author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

if (typeof JSDOC == "undefined") JSDOC = {};

JSDOC.DocTag = function(src) {
	if (typeof src != "undefined") {

	Create and initialize the properties of this.
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.init = function() {
	this.title        = "";
	this.type         = "";         = "";
	this.isOptional   = false;
	this.defaultValue = "";
	this.desc         = "";
	return this;

	Populate the properties of this from the given tag src.
	@param {string} src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.parse = function(src) {
	if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);

	try {
		src = this.nibbleTitle(src);
		if (JSDOC.PluginManager) {"onDocTagSynonym", this);
		src = this.nibbleType(src);
		// only some tags are allowed to have names.
		if (this.title == "param" || this.title == "property" || this.title == "config") { // @config is deprecated
			src = this.nibbleName(src);
	catch(e) {
		if (LOG) LOG.warn(e);
		else throw e;
	this.desc = src; // whatever is left
	// example tags need to have whitespace preserved
	if (this.title != "example") this.desc = this.desc.trim();
	if (JSDOC.PluginManager) {"onDocTag", this);

	Automatically called when this is stringified.
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.toString = function() {
	return this.desc;

	plan(1, "testing JSDOC.DocTag#toString");
	var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {object} date A valid date.");
	is(""+tag, "A valid date.", "stringifying a tag returns the desc.");

	Find and shift off the title of a tag.
	@param {string} src
	@return src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.nibbleTitle = function(src) {
	if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
	var parts = src.match(/^\s*(\S+)(?:\s([\s\S]*))?$/);

	if (parts && parts[1]) this.title = parts[1];
	if (parts && parts[2]) src = parts[2];
	else src = "";
	return src;

	plan(8, "testing JSDOC.DocTag#nibbleTitle");
	var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
	is(tag.title, "aTitleGoesHere", "a title can be found in a single-word string.");
	var src = tag.init().nibbleTitle("aTitleGoesHere and the rest");
	is(tag.title, "aTitleGoesHere", "a title can be found in a multi-word string.");
	is(src, "and the rest", "the rest is returned when the title is nibbled off.");
	src = tag.init().nibbleTitle("");
	is(tag.title, "", "given an empty string the title is empty.");
	is(src, "", "the rest is empty when the tag is empty.");

	var src = tag.init().nibbleTitle(" aTitleGoesHere\n  a description");
	is(tag.title, "aTitleGoesHere", "leading and trailing spaces are not part of the title.");
	is(src, "  a description", "leading spaces (less one) are part of the description.");

	tag.init().nibbleTitle("a.Title::Goes_Here foo");
	is(tag.title, "a.Title::Goes_Here", "titles with punctuation are allowed.");

	Find and shift off the type of a tag.
	@requires frame/String.js
	@param {string} src
	@return src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.nibbleType = function(src) {
	if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
	if (src.match(/^\s*\{/)) {
		var typeRange = src.balance("{", "}");
		if (typeRange[1] == -1) {
			throw "Malformed comment tag ignored. Tag type requires an opening { and a closing }: "+src;
		this.type = src.substring(typeRange[0]+1, typeRange[1]).trim();
		this.type = this.type.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, "|"); // multiples can be separated by , or |
		src = src.substring(typeRange[1]+1);
	return src;

	plan(5, "testing JSDOC.DocTag.parser.nibbleType");
	var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
	tag.init().nibbleType("{String[]} aliases");
	is(tag.type, "String[]", "type can have non-alpha characters.");
	tag.init().nibbleType("{ aTypeGoesHere  } etc etc");
	is(tag.type, "aTypeGoesHere", "type is trimmed.");
	tag.init().nibbleType("{ oneType, twoType ,\n threeType  } etc etc");
	is(tag.type, "oneType|twoType|threeType", "multiple types can be separated by commas.");
	var error;
	try { tag.init().nibbleType("{widget foo"); }
	catch(e) { error = e; }
	is(typeof error, "string", "malformed tag type throws error.");
	isnt(error.indexOf("Malformed"), -1, "error message tells tag is malformed.");

	Find and shift off the name of a tag.
	@requires frame/String.js
	@param {string} src
	@return src
JSDOC.DocTag.prototype.nibbleName = function(src) {
	if (typeof src != "string") throw "src must be a string not "+(typeof src);
	src = src.trim();
	// is optional?
	if (src.charAt(0) == "[") {
		var nameRange = src.balance("[", "]");
		if (nameRange[1] == -1) {
			throw "Malformed comment tag ignored. Tag optional name requires an opening [ and a closing ]: "+src;
		} = src.substring(nameRange[0]+1, nameRange[1]).trim();
		this.isOptional = true;
		src = src.substring(nameRange[1]+1);
		// has default value?
		var nameAndValue ="=");
		if (nameAndValue.length) { = nameAndValue.shift().trim();
			this.defaultValue = nameAndValue.join("=");
	else {
		var parts = src.match(/^(\S+)(?:\s([\s\S]*))?$/);
		if (parts) {
			if (parts[1]) = parts[1];
			if (parts[2]) src = parts[2].trim();
			else src = "";

	return src;

	plan(9, "testing JSDOC.DocTag.parser.nibbleName");
	var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
	tag.init().nibbleName("[foo] This is a description.");
	is(tag.isOptional, true, "isOptional syntax is detected.");
	is(, "foo", "optional param name is found.");
	tag.init().nibbleName("[foo] This is a description.");
	is(tag.isOptional, true, "isOptional syntax is detected when no type.");
	is(, "foo", "optional param name is found when no type.");
	tag.init().nibbleName("[foo=7] This is a description.");
 	is(, "foo", "optional param name is found when default value.");
 	is(tag.defaultValue, 7, "optional param default value is found when default value.");
 	//tag.init().nibbleName("[foo= a value] This is a description.");
 	//is(tag.defaultValue, " a value", "optional param default value is found when default value has spaces (issue #112).");
 	tag.init().nibbleName("[foo=[]] This is a description.");
 	is(tag.defaultValue, "[]", "optional param default value is found when default value is [] (issue #95).");
 	tag.init().nibbleName("[foo=a=b] This is a description.");
 	is(, "foo", "optional param name is found when default value is a=b.");
 	is(tag.defaultValue, "a=b", "optional param default value is found when default value is a=b.")

	plan(32, "Testing JSDOC.DocTag.parser.");
 	var tag = new JSDOC.DocTag();
 	is(typeof tag, "object", "JSDOC.DocTag.parser with an empty string returns an object.");
 	is(typeof tag.title, "string", "returned object has a string property 'title'.");
 	is(typeof tag.type, "string", "returned object has a string property 'type'.");
 	is(typeof, "string", "returned object has a string property 'name'.");
 	is(typeof tag.defaultValue, "string", "returned object has a string property 'defaultValue'.");
 	is(typeof tag.isOptional, "boolean", "returned object has a boolean property 'isOptional'.");
 	is(typeof tag.desc, "string", "returned object has a string property 'desc'.");
  	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {widget} foo");
  	is(tag.title, "param", "param title is found.");
  	is(, "foo", "param name is found when desc is missing.");
 	is(tag.desc, "", "param desc is empty when missing.");
 	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {object} date A valid date.");
 	is(, "date", "param name is found with a type.");
 	is(tag.type, "object", "param type is found.");
 	is(tag.desc, "A valid date.", "param desc is found with a type.");
  	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param aName a description goes\n    here.");
	is(, "aName", "param name is found without a type.");
 	is(tag.desc, "a description goes\n    here.", "param desc is found without a type.");
 	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {widget}");
 	is(, "", "param name is empty when it is not given.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param {widget} [foo] This is a description.");
	is(, "foo", "optional param name is found.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("return {aType} This is a description.");
	is(tag.type, "aType", "when return tag has no name, type is found.");
	is(tag.desc, "This is a description.", "when return tag has no name, desc is found.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("author Joe Coder <>");
	is(tag.title, "author", "author tag has a title.");
	is(tag.type, "", "the author tag has no type.");
	is(, "", "the author tag has no name.");
	is(tag.desc, "Joe Coder <>", "author tag has desc.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("private \t\n  ");
	is(tag.title, "private", "private tag has a title.");
	is(tag.type, "", "the private tag has no type.");
	is(, "", "the private tag has no name.");
	is(tag.desc, "", "private tag has no desc.");

	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("example\n   example(code);\n   more();");
	is(tag.desc, "   example(code);\n   more();", "leading whitespace (less one) in examples code is preserved.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("param theName  \n");
	is(, "theName", "name only is found.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("type theDesc  \n");
	is(tag.desc, "theDesc", "desc only is found.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("type {theType} \n");
	is(tag.type, "theType", "type only is found.");
	tag = new JSDOC.DocTag("");
	is(tag.title, "", "title is empty when tag is empty.");