2009-09-25 Pawel Solyga Fix whitespace in pylint disable-msg comment in soc.views.models.student_project module.
2009-09-24 Pawel Solyga Fix indentions in student_project view module.
2009-09-02 Sverre Rabbelier Prefetch referenced fields in project listing
2009-08-10 Lennard de Rijk Redirect to the manage page for failed, completed and withdrawn projects.
2009-08-10 Lennard de Rijk Enable the project management page to be visited for project in other statusses.
2009-08-04 Lennard de Rijk Redone the list_info function for the Project's manage page.
2009-08-03 Lennard de Rijk Fixed typo in access module comment and StudentProject list description.
2009-08-02 Lennard de Rijk Added some helpful text to the Student Project Withdraw view.
2009-08-02 Sverre Rabbelier addressed comments by Lennard
2009-08-01 Sverre Rabbelier Fix for copy/paste fail
2009-08-01 Sverre Rabbelier Allow hosts to withdraw student projects
2009-07-30 Lennard de Rijk Style fixes in StudentProject View.
2009-07-30 Lennard de Rijk Pre-storing the information for setStudentProjectSurveyInfo.
2009-07-30 Lennard de Rijk Renamed hasAtLeastOneRecord to hasRecord.
2009-07-30 Lennard de Rijk Added list of Surveys to the Project's manage page.
2009-07-28 Lennard de Rijk Added columns to the manage project page that show the amount of evaluations.
2009-07-13 Lennard de Rijk Fixed an error occuring when assigning more then one secondary mentors.
2009-07-13 Lennard de Rijk Excluded the new StudentProject failed_evaluations property from Forms. v0-5-20090713
2009-07-08 Lennard de Rijk Changed the StudentProject model to handle a dynamic amount of GradeRecords.
2009-05-26 Pawel Solyga Style and pylint fixes in Melange modules.
2009-05-21 Pawel Solyga Now clicking cancel button returns user to previous page. Fixes issue 569.
2009-04-27 Pawel Solyga Style fixes in app.soc.views.models.student_project module.
2009-04-25 Lennard de Rijk Show all Co-Mentors on the Student Project public page.
2009-04-25 Lennard de Rijk Changed Additional Mentors to Co-Mentors in the manage view.
2009-04-25 Lennard de Rijk Added functionality to set additional mentors for a Student Project.
2009-04-19 Sverre Rabbelier Allow anyone to see student projects
2009-04-14 Lennard de Rijk Added additional_mentors property to StudentProject.
2009-04-13 Sverre Rabbelier Do not rely on dicts.merge to change target
2009-04-11 Lennard de Rijk Added listing of Student Projects for Students themselves.
2009-04-11 Lennard de Rijk Brown paper bag fix for Student Project Manage and Edit access check.
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