author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 154 d2377425d3f2
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

 * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 264 2007-04-26 20:53:09Z spocke $
 * @author Moxiecode
 * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.

(function() {
	var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, is =;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Compat2x', {
		getInfo : function() {
			return {
				longname : 'Compat2x',
				author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
				authorurl : '',
				infourl : '',
				version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion

	(function() {
		// Extend tinyMCE/EditorManager
		tinymce.extend(tinyMCE, {
			addToLang : function(p, l) {
				each(l, function(v, k) {
					tinyMCE.i18n[(tinyMCE.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + (p ? p + '_' : '') + k] = v;

			getInstanceById : function(n) {
				return this.get(n);

	(function() {
		var EditorManager = tinymce.EditorManager;

		tinyMCE.instances = {};
		tinyMCE.plugins = {};
		tinymce.PluginManager.onAdd.add(function(pm, n, p) {
			tinyMCE.plugins[n] = p;

		tinyMCE.majorVersion = tinymce.majorVersion;
		tinyMCE.minorVersion = tinymce.minorVersion;
		tinyMCE.releaseDate = tinymce.releaseDate;
		tinyMCE.baseURL = tinymce.baseURL;
		tinyMCE.isIE = tinyMCE.isMSIE = tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isOpera;
		tinyMCE.isMSIE5 = tinymce.isIE;
		tinyMCE.isMSIE5_0 = tinymce.isIE;
		tinyMCE.isMSIE7 = tinymce.isIE;
		tinyMCE.isGecko = tinymce.isGecko;
		tinyMCE.isSafari = tinymce.isWebKit;
		tinyMCE.isOpera = tinymce.isOpera;
		tinyMCE.isMac = false;
		tinyMCE.isNS7 = false;
		tinyMCE.isNS71 = false;
		tinyMCE.compat = true;

		// Extend tinyMCE class
		TinyMCE_Engine = tinyMCE;
		tinymce.extend(tinyMCE, {
			getParam : function(n, dv) {
				return this.activeEditor.getParam(n, dv);

			addEvent : function(e, na, f, sc) {
				tinymce.dom.Event.add(e, na, f, sc || this);

			getControlHTML : function(n) {
				return EditorManager.activeEditor.controlManager.createControl(n);

			loadCSS : function(u) {

			importCSS : function(doc, u) {
				if (doc == document)
					new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(doc).loadCSS(u);

			log : function() {
				console.debug.apply(console, arguments);

			getLang : function(n, dv) {
				var v = EditorManager.activeEditor.getLang(n.replace(/^lang_/g, ''), dv);

				// Is number
				if (/^[0-9\-.]+$/g.test(v))
					return parseInt(v);

				return v;

			isInstance : function(o) {
				return o != null && typeof(o) == "object" && o.execCommand;

			triggerNodeChange : function() {

			regexpReplace : function(in_str, reg_exp, replace_str, opts) {
				var re;

				if (in_str == null)
					return in_str;

				if (typeof(opts) == "undefined")
					opts = 'g';

				re = new RegExp(reg_exp, opts);

				return in_str.replace(re, replace_str);

			trim : function(s) {
				return tinymce.trim(s);

			xmlEncode : function(s) {
				return tinymce.DOM.encode(s);

			explode : function(s, d) {
				var o = [];

				tinymce.each(s.split(d), function(v) {
					if (v != '')

				return o;

			switchClass : function(id, cls) {
				var b;

				if (/^mceButton/.test(cls)) {
					b = EditorManager.activeEditor.controlManager.get(id);

					if (!b)

					switch (cls) {
						case "mceButtonNormal":

						case "mceButtonDisabled":

						case "mceButtonSelected":

			addCSSClass : function(e, n, b) {
				return tinymce.DOM.addClass(e, n, b);

			hasCSSClass : function(e, n) {
				return tinymce.DOM.hasClass(e, n);

			removeCSSClass : function(e, n) {
				return tinymce.DOM.removeClass(e, n);

			getCSSClasses : function() {
				var cl = EditorManager.activeEditor.dom.getClasses(), o = [];

				each(cl, function(c) {

				return o;

			setWindowArg : function(n, v) {
				EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager.params[n] = v;

			getWindowArg : function(n, dv) {
				var wm = EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager, v;

				v = wm.getParam(n);
				if (v === '')
					return '';

				return v || wm.getFeature(n) || dv;

			getParentNode : function(n, f) {
				return this._getDOM().getParent(n, f);

			selectElements : function(n, na, f) {
				var i, a = [], nl, x;

				for (x=0, na = na.split(','); x<na.length; x++)
					for (i=0, nl = n.getElementsByTagName(na[x]); i<nl.length; i++)
						(!f || f(nl[i])) && a.push(nl[i]);

				return a;

			getNodeTree : function(n, na, t, nn) {
				return this.selectNodes(n, function(n) {
					return (!t || n.nodeType == t) && (!nn || n.nodeName == nn);
				}, na ? na : []);

			getAttrib : function(e, n, dv) {
				return this._getDOM().getAttrib(e, n, dv);

			setAttrib : function(e, n, v) {
				return this._getDOM().setAttrib(e, n, v);

			getElementsByAttributeValue : function(n, e, a, v) {
				var i, nl = n.getElementsByTagName(e), o = [];

				for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
					if (tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], a).indexOf(v) != -1)
						o[o.length] = nl[i];

				return o;

			selectNodes : function(n, f, a) {
				var i;

				if (!a)
					a = [];

				if (f(n))
					a[a.length] = n;

				if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
					for (i=0; i<n.childNodes.length; i++)
						tinyMCE.selectNodes(n.childNodes[i], f, a);

				return a;

			getContent : function() {
				return EditorManager.activeEditor.getContent();

			getParentElement : function(n, na, f) {
				if (na)
					na = new RegExp('^(' + na.toUpperCase().replace(/,/g, '|') + ')$', 'g');

				return this._getDOM().getParent(n, function(n) {
					return n.nodeType == 1 && (!na || na.test(n.nodeName)) && (!f || f(n));
				}, this.activeEditor.getBody());

			importPluginLanguagePack : function(n) {

			getButtonHTML : function(cn, lang, img, c, u, v) {
				var ed = EditorManager.activeEditor;

				img = img.replace(/\{\$pluginurl\}/g, tinyMCE.pluginURL);
				img = img.replace(/\{\$themeurl\}/g, tinyMCE.themeURL);
				lang = lang.replace(/^lang_/g, '');

				return ed.controlManager.createButton(cn, {
					title : lang,
					command : c,
					ui : u,
					value : v,
					scope : this,
					'class' : 'compat',
					image : img

			addSelectAccessibility : function(e, s, w) {
				// Add event handlers 
				if (!s._isAccessible) {
					s.onkeydown = tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;
					s.onblur = tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;
					s._isAccessible = true;
					s._win = w;

				return false;

			accessibleEventHandler : function(e) {
				var elm, win = this._win;

				e = tinymce.isIE ? win.event : e;
				elm = tinymce.isIE ? e.srcElement :;

				// Unpiggyback onchange on blur
				if (e.type == "blur") {
					if (elm.oldonchange) {
						elm.onchange = elm.oldonchange;
						elm.oldonchange = null;

					return true;

				// Piggyback onchange
				if (elm.nodeName == "SELECT" && !elm.oldonchange) {
					elm.oldonchange = elm.onchange;
					elm.onchange = null;

				// Execute onchange and remove piggyback
				if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) {
					elm.onchange = elm.oldonchange;
					elm.oldonchange = null;

					return false;

				return true;

			cancelEvent : function(e) {
				return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);

			handleVisualAid : function(e) {

			getAbsPosition : function(n, r) {
				return tinymce.DOM.getPos(n, r);

			cleanupEventStr : function(s) {
				s = "" + s;
				s = s.replace('function anonymous()\n{\n', '');
				s = s.replace('\n}', '');
				s = s.replace(/^return true;/gi, ''); // Remove event blocker

				return s;

			getVisualAidClass : function(s) {
				// TODO: Implement
				return s;

			parseStyle : function(s) {
				return this._getDOM().parseStyle(s);

			serializeStyle : function(s) {
				return this._getDOM().serializeStyle(s);

			openWindow : function(tpl, args) {
				var ed = EditorManager.activeEditor, o = {}, n;

				// Convert name/value array to object
				for (n in tpl)
					o[n] = tpl[n];

				tpl = o;

				args = args || {};
				tpl.url = new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.ThemeManager.themeURLs[ed.settings.theme]).toAbsolute(tpl.file);
				tpl.inline = tpl.inline || args.inline;, args);

			closeWindow : function(win) {

			getOuterHTML : function(e) {
				return tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(e);

			setOuterHTML : function(e, h, d) {
				return tinymce.DOM.setOuterHTML(e, h, d);

			hasPlugin : function(n) {
				return tinymce.PluginManager.get(n) != null;

			_setEventsEnabled : function() {
				// Ignore it!!

			addPlugin : function(pn, f) {
				var t = this;

				function PluginWrapper(ed) {
					tinyMCE.selectedInstance = ed;

					ed.onInit.add(function() {
						t.settings = ed.settings;
						t.settings['base_href'] = tinyMCE.documentBasePath;
						tinyMCE.settings = t.settings;
						tinyMCE.documentBasePath = ed.documentBasePath;
						//ed.formElement = DOM.get(;

						if (f.initInstance)

						ed.contentDocument = ed.getDoc();
						ed.contentWindow = ed.getWin();
						ed.undoRedo = ed.undoManager;
						ed.startContent = ed.getContent({format : 'raw'});

						tinyMCE.instances[] = ed;
						tinyMCE.loadedFiles = [];

					ed.onActivate.add(function() {
						tinyMCE.settings = ed.settings;
						tinyMCE.selectedInstance = ed;

				/*	if (f.removeInstance) {
						ed.onDestroy.add(function() {
							return f.removeInstance(;

					if (f.handleNodeChange) {
						ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
							f.handleNodeChange(, n, 0, 0, false, !ed.selection.isCollapsed());

					if (f.onChange) {
						ed.onChange.add(function(ed, n) {
							return f.onChange(ed);

					if (f.cleanup) {
						ed.onGetContent.add(function() {
							//f.cleanup(type, content, inst);

					this.getInfo = function() {
						return f.getInfo();

					this.createControl = function(n) {
						tinyMCE.pluginURL = tinymce.baseURL + '/plugins/' + pn;
						tinyMCE.themeURL = tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/' + tinyMCE.activeEditor.settings.theme;

						if (f.getControlHTML)
							return f.getControlHTML(n);

						return null;

					this.execCommand = function(cmd, ui, val) {
						if (f.execCommand)
							return f.execCommand(, ed.getBody(), cmd, ui, val);

						return false;

				tinymce.PluginManager.add(pn, PluginWrapper);

			_getDOM : function() {
				return tinyMCE.activeEditor ? tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom : tinymce.DOM;

			convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL : function(b, u) {
				return new tinymce.util.URI(b).toAbsolute(u);

			convertAbsoluteURLToRelativeURL : function(b, u) {
				return new tinymce.util.URI(b).toRelative(u);

		// Extend Editor class
		tinymce.extend(tinymce.Editor.prototype, {
			getFocusElement : function() {
				return this.selection.getNode();

			getData : function(n) {
				if (! = [];

				if (![n])[n] = [];


			hasPlugin : function(n) {
				return this.plugins[n] != null;

			getContainerWin : function() {
				return window;

			getHTML : function(raw) {
				return this.getContent({ format : raw ? 'raw' : 'html'});

			setHTML : function(h) {

			getSel : function() {
				return this.selection.getSel();

			getRng : function() {
				return this.selection.getRng();

			isHidden : function() {
				var s;

				if (!tinymce.isGecko)
					return false;

				s = this.getSel();

				// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
				return (!s || !s.rangeCount || s.rangeCount == 0);

			translate : function(s) {
				var c = this.settings.language, o;

				if (!s)
					return s;

				o = tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c + '.' + s] || s.replace(/{\#([^}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
					return tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';

				o = o.replace(/{\$lang_([^}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
					return tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c + '.' + b] || '{$lang_' + b + '}';

				return o;

			repaint : function() {

		// Extend selection
		tinymce.extend(tinymce.dom.Selection.prototype, {
			getSelectedText : function() {
				return this.getContent({format : 'text'});

			getSelectedHTML : function() {
				return this.getContent({format : 'html'});

			getFocusElement : function() {
				return this.getNode();

			selectNode : function(node, collapse, select_text_node, to_start) {
				var t = this;, select_text_node || 0);

				if (!is(collapse))
					collapse = true;

				if (collapse) {
					if (!is(to_start))
						to_start = true;


	// Register plugin
	tinymce.PluginManager.add('compat2x', tinymce.plugins.Compat2x);