Added SurveyRecordForm for viewing a SurveyRecord.
This is subclassed into GradeSurveyRecord form for the GradingProjectSurveys. This should replace the need for the read_only kwarg in SurveyTakeForm. A TODO to try and extract this has been added.
Fixes Issue 672.
Reviewed by: Lennard de Rijk
# Tests for stuff in django.utils.datastructures.
>>> from django.utils.datastructures import *
### MergeDict #################################################################
>>> d1 = {'chris':'cool','camri':'cute','cotton':'adorable','tulip':'snuggable', 'twoofme':'firstone'}
>>> d2 = {'chris2':'cool2','camri2':'cute2','cotton2':'adorable2','tulip2':'snuggable2'}
>>> d3 = {'chris3':'cool3','camri3':'cute3','cotton3':'adorable3','tulip3':'snuggable3'}
>>> d4 = {'twoofme':'secondone'}
>>> md = MergeDict( d1,d2,d3 )
>>> md['chris']
>>> md['camri']
>>> md['twoofme']
>>> md2 = md.copy()
>>> md2['chris']
### MultiValueDict ##########################################################
>>> d = MultiValueDict({'name': ['Adrian', 'Simon'], 'position': ['Developer']})
>>> d['name']
>>> d.getlist('name')
['Adrian', 'Simon']
>>> d.get('lastname', 'nonexistent')
>>> d.setlist('lastname', ['Holovaty', 'Willison'])
### SortedDict #################################################################
>>> d = SortedDict()
>>> d['one'] = 'one'
>>> d['two'] = 'two'
>>> d['three'] = 'three'
>>> d['one']
>>> d['two']
>>> d['three']
>>> d.keys()
['one', 'two', 'three']
>>> d.values()
['one', 'two', 'three']
>>> d['one'] = 'not one'
>>> d['one']
'not one'
>>> d.keys() == d.copy().keys()
### DotExpandedDict ############################################################
>>> d = DotExpandedDict({'person.1.firstname': ['Simon'], 'person.1.lastname': ['Willison'], 'person.2.firstname': ['Adrian'], 'person.2.lastname': ['Holovaty']})
>>> d['person']['1']['lastname']
>>> d['person']['2']['lastname']
>>> d['person']['2']['firstname']