author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 3041 c8f47f0b6697
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

/** Handle the creation of HTML links to documented symbols.
function Link() {
	this.alias = "";
	this.src = "";
	this.file = "";
	this.text = "";
	this.innerName = "";
	this.classLink = false;
	this.targetName = ""; = function(targetName) {
		if (defined(targetName)) this.targetName = targetName;
		return this;
	this.inner = function(inner) {
		if (defined(inner)) this.innerName = inner;
		return this;
	this.withText = function(text) {
		if (defined(text)) this.text = text;
		return this;
	this.toSrc = function(filename) {
		if (defined(filename)) this.src = filename;
		return this;
	this.toSymbol = function(alias) {
		if (defined(alias)) this.alias = new String(alias);
		return this;
	this.toClass = function(alias) {
		this.classLink = true;
		return this.toSymbol(alias);
	this.toFile = function(file) {
		if (defined(file)) this.file = file;
		return this;
	this.toString = function() {
		var linkString;
		var thisLink = this;

		if (this.alias) {
			linkString = this.alias.replace(/(^|[^a-z$0-9_#.:^-])([|a-z$0-9_#.:^-]+)($|[^a-z$0-9_#.:^-])/i,
				function(match, prematch, symbolName, postmatch) {
					var symbolNames = symbolName.split("|");
					var links = [];
					for (var i = 0, l = symbolNames.length; i < l; i++) {
						thisLink.alias = symbolNames[i];
					return prematch+links.join("|")+postmatch;
		else if (this.src) {
			linkString = thisLink._makeSrcLink(this.src);
		else if (this.file) {
			linkString = thisLink._makeFileLink(this.file);

		return linkString;

/** prefixed for hashes */
Link.hashPrefix = "";

/** Appended to the front of relative link paths. */
Link.base = "";

Link.symbolNameToLinkName = function(symbol) {
	var linker = "";
	if (symbol.isStatic) linker = ".";
	else if (symbol.isInner) linker = "-";

/** Create a link to another symbol. */
Link.prototype._makeSymbolLink = function(alias) {
	var linkBase = Link.base+publish.conf.symbolsDir;
	var linkTo = Link.symbolSet.getSymbol(alias);
	var linkPath;
	var target = (this.targetName)? " target=\""+this.targetName+"\"" : "";

	// is it an internal link?
	if (alias.charAt(0) == "#") var linkPath = alias;
	// if there is no symbol by that name just return the name unaltered
	else if (!linkTo) return this.text || alias;
	// it's a symbol in another file
	else {
		if (!"CONSTRUCTOR") && !linkTo.isNamespace) { // it's a method or property
			if (linkTo.isEvent) {
				linkPath = 
					(Link.filemap)? Link.filemap[linkTo.memberOf] 
					escape(linkTo.memberOf) || "_global_";
				linkPath += publish.conf.ext + "#event:" + Link.symbolNameToLinkName(linkTo);
			else {
				linkPath = 
					(Link.filemap)? Link.filemap[linkTo.memberOf] 
					escape(linkTo.memberOf) || "_global_";
				linkPath += publish.conf.ext + "#" + Link.symbolNameToLinkName(linkTo);
		else {
			linkPath = (Link.filemap)? Link.filemap[linkTo.alias] : escape(linkTo.alias);
			linkPath += publish.conf.ext;// + (this.classLink? "":"#" + Link.hashPrefix + "constructor");
		linkPath = linkBase + linkPath
	var linkText = this.text || alias;
	var link = {linkPath: linkPath, linkText: linkText, linkInner: (this.innerName? "#"+this.innerName : "")};
	if (typeof JSDOC.PluginManager != "undefined") {"onSymbolLink", link);
	return "<a href=\""+link.linkPath+link.linkInner+"\""+target+">"+link.linkText+"</a>";

/** Create a link to a source file. */
Link.prototype._makeSrcLink = function(srcFilePath) {
	var target = (this.targetName)? " target=\""+this.targetName+"\"" : "";
	// transform filepath into a filename
	var srcFile = srcFilePath.replace(/\.\.?[\\\/]/g, "").replace(/[:\\\/]/g, "_");
	var outFilePath = Link.base + publish.conf.srcDir + srcFile + publish.conf.ext;

	if (!this.text) this.text = FilePath.fileName(srcFilePath);
	return "<a href=\""+outFilePath+"\""+target+">"+this.text+"</a>";

/** Create a link to a source file. */
Link.prototype._makeFileLink = function(filePath) {
	var target = (this.targetName)? " target=\""+this.targetName+"\"" : "";
	var outFilePath =  Link.base + filePath;

	if (!this.text) this.text = filePath;
	return "<a href=\""+outFilePath+"\""+target+">"+this.text+"</a>";