Improved public page link text
Instead of putting the name of the entity in the link text to the
public page, a way better solution is to put static text there.
+ − <html xmlns="">
+ − <head>
+ − <title>blank_page</title>
+ − <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+ − <link href="css/blank.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+ − <base target="_self" />
+ − <script type="text/javascript">
+ − function init() {
+ − if (parent.tinymce.isIE)
+ − document.body.contentEditable = true;
+ − else
+ − document.designMode = 'on';
+ −
+ − parent.initIframe(document);
+ − window.focus();
+ − }
+ − </script>
+ − </head>
+ − <body onload="init();">
+ −
+ − </body>
+ − </html>