2009-01-20 Pawel Solyga Disable R0201 message in pylintrc since we allow for that kind of methods. R0201 tells us that method could be a function. Used when a method doesn't use its bound instance, and so could be written as a function.
2008-10-19 Pawel Solyga Add pylint configuration file (pylintrc) and script which runs pylint checkers on Melange code using pylintrc file as config. as default shows additional information like reports, TODOs, code similarities and unused imports, but you can run it in silent mode (--silent) which disables all of that. The only problem with unused imports in pylint right now is that it doesn't work in the situation described in last example at, so sometimes we get unused import soc when we actually shouldn't. However this can be fixed by writing pylint plugins (our own checkers) in future.
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