value, path):
-        """Set the value of a property on a working copy path.
+  def propset(self, prop_name, prop_value, path):
+    """Set the value of a property on a working copy path.
-        The property change is only scheduled for commit, not committed.
+    The property change is only scheduled for commit, not committed.
-        Args:
-          prop_name: The property name, eg. 'svn:externals'.
-          prop_value: The value that should be set.
-          path: The working copy path on which to set the property.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-['svn', 'propset', prop_name, prop_value, self.path(path)])
+    Args:
+      prop_name: The property name, eg. 'svn:externals'.
+      prop_value: The value that should be set.
+      path: The working copy path on which to set the property.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+['svn', 'propset', prop_name, prop_value, self.path(path)])
-    def add(self, paths):
-        """Schedule working copy paths for addition.
+  def add(self, paths):
+    """Schedule working copy paths for addition.
-        The paths are only scheduled for addition, not committed.
+    The paths are only scheduled for addition, not committed.
-        Args:
-          paths: The list of working copy paths to add.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        paths = [self.path(p) for p in paths]
-['svn', 'add'] + paths)
+    Args:
+      paths: The list of working copy paths to add.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    paths = [self.path(p) for p in paths]
+['svn', 'add'] + paths)
-    def remove(self, paths):
-        """Schedule working copy paths for deletion.
+  def remove(self, paths):
+    """Schedule working copy paths for deletion.
-        The paths are only scheduled for deletion, not committed.
+    The paths are only scheduled for deletion, not committed.
-        Args:
-          paths: The list of working copy paths to delete.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        paths = [self.path(p) for p in paths]
-['svn', 'rm'] + paths)
+    Args:
+      paths: The list of working copy paths to delete.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    paths = [self.path(p) for p in paths]
+['svn', 'rm'] + paths)
-    def status(self, path=''):
-        """Return the status of a working copy path.
+  def status(self, path=''):
+    """Return the status of a working copy path.
-        The status returned is the verbatim output of 'svn status' on
-        the path.
+    The status returned is the verbatim output of 'svn status' on
+    the path.
-        Args:
-          path: The path to examine.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        return['svn', 'status', self.path(path)], capture=True)
+    Args:
+      path: The path to examine.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    return['svn', 'status', self.path(path)], capture=True)
-    def addRemove(self, path=''):
-        """Perform an "addremove" operation a working copy path.
+  def addRemove(self, path=''):
+    """Perform an "addremove" operation a working copy path.
-        An "addremove" runs 'svn status' and schedules all the unknown
-        paths (listed as '?') for addition, and all the missing paths
-        (listed as '!') for deletion. Its main use is to synchronize
-        working copy state after applying a patch in unified diff
-        format.
+    An "addremove" runs 'svn status' and schedules all the unknown
+    paths (listed as '?') for addition, and all the missing paths
+    (listed as '!') for deletion. Its main use is to synchronize
+    working copy state after applying a patch in unified diff
+    format.
-        Args:
-          path: The path under which unknown/missing files should be
-                added/removed.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-        unknown, missing = self._unknownAndMissing(path)
-        if unknown:
-            self.add(unknown)
-        if missing:
-            self.remove(missing)
+    Args:
+      path: The path under which unknown/missing files should be
+        added/removed.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+    unknown, missing = self._unknownAndMissing(path)
+    if unknown:
+      self.add(unknown)
+    if missing:
+      self.remove(missing)
-    def commit(self, message, path=''):
-        """Commit scheduled changes to the source repository.
+  def commit(self, message, path=''):
+    """Commit scheduled changes to the source repository.
-        Args:
-          message: The commit message to use.
-          path: The path to commit.
-        """
-        assert self.exists()
-['svn', 'commit', '-m', message, self.path(path)])
+    Args:
+      message: The commit message to use.
+      path: The path to commit.
+    """
+    assert self.exists()
+['svn', 'commit', '-m', message, self.path(path)])
-    @staticmethod
-    def export(url, revision, dest_path):
-        """Export the contents of a repository to a local path.
+  @staticmethod
+  def export(url, revision, dest_path):
+    """Export the contents of a repository to a local path.
-        Note that while the underlying 'svn export' only requires a
-        URL, we require that both a URL and a revision be specified,
-        to fully qualify the data to export.
+    Note that while the underlying 'svn export' only requires a
+    URL, we require that both a URL and a revision be specified,
+    to fully qualify the data to export.
-        Args:
-          url: The repository URL to export.
-          revision: The revision to export.
-          dest_path: The destination directory for the export. Note
-                     that this is an absolute path, NOT a working copy
-                     relative path.
-        """
-        assert os.path.isabs(dest_path)
-        if os.path.exists(dest_path):
-            raise ObstructionError('Cannot export to obstructed path %s' %
-                                   dest_path)
-['svn', 'export', '-r', str(revision), url, dest_path])
+    Args:
+      url: The repository URL to export.
+      revision: The revision to export.
+      dest_path: The destination directory for the export. Note
+           that this is an absolute path, NOT a working copy
+           relative path.
+    """
+    assert os.path.isabs(dest_path)
+    if os.path.exists(dest_path):
+      raise ObstructionError('Cannot export to obstructed path %s' %
+                   dest_path)
+['svn', 'export', '-r', str(revision), url, dest_path])
-    @staticmethod
-    def find_tag_rev(url):
-        """Return the revision at which a remote tag was created.
+  @staticmethod
+  def find_tag_rev(url):
+    """Return the revision at which a remote tag was created.
-        Since tags are immutable by convention, usually the HEAD of a
-        tag should be the tag creation revision. However, mistakes can
-        happen, so this function will walk the history of the given
-        tag URL, stopping on the first revision that was created by
-        copy.
+    Since tags are immutable by convention, usually the HEAD of a
+    tag should be the tag creation revision. However, mistakes can
+    happen, so this function will walk the history of the given
+    tag URL, stopping on the first revision that was created by
+    copy.
-        This detection is not foolproof. For example: it will be
-        fooled by a tag that was created, deleted, and recreated by
-        copy at a different revision. It is not clear what the desired
-        behavior in these edge cases are, and no attempt is made to
-        handle them. You should request user confirmation before using
-        the result of this function.
+    This detection is not foolproof. For example: it will be
+    fooled by a tag that was created, deleted, and recreated by
+    copy at a different revision. It is not clear what the desired
+    behavior in these edge cases are, and no attempt is made to
+    handle them. You should request user confirmation before using
+    the result of this function.
-        Args:
-          url: The repository URL of the tag to examine.
-        """
-        try:
-            output =['svn', 'log', '-q', '--stop-on-copy', url],
-                              capture=True)
-        except util.SubprocessFailed:
-            raise ExpectationFailed('No tag at URL ' + url)
-        first_rev_line = output[-2]
-        first_rev = int(first_rev_line.split()[0][1:])
-        return first_rev
+    Args:
+      url: The repository URL of the tag to examine.
+    """
+    try:
+      output =['svn', 'log', '-q', '--stop-on-copy', url],
+                capture=True)
+    except util.SubprocessFailed:
+      raise ExpectationFailed('No tag at URL ' + url)
+    first_rev_line = output[-2]
+    first_rev = int(first_rev_line.split()[0][1:])
+    return first_rev
-    @staticmethod
-    def diff(url, revision):
-        """Retrieve a revision from a remote repository as a unified diff.
+  @staticmethod
+  def diff(url, revision):
+    """Retrieve a revision from a remote repository as a unified diff.
-        Args:
-          url: The repository URL on which to perform the diff.
-          revision: The revision to extract at the given url.
+    Args:
+      url: The repository URL on which to perform the diff.
+      revision: The revision to extract at the given url.
-        Returns:
-          A string containing the changes extracted from the remote
-          repository, in unified diff format suitable for application
-          using 'patch'.
-        """
-        try:
-            return['svn', 'diff', '-c', str(revision), url],
-                            capture=True, split_capture=False)
-        except util.SubprocessFailed:
-            raise ExpectationFailed('Could not get diff for r%d '
-                                    'from remote repository' % revision)
+    Returns:
+      A string containing the changes extracted from the remote
+      repository, in unified diff format suitable for application
+      using 'patch'.
+    """
+    try:
+      return['svn', 'diff', '-c', str(revision), url],
+              capture=True, split_capture=False)
+    except util.SubprocessFailed:
+      raise ExpectationFailed('Could not get diff for r%d '
+                  'from remote repository' % revision)
 # Decorators for use in ReleaseEnvironment.
 def pristine_wc(f):
-    """A decorator that cleans up the release repository."""
-    @functools.wraps(f)
-    def revert_wc(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.wc.revert()
-        return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    return revert_wc
+  """A decorator that cleans up the release repository."""
+  @functools.wraps(f)
+  def revert_wc(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    self.wc.revert()
+    return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
+  return revert_wc
 def requires_branch(f):
-    """A decorator that checks that a release branch is active."""
-    @functools.wraps(f)
-    def check_branch(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if self.branch is None:
-            raise ExpectationFailed(
-                'This operation requires an active release branch')
-        return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    return check_branch
+  """A decorator that checks that a release branch is active."""
+  @functools.wraps(f)
+  def check_branch(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    if self.branch is None:
+      raise ExpectationFailed(
+        'This operation requires an active release branch')
+    return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
+  return check_branch
 class ReleaseEnvironment(util.Paths):
-    """Encapsulates the state of a Melange release rolling environment.
+  """Encapsulates the state of a Melange release rolling environment.
+  This class contains the actual releasing logic, and makes use of
+  the previously defined utility classes to carry out user commands.
-    This class contains the actual releasing logic, and makes use of
-    the previously defined utility classes to carry out user commands.
+  Attributes:
+    release_repos: The URL to the Google release repository root.
+    upstream_repos: The URL to the Melange upstream repository root.
+    wc: A Subversion object encapsulating a Google SoC working copy.
+  """
-    Attributes:
+  def __init__(self, root, release_repos, upstream_repos):
+    """Initializer.
+    Args:
+      root: The root of the release environment.
       release_repos: The URL to the Google release repository root.
       upstream_repos: The URL to the Melange upstream repository root.
-      wc: A Subversion object encapsulating a Google SoC working copy.
+    util.Paths.__init__(self, root)
+    self.wc = Subversion(self.path('google-soc'))
+    self.release_repos = release_repos.strip('/')
+    self.upstream_repos = upstream_repos.strip('/')
-    def __init__(self, root, release_repos, upstream_repos):
-        """Initializer.
+    if not self.wc.exists():
+      self._InitializeWC()
+    else:
+      self.wc.revert()
-        Args:
-          root: The root of the release environment.
-          release_repos: The URL to the Google release repository root.
-          upstream_repos: The URL to the Melange upstream repository root.
-        """
-        util.Paths.__init__(self, root)
-        self.wc = Subversion(self.path('google-soc'))
-        self.release_repos = release_repos.strip('/')
-        self.upstream_repos = upstream_repos.strip('/')
+      if self.exists(self.BRANCH_FILE):
+        branch = fileToLines(self.path(self.BRANCH_FILE))[0]
+        self._switchBranch(branch)
+      else:
+        self._switchBranch(None)
+  def _InitializeWC(self):
+    """Check out the initial release repository.
-        if not self.wc.exists():
-            self._InitializeWC()
-        else:
-            self.wc.revert()
+    Will also select the latest release branch, if any, so that
+    the end state is a fully ready to function release
+    environment.
+    """
+'Checking out the release repository')
-            if self.exists(self.BRANCH_FILE):
-                branch = fileToLines(self.path(self.BRANCH_FILE))[0]
-                self._switchBranch(branch)
-            else:
-                self._switchBranch(None)
-    def _InitializeWC(self):
-        """Check out the initial release repository.
+    # Check out a sparse view of the relevant repository paths.
+    self.wc.checkout(self.release_repos, depth='immediates')
+    self.wc.update('vendor', depth='immediates')
+    self.wc.update('branches', depth='immediates')
+    self.wc.update('tags', depth='immediates')
-        Will also select the latest release branch, if any, so that
-        the end state is a fully ready to function release
-        environment.
-        """
-'Checking out the release repository')
+    # Locate the most recent release branch, if any, and switch
+    # the release environment to it.
+    branches = self._listBranches()
+    if not branches:
+      self._switchBranch(None)
+    else:
+      self._switchBranch(branches[-1])
-        # Check out a sparse view of the relevant repository paths.
-        self.wc.checkout(self.release_repos, depth='immediates')
-        self.wc.update('vendor', depth='immediates')
-        self.wc.update('branches', depth='immediates')
-        self.wc.update('tags', depth='immediates')
+  def _listBranches(self):
+    """Return a list of available Melange release branches.
-        # Locate the most recent release branch, if any, and switch
-        # the release environment to it.
-        branches = self._listBranches()
-        if not branches:
-            self._switchBranch(None)
-        else:
-            self._switchBranch(branches[-1])
+    Branches are returned in sorted order, from least recent to
+    most recent in release number ordering.
+    """
+    assert self.wc.exists('branches')
+    branches ='branches')
-    def _listBranches(self):
-        """Return a list of available Melange release branches.
+    # Some early release branches used a different naming scheme
+    # that doesn't sort properly with new-style release names. We
+    # filter those out here, along with empty lines.
+    branches = [b.strip('/') for b in branches
+          if MELANGE_RELEASE_RE.match(b.strip('/'))]
-        Branches are returned in sorted order, from least recent to
-        most recent in release number ordering.
-        """
-        assert self.wc.exists('branches')
-        branches ='branches')
+    return sorted(branches)
+  def _switchBranch(self, release):
+    """Activate the branch matching the given release.
-        # Some early release branches used a different naming scheme
-        # that doesn't sort properly with new-style release names. We
-        # filter those out here, along with empty lines.
-        branches = [b.strip('/') for b in branches
-                    if MELANGE_RELEASE_RE.match(b.strip('/'))]
+    Once activated, this branch is the target of future release
+    operations.
-        return sorted(branches)
+    None can be passed as the release. The result is that no
+    branch is active, and all operations that require an active
+    branch will fail until a branch is activated again. This is
+    used only at initialization, when it is detected that there
+    are no available release branches to activate.
-    def _switchBranch(self, release):
-        """Activate the branch matching the given release.
-        Once activated, this branch is the target of future release
-        operations.
+    Args:
+      release: The version number of a Melange release already
+           imported in the release repository, or None to
+           activate no branch.
-        None can be passed as the release. The result is that no
-        branch is active, and all operations that require an active
-        branch will fail until a branch is activated again. This is
-        used only at initialization, when it is detected that there
-        are no available release branches to activate.
-        Args:
-          release: The version number of a Melange release already
-                   imported in the release repository, or None to
-                   activate no branch.
+    """
+    if release is None:
+      self.branch = None
+      self.branch_dir = None
+'No release branch available')
+    else:
+      self.wc.update()
+      assert self.wc.exists('branches/' + release)
+      linesToFile(self.path(self.BRANCH_FILE), [release])
+      self.branch = release
+      self.branch_dir = 'branches/' + release
+      self.wc.update(self.branch_dir, depth='infinity')
+'Working on branch ' + self.branch)
-        """
-        if release is None:
-            self.branch = None
-            self.branch_dir = None
-  'No release branch available')
-        else:
-            self.wc.update()
-            assert self.wc.exists('branches/' + release)
-            linesToFile(self.path(self.BRANCH_FILE), [release])
-            self.branch = release
-            self.branch_dir = 'branches/' + release
-            self.wc.update(self.branch_dir, depth='infinity')
-  'Working on branch ' + self.branch)
+  def _branchPath(self, path):
+    """Return the given path with the release branch path prepended."""
+    assert self.branch_dir is not None
+    return os.path.join(self.branch_dir, path)
-    def _branchPath(self, path):
-        """Return the given path with the release branch path prepended."""
-        assert self.branch_dir is not None
-        return os.path.join(self.branch_dir, path)
+  #
+  # Release engineering commands. See further down for their
+  # integration into a commandline interface.
+  #
+  @pristine_wc
+  def update(self):
+    """Update and clean the release repository"""
+    self.wc.update()
-    #
-    # Release engineering commands. See further down for their
-    # integration into a commandline interface.
-    #
-    @pristine_wc
-    def update(self):
-        """Update and clean the release repository"""
-        self.wc.update()
+  @pristine_wc
+  def switchToBranch(self):
+    """Switch to another Melange release branch"""
+    branches = self._listBranches()
+    if not branches:
+      raise ExpectationFailed(
+        'No branches available. Please import one.')
-    @pristine_wc
-    def switchToBranch(self):
-        """Switch to another Melange release branch"""
-        branches = self._listBranches()
-        if not branches:
-            raise ExpectationFailed(
-                'No branches available. Please import one.')
+    choice = getChoice('Available release branches:',
+               'Your choice?',
+               branches,
+               suggest=len(branches)-1)
+    self._switchBranch(branches[choice])
+  def _addAppYaml(self):
+    """Create a Google production app.yaml configuration.
-        choice = getChoice('Available release branches:',
-                           'Your choice?',
-                           branches,
-                           suggest=len(branches)-1)
-        self._switchBranch(branches[choice])
+    The file is copied and modified from the upstream
+    app.yaml.template, configure for Google's Summer of Code App
+    Engine instance, and committed.
+    """
+    if self.wc.exists(self._branchPath('app/app.yaml')):
+      raise ObstructionError('app/app.yaml exists already')
-    def _addAppYaml(self):
-        """Create a Google production app.yaml configuration.
+    yaml_path = self._branchPath('app/app.yaml')
+    self.wc.copy(yaml_path + '.template', yaml_path)
-        The file is copied and modified from the upstream
-        app.yaml.template, configure for Google's Summer of Code App
-        Engine instance, and committed.
-        """
-        if self.wc.exists(self._branchPath('app/app.yaml')):
-            raise ObstructionError('app/app.yaml exists already')
-        yaml_path = self._branchPath('app/app.yaml')
-        self.wc.copy(yaml_path + '.template', yaml_path)
+    yaml = fileToLines(self.wc.path(yaml_path))
+    out = []
+    for i, line in enumerate(yaml):
+      stripped_line = line.strip()
+      if 'TODO' in stripped_line:
+        continue
+      elif stripped_line == '# application: FIXME':
+        out.append('application: socghop')
+      elif stripped_line.startswith('version:'):
+        out.append(line.lstrip() + 'g0')
+        out.append('# * initial Google fork of Melange ' +
+               self.branch)
+      else:
+        out.append(line)
+    linesToFile(self.wc.path(yaml_path), out)
-        yaml = fileToLines(self.wc.path(yaml_path))
-        out = []
-        for i, line in enumerate(yaml):
-            stripped_line = line.strip()
-            if 'TODO' in stripped_line:
-                continue
-            elif stripped_line == '# application: FIXME':
-                out.append('application: socghop')
-            elif stripped_line.startswith('version:'):
-                out.append(line.lstrip() + 'g0')
-                out.append('# * initial Google fork of Melange ' +
-                           self.branch)
-            else:
-                out.append(line)
-        linesToFile(self.wc.path(yaml_path), out)
+    self.wc.commit('Create app.yaml with Google patch version g0 '
+             'in branch ' + self.branch)
+  def _applyGooglePatches(self):
+    """Apply Google-specific patches to a vanilla Melange release.
-        self.wc.commit('Create app.yaml with Google patch version g0 '
-                       'in branch ' + self.branch)
-    def _applyGooglePatches(self):
-        """Apply Google-specific patches to a vanilla Melange release.
+    Each patch is applied and committed in turn.
+    """
+    # Edit the base template to point users to the Google fork
+    # of the Melange codebase instead of the vanilla release.
+    tmpl_file = self.wc.path(
+      self._branchPath('app/soc/templates/soc/base.html'))
+    tmpl = fileToLines(tmpl_file)
+    for i, line in enumerate(tmpl):
+      if '' in line:
+        tmpl[i] = line.replace('/p/soc/', '/p/soc-google/')
+        break
+    else:
+      raise ExpectationFailed(
+        'No source code link found in base.html')
+    linesToFile(tmpl_file, tmpl)
-        Each patch is applied and committed in turn.
-        """
-        # Edit the base template to point users to the Google fork
-        # of the Melange codebase instead of the vanilla release.
-        tmpl_file = self.wc.path(
-            self._branchPath('app/soc/templates/soc/base.html'))
-        tmpl = fileToLines(tmpl_file)
-        for i, line in enumerate(tmpl):
-            if '' in line:
-                tmpl[i] = line.replace('/p/soc/', '/p/soc-google/')
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ExpectationFailed(
-                'No source code link found in base.html')
-        linesToFile(tmpl_file, tmpl)
+    self.wc.commit(
+      'Customize the Melange release link in the sidebar menu')
-        self.wc.commit(
-            'Customize the Melange release link in the sidebar menu')
+  @pristine_wc
+  def importTag(self):
+    """Import a new Melange release"""
+    release = getString('Enter the Melange release to import:')
+    if not release:
+      AbortedByUser('No release provided, import aborted')
-    @pristine_wc
-    def importTag(self):
-        """Import a new Melange release"""
-        release = getString('Enter the Melange release to import:')
-        if not release:
-            AbortedByUser('No release provided, import aborted')
+    branch_dir = 'branches/' + release
+    if self.wc.exists(branch_dir):
+      raise ObstructionError('Release %s already imported' % release)
-        branch_dir = 'branches/' + release
-        if self.wc.exists(branch_dir):
-            raise ObstructionError('Release %s already imported' % release)
+    tag_url = '%s/tags/%s' % (self.upstream_repos, release)
+    release_rev = Subversion.find_tag_rev(tag_url)
-        tag_url = '%s/tags/%s' % (self.upstream_repos, release)
-        release_rev = Subversion.find_tag_rev(tag_url)
+    if confirm('Confirm import of release %s, tagged at r%d?' %
+           (release, release_rev)):
+      # Add an entry to the vendor externals for the Melange
+      # release.
+      externals = self.wc.propget('svn:externals', 'vendor/soc')
+      externals.append('%s -r %d %s' % (release, release_rev, tag_url))
+      self.wc.propset('svn:externals', '\n'.join(externals), 'vendor/soc')
+      self.wc.commit('Add svn:externals entry to pull in Melange '
+               'release %s at r%d.' % (release, release_rev))
-        if confirm('Confirm import of release %s, tagged at r%d?' %
-                   (release, release_rev)):
-            # Add an entry to the vendor externals for the Melange
-            # release.
-            externals = self.wc.propget('svn:externals', 'vendor/soc')
-            externals.append('%s -r %d %s' % (release, release_rev, tag_url))
-            self.wc.propset('svn:externals', '\n'.join(externals), 'vendor/soc')
-            self.wc.commit('Add svn:externals entry to pull in Melange '
-                           'release %s at r%d.' % (release, release_rev))
+      # Export the tag into the release repository's branches
+      Subversion.export(tag_url, release_rev, self.wc.path(branch_dir))
-            # Export the tag into the release repository's branches
-            Subversion.export(tag_url, release_rev, self.wc.path(branch_dir))
+      # Add and commit the branch add (very long operation!)
+      self.wc.add([branch_dir])
+      self.wc.commit('Branch of Melange release %s' % release,
+               branch_dir)
+      self._switchBranch(release)
-            # Add and commit the branch add (very long operation!)
-            self.wc.add([branch_dir])
-            self.wc.commit('Branch of Melange release %s' % release,
-                           branch_dir)
-            self._switchBranch(release)
+      # Commit the production GSoC configuration and
+      # google-specific patches.
+      self._addAppYaml()
+      self._applyGooglePatches()
+      # All done!
+'Melange release %s imported and googlified' % self.branch)
-            # Commit the production GSoC configuration and
-            # google-specific patches.
-            self._addAppYaml()
-            self._applyGooglePatches()
+  @requires_branch
+  @pristine_wc
+  def cherryPickChange(self):
+    """Cherry-pick a change from the Melange trunk"""
+    rev = getNumber('Revision number to cherry-pick:')
+    bug = getNumber('Issue fixed by this change:')
-            # All done!
-  'Melange release %s imported and googlified' % self.branch)
-    @requires_branch
-    @pristine_wc
-    def cherryPickChange(self):
-        """Cherry-pick a change from the Melange trunk"""
-        rev = getNumber('Revision number to cherry-pick:')
-        bug = getNumber('Issue fixed by this change:')
+    diff = self.wc.diff(self.upstream_repos + '/trunk', rev)
+    if not diff.strip():
+      raise ExpectationFailed(
+        'Retrieved diff is empty. '
+        'Did you accidentally cherry-pick a branch change?')
+['patch', '-p0'], cwd=self.wc.path(self.branch_dir),
+         stdin=diff)
+    self.wc.addRemove(self.branch_dir)
-        diff = self.wc.diff(self.upstream_repos + '/trunk', rev)
-        if not diff.strip():
-            raise ExpectationFailed(
-                'Retrieved diff is empty. '
-                'Did you accidentally cherry-pick a branch change?')
-['patch', '-p0'], cwd=self.wc.path(self.branch_dir),
-                 stdin=diff)
-        self.wc.addRemove(self.branch_dir)
+    yaml_path = self.wc.path(self._branchPath('app/app.yaml'))
+    out = []
+    updated_patchlevel = False
+    for line in fileToLines(yaml_path):
+      if line.strip().startswith('version: '):
+        version = line.strip().split()[-1]
+        base, patch = line.rsplit('g', 1)
+        new_version = '%sg%d' % (base, int(patch) + 1)
+        message = ('Cherry-picked r%d from /p/soc/ to fix issue %d' %
+               (rev, bug))
+        out.append('version: ' + new_version)
+        out.append('# * ' + message)
+        updated_patchlevel = True
+      else:
+        out.append(line)
-        yaml_path = self.wc.path(self._branchPath('app/app.yaml'))
-        out = []
-        updated_patchlevel = False
-        for line in fileToLines(yaml_path):
-            if line.strip().startswith('version: '):
-                version = line.strip().split()[-1]
-                base, patch = line.rsplit('g', 1)
-                new_version = '%sg%d' % (base, int(patch) + 1)
-                message = ('Cherry-picked r%d from /p/soc/ to fix issue %d' %
-                           (rev, bug))
-                out.append('version: ' + new_version)
-                out.append('# * ' + message)
-                updated_patchlevel = True
-            else:
-                out.append(line)
+    if not updated_patchlevel:
+      log.error('Failed to update Google patch revision')
+      log.error('Cherry-picking failed')
+    linesToFile(yaml_path, out)
-        if not updated_patchlevel:
-            log.error('Failed to update Google patch revision')
-            log.error('Cherry-picking failed')
-        linesToFile(yaml_path, out)
+'Check the diff about to be committed with:')
+'svn diff ' + self.wc.path(self.branch_dir))
+    if not confirm('Commit this change?'):
+      raise AbortedByUser('Cherry-pick aborted')
+    self.wc.commit(message)
+'Cherry-picked r%d from the Melange trunk.' % rev)
-'Check the diff about to be committed with:')
-'svn diff ' + self.wc.path(self.branch_dir))
-        if not confirm('Commit this change?'):
-            raise AbortedByUser('Cherry-pick aborted')
-        self.wc.commit(message)
-'Cherry-picked r%d from the Melange trunk.' % rev)
+    update,
+    switchToBranch,
+    importTag,
+    cherryPickChange,
+    ]
+  MENU_STRINGS = [d.__doc__ for d in MENU_ORDER]
-    MENU_ORDER = [
-        update,
-        switchToBranch,
-        importTag,
-        cherryPickChange,
-        ]
-    MENU_STRINGS = [d.__doc__ for d in MENU_ORDER]
-        None: update,
-        update: cherryPickChange,
-        switchToBranch: cherryPickChange,
-        importTag: cherryPickChange,
-        cherryPickChange: None,
-        }
+    None: update,
+    update: cherryPickChange,
+    switchToBranch: cherryPickChange,
+    importTag: cherryPickChange,
+    cherryPickChange: None,
+    }
-    def interactiveMenu(self):
-        done = []
-        last_choice = None
-        while True:
-            # Show the user their previously completed operations and
-            # a suggested next op, to remind them where they are in
-            # the release process (useful after long operations that
-            # may have caused lunch or an extended context switch).
-            if last_choice is not None:
-                last_command = self.MENU_ORDER[last_choice]
-            else:
-                last_command = None
-            suggested_next = self.MENU_ORDER.index(
-                self.MENU_SUGGESTIONS[last_command])
+  def interactiveMenu(self):
+    done = []
+    last_choice = None
+    while True:
+      # Show the user their previously completed operations and
+      # a suggested next op, to remind them where they are in
+      # the release process (useful after long operations that
+      # may have caused lunch or an extended context switch).
+      if last_choice is not None:
+        last_command = self.MENU_ORDER[last_choice]
+      else:
+        last_command = None
+      suggested_next = self.MENU_ORDER.index(
+        self.MENU_SUGGESTIONS[last_command])
-            try:
-                choice = getChoice('Main menu:', 'Your choice?',
-                                   self.MENU_STRINGS, done=done,
-                                   suggest=suggested_next)
-            except (KeyboardInterrupt, AbortedByUser):
-      'Exiting.')
-                return
-            try:
-                self.MENU_ORDER[choice](self)
-            except Error, e:
-                log.error(str(e))
-            else:
-                done.append(choice)
-                last_choice = choice
+      try:
+        choice = getChoice('Main menu:', 'Your choice?',
+                   self.MENU_STRINGS, done=done,
+                   suggest=suggested_next)
+      except (KeyboardInterrupt, AbortedByUser):
+        return
+      try:
+        self.MENU_ORDER[choice](self)
+      except Error, e:
+        log.error(str(e))
+      else:
+        done.append(choice)
+        last_choice = choice
 def main(argv):
-    if not (1 <= len(argv) <= 3):
-        print ('Usage: [release repos root URL] '
-               '[upstream repos root URL]')
-        sys.exit(1)
+  if not (1 <= len(argv) <= 3):
+    print ('Usage: [release repos root URL] '
+           '[upstream repos root URL]')
+    sys.exit(1)
-    release_repos, upstream_repos = GOOGLE_SOC_REPOS, MELANGE_REPOS
-    if len(argv) >= 2:
-        release_repos = argv[1]
-    if len(argv) == 3:
-        upstream_repos = argv[2]
+  release_repos, upstream_repos = GOOGLE_SOC_REPOS, MELANGE_REPOS
+  if len(argv) >= 2:
+    release_repos = argv[1]
+  if len(argv) == 3:
+    upstream_repos = argv[2]
-    log.init('release.log')
+  log.init('release.log')
-'Release repository: ' + release_repos)
-'Upstream repository: ' + upstream_repos)
+'Release repository: ' + release_repos)
+'Upstream repository: ' + upstream_repos)
-    r = ReleaseEnvironment(os.path.abspath('_release_'),
-                           release_repos,
-                           upstream_repos)
-    r.interactiveMenu()
+  r = ReleaseEnvironment(os.path.abspath('_release_'),
+                         release_repos,
+                         upstream_repos)
+  r.interactiveMenu()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)
+  main(sys.argv)
--- a/scripts/release/	Fri Mar 13 18:14:54 2009 +0000
+++ b/scripts/release/	Fri Mar 13 18:22:01 2009 +0000
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
 class Error(error.Error):
-    pass
+  pass
 class SubprocessFailed(Error):
-    """A subprocess returned a non-zero error code."""
+  """A subprocess returned a non-zero error code."""
 # The magic escape sequence understood by modern terminal emulators to
@@ -59,116 +59,116 @@
 def _ansi_escape(code):
-    return _ANSI_ESCAPE % code
+  return _ANSI_ESCAPE % code
 def colorize(text, color, bold=False):
-    """Colorize some text using ANSI color codes.
+  """Colorize some text using ANSI color codes.
-    Note that while ANSI color codes look good in a terminal they look
-    like noise in log files unless viewed in an ANSI color capable
-    viewer (such as 'less -R').
+  Note that while ANSI color codes look good in a terminal they look
+  like noise in log files unless viewed in an ANSI color capable
+  viewer (such as 'less -R').
-    Args:
-      text: The text to colorize.
-      color: One of the color symbols from this module.
-      bold: If True, make the color brighter.
+  Args:
+    text: The text to colorize.
+    color: One of the color symbols from this module.
+    bold: If True, make the color brighter.
-    Returns:
-      The input text string, appropriately sprinkled with color
-      codes. Colors are reset to terminal defaults after the input
-      text.
-    """
-    bold = _ansi_escape(_BOLD) if bold else ''
-    return '%s%s%s%s' % (bold, _ansi_escape(color),
-                         text, _ansi_escape(_RESET))
+  Returns:
+    The input text string, appropriately sprinkled with color
+    codes. Colors are reset to terminal defaults after the input
+    text.
+  """
+  bold = _ansi_escape(_BOLD) if bold else ''
+  return '%s%s%s%s' % (bold, _ansi_escape(color),
+                       text, _ansi_escape(_RESET))
 def decolorize(text):
-    """Remove ANSI color codes from text."""
-    return _ANSI_ESCAPE_RE.sub('', text)
+  """Remove ANSI color codes from text."""
+  return _ANSI_ESCAPE_RE.sub('', text)
 class Paths(object):
-    """A helper to construct and check paths under a given root."""
+  """A helper to construct and check paths under a given root."""
-    def __init__(self, root):
-        """Initializer.
+  def __init__(self, root):
+    """Initializer.
-        Args:
-          root: The root of all paths this instance will consider.
-        """
-        self._root = os.path.abspath(
-            os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(root)))
+    Args:
+      root: The root of all paths this instance will consider.
+    """
+    self._root = os.path.abspath(
+      os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(root)))
-    def path(self, path=''):
-        """Construct and return a path under the path root.
+  def path(self, path=''):
+    """Construct and return a path under the path root.
-        Args:
-          path: The desired path string relative to the root.
+    Args:
+      path: The desired path string relative to the root.
-        Returns:
-          The absolute path corresponding to the relative input path.
-        """
-        assert not os.path.isabs(path)
-        return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._root, path))
+    Returns:
+      The absolute path corresponding to the relative input path.
+    """
+    assert not os.path.isabs(path)
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._root, path))
-    def exists(self, path=''):
-        """Check for the existence of a path under the path root.
+  def exists(self, path=''):
+    """Check for the existence of a path under the path root.
-        Does not discriminate on the path type (ie. it could be a
-        directory, a file, a symbolic link...), just checks for the
-        existence of the path.
+    Does not discriminate on the path type (ie. it could be a
+    directory, a file, a symbolic link...), just checks for the
+    existence of the path.
-        Args:
-          path: The path string relative to the root.
+    Args:
+      path: The path string relative to the root.
-        Returns:
-          True if the path exists, False otherwise.
-        """
-        return os.path.exists(self.path(path))
+    Returns:
+      True if the path exists, False otherwise.
+    """
+    return os.path.exists(self.path(path))
 def run(argv, cwd=None, capture=False, split_capture=True, stdin=''):
-    """Run the given command and optionally return its output.
+  """Run the given command and optionally return its output.
-    Note that if you set capture=True, the command's output is
-    buffered in memory. Output capture should only be used with
-    commands that output small amounts of data. O(kB) is fine, O(MB)
-    is starting to push it a little.
+  Note that if you set capture=True, the command's output is
+  buffered in memory. Output capture should only be used with
+  commands that output small amounts of data. O(kB) is fine, O(MB)
+  is starting to push it a little.
-    Args:
-      argv: A list containing the name of the program to run, followed
-            by its argument vector.
-      cwd: Run the program from this directory.
-      capture: If True, capture the program's stdout stream. If False,
-               stdout will output to sys.stdout.
-      split_capture: If True, return the captured output as a list of
-                     lines. Else, return as a single unaltered string.
-      stdin: The string to feed to the program's stdin stream.
+  Args:
+    argv: A list containing the name of the program to run, followed
+      by its argument vector.
+    cwd: Run the program from this directory.
+    capture: If True, capture the program's stdout stream. If False,
+         stdout will output to sys.stdout.
+    split_capture: If True, return the captured output as a list of
+           lines. Else, return as a single unaltered string.
+    stdin: The string to feed to the program's stdin stream.
-    Returns:
-      If capture is True, a string containing the combined
-      stdout/stderr output of the program. If capture is False,
-      nothing is returned.
+  Returns:
+    If capture is True, a string containing the combined
+    stdout/stderr output of the program. If capture is False,
+    nothing is returned.
-    Raises:
-      SubprocessFailed: The subprocess exited with a non-zero exit
-                        code.
-    """
-    print colorize('# ' + ' '.join(argv), WHITE, bold=True)
+  Raises:
+    SubprocessFailed: The subprocess exited with a non-zero exit
+            code.
+  """
+  print colorize('# ' + ' '.join(argv), WHITE, bold=True)
-    process = subprocess.Popen(argv,
-                               shell=False,
-                               cwd=cwd,
-                               stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                               stdout=(subprocess.PIPE if capture else None),
-                               stderr=None)
-    output, _ = process.communicate(input=stdin)
-    if process.returncode != 0:
-        raise SubprocessFailed('Process %s failed with output: %s' %
-                               (argv[0], output))
-    if output is not None and split_capture:
-        return output.strip().split('\n')
-    else:
-        return output
+  process = subprocess.Popen(argv,
+                             shell=False,
+                             cwd=cwd,
+                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stdout=(subprocess.PIPE if capture else None),
+                             stderr=None)
+  output, _ = process.communicate(input=stdin)
+  if process.returncode != 0:
+    raise SubprocessFailed('Process %s failed with output: %s' %
+                           (argv[0], output))
+  if output is not None and split_capture:
+    return output.strip().split('\n')
+  else:
+    return output