author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

LOG.inform("XMLDOC.Parser loaded");

 * XML Parser object.  Returns an {@link #XMLDOC.Parser.node} which is
 * the root element of the parsed document.
 * <p/>
 * By default, this parser will only handle well formed XML.  To
 * allow the parser to handle HTML, set the <tt>XMLDOC.Parser.strictMode</tt>
 * variable to <tt>false</tt> before calling <tt>XMLDOC.Parser.parse()</tt>.
 * <p/>
 * <i>Note: If you pass poorly formed XML, it will cause the parser to throw
 * an exception.</i>
 * @author Brett Fattori (
 * @author $Author: micmath $
 * @version $Revision: 497 $
XMLDOC.Parser = {};

 * Strict mode setting.  Setting this to false allows HTML-style source to
 * be parsed.  Normally, well formed XML has defined end tags, or empty tags
 * are properly formed.  Default: <tt>true</tt>
 * @type Boolean
XMLDOC.Parser.strictMode = true;

 * A node in an XML Document.  Node types are ROOT, ELEMENT, COMMENT, PI, and TEXT.
 * @param parent {XMLDOC.Parser.node} The parent node
 * @param name {String} The node name
 * @param type {String} One of the types
XMLDOC.Parser.node = function(parent, name, type)
{ = name;
   this.type = type || "ELEMENT";
   this.parent = parent;
   this.charData = "";
   this.attrs = {};
   this.nodes = [];
   this.cPtr = 0;

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.getAttributeNames = function() {
      var a = [];
      for (var o in this.attrs)

      return a;

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.getAttribute = function(attr) {
      return this.attrs[attr];

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.setAttribute = function(attr, val) {
      this.attrs[attr] = val;

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.getChild = function(idx) {
      return this.nodes[idx];

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.parentNode = function() {
      return this.parent;

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.firstChild = function() {
      return this.nodes[0];

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.lastChild = function() {
      return this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1];

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.nextSibling = function() {
      var p = this.parent;
      if (p && (p.nodes.indexOf(this) + 1 != p.nodes.length))
         return p.getChild(p.nodes.indexOf(this) + 1);
      return null;

   XMLDOC.Parser.node.prototype.prevSibling = function() {
      var p = this.parent;
      if (p && (p.nodes.indexOf(this) - 1 >= 0))
         return p.getChild(p.nodes.indexOf(this) - 1);
      return null;

 * Parse an XML Document from the specified source.  The XML should be
 * well formed, unless strict mode is disabled, then the parser will
 * handle HTML-style XML documents.
 * @param src {String} The source to parse
XMLDOC.Parser.parse = function(src)
   var A = [];

   // Normailize whitespace
   A = src.split("\r\n");
   src = A.join("\n");
   A = src.split("\r");
   src = A.join("\n");

   // Remove XML and DOCTYPE specifier
   src.replace(/<\?XML .*\?>/i, "");
   src.replace(/<!DOCTYPE .*\>/i, "");

   // The document is the root node and cannot be modified or removed
   var doc = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(null, "ROOT", "DOCUMENT");

   // Let's break it down, src);

   return doc;

 * The XML fragment processing routine.  This method is private and should not be called
 * directly.
 * @param parentNode {XMLDOC.Parser.node} The node which is the parent of this fragment
 * @param src {String} The source within the fragment to process
 * @private
 */ = function(parentNode, src)
   // A simple tag def
   var reTag = new RegExp("<(!|)(\\?|--|)((.|\\s)*?)\\2>","g");

   // Special tag types
   var reCommentTag = /<!--((.|\s)*?)-->/;
   var rePITag = /<\?((.|\s)*?)\?>/;

   // A start tag (with potential empty marker)
   var reStartTag = /<(.*?)( +([\w_\-]*)=(\"|')(.*)\4)*(\/)?>/;

   // An empty HTML style tag (not proper XML, but we'll accept it so we can process HTML)
   var reHTMLEmptyTag = /<(.*?)( +([\w_\-]*)=(\"|')(.*)\4)*>/;

   // Fully enclosing tag with nested tags
   var reEnclosingTag = /<(.*?)( +([\w_\-]*)=(\"|')(.*?)\4)*>((.|\s)*?)<\/\1>/;

   // Breaks down attributes
   var reAttributes = new RegExp(" +([\\w_\\-]*)=(\"|')(.*?)\\2","g");

   // Find us a tag
   var tag;
   while ((tag = reTag.exec(src)) != null)
      if (tag.index > 0)
         // The next tag has some text before it
         var text = src.substring(0, tag.index).replace(/^[ \t\n]+((.|\n)*?)[ \t\n]+$/, "$1");

         if (text.length > 0 && (text != "\n"))
            var txtnode = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "TEXT");
            txtnode.charData = text;

            // Append the new text node

         // Reset the lastIndex of reTag
         reTag.lastIndex -= src.substring(0, tag.index).length;

         // Eat the text
         src = src.substring(tag.index);

      if (reCommentTag.test(tag[0]))
         // Is this a comment?
         var comment = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "COMMENT");
         comment.charData = reCommentTag.exec(tag[0])[1];

         // Append the comment

         // Move the lastIndex of reTag
         reTag.lastIndex -= tag[0].length;

         // Eat the tag
         src = src.replace(reCommentTag, "");
      else if (rePITag.test(tag[0]))
         // Is this a processing instruction?
         var pi = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "PI");
         pi.charData = rePITag.exec(tag[0])[1];

         // Append the processing instruction

         // Move the lastIndex of reTag
         reTag.lastIndex -= tag[0].length;

         // Eat the tag
         src = src.replace(rePITag, "");
      else if (reStartTag.test(tag[0]))
         // Break it down
         var e = reStartTag.exec(tag[0]);
         var elem = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, e[1], "ELEMENT");

         // Get attributes from the tag
         var a;
         while ((a = reAttributes.exec(e[2])) != null )
            elem.attrs[a[1]] = a[3];

         // Is this an empty XML-style tag?
         if (e[6] == "/")
            // Append the empty element

            // Move the lastIndex of reTag (include the start tag length)
            reTag.lastIndex -= e[0].length;

            // Eat the tag
            src = src.replace(reStartTag, "");
            // Check for malformed XML tags
            var htmlParsed = false;
            var htmlStartTag = reHTMLEmptyTag.exec(src);

            // See if there isn't an end tag within this block
            var reHTMLEndTag = new RegExp("</" + htmlStartTag[1] + ">");
            var htmlEndTag = reHTMLEndTag.exec(src);

            if (XMLDOC.Parser.strictMode && htmlEndTag == null)
               // Poorly formed XML fails in strict mode
               var err = new Error("Malformed XML passed to XMLDOC.Parser... Error contains malformed 'src'");
               err.src = src;
               throw err;
            else if (htmlEndTag == null)
               // This is an HTML-style empty tag, store the element for it in non-strict mode

               // Eat the tag
               src = src.replace(reHTMLEmptyTag, "");
               htmlParsed = true;

            // If we didn't parse HTML-style, it must be an enclosing tag
            if (!htmlParsed)
               var enc = reEnclosingTag.exec(src);

               // Go deeper into the document
     , enc[6]);

               // Append the new element node

               // Eat the tag
               src = src.replace(reEnclosingTag, "");

         // Reset the lastIndex of reTag
         reTag.lastIndex = 0;

   // No tag was found... append the text if there is any
   src = src.replace(/^[ \t\n]+((.|\n)*?)[ \t\n]+$/, "$1");
   if (src.length > 0 && (src != "\n"))
      var txtNode = new XMLDOC.Parser.node(parentNode, "", "TEXT");
      txtNode.charData = src;

      // Append the new text node