Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:52:38 +0200] rev 3021
Added GradingSurveyGroup update to the Module Conversion.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:33:05 +0200] rev 3020
Fixed bug in StudentProposal update when a StudentProposal had no Mentor.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:27:22 +0200] rev 3019
Fixed module conversion imports.
Matthew Wilkes <matthew@matthewwilkes.co.uk> [Wed, 14 Oct 2009 09:47:02 +0200] rev 3018
Fix typographical error and changes in status messages for Task workflow.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Mon, 05 Oct 2009 22:43:30 +0200] rev 3017
Separated the publish and approve button on the Task list page for Org members.
Also ensured that only tasks from the right org with the right status can be changed. And that we do not make unneccesary loops over values in the POST dict by
grouping all the keys in the POST data under "task_id".
The list entries also no longer redirect a user when clicking on the checkbox.
Patch by: Madhusudan.C.S and Lennard de Rijk
Pawel Solyga <Pawel.Solyga@gmail.com> [Mon, 05 Oct 2009 20:35:06 +0200] rev 3016
Add function for CSV export of survey records for a given survey.
Pawel Solyga <Pawel.Solyga@gmail.com> [Mon, 05 Oct 2009 19:09:58 +0200] rev 3015
Add functions for CSV export of organizations and roles.
Those CSV exports are used to create Google Code GSoC projects at the end of the program for students code submissions.
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Mon, 05 Oct 2009 13:54:42 +0200] rev 3014
Add StudentProposal conversion update
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:43:59 +0200] rev 3013
Added tag v0-5-20091004 for changeset 51eeb0c4317e
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:43:36 +0200] rev 3012
Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20091004 in app.yaml.template.
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:40:53 +0200] rev 3011
Add Timeline conversion update
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:40:19 +0200] rev 3010
Add update for Documents
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:37:26 +0200] rev 3009
Added update for SurveyRecords
Both ProjectSurveyRecords and GradingProjectSurveyRecords are
converted to updated with their new GSoC references.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 21:25:52 +0200] rev 3008
Added update for Surveys, ProjectSurveys and ProjectGradingSurveys.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 21:15:58 +0200] rev 3007
Added StudentProject update to the Module Conversion updates.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 20:46:59 +0200] rev 3006
Added Review module conversion update.
In which we'll phase out the reviewer property from Review.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 15:14:06 +0200] rev 3005
Removed obsolete value to unpack in the updateGHOPTask Task.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sun, 04 Oct 2009 15:07:29 +0200] rev 3004
Also pass along the args when running an update.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sat, 03 Oct 2009 21:49:08 +0200] rev 3003
GHOP Comments do not need to be created by a User.
We also have "system" messages.
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Sat, 03 Oct 2009 22:17:58 +0530] rev 3002
Fix the deadline counter to start counting only after Task claim is accepted.
Deadline counter used to start when the task was claimed to be requested.
This commit fixes that.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:48:11 +0200] rev 3001
Only set new properties outside the "properties" loop for the ModuleConversion.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:46:51 +0200] rev 3000
Add the Student to GSoCStudent conversion,
Also fix the import sorting.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:37:55 +0200] rev 2999
Only store all the entities once in the ModuleConversion, after the for loop.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:36:57 +0200] rev 2998
Add OrgAdmin and Mentor to GSoCOrgadmin and GSoCMentor updates.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:13:40 +0200] rev 2997
Added the Organization to GSoCOrganzation update.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:39:09 +0200] rev 2996
Use the iterative task iterator for the ProgramConversion update.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:26:50 +0200] rev 2995
Changed the working of the iterative_task decorator.
The decorator now needs the logic for the model which it fetches. This is much nicer then "fetching" it using import.
Also order has been removed since it has no use when iterating over all entities when key is involved. Fields to filter can now dynamically be set by the function that is wrapped.
Note that it will merge the filter with the task_default kwarg and it will only use the start_key if their is no key present in the context.
Also note that task_default gathers all kwargs. I tried to do it otherwise (with default kwargs) but I couldn't get it to work. Feel free to improve :).
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:10:36 +0200] rev 2994
Removed order property in the getBatchOfData.
This ordering is not possible since you want to go over the entities in order oftheir key and ordering them would prohibit this from happening properly.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Tue, 29 Sep 2009 20:11:54 +0200] rev 2993
Removed the debug logging line from the Task decorator.
Also make use of the next_start_key as name for the new starting key.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Tue, 29 Sep 2009 20:10:08 +0200] rev 2992
Made getBatchOfData use start_key instead of next_key.