Daniel Diniz <ajaksu@gmail.com> [Sat, 27 Jun 2009 09:35:50 +0200] rev 2423
Adding JS files for use in Surveys.
Patch by: Daniel Diniz, James Levy
Reviewed by: Mario Ferraro
Daniel Diniz <ajaksu@gmail.com> [Fri, 26 Jun 2009 21:58:12 +0200] rev 2422
Added templates considering Surveys.
Patch by: Daniel Diniz, James Levy
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Daniel Diniz <ajaksu@gmail.com> [Fri, 26 Jun 2009 21:54:46 +0200] rev 2421
Renamed jquery.growfield.js to jquery-growfield.js.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Daniel Diniz <ajaksu@gmail.com> [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 20:54:03 +0200] rev 2420
Patch that adds the JS and CSS files for surveys.
The only update is in app/jquery/jquery-ui.core.js, from a non-release
(added by Paweł for the date picker) to a slightly updated released
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk, Mario Ferraro
Patch by: Daniel Diniz, James Levy
Daniel Diniz <ajaksu@gmail.com> [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 20:43:22 +0200] rev 2419
Patch that touches 'upstream' templates, for use in surveys.
Consists out of three changes.
1 - Move the </head> placement in base.hmtl to after the closing of
scripts_block, so templates that extend base.html can add scripts to
the <head>.
2 - Add tooltips for checkboxes inside fieldsets.
3 - Comment out an empty table row in templatetags/_as_table.html,
which probably has an arcane reason to stay empty :)
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk, Pawel Solyga
Patch by: Daniel Diniz, James Levy
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Mon, 22 Jun 2009 07:32:45 +0200] rev 2418
Fixes an issue where the organization home page would throw a 505 when no projects where accepted.
This only happens after the project announced deadline because only then would the project list be constructed.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:27:30 +0200] rev 2417
Added tag v0-5-20090621 for changeset 96ff51144dca
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:22:02 +0200] rev 2416
Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090621 in app.yaml.template
Mario Ferraro <fadinlight@gmail.com> [Fri, 19 Jun 2009 23:13:06 +0100] rev 2415
jQuery Spin plugin updated to version 1.1.1
Former version had a bug if max was not specified
Pawel Solyga <Pawel.Solyga@gmail.com> [Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:19:03 +0200] rev 2414
Use build-in django 1.0.x on deployed version of Melange.
Using SDK (Development server) right now we are still using django.zip when running from build folder and django folder when running from app folder. django.zip file is still uploaded when deploying the app but it's not used. We might totally get rid of django folder and django.zip soon (discussion needed).