2009-02-28 Lennard de Rijk Made mailing lists and IRC channel required for group/org applications.
2009-02-23 Sverre Rabbelier Make timeline a Linkable
2009-02-22 Sverre Rabbelier Flush cache after seeding or clearing the datastore
2009-02-21 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed a bug in seed_db
2009-02-21 Sverre Rabbelier Update seed_db as WTFPL is no longer an allowed license
2009-02-21 Sverre Rabbelier Added a document in the test user's user space
2009-02-19 Sverre Rabbelier Fixed a missing property in seed_db
2009-02-16 Pawel Solyga Typo fix in seed_db module which caused loaded organization applications not to work correctly (wrong keyname).
2009-02-16 Sverre Rabbelier Add GHOP as program and put 'Melange' under it
2009-02-16 Sverre Rabbelier Seed in some orgs
2009-02-15 Sverre Rabbelier Add a Home document to the seeded entities
2009-02-15 Sverre Rabbelier Seed more roles and factor out common properties
2009-02-15 Sverre Rabbelier Added melange as org.
2009-02-14 Sverre Rabbelier Add a script to (re)seed the datastore
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