author Sverre Rabbelier <>
Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:31:39 +0000
changeset 2177 e2c193e1f631
parent 323 ff1a9aa48cfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Do not rely on dicts.merge to change target Also make dicts.merge actually not touch target. This is much cleaner than modifying in place, especially since we assign the result of the dicts.merge call to target most of the time anyway. Patch by: Sverre Rabbelier

.selector { width:580px; float:left; }
.selector select { width:270px; height:17.2em; }
.selector-available, .selector-chosen { float:left; width:270px; text-align:center; margin-bottom:5px; }
.selector-available h2, .selector-chosen h2 { border:1px solid #ccc; }
.selector .selector-available h2 { background:white url(../img/admin/nav-bg.gif) bottom left repeat-x; color:#666; }
.selector .selector-filter { background:white; border:1px solid #ccc; border-width:0 1px; padding:3px; color:#999; font-size:10px; margin:0; text-align:left; }
.selector .selector-chosen .selector-filter { padding:4px 5px; }
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.selector-chooser li { margin:0; padding:3px; list-style-type:none; }
.selector select { margin-bottom:5px; margin-top:0; }
.selector-add, .selector-remove { width:16px; height:16px; display:block; text-indent:-3000px; }
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.selector-remove { background:url(../img/admin/selector-remove.gif) top center no-repeat; }
a.selector-chooseall, a.selector-clearall { display:block; width:6em; text-align:left; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; font-weight:bold; color:#666;  padding:3px 0 3px 18px; }
a.selector-chooseall:hover, a.selector-clearall:hover { color:#036; }
a.selector-chooseall { width:7em; background:url(../img/admin/selector-addall.gif) left center no-repeat; }
a.selector-clearall { background:url(../img/admin/selector-removeall.gif) left center no-repeat; }

.stacked { float:left; width:500px; }
.stacked select { width:480px; height:10.1em; }
.stacked .selector-available, .stacked .selector-chosen { width:480px; }
.stacked .selector-available { margin-bottom:0; }
.stacked .selector-available input { width:442px; }
.stacked ul.selector-chooser { height:22px; width:50px; margin:0 0 3px 40%; background:url(../img/admin/chooser_stacked-bg.gif) top center no-repeat; }
.stacked .selector-chooser li { float:left; padding:3px 3px 3px 5px; }
.stacked .selector-chooseall, .stacked .selector-clearall { display:none; }
.stacked .selector-add { background-image:url(../img/admin/selector_stacked-add.gif); }
.stacked .selector-remove { background-image:url(../img/admin/selector_stacked-remove.gif); }

p.datetime { line-height:20px; margin:0; padding:0; color:#666; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; }
.datetime span { font-size:11px; color:#ccc; font-weight:normal; white-space:nowrap; }
table p.datetime { font-size:10px; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; }

p.file-upload { line-height:20px; margin:0; padding:0; color:#666; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; }
.file-upload a { font-weight:normal; }
.file-upload .deletelink { margin-left:5px; }

.calendarbox, .clockbox { margin:5px auto; font-size:11px; width:16em; text-align:center; background:white; position:relative; }
.clockbox { width:auto; }
.calendar { margin:0; padding: 0; }
.calendar table { margin:0; padding:0; border-collapse:collapse; background:white; width:99%; }
.calendar caption, .calendarbox h2 { margin: 0; font-size:11px; text-align:center; border-top:none; }
.calendar th { font-size:10px; color:#666; padding:2px 3px; text-align:center; background:#e1e1e1 url(../img/admin/nav-bg.gif) 0 50% repeat-x; border-bottom:1px solid #ddd; }
.calendar td { font-size:11px; text-align: center; padding: 0; border-top:1px solid #eee; border-bottom:none; }
.calendar td.selected a { background: #C9DBED; }
.calendar td.nonday { background:#efefef; }
.calendar a { background:#ffc; }
.calendar td a, .timelist a { display: block; font-weight:bold; padding:4px; text-decoration: none; color:#444; }
.calendar td a:hover, .timelist a:hover { background: #5b80b2; color:white; }
.calendar td a:active, .timelist a:active { background: #036; color:white; }
.calendarnav { font-size:10px; text-align: center; color:#ccc; margin:0; padding:1px 3px; }
.calendarnav a:link, #calendarnav a:visited, #calendarnav a:hover { color: #999; }
.calendar-shortcuts { background:white; font-size:10px; line-height:11px; border-top:1px solid #eee; padding:3px 0 4px; color:#ccc; }
.calendarbox .calendarnav-previous, .calendarbox .calendarnav-next { display:block; position:absolute; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; background:#C9DBED url(../img/admin/default-bg.gif) bottom left repeat-x; padding:1px 4px 2px 4px; color:white; }
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.calendarnav-previous { top:0; left:0; }
.calendarnav-next { top:0; right:0; }
.calendar-cancel { margin:0 !important; padding:0; font-size:10px; background:#e1e1e1 url(../img/admin/nav-bg.gif) 0 50% repeat-x;  border-top:1px solid #ddd; }
.calendar-cancel a { padding:2px; color:#999; }
ul.timelist, .timelist li { list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; }
.timelist a { padding:2px; }

ul.orderer {  position:relative; padding:0 !important; margin:0 !important; list-style-type:none; }
ul.orderer li { list-style-type:none; display:block; padding:0; margin:0; border:1px solid #bbb; border-width:0 1px 1px 0; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; background:#e2e2e2 url(../img/admin/nav-bg-grabber.gif) repeat-y; }
ul.orderer li:hover { cursor:move; background-color:#ddd; }
ul.orderer li a.selector { margin-left:12px; overflow:hidden; width:83%; font-size:10px !important; padding:0.6em 0; }
ul.orderer li a:link, ul.orderer li a:visited { color:#333; }
ul.orderer li .inline-deletelink { position:absolute; right:4px; margin-top:0.6em; }
ul.orderer li.selected { background-color:#f8f8f8; border-right-color:#f8f8f8; }
ul.orderer li.deleted { background:#bbb url(../img/admin/deleted-overlay.gif); }
ul.orderer li.deleted a:link, ul.orderer li.deleted a:visited { color:#888; }
ul.orderer li.deleted .inline-deletelink { background-image:url(../img/admin/inline-restore.png);  }
ul.orderer li.deleted:hover, ul.orderer li.deleted a.selector:hover { cursor:default; }

.inline-deletelink { display:block; text-indent:-9999px; background:transparent url(../img/admin/inline-delete.png) no-repeat; width:15px; height:15px; margin:0.4em 0; border: 0px none; }
.inline-deletelink:hover { background-position:-15px 0; cursor:pointer; }
.editinline button.addlink { border: 0px none; color: #5b80b2; font-size: 100%; cursor: pointer; }
.editinline button.addlink:hover { color: #036; cursor: pointer; }
.editinline table .help { text-align:right; float:right; padding-left:2em; }
.editinline tfoot .addlink { white-space:nowrap; }
.editinline table thead th:last-child { border-left:none; }
.editinline tr.deleted { background:#ddd url(../img/admin/deleted-overlay.gif); }
.editinline tr.deleted .inline-deletelink { background-image:url(../img/admin/inline-restore.png); }
.editinline tr.deleted td:hover { cursor:default; }
.editinline tr.deleted td:first-child { background-image:none !important; }

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.editinline-stacked .controls { clear:both; background:#e1e1e1 url(../img/admin/nav-bg.gif) top left repeat-x; padding:3px 4px; font-size:11px; border-top:1px solid #ddd; }