author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 2864 2e0b0af889be
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

// Copyright 2009 Google Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

var RFC822Date = {};

 * Return a DateTime in RFC822 format.
 * @see
 * @param {Date} date A Date object.
 * @param {string} opt_tzo The timezone offset.
RFC822Date.format = function(date, opt_tzo) {
  var tzo = opt_tzo || RFC822Date.getTZO(date.getTimezoneOffset());
  var rfc822Date = RFC822Date.DAYS[date.getDay()] + ', ';
  rfc822Date += RFC822Date.padZero(date.getDate()) + ' ';
  rfc822Date += RFC822Date.MONTHS[date.getMonth()] + ' ';
  rfc822Date += date.getFullYear() + ' ';
  rfc822Date += RFC822Date.padZero(date.getHours()) + ':';
  rfc822Date += RFC822Date.padZero(date.getMinutes()) + ':';
  rfc822Date += RFC822Date.padZero(date.getSeconds()) + ' ' ;
  rfc822Date += tzo;
  return rfc822Date;

 * @type {Array}
RFC822Date.MONTHS = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
                     'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];

 * @type {Array}
RFC822Date.DAYS = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];

 * Pads a value with a 0 if it is less than 10;
 * @param {number|string}
 * @return {string}
RFC822Date.padZero = function(val) {
  val = val + ''; // cast into string
  if (val.length < 2) {
    val = '0' + val;
  return val;

 * Returns a timezone offset in the format +|-dddd.
 * @param {String} tzo A time zone offset from GMT in minutes.
 * @return {string} The time zone offset as a string.
RFC822Date.getTZO = function(tzo) {
  var hours = Math.floor(tzo / 60);
  var tzoFormatted = hours > 0 ? '-' : '+';

  var absoluteHours = Math.abs(hours);
  tzoFormatted += absoluteHours < 10 ? '0' : '';
  tzoFormatted += absoluteHours;

  var moduloMinutes = Math.abs(tzo % 60);
  tzoFormatted += moduloMinutes == 0 ? '00' : moduloMinutes

  return tzoFormatted;