Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sat, 07 Mar 2009 19:17:02 +0000] rev 1722
All address fields for roles and groups can now only use characters that can successfully be converted to ASCII.
Has to do with Issue 243.
Patch by: Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Sat, 07 Mar 2009 18:16:54 +0000] rev 1721
Adjust the total_popularity after ranging
This way 'off the scale' orgs (many applicants, with only few mentors
available) will not pull the total amount of allocated slots down as
much as before.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Sat, 07 Mar 2009 17:55:14 +0000] rev 1720
Removed the street address from influencing the maps plug in.
Legally we are not allowed to publish people's street address, people can drag the marker to their street if they wish to, we are now using the postal code which would be a region within a city (if this is too much we might also take this out).
Patch by: Mario Ferraro
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk