Do not rely on dicts.merge to change target
Also make dicts.merge actually not touch target. This is much cleaner
than modifying in place, especially since we assign the result of the
dicts.merge call to target most of the time anyway.
Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set # Python 2.3 fallback
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db import models
from django.forms.models import BaseModelForm, BaseModelFormSet, fields_for_model
from django.contrib.admin.options import flatten_fieldsets, BaseModelAdmin
from django.contrib.admin.options import HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL
__all__ = ['validate']
def validate(cls, model):
Does basic ModelAdmin option validation. Calls custom validation
classmethod in the end if it is provided in cls. The signature of the
custom validation classmethod should be: def validate(cls, model).
# Before we can introspect models, they need to be fully loaded so that
# inter-relations are set up correctly. We force that here.
opts = model._meta
validate_base(cls, model)
# list_display
if hasattr(cls, 'list_display'):
check_isseq(cls, 'list_display', cls.list_display)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.list_display):
if not callable(field):
if not hasattr(cls, field):
if not hasattr(model, field):
except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("%s.list_display[%d], %r is not a callable or an attribute of %r or found in the model %r."
% (cls.__name__, idx, field, cls.__name__, model._meta.object_name))
f = fetch_attr(cls, model, opts, "list_display[%d]" % idx, field)
if isinstance(f, models.ManyToManyField):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.list_display[%d]', '%s' is a ManyToManyField which is not supported."
% (cls.__name__, idx, field))
# list_display_links
if hasattr(cls, 'list_display_links'):
check_isseq(cls, 'list_display_links', cls.list_display_links)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.list_display_links):
fetch_attr(cls, model, opts, 'list_display_links[%d]' % idx, field)
if field not in cls.list_display:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.list_display_links[%d]'"
"refers to '%s' which is not defined in 'list_display'."
% (cls.__name__, idx, field))
# list_filter
if hasattr(cls, 'list_filter'):
check_isseq(cls, 'list_filter', cls.list_filter)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.list_filter):
get_field(cls, model, opts, 'list_filter[%d]' % idx, field)
# list_per_page = 100
if hasattr(cls, 'list_per_page') and not isinstance(cls.list_per_page, int):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.list_per_page' should be a integer."
% cls.__name__)
# search_fields = ()
if hasattr(cls, 'search_fields'):
check_isseq(cls, 'search_fields', cls.search_fields)
# date_hierarchy = None
if cls.date_hierarchy:
f = get_field(cls, model, opts, 'date_hierarchy', cls.date_hierarchy)
if not isinstance(f, (models.DateField, models.DateTimeField)):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.date_hierarchy is "
"neither an instance of DateField nor DateTimeField."
% cls.__name__)
# ordering = None
if cls.ordering:
check_isseq(cls, 'ordering', cls.ordering)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.ordering):
if field == '?' and len(cls.ordering) != 1:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.ordering' has the random "
"ordering marker '?', but contains other fields as "
"well. Please either remove '?' or the other fields."
% cls.__name__)
if field == '?':
if field.startswith('-'):
field = field[1:]
# Skip ordering in the format field1__field2 (FIXME: checking
# this format would be nice, but it's a little fiddly).
if '__' in field:
get_field(cls, model, opts, 'ordering[%d]' % idx, field)
# list_select_related = False
# save_as = False
# save_on_top = False
for attr in ('list_select_related', 'save_as', 'save_on_top'):
if not isinstance(getattr(cls, attr), bool):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' should be a boolean."
% (cls.__name__, attr))
# inlines = []
if hasattr(cls, 'inlines'):
check_isseq(cls, 'inlines', cls.inlines)
for idx, inline in enumerate(cls.inlines):
if not issubclass(inline, BaseModelAdmin):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.inlines[%d]' does not inherit "
"from BaseModelAdmin." % (cls.__name__, idx))
if not inline.model:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'model' is a required attribute "
"of '%s.inlines[%d]'." % (cls.__name__, idx))
if not issubclass(inline.model, models.Model):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.inlines[%d].model' does not "
"inherit from models.Model." % (cls.__name__, idx))
validate_base(inline, inline.model)
def validate_inline(cls):
# model is already verified to exist and be a Model
if cls.fk_name: # default value is None
f = get_field(cls, cls.model, cls.model._meta, 'fk_name', cls.fk_name)
if not isinstance(f, models.ForeignKey):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.fk_name is not an instance of "
"models.ForeignKey." % cls.__name__)
# extra = 3
# max_num = 0
for attr in ('extra', 'max_num'):
if not isinstance(getattr(cls, attr), int):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' should be a integer."
% (cls.__name__, attr))
# formset
if hasattr(cls, 'formset') and not issubclass(cls.formset, BaseModelFormSet):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.formset' does not inherit from "
"BaseModelFormSet." % cls.__name__)
def validate_base(cls, model):
opts = model._meta
# raw_id_fields
if hasattr(cls, 'raw_id_fields'):
check_isseq(cls, 'raw_id_fields', cls.raw_id_fields)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.raw_id_fields):
f = get_field(cls, model, opts, 'raw_id_fields', field)
if not isinstance(f, (models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField)):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.raw_id_fields[%d]', '%s' must "
"be either a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField."
% (cls.__name__, idx, field))
# fields
if cls.fields: # default value is None
check_isseq(cls, 'fields', cls.fields)
for field in cls.fields:
check_formfield(cls, model, opts, 'fields', field)
if cls.fieldsets:
raise ImproperlyConfigured('Both fieldsets and fields are specified in %s.' % cls.__name__)
if len(cls.fields) > len(set(cls.fields)):
raise ImproperlyConfigured('There are duplicate field(s) in %s.fields' % cls.__name__)
# fieldsets
if cls.fieldsets: # default value is None
check_isseq(cls, 'fieldsets', cls.fieldsets)
for idx, fieldset in enumerate(cls.fieldsets):
check_isseq(cls, 'fieldsets[%d]' % idx, fieldset)
if len(fieldset) != 2:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.fieldsets[%d]' does not "
"have exactly two elements." % (cls.__name__, idx))
check_isdict(cls, 'fieldsets[%d][1]' % idx, fieldset[1])
if 'fields' not in fieldset[1]:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'fields' key is required in "
"%s.fieldsets[%d][1] field options dict."
% (cls.__name__, idx))
flattened_fieldsets = flatten_fieldsets(cls.fieldsets)
if len(flattened_fieldsets) > len(set(flattened_fieldsets)):
raise ImproperlyConfigured('There are duplicate field(s) in %s.fieldsets' % cls.__name__)
for field in flattened_fieldsets:
check_formfield(cls, model, opts, "fieldsets[%d][1]['fields']" % idx, field)
# form
if hasattr(cls, 'form') and not issubclass(cls.form, BaseModelForm):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("%s.form does not inherit from "
"BaseModelForm." % cls.__name__)
# filter_vertical
if hasattr(cls, 'filter_vertical'):
check_isseq(cls, 'filter_vertical', cls.filter_vertical)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.filter_vertical):
f = get_field(cls, model, opts, 'filter_vertical', field)
if not isinstance(f, models.ManyToManyField):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.filter_vertical[%d]' must be "
"a ManyToManyField." % (cls.__name__, idx))
# filter_horizontal
if hasattr(cls, 'filter_horizontal'):
check_isseq(cls, 'filter_horizontal', cls.filter_horizontal)
for idx, field in enumerate(cls.filter_horizontal):
f = get_field(cls, model, opts, 'filter_horizontal', field)
if not isinstance(f, models.ManyToManyField):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.filter_horizontal[%d]' must be "
"a ManyToManyField." % (cls.__name__, idx))
# radio_fields
if hasattr(cls, 'radio_fields'):
check_isdict(cls, 'radio_fields', cls.radio_fields)
for field, val in cls.radio_fields.items():
f = get_field(cls, model, opts, 'radio_fields', field)
if not (isinstance(f, models.ForeignKey) or f.choices):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.radio_fields['%s']' "
"is neither an instance of ForeignKey nor does "
"have choices set." % (cls.__name__, field))
if not val in (HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.radio_fields['%s']' "
"is neither admin.HORIZONTAL nor admin.VERTICAL."
% (cls.__name__, field))
# prepopulated_fields
if hasattr(cls, 'prepopulated_fields'):
check_isdict(cls, 'prepopulated_fields', cls.prepopulated_fields)
for field, val in cls.prepopulated_fields.items():
f = get_field(cls, model, opts, 'prepopulated_fields', field)
if isinstance(f, (models.DateTimeField, models.ForeignKey,
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.prepopulated_fields['%s']' "
"is either a DateTimeField, ForeignKey or "
"ManyToManyField. This isn't allowed."
% (cls.__name__, field))
check_isseq(cls, "prepopulated_fields['%s']" % field, val)
for idx, f in enumerate(val):
get_field(cls, model, opts, "prepopulated_fields['%s'][%d]" % (field, idx), f)
def check_isseq(cls, label, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' must be a list or tuple." % (cls.__name__, label))
def check_isdict(cls, label, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' must be a dictionary." % (cls.__name__, label))
def get_field(cls, model, opts, label, field):
return opts.get_field(field)
except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' refers to field '%s' that is missing from model '%s'."
% (cls.__name__, label, field, model.__name__))
def check_formfield(cls, model, opts, label, field):
if getattr(cls.form, 'base_fields', None):
except KeyError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' refers to field '%s' that "
"is missing from the form." % (cls.__name__, label, field))
fields = fields_for_model(model)
except KeyError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' refers to field '%s' that "
"is missing from the form." % (cls.__name__, label, field))
def fetch_attr(cls, model, opts, label, field):
return opts.get_field(field)
except models.FieldDoesNotExist:
return getattr(model, field)
except AttributeError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("'%s.%s' refers to '%s' that is neither a field, method or property of model '%s'."
% (cls.__name__, label, field, model.__name__))