Improved public page link text
Instead of putting the name of the entity in the link text to the
public page, a way better solution is to put static text there.
import unittestfrom xml.dom import minidomfrom django.test import Clientfrom models import Cityclass GeoFeedTest(unittest.TestCase): client = Client() def assertChildNodes(self, elem, expected): "Taken from regressiontests/syndication/" actual = set([n.nodeName for n in elem.childNodes]) expected = set(expected) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_geofeed_rss(self): "Tests geographic feeds using GeoRSS over RSSv2." # Uses `GEOSGeometry` in `item_geometry` doc1 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/rss1/').content) # Uses a 2-tuple in `item_geometry` doc2 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/rss2/').content) feed1, feed2 = doc1.firstChild, doc2.firstChild # Making sure the box got added to the second GeoRSS feed. self.assertChildNodes(feed2.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0], ['title', 'link', 'description', 'language', 'lastBuildDate', 'item', 'georss:box'] ) # Incrementing through the feeds. for feed in [feed1, feed2]: # Ensuring the georss namespace was added to the <rss> element. self.assertEqual(feed.getAttribute(u'xmlns:georss'), u'') chan = feed.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0] items = chan.getElementsByTagName('item') self.assertEqual(len(items), City.objects.count()) # Ensuring the georss element was added to each item in the feed. for item in items: self.assertChildNodes(item, ['title', 'link', 'description', 'guid', 'georss:point']) def test_geofeed_atom(self): "Testing geographic feeds using GeoRSS over Atom." doc1 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/atom1/').content) doc2 = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/atom2/').content) feed1, feed2 = doc1.firstChild, doc2.firstChild # Making sure the box got added to the second GeoRSS feed. self.assertChildNodes(feed2, ['title', 'link', 'id', 'updated', 'entry', 'georss:box']) for feed in [feed1, feed2]: # Ensuring the georsss namespace was added to the <feed> element. self.assertEqual(feed.getAttribute(u'xmlns:georss'), u'') entries = feed.getElementsByTagName('entry') self.assertEqual(len(entries), City.objects.count()) # Ensuring the georss element was added to each entry in the feed. for entry in entries: self.assertChildNodes(entry, ['title', 'link', 'id', 'summary', 'georss:point']) def test_geofeed_w3c(self): "Testing geographic feeds using W3C Geo." doc = minidom.parseString(self.client.get('/geoapp/feeds/w3cgeo1/').content) feed = doc.firstChild # Ensuring the geo namespace was added to the <feed> element. self.assertEqual(feed.getAttribute(u'xmlns:geo'), u'') chan = feed.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0] items = chan.getElementsByTagName('item') self.assertEqual(len(items), City.objects.count()) # Ensuring the geo:lat and geo:lon element was added to each item in the feed. for item in items: self.assertChildNodes(item, ['title', 'link', 'description', 'guid', 'geo:lat', 'geo:lon']) # Boxes and Polygons aren't allowed in W3C Geo feeds. self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.client.get, '/geoapp/feeds/w3cgeo2/') # Box in <channel> self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.client.get, '/geoapp/feeds/w3cgeo3/') # Polygons in <entry>