author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

	@name String
	@class Additions to the core string object.

/** @author Steven Levithan, released as public domain. */
String.prototype.trim = function() {
	var str = this.replace(/^\s+/, '');
	for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		if (/\S/.test(str.charAt(i))) {
			str = str.substring(0, i + 1);
	return str;
	plan(6, "Testing String.prototype.trim.");
	var s = "   a bc   ".trim();
	is(s, "a bc", "multiple spaces front and back are trimmed.");

	s = "a bc\n\n".trim();
	is(s, "a bc", "newlines only in back are trimmed.");
	s = "\ta bc".trim();
	is(s, "a bc", "tabs only in front are trimmed.");
	s = "\n \t".trim();
	is(s, "", "an all-space string is trimmed to empty.");
	s = "a b\nc".trim();
	is(s, "a b\nc", "a string with no spaces in front or back is trimmed to itself.");
	s = "".trim();
	is(s, "", "an empty string is trimmed to empty.");


String.prototype.balance = function(open, close) {
	var i = 0;
	while (this.charAt(i) != open) {
		if (i == this.length) return [-1, -1];
	var j = i+1;
	var balance = 1;
	while (j < this.length) {
		if (this.charAt(j) == open) balance++;
		if (this.charAt(j) == close) balance--;
		if (balance == 0) break;
		if (j == this.length) return [-1, -1];
	return [i, j];
	plan(16, "Testing String.prototype.balance.");
	var s = "{abc}".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], 0, "opener in first is found.");
	is(s[1], 4, "closer in last is found.");
	s = "ab{c}de".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], 2, "opener in middle is found.");
	is(s[1], 4, "closer in middle is found.");
	s = "a{b{c}de}f".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], 1, "nested opener is found.");
	is(s[1], 8, "nested closer is found.");
	s = "{}".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], 0, "opener with no content is found.");
	is(s[1], 1, "closer with no content is found.");
	s = "".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], -1, "empty string opener is -1.");
	is(s[1], -1, "empty string closer is -1.");
	s = "{abc".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], -1, "opener with no closer returns -1.");
	is(s[1], -1, "no closer returns -1.");
	s = "abc".balance("{","}");
	is(s[0], -1, "no opener or closer returns -1 for opener.");
	is(s[1], -1, "no opener or closer returns -1 for closer.");
	s = "a<bc}de".balance("<","}");
	is(s[0], 1, "unmatching opener is found.");
	is(s[1], 4, "unmatching closer is found.");