Improved public page link text
Instead of putting the name of the entity in the link text to the
public page, a way better solution is to put static text there.
#!/usr/bin/python2.5## Copyright 2008 the Melange authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Developer views for editing and examining User profiles."""__authors__ = [ '"Todd Larsen" <>', ]from google.appengine.api import usersfrom django import formsfrom django import httpfrom django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazyfrom soc.logic import accountsfrom soc.logic import modelsfrom soc.logic import out_of_bandfrom soc.logic import validatefrom soc.views import simplefrom soc.views import helperfrom soc.views.helper import accessfrom soc.views.helper import decoratorsfrom soc.views.user import profileimport soc.logicimport soc.models.userimport soc.views.helper.formsimport soc.views.helper.listsimport soc.views.helper.requestsimport soc.views.helper.responsesclass LookupForm(helper.forms.BaseForm): """Django form displayed for a Developer to look up a User. This form is manually specified, instead of using model = soc.models.user.User in the Meta class, because the form behavior is unusual and normally required Properties of the User model need to sometimes be omitted. Also, this form only permits entry and editing of some of the User entity Properties, not all of them. """ account = forms.EmailField(required=False, label=soc.models.user.User.account.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.account.help_text) link_name = forms.CharField(required=False, label=soc.models.user.User.link_name.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.link_name.help_text) class Meta: model = None def clean_link_name(self): link_name = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name') if not link_name: # link name not supplied (which is OK), so do not try to validate it return None if not validate.isLinkNameFormatValid(link_name): raise forms.ValidationError('This link name is in wrong format.') return link_name def clean_account(self): email = self.cleaned_data.get('account') if not email: # email not supplied (which is OK), so do not try to convert it return None try: return users.User(email=email) except users.UserNotFoundError: raise forms.ValidationError('Account not found.')DEF_SITE_USER_PROFILE_LOOKUP_TMPL = 'soc/user/lookup.html'@decorators.viewdef lookup(request, page_name=None, template=DEF_SITE_USER_PROFILE_LOOKUP_TMPL): """View for a Developer to look up a User Model entity. Args: request: the standard django request object page: a object which is abstraction that combines a Django view with sidebar menu info template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates) from which to construct the public.html template name (or names) Returns: A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which either contains the form to be filled out, or a redirect to the correct view in the interface. """ try: access.checkIsDeveloper(request) except soc.views.out_of_band.AccessViolationResponse, alt_response: return alt_response.response() # create default template context for use with any templates context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request) context['page_name'] = page_name user = None # assume that no User entity will be found form = None # assume blank form needs to be displayed lookup_message = ugettext_lazy('Enter information to look up a User.') email_error = None # assume no email look-up errors context['lookup_link'] = None if request.method == 'POST': form = LookupForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form_account = form.cleaned_data.get('account') if form_account: # email provided, so attempt to look up user by email user = models.user.logic.getForFields( {'account': form_account}, unique=True) if user: lookup_message = ugettext_lazy('User found by email.') else: email_error = ugettext_lazy('User with that email not found.') range_width = helper.lists.getPreferredListPagination() nearest_user_range_start = ( models.user.logic.findNearestEntitiesOffset( width, [('account', form_account)])) if nearest_user_range_start is not None: context['lookup_link'] = './list?offset=%s&limit=%s' % ( nearest_user_range_start, range_width) if not user: # user not found yet, so see if link name was provided link_name = form.cleaned_data.get('link_name') if link_name: # link name provided, so try to look up by link name user = models.user.logic.getForFields({'link_name': link_name}, unique=True) if user: lookup_message = ugettext_lazy('User found by link name.') # clear previous error, since User was found email_error = None # clear previous lookup_link, since User was found, the lookup_link # is not needed to display. context['lookup_link'] = None else: context['link_name_error'] = ugettext_lazy( 'User with that link name not found.') if context['lookup_link'] is None: range_width = helper.lists.getPreferredListPagination() nearest_user_range_start = ( models.user.logic.findNearestEntitiesOffset( width, [('link_name', link_name)])) if nearest_user_range_start is not None: context['lookup_link'] = './list?offset=%s&limit=%s' % ( nearest_user_range_start, range_width) # else: form was not valid # else: # method == 'GET' if user: # User entity found, so populate form with existing User information # context['found_user'] = user form = LookupForm(initial={'account':, 'link_name': user.link_name}) if request.path.endswith('lookup'): # convert /lookup path into /profile/link_name path context['edit_link'] = helper.requests.replaceSuffix( request.path, 'lookup', 'profile/%s' % user.link_name) # else: URL is not one that was expected, so do not display edit link elif not form: # no pre-populated form was constructed, so show the empty look-up form form = LookupForm() context.update({'form': form, 'found_user': user, 'email_error': email_error, 'lookup_message': lookup_message}) return helper.responses.respond(request, template, context)class EditForm(helper.forms.BaseForm): """Django form displayed when Developer edits a User. This form is manually specified, instead of using model = soc.models.user.User in the Meta class, because the form behavior is unusual and normally required Properties of the User model need to sometimes be omitted. """ account = forms.EmailField( label=soc.models.user.User.account.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.account.help_text) link_name = forms.CharField( label=soc.models.user.User.link_name.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.link_name.help_text) nick_name = forms.CharField( label=soc.models.user.User.nick_name.verbose_name) is_developer = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=soc.models.user.User.is_developer.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.is_developer.help_text) key_name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) class Meta: model = None def clean_link_name(self): link_name = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name') if not validate.isLinkNameFormatValid(link_name): raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is in wrong format.") key_name ='key_name') if key_name: key_name_user = user_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(key_name) if link_name_user and key_name_user and \ link_name_user.account != key_name_user.account: raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is already in use.") return link_name def clean_account(self): form_account = users.User(email=self.cleaned_data.get('account')) if not accounts.isAccountAvailable( form_account,'key_name')): raise forms.ValidationError("This account is already in use.") if models.user.logic.isFormerAccount(form_account): raise forms.ValidationError("This account is invalid. " "It exists as a former account.") return form_accountDEF_SITE_USER_PROFILE_EDIT_TMPL = 'soc/user/edit.html'DEF_CREATE_NEW_USER_MSG = ' You can create a new user by visiting' \ ' <a href="/site/user/profile">Create ' \ 'a New User</a> page.'@decorators.viewdef edit(request, page_name=None, link_name=None, template=DEF_SITE_USER_PROFILE_EDIT_TMPL): """View for a Developer to modify the properties of a User Model entity. Args: request: the standard django request object page: a object which is abstraction that combines a Django view with sidebar menu info link_name: the User's site-unique "link_name" extracted from the URL template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates) from which to construct the public.html template name (or names) Returns: A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which either contains the form to be filled out, or a redirect to the correct view in the interface. """ try: access.checkIsDeveloper(request) except soc.views.out_of_band.AccessViolationResponse, alt_response: return alt_response.response() # create default template context for use with any templates context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request) context['page_name'] = page_name user = None # assume that no User entity will be found # try to fetch User entity corresponding to link_name if one exists try: if link_name: user = accounts.getUserFromLinkNameOr404(link_name) except out_of_band.ErrorResponse, error: # show custom 404 page when link name doesn't exist in Datastore error.message = error.message + DEF_CREATE_NEW_USER_MSG return simple.errorResponse(request, page_name, error, template, context) if request.method == 'POST': form = EditForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): key_name = form.cleaned_data.get('key_name') new_link_name = form.cleaned_data.get('link_name') properties = {} properties['account'] = form.cleaned_data.get('account') properties['link_name'] = new_link_name properties['nick_name'] = form.cleaned_data.get('nick_name') properties['is_developer'] = form.cleaned_data.get('is_developer') user = models.user.logic.updateOrCreateFromKeyName(properties, key_name) if not user: return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/') # redirect to new /site/user/profile/new_link_name?s=0 # (causes 'Profile saved' message to be displayed) return helper.responses.redirectToChangedSuffix( request, link_name, new_link_name, params=profile.SUBMIT_PROFILE_SAVED_PARAMS) else: # method == 'GET': # try to fetch User entity corresponding to link name if one exists if link_name: if user: # is 'Profile saved' parameter present, but referrer was not ourself? # (e.g. someone bookmarked the GET that followed the POST submit) if (request.GET.get(profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME) and (not helper.requests.isReferrerSelf(request, suffix=link_name))): # redirect to aggressively remove 'Profile saved' query parameter return http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) # referrer was us, so select which submit message to display # (may display no message if ?s=0 parameter is not present) context['notice'] = ( helper.requests.getSingleIndexedParamValue( request, profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME, values=profile.SUBMIT_MESSAGES)) # populate form with the existing User entity form = EditForm(initial={'key_name': user.key().name(), 'account':, 'link_name': user.link_name, 'nick_name': user.nick_name, 'is_developer': user.is_developer}) else: if request.GET.get(profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME): # redirect to aggressively remove 'Profile saved' query parameter return http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) context['lookup_error'] = ugettext_lazy( 'User with that link name not found.') form = EditForm(initial={'link_name': link_name}) else: # no link name specified in the URL if request.GET.get(profile.SUBMIT_MSG_PARAM_NAME): # redirect to aggressively remove 'Profile saved' query parameter return http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.path) # no link name specified, so start with an empty form form = EditForm() context.update({'form': form, 'existing_user': user}) return helper.responses.respond(request, template, context)class CreateForm(helper.forms.BaseForm): """Django form displayed when Developer creates a User. This form is manually specified, instead of using model = soc.models.user.User in the Meta class, because the form behavior is unusual and normally required Properties of the User model need to sometimes be omitted. """ account = forms.EmailField( label=soc.models.user.User.account.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.account.help_text) link_name = forms.CharField( label=soc.models.user.User.link_name.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.link_name.help_text) nick_name = forms.CharField( label=soc.models.user.User.nick_name.verbose_name) is_developer = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=soc.models.user.User.is_developer.verbose_name, help_text=soc.models.user.User.is_developer.help_text) class Meta: model = None def clean_link_name(self): link_name = self.cleaned_data.get('link_name') if not validate.isLinkNameFormatValid(link_name): raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is in wrong format.") else: if models.user.logic.getForFields({'link_name': link_name}, unique=True): raise forms.ValidationError("This link name is already in use.") return link_name def clean_account(self): new_email = self.cleaned_data.get('account') form_account = users.User(email=new_email) if models.user.logic.getForFields({'account': form_account}, unique=True): raise forms.ValidationError("This account is already in use.") if models.user.logic.isFormerAccount(form_account): raise forms.ValidationError("This account is invalid. " "It exists as a former account.") return form_accountDEF_SITE_CREATE_USER_PROFILE_TMPL = 'soc/user/edit.html'@decorators.viewdef create(request, page_name=None, template=DEF_SITE_CREATE_USER_PROFILE_TMPL): """View for a Developer to create a new User Model entity. Args: request: the standard django request object page: a object which is abstraction that combines a Django view with sidebar menu info template: the "sibling" template (or a search list of such templates) from which to construct the public.html template name (or names) Returns: A subclass of django.http.HttpResponse which either contains the form to be filled out, or a redirect to the correct view in the interface. """ try: access.checkIsDeveloper(request) except soc.views.out_of_band.AccessViolationResponse, alt_response: return alt_response.response() # create default template context for use with any templates context = helper.responses.getUniversalContext(request) context['page_name'] = page_name if request.method == 'POST': form = CreateForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form_account = form.cleaned_data.get('account') link_name = form.cleaned_data.get('link_name') properties = { 'account': form_account, 'link_name': link_name, 'nick_name': form.cleaned_data.get('nick_name'), 'is_developer': form.cleaned_data.get('is_developer'), } key_fields = {'email':} user = models.user.logic.updateOrCreateFromFields(properties, key_fields) if not user: return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/') # redirect to new /site/user/profile/new_link_name?s=0 # (causes 'Profile saved' message to be displayed) return helper.responses.redirectToChangedSuffix( request, 'create', 'edit/' + link_name, params=profile.SUBMIT_PROFILE_SAVED_PARAMS) else: # method == 'GET': # no link name specified, so start with an empty form form = CreateForm() context['form'] = form return helper.responses.respond(request, template, context)