author Lennard de Rijk <>
Thu, 30 Jul 2009 10:49:19 +0200
changeset 2691 f8e0a007d99b
parent 2689 18d8486fd411
child 2692 b57572c43b32
permissions -rw-r--r--
Pre-storing the information for setStudentProjectSurveyInfo. This is a rename from getStudentProjectSurveyInfo because it now sets the info directly in the list content. This is done because Django queries the wrapper method every time the info is called in the template.

# Copyright 2009 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Helpers used for list info functions.

__authors__ = [
  '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',

from soc.views.helper import redirects

def getStudentProposalInfo(ranking, proposals_keys):
  """Returns a function that returns information about the rank and assignment.

    ranking: dict with a mapping from Student Proposal key to rank
    proposals_keys: list of proposal keys assigned a slot

  def wrapper(item, _):
    """Wrapper method.
    info = {'rank': ranking[item.key()]}

    if item.key() in proposals_keys:
      info['item_class'] =  'selected'
      info['item_class'] =  'normal'

    return info
  return wrapper

def setStudentProjectSurveyInfo(list_content, program_entity):
  """Sets the list info to a method that returns information used in a Student
  Project table to show how many evaluations have been available and how
  many have been taken.

    list_content: list content for which to set the info
    program_entity: the Program to check the total amount of
                    (Grading)ProjctSurveys for

    The original list_content with info set

  from soc.logic.models.survey import grading_logic as grading_survey_logic
  from soc.logic.models.survey import project_logic as project_survey_logic
  from soc.logic.models.survey_record import grading_logic
  from soc.logic.models.survey_record import project_logic

  if not list_content:
    # this can happen because of the need_content parameter for getListContent
    return list_content

  fields = {'scope_path': program_entity.key().id_or_name()}

  # count the number of have been active ProjectSurveys
  project_surveys = project_survey_logic.getForFields(fields)
  project_survey_count = len(project_surveys)

  for project_survey in project_surveys:
    if not project_survey_logic.hasRecord(project_survey):
      project_survey_count = project_survey_count - 1

  # count the number of have been active GradingProjectSurveys
  grading_surveys = grading_survey_logic.getForFields(fields)
  grading_survey_count = len(grading_surveys)

  for grading_survey in grading_surveys:
    if not grading_survey_logic.hasRecord(grading_survey):
      grading_survey_count = grading_survey_count - 1

  # Pre-store the needed info since Django calls the wrapper method for every
  # info call.
  info_storage = {}

  for item in list_content['data']:
    fields = {'project': item}

    # count the amount of records we have on store for this project
    project_record_count = project_logic.getQueryForFields(fields).count()
    grading_record_count = grading_logic.getQueryForFields(fields).count()

    info = {'project_surveys_total': project_survey_count,
            'project_surveys_completed': project_record_count,
            'grading_project_surveys_total': grading_survey_count,
            'grading_project_surveys_completed': grading_record_count}

    info_storage[item.key()] = info

  def wrapper(item, _):
    """Wrapper method.
    return info_storage[item.key()]

  list_content['info'] = (wrapper, None)
  return list_content

def getProjectSurveyInfoForProject(project_entity, survey_params):
  """Returns a function that returns info for listing Surveys and if possible
  their accompanying record.

    project_entity: a StudentProject entity
    survey_params: params for the view of the type of Survey that is listed

  survey_logic = survey_params['logic']
  record_logic = survey_logic.getRecordLogic()

  def wrapper(survey_entity, _):
    """Wrapper method.

      survey_entity: a ProjectSurvey (or subclass) entity

    # try to retrieve the SurveyRecord for the given Survey and Project
    fields = {'survey': survey_entity,
              'project': project_entity}
    record_entity = record_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

    info = {'record': record_entity}

    if record_entity:
      # SurveyRecord has been found store the import data in info
      info['taken_by'] =
      info['taken_on'] = record_entity.modified
      info['taken_by'] = 'No Record Available'
      info['taken_on'] = 'No Record Available'

    take_redirect_info = {'survey': survey_entity,
                          'params': survey_params}
    info['take_url'] = redirects.getTakeProjectSurveyRedirect(
        project_entity, take_redirect_info)

    return info
  return wrapper