Add new parameters to views: url_name which is name used in urls (instead of using lower entity names) and module_name which is used for constructing django urls. Append changes to all affected files. Fix some title names. Change urls that included underscores like "site_settings" into urls with slash "site/settings". Plus some other minor fixes.
Patch by: Pawel Solyga
from django.db.backends import BaseDatabaseClient
from django.conf import settings
import os
class DatabaseClient(BaseDatabaseClient):
executable_name = 'sqlplus'
def runshell(self):
dsn = settings.DATABASE_USER
dsn += "/%s" % settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD
if settings.DATABASE_NAME:
dsn += "@%s" % settings.DATABASE_NAME
args = [self.executable_name, "-L", dsn]
os.execvp(self.executable_name, args)