Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 22:24:59 +0200] rev 2945
Added apply_mentor view to GHOPOrganization view.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 22:13:08 +0200] rev 2944
Added 2 missing views to the GHOPOrganization View.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 22:05:42 +0200] rev 2943
Fixed error in mentor field cleaning, the list of mentors was never resolved.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 21:59:30 +0200] rev 2942
Removed undefined order argument in GHOP Task View.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 21:22:49 +0200] rev 2941
Bron paper bag fix, should have been part of ref809d10aa.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 21:09:53 +0200] rev 2940
Fixed error occuring when tags list was empty in GHOPProgram edit View.
Mario Ferraro <fadinlight@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:31:40 +0200] rev 2939
Map JS renamed because of latest changes.
Mario Ferraro <fadinlight@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:25:41 +0200] rev 2938
Shrinksafe complains during compression of map JS fixed.
It comes that "long" can't be used as a variable name as we did,
because Shrinksafe complains that "long" is a reserved keyword.
Mario Ferraro <fadinlight@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:15:10 +0200] rev 2937
Shrinksafe script fixed to workaround Linux vs BSD stat packages.
Under MacOSX (BSD) the format for stat needs "-f" switch, while
under Linux stat needs "-c". Changed to use ls and awk, which
seem to be cross compatible.
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 14:41:15 +0530] rev 2936
Added program_logic parameter to checkCanEditTimeline access check and corresponding changes in timeline views.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 12:50:14 +0530] rev 2935
Removed slots and apps_tasks_limit from extra_dynaexclude in params and added a getExtraMenus entry to callback for program.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 12:43:30 +0530] rev 2934
Added all indexes required for GHOP specific queries.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Thu, 17 Sep 2009 12:40:56 +0530] rev 2933
Added all GHOP specific css properties.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:09:13 +0200] rev 2932
Fixed the Student update to properly find its own URL.
Also style fix in start_update module.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Wed, 16 Sep 2009 13:38:18 +0200] rev 2931
Enabled the Student School type updater.
The updater now passes along the runner URL to the starter function.
Also fixed the TaskRunner to display correct error messages when a invalid option has been specified.
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmai.com> [Wed, 16 Sep 2009 13:35:53 +0200] rev 2930
Added updater to update the existing Student models with the school_type entry.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:38:01 +0200] rev 2929
Moved the Student cleaner to the create form such that it is always used.
Also enforced that the user picks a School type in the cleaner for the time being.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:23:06 +0200] rev 2928
Changed the TaskRunner to start and run update tasks.
Also changed the way the different updates are defined as to comments received on r2ddd386d1d.
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:03:18 +0200] rev 2927
Changed the Student Model cleaner to deal with the new Student properties.
Patch by: Madhusudan.C.S and Lennard de Rijk
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:01:16 +0200] rev 2926
Added school_type and grade property to Student model.
A GAE Task will be provided to update the existing entities in a later commit.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:57:28 +0200] rev 2925
Moved the updater to its own module.
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:05:23 +0200] rev 2924
Added Student create/edit/apply template for use with the new Student Model.
Reviewed by: to-be-reviewed
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:57:46 +0200] rev 2923
Enabled the GHOPStudent view in the GHOP module.
Madhusudan.C.S <madhusudancs@gmail.com> [Tue, 15 Sep 2009 20:54:40 +0200] rev 2922
Added GHOPStudent view and access checks.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Mon, 14 Sep 2009 20:21:47 +0200] rev 2921
Added tag v0-5-20090914 for changeset afeac06aabb2
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Mon, 14 Sep 2009 20:19:46 +0200] rev 2920
Set new Melange version number to 0-5-20090914 in app.yaml.template.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Mon, 14 Sep 2009 19:58:43 +0200] rev 2919
Using the new checkIsMyActiveRole check where necessary.
Lennard de Rijk <ljvderijk@gmail.com> [Mon, 14 Sep 2009 19:58:10 +0200] rev 2918
Added checkIsMyActiveRole check to the access module.
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Mon, 14 Sep 2009 18:52:57 +0200] rev 2917
Make coverage conditional on run.py flag
Coverage can now be enabled by running './run.py --coverage'.
Sverre Rabbelier <srabbelier@gmail.com> [Mon, 14 Sep 2009 18:44:46 +0200] rev 2916
Manually call start and end in test_sidebar
Since we are not using a request directly we need to manually do the
set-up and tear-down required.