Add explicit access_types from the url
This does two things, it reduces the amount of repeated data (e.g.,
the checkAccess used to repeat the access_type that was already
specified in the url). At the same time, it allows for example the
'create' page to push its access_type to 'edit'.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
.. contents::
* Added ``req.urlarg``, which represents positional arguments in
* For Python 2.4, added attribute get/set proxies on exception objects
from, for example, ``webob.exc.HTTPNotFound().exception``, so that
they act more like normal response objects (despite not being
new-style classes or ``webob.Response`` objects). In Python 2.5 the
exceptions are ``webob.Response`` objects.
Backward Incompatible Changes
* The ``Response`` constructor has changed: it is now ``Response([body],
[status], ...)`` (before it was ``Response([status], [body], ...)``).
Body may be str or unicode.
* The ``Response`` class defaults to ``text/html`` for the
Content-Type, and ``utf8`` for the charset (charset is only set on
``text/*`` and ``application/*+xml`` responses).
Bugfixes and Small Changes
* Use ``BaseCookie`` instead of ``SimpleCookie`` for parsing cookies.
* Added ``resp.write(text)`` method, which is equivalent to
``resp.body += text`` or ``resp.unicode_body += text``, depending on
the type of ``text``.
* The ``decode_param_names`` argument (used like
``Request(decode_param_names=True)``) was being ignored.
* Unicode decoding of file uploads and file upload filenames were
causing errors when decoding non-file-upload fields (both fixes from
Ryan Barrett).
* Added response methods ``resp.encode_content()`` and
``resp.decode_content()`` to gzip or ungzip content.
* ``Response(status=404)`` now works (before you would have to use
``status="404 Not Found"``).
* Bugfix (typo) with reusing POST body.
* Added ``226 IM Used`` response status.
* Backport of ``string.Template`` included for Python 2.3
* ``__setattr__`` would keep ``Request`` subclasses from having
properly settable environ proxies (like ``req.path_info``).
* ``request.POST`` was giving FieldStorage objects for *every*
attribute, not just file uploads. This is fixed now.
* Added request attributes ``req.server_name`` and ``req.server_port``
for the environ keys ``SERVER_NAME`` and ``SERVER_PORT``.
* Avoid exceptions in ``req.content_length``, even if
``environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']`` is somehow invalid.
* Python 2.3 compatibility: backport of ``reversed(seq)``
* Made separate ``.exception`` attribute on ``webob.exc`` objects,
since new-style classes can't be raised as exceptions.
* Deprecate ``req.postvars`` and ``req.queryvars``, instead using the
sole names ``req.GET`` and ``req.POST`` (also ``req.str_GET`` and
``req.str_POST``). The old names give a warning; will give an error
in next release, and be completely gone in the following release.
* ``req.user_agent`` is now just a simple string (parsing the
User-Agent header was just too volatile, and required too much
knowledge about current browsers). Similarly,
``req.referer_search_query()`` is gone.
* Added parameters ``version`` and ``comment`` to
``Response.set_cookie()``, per William Dode's suggestion.
* Was accidentally consuming file uploads, instead of putting the
``FieldStorage`` object directly in the parameters.
* Added ``res.set_cookie(..., httponly=True)`` to set the ``HttpOnly``
attribute on the cookie, which keeps Javascript from reading the
* Added some WebDAV-related responses to ``webob.exc``
* Set default ``Last-Modified`` when using ``response.cache_expire()``
(fixes issue with Opera)
* Generally fix ``.cache_control``
First release. Nothing is new, or everything is new, depending on how
you think about it.