_getResultsViewRecordFields does not need fields argument anymore.
It now returns its own filter dictionary when called. Should be overwritten by subclasses who wish to use other filters.
# Please sort this file in alphabetical order by last (given) name.
# Please only include one name per line. If an (optional) email address is
# included, it must be RFC 2821 compliant (properly quoted, escaped, etc.).
# Lines beginning with # can be stripped from the file, as can blank lines.
"Haoyu Bai" <baihaoyu@gmail.com>
"Madhusudan C.S" <madhusudancs@gmail.com>
"Daniel Diniz" <ajaksu@gmail.com>
"Augie Fackler" <durin42@gmail.com>
"Mario Ferraro" <fadinlight@gmail.com>
"Dmitri Gaskin" <dmitrig01@gmail.com>
"Marcelo de Sena Lacerda" <marceloslacerda@gmail.com>
"Todd Larsen" <tlarsen@google.com>
"Chen Lunpeng" <forever.clp@gmail.com>
"Sverre Rabbelier" <sverre@rabbelier.nl>
"Lennard de Rijk" <ljvderijk@gmail.com>
"Joel Sherrill" <joel.sherrill@gmail.com>
"Pawel Solyga" <pawel.solyga@gmail.com>
"Zachary Voase" <disturbyte@googlemail.com>
"Matthew Wilkes" <matthew@matthewwilkes.co.uk>