Do not rely on dicts.merge to change target
Also make dicts.merge actually not touch target. This is much cleaner
than modifying in place, especially since we assign the result of the
dicts.merge call to target most of the time anyway.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
""" Imports the SpatialRefSys and GeometryColumns models dependent on the spatial database backend."""import refrom django.conf import settings# Checking for the presence of GDAL (needed for the SpatialReference object)from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL, PYTHON23if HAS_GDAL: from django.contrib.gis.gdal import SpatialReferenceclass SpatialRefSysMixin(object): """ The SpatialRefSysMixin is a class used by the database-dependent SpatialRefSys objects to reduce redundnant code. """ # For pulling out the spheroid from the spatial reference string. This # regular expression is used only if the user does not have GDAL installed. # TODO: Flattening not used in all ellipsoids, could also be a minor axis, or 'b' # parameter. spheroid_regex = re.compile(r'.+SPHEROID\[\"(?P<name>.+)\",(?P<major>\d+(\.\d+)?),(?P<flattening>\d{3}\.\d+),') # For pulling out the units on platforms w/o GDAL installed. # TODO: Figure out how to pull out angular units of projected coordinate system and # fix for LOCAL_CS types. GDAL should be highly recommended for performing # distance queries. units_regex = re.compile(r'.+UNIT ?\["(?P<unit_name>[\w \'\(\)]+)", ?(?P<unit>[\d\.]+)(,AUTHORITY\["(?P<unit_auth_name>[\w \'\(\)]+)","(?P<unit_auth_val>\d+)"\])?\]([\w ]+)?(,AUTHORITY\["(?P<auth_name>[\w \'\(\)]+)","(?P<auth_val>\d+)"\])?\]$') def srs(self): """ Returns a GDAL SpatialReference object, if GDAL is installed. """ if HAS_GDAL: if hasattr(self, '_srs'): # Returning a clone of the cached SpatialReference object. return self._srs.clone() else: # Attempting to cache a SpatialReference object. # Trying to get from WKT first. try: self._srs = SpatialReference(self.wkt) return self.srs except Exception, msg: pass raise Exception('Could not get OSR SpatialReference from WKT: %s\nError:\n%s' % (self.wkt, msg)) else: raise Exception('GDAL is not installed.') srs = property(srs) def ellipsoid(self): """ Returns a tuple of the ellipsoid parameters: (semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and inverse flattening). """ if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.ellipsoid else: m = self.spheroid_regex.match(self.wkt) if m: return (float('major')), float('flattening'))) else: return None ellipsoid = property(ellipsoid) def name(self): "Returns the projection name." return name = property(name) def spheroid(self): "Returns the spheroid name for this spatial reference." return self.srs['spheroid'] spheroid = property(spheroid) def datum(self): "Returns the datum for this spatial reference." return self.srs['datum'] datum = property(datum) def projected(self): "Is this Spatial Reference projected?" if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.projected else: return self.wkt.startswith('PROJCS') projected = property(projected) def local(self): "Is this Spatial Reference local?" if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.local else: return self.wkt.startswith('LOCAL_CS') local = property(local) def geographic(self): "Is this Spatial Reference geographic?" if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.geographic else: return self.wkt.startswith('GEOGCS') geographic = property(geographic) def linear_name(self): "Returns the linear units name." if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.linear_name elif self.geographic: return None else: m = self.units_regex.match(self.wkt) return'unit_name') linear_name = property(linear_name) def linear_units(self): "Returns the linear units." if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.linear_units elif self.geographic: return None else: m = self.units_regex.match(self.wkt) return'unit') linear_units = property(linear_units) def angular_name(self): "Returns the name of the angular units." if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.angular_name elif self.projected: return None else: m = self.units_regex.match(self.wkt) return'unit_name') angular_name = property(angular_name) def angular_units(self): "Returns the angular units." if HAS_GDAL: return self.srs.angular_units elif self.projected: return None else: m = self.units_regex.match(self.wkt) return'unit') angular_units = property(angular_units) def units(self): "Returns a tuple of the units and the name." if self.projected or self.local: return (self.linear_units, self.linear_name) elif self.geographic: return (self.angular_units, self.angular_name) else: return (None, None) units = property(units) def get_units(cls, wkt): """ Class method used by GeometryField on initialization to retrive the units on the given WKT, without having to use any of the database fields. """ if HAS_GDAL: return SpatialReference(wkt).units else: m = cls.units_regex.match(wkt) return'unit'),'unit_name') get_units = classmethod(get_units) def get_spheroid(cls, wkt, string=True): """ Class method used by GeometryField on initialization to retrieve the `SPHEROID[..]` parameters from the given WKT. """ if HAS_GDAL: srs = SpatialReference(wkt) sphere_params = srs.ellipsoid sphere_name = srs['spheroid'] else: m = cls.spheroid_regex.match(wkt) if m: sphere_params = (float('major')), float('flattening'))) sphere_name ='name') else: return None if not string: return sphere_name, sphere_params else: # `string` parameter used to place in format acceptable by PostGIS if len(sphere_params) == 3: radius, flattening = sphere_params[0], sphere_params[2] else: radius, flattening = sphere_params return 'SPHEROID["%s",%s,%s]' % (sphere_name, radius, flattening) get_spheroid = classmethod(get_spheroid) def __unicode__(self): """ Returns the string representation. If GDAL is installed, it will be 'pretty' OGC WKT. """ try: return unicode(self.srs) except: return unicode(self.wkt)# The SpatialRefSys and GeometryColumns models_srid_info = Trueif not PYTHON23 and settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'postgresql_psycopg2': # Because the PostGIS version is checked when initializing the spatial # backend a `ProgrammingError` will be raised if the PostGIS tables # and functions are not installed. We catch here so it won't be raised when # running the Django test suite. `ImportError` is also possible if no ctypes. try: from django.contrib.gis.db.backend.postgis.models import GeometryColumns, SpatialRefSys except: _srid_info = Falseelif not PYTHON23 and settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'oracle': # Same thing as above, except the GEOS library is attempted to be loaded for # `BaseSpatialBackend`, and an exception will be raised during the # Django test suite if it doesn't exist. try: from import GeometryColumns, SpatialRefSys except: _srid_info = Falseelse: _srid_info = Falseif _srid_info: def get_srid_info(srid): """ Returns the units, unit name, and spheroid WKT associated with the given SRID from the `spatial_ref_sys` (or equivalent) spatial database table. We use a database cursor to execute the query because this function is used when it is not possible to use the ORM (for example, during field initialization). """ # SRID=-1 is a common convention for indicating the geometry has no # spatial reference information associated with it. Thus, we will # return all None values without raising an exception. if srid == -1: return None, None, None # Getting the spatial reference WKT associated with the SRID from the # `spatial_ref_sys` (or equivalent) spatial database table. This query # cannot be executed using the ORM because this information is needed # when the ORM cannot be used (e.g., during the initialization of # `GeometryField`). from django.db import connection cur = connection.cursor() qn = connection.ops.quote_name stmt = 'SELECT %(table)s.%(wkt_col)s FROM %(table)s WHERE (%(table)s.%(srid_col)s = %(srid)s)' stmt = stmt % {'table' : qn(SpatialRefSys._meta.db_table), 'wkt_col' : qn(SpatialRefSys.wkt_col()), 'srid_col' : qn('srid'), 'srid' : srid, } cur.execute(stmt) # Fetching the WKT from the cursor; if the query failed raise an Exception. fetched = cur.fetchone() if not fetched: raise ValueError('Failed to find spatial reference entry in "%s" corresponding to SRID=%s.' % (SpatialRefSys._meta.db_table, srid)) srs_wkt = fetched[0] # Getting metadata associated with the spatial reference system identifier. # Specifically, getting the unit information and spheroid information # (both required for distance queries). unit, unit_name = SpatialRefSys.get_units(srs_wkt) spheroid = SpatialRefSys.get_spheroid(srs_wkt) return unit, unit_name, spheroidelse: def get_srid_info(srid): """ Dummy routine for the backends that do not have the OGC required spatial metadata tables (like MySQL). """ return None, None, None