author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

if (typeof JSDOC == "undefined") JSDOC = {};

	Create a new Symbol.
	@class Represents a symbol in the source code.
JSDOC.Symbol = function() {
	if (arguments.length) this.populate.apply(this, arguments);

JSDOC.Symbol.count = 0;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.init = function() {
	this._name = "";
	this._params = [];
	this.$args = [];
	this.addOn = "";
	this.alias = "";
	this.augments = []; = "";
	this.classDesc = "";
	this.comment = {};
	this.defaultValue = undefined;
	this.deprecated = "";
	this.desc = "";
	this.example = [];
	this.exceptions = [];
	this.fires = []; = JSDOC.Symbol.count++;
	this.inherits = [];
	this.inheritsFrom = [];
	this.isa = "OBJECT";
	this.isConstant = false;
	this.isEvent = false;
	this.isIgnored = false;
	this.isInner = false;
	this.isNamespace = false;
	this.isPrivate = false;
	this.isStatic = false;
	this.memberOf = "";
	this.methods = []; = [];
	this.requires = [];
	this.returns = [];
	this.see = [];
	this.since = "";
	this.srcFile = {};
	this.type = "";
	this.version = "";

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.serialize = function() {
	var keys = [];
	for (var p in this) {
		keys.push (p);
	keys = keys.sort();
	var out = "";
	for (var i in keys) {
		if (typeof this[keys[i]] == "function") continue;
		out += keys[i]+" => "+Dumper.dump(this[keys[i]])+",\n";
	return "\n{\n" + out + "}\n";

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.clone = function() {
	var clone = new JSDOC.Symbol();
	clone.populate.apply(clone, this.$args); // repopulate using the original arguments
	clone.srcFile = this.srcFile; // not the current srcFile, the one when the original was made
	return clone;

	function(n) { n = n.replace(/^_global_[.#-]/, ""); n = n.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, '#'); this._name = n; }
	function() { return this._name; }
	function(v) {
		for (var i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i++) {
			if (v[i].constructor != JSDOC.DocTag) { // may be a generic object parsed from signature, like {type:..., name:...}
				this._params[i] = new JSDOC.DocTag("param"+((v[i].type)?" {"+v[i].type+"}":"")+" "+v[i].name);
			else {
				this._params[i] = v[i];
	function() { return this._params; }

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.getEvents = function() {
	var events = [];
	for (var i = 0, l = this.methods.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (this.methods[i].isEvent) {
			this.methods[i].name = this.methods[i].name.replace("event:", "");
	return events;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.getMethods = function() {
	var nonEvents = [];
	for (var i = 0, l = this.methods.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (!this.methods[i].isEvent) {
	return nonEvents;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.populate = function(
		/** String */ name,
		/** Object[] */ params,
		/** String */ isa,
		/** JSDOC.DocComment */ comment
) {
	this.$args = arguments; = name;
	this.alias =;
	this.params = params;
	this.isa = (isa == "VIRTUAL")? "OBJECT":isa;
	this.comment = comment || new JSDOC.DocComment("");
	this.srcFile = JSDOC.Symbol.srcFile;
	if ("FILE") && !this.alias) this.alias = this.srcFile;

	if (typeof JSDOC.PluginManager != "undefined") {"onSymbol", this);

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.setTags = function() {
	// @author
	var authors = this.comment.getTag("author");
	if (authors.length) { =$){return $.desc;}).join(", ");
		plan(34, "testing JSDOC.Symbol");

		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@author Joe Smith*"+"/"));
		is(, "Joe Smith", "@author tag, author is found.");
	// @desc
	var descs = this.comment.getTag("desc");
	if (descs.length) {
		this.desc =$){return $.desc;}).join("\n"); // multiple descriptions are concatenated into one
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@desc This is a description.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.desc, "This is a description.", "@desc tag, description is found.");
	// @overview
	if ("FILE")) {
		if (!this.alias) this.alias = this.srcFile;
		var overviews = this.comment.getTag("overview");
		if (overviews.length) {
			this.desc = [this.desc].concat($){return $.desc;})).join("\n");
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@overview This is an overview.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.desc, "\nThis is an overview.", "@overview tag, description is found.");
	// @since
	var sinces = this.comment.getTag("since");
	if (sinces.length) {
		this.since =$){return $.desc;}).join(", ");
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@since 1.01*"+"/"));
		is(sym.since, "1.01", "@since tag, description is found.");
	// @constant
	if (this.comment.getTag("constant").length) {
		this.isConstant = true;
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@constant*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isConstant, true, "@constant tag, isConstant set.");
	// @version
	var versions = this.comment.getTag("version");
	if (versions.length) {
		this.version =$){return $.desc;}).join(", ");
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@version 2.0x*"+"/"));
		is(sym.version, "2.0x", "@version tag, version is found.");
	// @deprecated
	var deprecateds = this.comment.getTag("deprecated");
	if (deprecateds.length) {
		this.deprecated =$){return $.desc;}).join("\n");
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@deprecated Use other method.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.deprecated, "Use other method.", "@deprecated tag, desc is found.");
	// @example
	var examples = this.comment.getTag("example");
	if (examples.length) {
		this.example =
			// trim trailing whitespace
			function($) {
				$.desc = $.desc.replace(/\s+$/, "");
				return $;
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@example This\n  is an example. \n*"+"/"));
		isnt(typeof sym.example[0], "undefined", "@example tag, creates sym.example array.");
		is(sym.example[0], "This\n  is an example.", "@example tag, desc is found.");
	// @see
	var sees = this.comment.getTag("see");
	if (sees.length) {
		var thisSee = this.see;$){thisSee.push($.desc);});
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@see The other thing.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.see, "The other thing.", "@see tag, desc is found.");
	// @class
	var classes = this.comment.getTag("class");
	if (classes.length) {
		this.isa = "CONSTRUCTOR";
		this.classDesc = classes[0].desc; // desc can't apply to the constructor as there is none.
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@class This describes the class.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isa, "CONSTRUCTOR", "@class tag, makes symbol a constructor.");
		is(sym.classDesc, "This describes the class.", "@class tag, class description is found.");
	// @namespace
	var namespaces = this.comment.getTag("namespace");
	if (namespaces.length) {
		this.classDesc = namespaces[0].desc;
		this.isNamespace = true;
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@namespace This describes the namespace.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.classDesc, "This describes the namespace.", "@namespace tag, class description is found.");
	// @param
	var params = this.comment.getTag("param");
	if (params.length) {
		// user-defined params overwrite those with same name defined by the parser
		var thisParams = this.params;

		if (thisParams.length == 0) { // none exist yet, so just bung all these user-defined params straight in
			this.params = params;
		else { // need to overlay these user-defined params on to existing parser-defined params
			for (var i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) {
				if (thisParams[i]) {
					if (params[i].type) thisParams[i].type = params[i].type;
					thisParams[i].name = params[i].name;
					thisParams[i].desc = params[i].desc;
					thisParams[i].isOptional = params[i].isOptional;
					thisParams[i].defaultValue = params[i].defaultValue;
				else thisParams[i] = params[i];
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [{type: "array", name: "pages"}], "FUNCTION", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**Description.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.params.length, 1, "parser defined param is found.");
		sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FUNCTION", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {array} pages*"+"/"));
		is(sym.params.length, 1, "user defined param is found.");
		is(sym.params[0].type, "array", "user defined param type is found.");
		is(sym.params[0].name, "pages", "user defined param name is found.");
		sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [{type: "array", name: "pages"}], "FUNCTION", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {string} uid*"+"/"));
		is(sym.params.length, 1, "user defined param overwrites parser defined param.");
		is(sym.params[0].type, "string", "user defined param type overwrites parser defined param type.");
		is(sym.params[0].name, "uid", "user defined param name overwrites parser defined param name.");
		sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [{type: "array", name: "pages"}, {type: "number", name: "count"}], "FUNCTION", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {string} uid*"+"/"));
		is(sym.params.length, 2, "user defined params  overlay parser defined params.");
		is(sym.params[1].type, "number", "user defined param type overlays parser defined param type.");
		is(sym.params[1].name, "count", "user defined param name overlays parser defined param name.");

		sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FUNCTION", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**Description.\n@param {array} pages The pages description.*"+"/"));
		is(sym.params.length, 1, "user defined param with description is found.");
		is(sym.params[0].desc, "The pages description.", "user defined param description is found.");
	// @constructor
	if (this.comment.getTag("constructor").length) {
		this.isa = "CONSTRUCTOR";
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@constructor*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isa, "CONSTRUCTOR", "@constructor tag, makes symbol a constructor.");
	// @static
	if (this.comment.getTag("static").length) {
		this.isStatic = true;
		if (this.isa == "CONSTRUCTOR") {
			this.isNamespace = true;
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@static\n@constructor*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isStatic, true, "@static tag, makes isStatic true.");
		is(sym.isNamespace, true, "@static and @constructor tag, makes isNamespace true.");
	// @inner
	if (this.comment.getTag("inner").length) {
		this.isInner = true;
		this.isStatic = false;
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@inner*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isStatic, false, "@inner tag, makes isStatic false.");
		is(sym.isInner, true, "@inner makes isInner true.");
	// @name
	var names = this.comment.getTag("name");
	if (names.length) { = names[0].desc;
		// todo
	// @field
	if (this.comment.getTag("field").length) {
		this.isa = "OBJECT";
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "FUNCTION", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@field*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isa, "OBJECT", "@field tag, makes symbol an object.");
	// @function
	if (this.comment.getTag("function").length) {
		this.isa = "FUNCTION";
		if (/event:/.test(this.alias)) this.isEvent = true;
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@function*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isa, "FUNCTION", "@function tag, makes symbol a function.");
	// @event
	var events = this.comment.getTag("event");
	if (events.length) {
		this.isa = "FUNCTION";
		this.isEvent = true;
		if (!/event:/.test(this.alias))
			this.alias = this.alias.replace(/^(.*[.#-])([^.#-]+)$/, "$1event:$2");
		var sym = new JSDOC.Symbol("foo", [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**@event*"+"/"));
		is(sym.isa, "FUNCTION", "@event tag, makes symbol a function.");
		is(sym.isEvent, true, "@event makes isEvent true.");
	// @fires
	var fires = this.comment.getTag("fires");
	if (fires.length) {
		for (var i = 0; i < fires.length; i++) {
		// todo
	// @property
	var properties = this.comment.getTag("property");
	if (properties.length) {
		thisProperties =;
		for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
			var property = new JSDOC.Symbol(this.alias+"#"+properties[i].name, [], "OBJECT", new JSDOC.DocComment("/**"+properties[i].desc+"\n@name "+properties[i].name+"\n@memberOf "+this.alias+"#*/"));
			// TODO: shouldn't the following happen in the addProperty method of Symbol? = properties[i].name;
			property.memberOf = this.alias;
			if (properties[i].type) property.type = properties[i].type;
			if (properties[i].defaultValue) property.defaultValue = properties[i].defaultValue;
		// todo

	// @return
	var returns = this.comment.getTag("return");
	if (returns.length) { // there can be many return tags in a single doclet
		this.returns = returns;
		this.type =$){return $.type}).join(", ");
		// todo
	// @exception
	this.exceptions = this.comment.getTag("throws");
		// todo
	// @requires
	var requires = this.comment.getTag("requires");
	if (requires.length) {
		this.requires =$){return $.desc});
		// todo
	// @type
	var types = this.comment.getTag("type");
	if (types.length) {
		this.type = types[0].desc; //multiple type tags are ignored
		// todo
	// @private
	if (this.comment.getTag("private").length || this.isInner) {
		this.isPrivate = true;
	// @ignore
	if (this.comment.getTag("ignore").length) {
		this.isIgnored = true;
		// todo
	// @inherits ... as ...
	var inherits = this.comment.getTag("inherits");
	if (inherits.length) {
		for (var i = 0; i < inherits.length; i++) {
			if (/^\s*([a-z$0-9_.#:-]+)(?:\s+as\s+([a-z$0-9_.#:-]+))?/i.test(inherits[i].desc)) {
				var inAlias = RegExp.$1;
				var inAs = RegExp.$2 || inAlias;

				if (inAlias) inAlias = inAlias.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, "#");
				if (inAs) {
					inAs = inAs.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, "#");
					inAs = inAs.replace(/^this\.?/, "#");

				if (inAs.indexOf(inAlias) != 0) { //not a full namepath
					var joiner = ".";
					if (this.alias.charAt(this.alias.length-1) == "#" || inAs.charAt(0) == "#") {
						joiner = "";
					inAs = this.alias + joiner + inAs;
			this.inherits.push({alias: inAlias, as: inAs});
		// todo
	// @augments
	this.augments = this.comment.getTag("augments");
	// @default
	var defaults = this.comment.getTag("default");
	if (defaults.length) {
		if ("OBJECT")) {
			this.defaultValue = defaults[0].desc;
		// todo
	// @memberOf
	var memberOfs = this.comment.getTag("memberOf");
	if (memberOfs.length) {
		this.memberOf = memberOfs[0].desc;
		this.memberOf = this.memberOf.replace(/\.prototype\.?/g, "#");

		// todo
	// @public
	if (this.comment.getTag("public").length) {
		this.isPrivate = false;
		// todo
	if (JSDOC.PluginManager) {"onSetTags", this);
} = function(what) {
	return this.isa === what;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.isBuiltin = function() {
	return JSDOC.Lang.isBuiltin(this.alias);

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.setType = function(/**String*/comment, /**Boolean*/overwrite) {
	if (!overwrite && this.type) return;
	var typeComment = JSDOC.DocComment.unwrapComment(comment);
	this.type = typeComment;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.inherit = function(symbol) {
	if (!this.hasMember( && !symbol.isInner) {
		if ("FUNCTION"))
		else if ("OBJECT"));

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.hasMember = function(name) {
	return (this.hasMethod(name) || this.hasProperty(name));

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.addMember = function(symbol) {
	if ("FUNCTION")) { this.addMethod(symbol); }
	else if ("OBJECT")) { this.addProperty(symbol); }

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.hasMethod = function(name) {
	var thisMethods = this.methods;
	for (var i = 0, l = thisMethods.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (thisMethods[i].name == name) return true;
		if (thisMethods[i].alias == name) return true;
	return false;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.addMethod = function(symbol) {
	var methodAlias = symbol.alias;
	var thisMethods = this.methods;
	for (var i = 0, l = thisMethods.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (thisMethods[i].alias == methodAlias) {
			thisMethods[i] = symbol; // overwriting previous method
	thisMethods.push(symbol); // new method with this alias

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.hasProperty = function(name) {
	var thisProperties =;
	for (var i = 0, l = thisProperties.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (thisProperties[i].name == name) return true;
		if (thisProperties[i].alias == name) return true;
	return false;

JSDOC.Symbol.prototype.addProperty = function(symbol) {
	var propertyAlias = symbol.alias;
	var thisProperties =;
	for (var i = 0, l = thisProperties.length; i < l; i++) {
		if (thisProperties[i].alias == propertyAlias) {
			thisProperties[i] = symbol; // overwriting previous property

	thisProperties.push(symbol); // new property with this alias

JSDOC.Symbol.srcFile = ""; //running reference to the current file being parsed