GMaps related JS changed to use new google namespace.
Google is going to change permanently in the future the way to
load its services, so better stay safe.
Also this commit shows uses of the new melange.js module.
Fixes Issue 634.
"""Iterator based sre token scanner"""import refrom re import VERBOSE, MULTILINE, DOTALLimport sre_parseimport sre_compileimport sre_constantsfrom sre_constants import BRANCH, SUBPATTERN__all__ = ['Scanner', 'pattern']FLAGS = (VERBOSE | MULTILINE | DOTALL)class Scanner(object): def __init__(self, lexicon, flags=FLAGS): self.actions = [None] # Combine phrases into a compound pattern s = sre_parse.Pattern() s.flags = flags p = [] for idx, token in enumerate(lexicon): phrase = token.pattern try: subpattern = sre_parse.SubPattern(s, [(SUBPATTERN, (idx + 1, sre_parse.parse(phrase, flags)))]) except sre_constants.error: raise p.append(subpattern) self.actions.append(token) s.groups = len(p) + 1 # NOTE(guido): Added to make SRE validation work p = sre_parse.SubPattern(s, [(BRANCH, (None, p))]) self.scanner = sre_compile.compile(p) def iterscan(self, string, idx=0, context=None): """ Yield match, end_idx for each match """ match = self.scanner.scanner(string, idx).match actions = self.actions lastend = idx end = len(string) while True: m = match() if m is None: break matchbegin, matchend = m.span() if lastend == matchend: break action = actions[m.lastindex] if action is not None: rval, next_pos = action(m, context) if next_pos is not None and next_pos != matchend: # "fast forward" the scanner matchend = next_pos match = self.scanner.scanner(string, matchend).match yield rval, matchend lastend = matchenddef pattern(pattern, flags=FLAGS): def decorator(fn): fn.pattern = pattern fn.regex = re.compile(pattern, flags) return fn return decorator