author Lennard de Rijk <>
Sat, 29 Nov 2008 23:51:24 +0000
changeset 620 e74e0b74625f
parent 618 b2319f2633bc
child 626 342bebadd075
permissions -rw-r--r--
Put the redirects in the views/helper/ module. Changed the getCreateRequestRedirect to comply with the new signature. Also changed it's docstring to a more suitable one. Fixed a useless merge in views/models/ in the process.

# Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Views for Requests.

__authors__ = [
    '"Sverre Rabbelier" <>',
    '"Lennard de Rijk" <>',
    '"Pawel Solyga" <>',

from google.appengine.api import users

from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy

from soc.logic import dicts
from soc.logic import validate
from soc.logic.models import sponsor as sponsor_logic
from soc.logic.models import user as user_logic
from soc.views import helper
from soc.views import out_of_band
from soc.views.helper import access
from soc.views.helper import redirects
from soc.views.helper import widgets
from soc.views.models import base
from soc.views.models import role as role_view

import soc.models.request
import soc.logic.models.request
import soc.logic.dicts
import soc.views.helper
import soc.views.helper.widgets

class CreateForm(helper.forms.BaseForm):
  """Django form displayed when Developer creates a Request.

  class Meta:
    model = soc.models.request.Request

    #: list of model fields which will *not* be gathered by the form 
    exclude = ['scope', 'scope_path', 'link_id', 'role', 'declined']

  role = forms.CharField(widget=helper.widgets.ReadOnlyInput())

  user = forms.CharField(

  group = forms.CharField(

  def clean_user(self):
    self.cleaned_data['requester'] =  user_logic.logic.getForFields(
        {'link_id': self.cleaned_data['user']}, unique=True)
    return self.cleaned_data['user']

  def clean_group(self):
    self.cleaned_data['to'] = sponsor_logic.logic.getFromFields(
    return self.cleaned_data['group']

class EditForm(CreateForm):
  """Django form displayed when Developer edits a Request.


class View(base.View):
  """View methods for the Docs model.

  def __init__(self, original_params=None):
    """Defines the fields and methods required for the base View class
    to provide the user with list, public, create, edit and delete views.

      original_params: a dict with params for this View

    rights = {}
    rights['listSelf'] = [access.checkIsUser]

    params = {}
    params['rights'] = rights
    params['logic'] = soc.logic.models.request.logic

    params['name'] = "Request"
    params['name_short'] = "Request"
    params['name_plural'] = "Requests"
    params['url_name'] = "request"
    params['module_name'] = "request"

    params['edit_form'] = EditForm
    params['create_form'] = CreateForm

    params['sidebar_defaults'] = [('/%s/list', 'List %(name_plural)s', 'list')]

    params['delete_redirect'] = '/' + params['url_name'] + '/list'
    params['create_redirect'] = '/' + params['url_name']

    params['save_message'] = [ugettext_lazy('Request saved.')]

    params = dicts.merge(original_params, params)

    base.View.__init__(self, params=params)
  def listSelf(self, request, page_name=None, params=None, **kwargs):
    """Displays the unhandled requests for this user.

      request: the standard Django HTTP request object
      page_name: the page name displayed in templates as page and header title
      params: a dict with params for this View
      kwargs: not used

    params = dicts.merge(params, self._params)

      access.checkAccess('listSelf', request, params['rights'])
    except out_of_band.Error, error:
      return error.response(request)

    # get the current user
    properties = {'account': users.get_current_user()}
    user_entity = user_logic.logic.getForFields(properties, unique=True)

    # construct the Unhandled Requests list

    # only select the requests for this user that haven't been handled yet
    filter = {'link_id': user_entity.link_id,
              'group_accepted' : True}
    uh_params = params.copy()
    uh_params['list_action'] = (redirects.inviteAcceptedRedirect, None)
    uh_params['list_description'] = ugettext_lazy(
        "An overview of your unhandled requests")

    uh_list = helper.lists.getListContent(request, uh_params, self._logic, filter, 0)

    # construct the Open Requests list
    # only select the requests for the user
    # that haven't been accepted by an admin yet
    filter = {'link_id' : user_entity.link_id,
              'group_accepted' : False}
    ar_params = params.copy()
    ar_params['list_description'] = ugettext_lazy(
        "An overview of your requests, that haven't been handled by an admin yet")
    ar_list = helper.lists.getListContent(request, ar_params, self._logic, filter, 1)
    # fill contents with all the needed lists
    contents = [uh_list,ar_list]
    # call the _list method from base to display the list
    return self._list(request, params, contents, page_name)

  def _editSeed(self, request, seed):
    """See base.View._editGet().

    # fill in the email field with the data from the entity
    seed['user'] = seed['link_id']
    seed['group'] = seed['scope_path']

  def _editGet(self, request, entity, form):
    """See base.View._editGet().

    # fill in the email field with the data from the entity
    form.fields['user'].initial = entity.link_id
    form.fields['group'].initial = entity.scope_path

  def _editPost(self, request, entity, fields):
    """See base.View._editPost().

    # fill in the account field with the user created from email
    fields['link_id'] = fields['requester'].link_id
    fields['scope_path'] = fields['to'].link_id
    fields['scope'] = fields['to']

view = View()

create = view.create
edit = view.edit
delete = view.delete
list = view.list
list_self = view.listSelf
public = view.public