author Mario Ferraro <>
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:12:20 +0100
changeset 3093 d1be59b6b627
parent 1328 cd175dddc15c
permissions -rw-r--r--
GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace. Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to load its services, so better stay safe. Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module. Fixes Issue 634.

 * jQuery Progress Bar plugin
 * Version 1.1.0 (06/20/2008)
 * @requires jQuery v1.2.1 or later
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Gary Teo

	$("#progressbar").progressBar(45);							// percentage
	$("#progressbar").progressBar({showText: false });			// percentage with config
	$("#progressbar").progressBar(45, {showText: false });		// percentage with config
(function($) {
		progressBar: new function() {
			this.defaults = {
				increment	: 2,
				speed		: 15,
				showText	: true,											// show text with percentage in next to the progressbar? - default : true
				width		: 120,											// Width of the progressbar - don't forget to adjust your image too!!!
				boxImage	: '/soc/content/images/progressbar.gif',		// boxImage : image around the progress bar
				barImage	: '/soc/content/images/progressbg_green.gif',	// Image to use in the progressbar. Can be an array of images too.
				height		: 12											// Height of the progressbar - don't forget to adjust your image too!!!
			/* public methods */
			this.construct = function(arg1, arg2) {
				var argpercentage	= null;
				var argconfig		= null;
				if (arg1 != null) {
					if (!isNaN(arg1)) {
						argpercentage 	= arg1;
						if (arg2 != null) {
							argconfig	= arg2; }
					} else {
						argconfig		= arg1; 
				return this.each(function(child) {
					var pb		= this;
					if (argpercentage != null && != null && this.config != null) {
						this.config.tpercentage	= argpercentage;
						if (argconfig != null)
							pb.config			= $.extend(this.config, argconfig);
					} else {
						var $this				= $(this);
						var config				= $.extend({}, $.progressBar.defaults, argconfig);
						var percentage			= argpercentage;
						if (argpercentage == null)
							var percentage		= $this.html().replace("%","");	// parsed percentage

						var bar					= document.createElement('img');
						var text				= document.createElement('span'); 					= + "_percentImage"; 				= + "_percentText";
						bar.src					= config.boxImage;
						bar.width				= config.width;
						var $bar				= $(bar);
						var $text				= $(text);
							= $bar;
						this.ntext				= $text;
						this.config				= config;
						this.config.cpercentage	= 0;
						this.config.tpercentage	= percentage;
						$bar.css("width", config.width + "px");
						$bar.css("height", config.height + "px");
						$bar.css("background-image", "url(" + config.barImage + ")");
						$bar.css("padding", "0");
						$bar.css("margin", "0");

						bar.alt				= this.tpercentage;
						bar.title			= this.tpercentage;
					var t = setInterval(function() {
						var config		= pb.config;
						var cpercentage = parseInt(config.cpercentage);
						var tpercentage = parseInt(config.tpercentage);
						var increment	= parseInt(config.increment);
						var bar			=;
						var text		= pb.ntext;
						var pixels		= config.width / 100;			// Define how many pixels go into 1%
						bar.css("background-position", (((config.width * -1)) + (cpercentage * pixels)) + 'px 50%');
						if (config.showText)
							text.html(" " + Math.round(cpercentage) + "%");
						if (cpercentage > tpercentage) {
							if (cpercentage - increment  < tpercentage) {
								pb.config.cpercentage = 0 + tpercentage
							} else {
								pb.config.cpercentage -= increment;
						else if (pb.config.cpercentage < pb.config.tpercentage) {
							if (cpercentage + increment  > tpercentage) {
								pb.config.cpercentage = tpercentage
							} else {
								pb.config.cpercentage += increment;
						else {
					}, pb.config.speed); 
        progressBar: $.progressBar.construct