author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

	@date $Date: 2009-06-21 23:36:33 +0100 (Sun, 21 Jun 2009) $
	@version $Revision: 801 $ 
	@location $HeadURL: $
	@name JSDOC.js

	This is the main container for the JSDOC application.

	@requires Opt
if (typeof arguments == "undefined") arguments = [];
JSDOC.opt = Opt.get(
		a: "allfunctions", 
		c: "conf",
		d: "directory",
		"D[]": "define",
		e: "encoding",
		"E[]": "exclude",
		h: "help",
		n: "nocode",
		o: "out",
		p: "private",
		q: "quiet",
		r: "recurse",
		S: "securemodules",
		s: "suppress",
		t: "template",
		T: "testmode",
		u: "unique",
		v: "verbose",
		x: "ext"

/** The current version string of this application. */
JSDOC.VERSION = "2.3.0";

/** Print out usage information and quit. */
JSDOC.usage = function() {
	print("USAGE: java -jar jsrun.jar app/run.js [OPTIONS] <SRC_DIR> <SRC_FILE> ...");
	print("  -a or --allfunctions\n          Include all functions, even undocumented ones.\n");
	print("  -c or --conf\n          Load a configuration file.\n");
	print("  -d=<PATH> or --directory=<PATH>\n          Output to this directory (defaults to \"out\").\n");
	print("  -D=\"myVar:My value\" or --define=\"myVar:My value\"\n          Multiple. Define a variable, available in JsDoc as JSDOC.opt.D.myVar.\n");
	print("  -e=<ENCODING> or --encoding=<ENCODING>\n          Use this encoding to read and write files.\n");
	print("  -E=\"REGEX\" or --exclude=\"REGEX\"\n          Multiple. Exclude files based on the supplied regex.\n");
	print("  -h or --help\n          Show this message and exit.\n");
	print("  -n or --nocode\n          Ignore all code, only document comments with @name tags.\n");
	print("  -o=<PATH> or --out=<PATH>\n          Print log messages to a file (defaults to stdout).\n");
	print("  -p or --private\n          Include symbols tagged as private, underscored and inner symbols.\n");
	print("  -q or --quiet\n          Do not output any messages, not even warnings.\n");
	print("  -r=<DEPTH> or --recurse=<DEPTH>\n          Descend into src directories.\n");
	print("  -s or --suppress\n          Suppress source code output.\n");
	print("  -S or --securemodules\n          Use Secure Modules mode to parse source code.\n");
	print("  -t=<PATH> or --template=<PATH>\n          Required. Use this template to format the output.\n");
	print("  -T or --test\n          Run all unit tests and exit.\n");
	print("  -u or --unique\n          Force file names to be unique, but not based on symbol names.\n");
	print("  -v or --verbose\n          Provide verbose feedback about what is happening.\n");
	print("  -x=<EXT>[,EXT]... or --ext=<EXT>[,EXT]...\n          Scan source files with the given extension/s (defaults to js).\n");

	plan(4, "Testing JSDOC namespace.");
		typeof JSDOC,
		"JSDOC.usage is a function."
		"JSDOC.VERSION is a string."
		typeof JSDOC.usage,
		"JSDOC.usage is a function."
		typeof JSDOC.opt,
		"JSDOC.opt is a object."

if (this.IO) IO.includeDir("lib/JSDOC/");